..... <, "C_MlS qf India. "1951 DISTIlICT POPU-LA TION S17Al"IS TI CS UTTAR. PRADESH ; I , 16~PILI1nIYJ DIS'I'RICT , 315.42 1951 P!L DPS '."6 . _-"b' "-" ". _,.. • FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 19,52, to supply' them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward -wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise fOt f4ral areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would ha~ involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the N ation~l Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for ,rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of .ths: slips and as now determined by counting from the National, Citizens' R.egister. This difference has been acceo­ mated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars). (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The factI that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution of India, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried, to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the N arional Citizens} Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3'. The figures of (otal population of mohallasJwards have been arrived at· by actual counting ftom the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number df each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh populati<:m). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. R.AJESHW ARJ PR.'ASAD, I.A.S., R.AMPUR: Superintendent, Census l' Operations, July 23, 1952 . Uttar Pradesh, LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATIsTICS oP PILIBHIT DISTRICT A-Errata to population figures (Urban) Page For Ji!ead nO. Particular!'! 6 7 6 7 Pilibhit M. B. 1,179 28,151 1,575 27,755 Total 3,212 41,923 3,608 41.527 3 pilibhit (M. B.) 3 44 -Nakhasllo 5 1.020 401 624 3 Total 1,179 28,151 1,575 27,755 B-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of village (Rural) (a) Corrections in eJeisting nallles of villag~s page no. For Read 6 78-Bhaiun Sahaipul' Bhatpar 78-Bhainsahai Parbatpur. 7 I 97-Kaihulia 197-Kaith.llia. 7 226-Dharagpu.1' Khmd 226-kharagpur khUld. 10 58-Bela Pukha, 58-Bela pukhra. 10 158-Gularia Bhl1rdal'iL 258-Gularia Bhinl'loIu. 12 120-Gabhilt Sarai 120-Gabhia Saharai. 13 358-Simra Taluka GhungolHd 358-Siml'u Taluka Maharnjp'lU'. DISTRICT PILlBHIT Summary of .Urban Population Population Seheduled Code no. and name of' Town Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 16-1-96 BISALPUR MUNICIPAL BOARD 7,036 5,977 LJ,013 4,268 932 7,813 16-1-95 BILSANDA TOWN AREA 1,478 1,230 2,708 616 237 1,855 16-2-308 NEORIA HUSAIN PUR TOWN AREA 2,988 2,935 5,923 4,916 98 909 " . 16-2-330 PILlBHlT MUNICIPAL BOARD 25,19'7 21,12'7 46,324 16,994 1,179 28,151 &417 16-3-312 PURANPUR TOWN AREA 3,864 3,421 7,285 3,324 766 3,195 Total 40,563 34,690 75,253 30,118 3,212 41,923 ----- Population according to Primary Census Abstract 40,497 34,642 75,139 Population of Muslims according to Table D-I1 29.,568 Population of Scheduled Castes according to TabJe D-III 3.,135 2 DISTRICT PILIBHIT Population of Towns by Mohallas/Wards Population Scheduled Code no. and name of Mohalla Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 - - --,,-- -- -~- ------ BISALPUR (MUNICIPAL BOARD) Dub~ji 