Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRS SÉRIE ZOOLOGIA ISSN 0100-3380 SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE NEOTROPICAL CHARACID SUB­ FAMILY STETHAPRIONINAE (PISCES, CHARACIFORMES). Roberto Esser dos Reis . p. 3 Crenicich/a punctata HENSEL, 1870 UMA ESPÉCIE VÁLIDA DE CI­ CLÍDEO PARA O SUL DO BRASIL (PERCIFORMES, CICHLIDAE). Carlos Alberto Santos de Lucena & Paulo Villanova Azevedo . p. 87 HISTÓRICO SISTEMÁTICO E LISTA COMENTADA DAS ESPÉCIES DE PEIXES DE ÁGUA DOCE DO SISTEMA DA LAGUNA DOS PATOS, RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRASIL. Luiz Roberto Malabarba . p. 107 REDESCRIÇÃO DO GÊNERO Cjnolebias (CYP~ODONTIFORMES, RIVULIDAE), COM A DESCRIÇAO DE UMA ESPECIE NOVA DA BA- CIA DO RIO TOCANTINS. WilsonJ.E.M. Costa ..... .. .......... p. 181 DESCRIÇÃO DE UM GÊNERO E DUAS ESPÉCIES NOVAS DE PEIXES ANUAIS DO CENTRO DA AMÉRICA DO SUL (CYPRINODONTIFOR- MES, RIVULIDAE). Wilson J .E.M. Costa . p. 191 Tomodon dorsatus DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL, 1854 UM SINÔ- NIMO SENIOR DE Opisthoplus degener PETERS, 1882 (SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE: TACHYMENINAE)°. Sonia Terezinha Zanini Cechin . p. 203 Comun. Mus. Ciênc. PUCRS, Sér. zoo/. Porto Alegre/v.2/n9s 6 a 11/p.1-211/1989 PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL Reitor Prof. Irmão Norberto Francisco Rauch Vice-Reitor Prof. Irmão Avelino Madalozzo Pró-Reitor de Administração Prof. Antonio M. Pascual Bianchi Pró-Reitor de Graduação Prof. Francisco A. Garcia Jardim Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação Prof. Dr. Mons. Urbano Zilles Pró-Reitor de Extensão Universitária Prof. Dr. Irmão Elvo Clemente Pró-Reitor de Assuntos Comunitários Prof. João Carlos Gasparin Diretor do Museu de Ciências da PUCRS Prof. Dr. Jeter J Bertoletti Editoração Jeter J. Bertoletti Carlos Alberto S. de Lucena Comun. Mus. Oênc. PUCRS, Sér. zool Porto Alegre/v.2/nr;,s 6 a l l /p.1-211/ 1989 SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE NEOTROPICAL CHARACID SUBFAMI L V STETHAPRIONINAE (PISCES, CHARACI FORMES) Roberto E. Reis* RESUMO A subfamília de Characidae da região neotropical Stcthaprioninac Eigenmann (1907) é revisada. O monofiletismo desta subfamília é postulado com base na prc5'!nça de um espinho pré-dorsal bem desenvolvido e de ganchos modificados na nadadeir-.i anal. Stethaprion Cope, 1870 e Brachychalcinus Boulengcr, 1916 são grupos-irmãos e formam um subgrupo monofilético com Orthospinus nom.n. Popte//a Eigcnmann. 1908 é o grupo irmão dos outros três gêneros. Orthospinus nom.n. é proposto para substituir Buritia, pré-ocupado cm ln5'!cta. Doze espécie são reconhecidas: Popte/la compressa (Günther, 1864) comb. n .• P. longi• pinnis (Popta, 1901), P. paraguayensis (Eigcnmann, 1907) comb.n., P. brevispina sp.n .• Orthospinus franciscensis (Eigcnmann, 1914) comb. n., Stethaprion erythrops Copc. 1870, S. crenatum Eigcnmann, 1916, Brachychalcinus orbicularis (Valcncicnncs. 1849) comb. n., B. copei (Stcindachner, 1882). B. retrospina Boulcngcr, 1892. B. nummus Bohlke, 1958, e B. parnaibae sp. n. Lcctótipos são designados para Poptella compressa, Poptel/a longipinnis, Pop• te/la paraguayensis e Brachychalcinus orbicularis. Novos sinônimos incluem Buritia cisalpinoi Brant, 1974, sinônimo júnior de O. franciscensis: Stethaprion innesi Myers. 1933, sinônimo júnior de B. orbicularis. As espécies P. compressa. P. paraguayen· sis, P. longipinnis e B. retrospina são revalidadas da sinonímia. Chaves e ilustra1i,"Õcs são apresentadas para todas as espécies reconhecidas. * Laboratório de !etiologia; Museu de Ciências da Pontifícia Universidade Católict Jo Rio Grande do Sul; Av. lpiranga, 6681; Caixa Postal 1429; 90620 Porto Ak•grc. RS. Brazil. Comun. Mus. Ciênc. PUCRS, Sér. zool. Porto Alcgrc/v.2/nP 6/p.3-86/ 1989 3 ABSTRACT The neotropical characid subfamily Stcthaprioninae Eigenmann (1907) is rcvised. and a phylogenetic analysis indicatcs that it forms a monophyletic group. diagnoscd by the possession of a wcll developcd predorsal spine, and modified anal-fin hooks. Stetha­ prion Cope, 1870 and Brachycha/cinus Boulenger, 1916 are sister-groups and forma mo­ nophyletic group with Orthospinus nom. n. Poptel/a Eigenrnann, 1908 is the sistcr-group for the othcr thrcc gcncra. Orthospinus nom.n. is proposed to substitute Buritia, prc-occupied in Insecta. Twclvc spccies are rccognizcd: Poptella compressa (Günthcr, 1864) comb. n., P. longi­ pinnis (Popta, 1901), P. paraguayensis (Eigenmann, 1907) comb. n., P. brevispina sp. n., Orthospinus franciscensis (Eigenmann, 1914) comb. n., Stethaprion erythrops Copc, 1870, S. crenatum Eigenmann, 1916, Brachychalcinus orbicularis (Valencicnnes, 1849) comb. n., B. copei (Steindachner. 