1,070 894 1,964 255 206 1,503 2 Rabibullah Khan (North) 777 667 1,444 539 905 3 Rabibullah Khan (South) 1,188 1,017 2,205 1,434 41 730 4 Gayaspur 1,241 1046 2,287 1,740 34 513 5 Bazar Katra 347 303 650 18 632 6 Bakhtawar Lal 911 815 1,726 250 117 1,359 7 Durga P:rasad 1,502 1,235 2,737 32 534 2,171 Total 7.036 5,977 13,013 4,268 932 7,813 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 7,041 5,957 12,998 BILSANDA (TOWN AREA) 237 1,855 Bilsanda 1,478 1,230 2,708 616 Total 1,478 1,230 2,108 616 237 1,855 Po pulation according to Primary Census Abstract 1,478 1,230 2,708 NEORIA HUSAINPUR (TOWN AREA) 252 Mohammad Yar Khan 575 586 1,161 907 2 406 35 2 Tigri 234 208 442 5 208 3 Kllera 242 231 473 260 45 237 4 Thukurd wara 223 189 412 130 17 5 Abdul Rahim 551 567 1,118 1,101 6 Bhitar Guon 303 333 636 635 45 32 7 Mian Khan 387 394 781 704 4,{3 427 900 173 -~----- ..-----~- - Total 2,988 2,935 5,923 4,916 98 909 ---------~--. Population according to Primary Census Abstract 2,988 2,935 5,923 --_ ---------- 3 DISTRICT PIUBBIT Population of Towns by Mohallas/Wards Population 8ehpduled Code no. and name of Mohalla 1IIales Females Tot;ll Muslims Castes Others -----~---- 2 "3 4 5 6 7 ------- PILIBHIT (MUNICIPAL BOARD) Ward-A 1 Punjahian 373 375 748 692 20 36 .2 Sarfaraz Khan 241 229 470 225 44 201 3 Pakariya 947 805 ],752 1,130 204 418 4 Gulsher Khan 603 481 1.084 23 40 1,021 5 FaizullBh Khan 198 250 448 172 276 6 PUrah Mal 286 230 516 41 · . 475 7 Kumargarh 464 341 805 19 786 8 Than Singh 785 734 1,519 28 1.491 Ward-B 9 Feel Khana 980 868 1,848 1,563 8 277 10 Takhan 573 489 1,062 99 I 962 II Drummondganj 4 4 4 12 Gbaffat Khan 103 70 173 131 42 13 InayatganjJ 349 293 642 - ---"!" •• -~ · . -~ 14 Tula Ram 600 535 1,135 96 32 1,007 15 Gopal Singh 500 435 935 134 II 790 Ward-C 16 Bhoorey Khan 826 641 1,467 1,421 46 17 A.shraf Khan 242 283 525 440 85 18 Sarai Kham 375 268 643 353 · . 290 19 Khakra 716 599 1,315 114 20 1,181 20 Dal Chand 701 567 1.,268 502 100 666 21 MoM. Farooq 436 431 867 121 24 722 22 Sheikh Chand 473 425 898 396 2 500 23 Malak Ahmad Khan 259 221 480 51 429 24 Beni Chsudhri 258 260 518 220 87 211 25 Masjid Pathani 377 325 702 ,355 26 321 Ward-D 26 Munir Khan 385 342 727 721 · . 6 27 MoM. Wasil I,OU\ 952 l,O13 1,180 27 806 28 Kahir Khan 220 227 447 194 52 201 29 Khudaganj 566 463 1,029 361 22 646 30 Civil Lines (North) 430 141 571 128 37 406 31 Joshi Tola 170 158 328 I 3 324 32 Deshnagar 776 708 1,484 516 99 869 Ward-E 33 Sher Mohammad 1,065 1,011 2,076 1,799 49 228 34 Mohtashim Khan 539 494 1,033 89 50 894 35 Durga Pras&d 629 522 1,151 519 632 % Asaf Jan 637 575 1,212 1,211 37 Sahukara 470 428 898 898 Ward-F :>8 DoriLal 3'13 3\1 660 115 545 39 Khairullah Shah 483 438 921 592 329 40 Kesari Singh 293 258 551 6 4 54! 41 Khushi Mal 414 322 736 275 461 42 Baahir Khan 568 495 1,063 743 3 317 43 Madina Shah 486 426 912 469 I 442 44 Nakhasa 590 462 1,052 27 5 1,020 45 Sungrahi 1,339 1,106 ~,445 9 94 2,342 46 Buz Qassaban 423 412 835 , 523 252 47 Civil Line (South) 1,257 427 1,684 356 17 1,311 417 Station Area 384 288 672 32 49 591 ------"--~---.-- Total 25,197 21,127 46,324 16,994 1,179 28,151 ._----_ Populatiou llecOl'diDg to Primal')' CeDsus Abetraet .
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