1882), B. retrospina Boulengcr, 1892, B. nummus Bohlke, 1958, and B. parnaibae sp. n. Lccotypes are designated for Poptel/a compressa, P. /ongipinnis, P. paraguayen­ sis, and Brachychalcinus orbicularis. New synonyms include Burilia cisa/pinoi Brant, 1974, a junior synonym of O. franciscensis; Stethaprion innesi Myers, 1933, a ju­ nior synonym of S. crenatum; and Brachychalcinus guianensis Boeseman, 1952, a junior synonym of B. orbicularis. Thc species P. compressa, P. paraguayensis, P. longipinnis, and B. retrospina are ressurrectcd f rom synonymy. Keys and illustrations are provided for ali rccognized species. INTRODUCTIO N One of the characid subfamilies currently recognized is the Stetha­ prioninae. This group is usually diagnosed by the presence of a variably­ shaped, forward directed, bony spine articulating on the dorsal-fin origin, and usually a deep, discoidal body. The subfarnily Stethaprioninae was proposed by Eigenmann (1907) to include the genera Stethaprion Cope, 1870, Fowlerina Eigenmann, 1907 (currently synonym of Poptella Eigenmann, 1908), and Brachychalcinus Boulenger, 1892. The Stethaprioninae has been considered a subfamily of the Serrasalmidae (Fowler, 1950) anda tribe of the Tetragonopterinae (Géry, 1964). The group was divided in two tribes by Fowler ( 1958): the Brachy- 4 Comun. Mus. Ciênc. PUCRS, Sér. zool. Porto Alegre/v.2/n9 6/p.3-86/1989 chalcinidi, incluc.ing those species with less than 40 lateral-line se ales (Brachy­ chalcinus and Poptellat and Stethaprionidi, including those species with more than 60 lateral-line scales (Stethaprion ). This study aims to advance an hypothesis of stethaprionin monophyly, to determine the phylogenetic interrelationships within the subfamily, and to providc diagnoses for the genera and species along with the arcas ofende­ mism for each species. METHODS Toe almost 2000 stethaprionin specimens examined in this study be­ long to 19 fish collections, whose acronyms follow Leviton et AI. {1985), cxccpt for Museu de Historia Natural da Universidade Federal de Minas Ge­ rais (MHNI). Toe osteological material was cleared and coun terstained for bone and cartilage according to the method of Dingerkus & Uhler (1977). All drawings werc made with a Zeiss stereomicroscopic camera lucida. Abbreviations in the text are: C&S, cleared and stained specimen; LI and L2, lower and upper confidence limits; SD, standard deviation; and SL, standard length. Toe measurement ..dorsal head length", present in all tables, was taken f rom the upper lip to the end of the supraoccipital process. Other measurements or counts are self-explanatory. ln the list of specimens examined the number of specimens in each lot follows the catalog numbers. Toe geographic dis­ tribution for each taxa is based solely on specimens actually examined and is prcsented in the maps of figures 1, 18, 25, and 29. Ali statistical treat­ ment was performed with the microcomputer program ..Tratamento de Dàdos Biométricos para Taxonomia - DATAX", available from MCP Lab9- ratório de lctiologia. The study of phylogcnctic relationships followed the principies of the Phylogcnetic Systcmatics, first proposed by Hennig (1966), under which uniquely derived characters are considercd the only valid basis to hypothe­ sizc natural groups (see Wiley, 1981 for a review and update of Hennig's principies). Polarity decisions were baseú on comparisons with the outgroups listcd in thc Appendix. The BraQCh-and-Bound option of the PAUP program (Swofford, 1985) was used to check the cladistíc analysis. Comun. Mus. Ciênc. PUCRS, Sér. zool. Porto Alcgre/v.2/n9 6/p.3-86/1989 5 Toe various stethaprionin genera and species shcw a hlgh degree of mor­ phological unifonnity in numerous characters. ln order to reduce repetition in the species accounts, such invariant characters are described in the sub­ f amily and generic diagnosis, and are not repeated in the subsequent species descriptions. PHYLOGENETIC HYPOTHESIS AND CLASSIFICATION OF STETHAPRIONINAE Possible interrelationships among stethaprionins have been discussed by severa! authors (Cope, 1872; Eigenmann, 1907, and 1908; Eigenmann& Myers, 1929; Tortonese, 1942; Fowler, 1958; Géry, 1964, and 1965). These discussions, however, were based solely on the intuitive ideas of those authors, without a rigorous theoretical basis. Toe stethaprionin genera are very uniform osteologicall} (figs. 3 to 6). Toe only reason they are not currently placed in the Tetragonopterinae is their possession of a well developed predorsal spine. Stethaprionins are pro­ bably closely related (that is, are the sister-group) to some group within the Tetragonopterinae, a vast and complex assemblage of largely little specialized characids. This probably para- or polyphyletic assemblage is not defined by the possession of shared derived characters but rather by their absense. Toe sister-group of stethaprionins, however, was not discovered as no synapomor­ phies uniting them to other characid species were found. To attain this objec­ tive an extensive
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