Final ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Directed Energy Test Facilities at San Nicolas Island NAVAIR Range Sustainability Office Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division Point Mugu, California June 2015 Acronyms and Abbreviations °C degrees Celsius MW megawatt °F degrees Fahrenheit mW/cm2 milliwatts per square centimeter ac acre(s) NA not applicable ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards ADS Active Denial System NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command A/m amperes per meter Navy Department of the Navy ANSI American National Standards Institute NAWCWD Naval Air Warfare Center APE Area of Potential Effect Weapons Division ASBS Area of Special Biological Significance NBVC Naval Base Ventura County BA Biological Assessment NEPA National Environmental Policy Act BMPs Best Management Practices NHPA National Historic Prevention Act CAA Clean Air Act nm nautical mile(s) CAAQS California Ambient Air Quality NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service Standards NO2 nitrogen dioxide CARB California Air Resources Board NOAA National Oceanic and CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Atmospheric Administration CFR Code of Federal Regulations NOTAM Notice to Airmen CH4 methane NOTMAR Notice to Mariners cm centimeter(s) NOx nitrogen oxides CO carbon monoxide NSWCDL Naval Surface Warfare Center CO2 carbon dioxide Dahlgren Laboratory CO2e carbon dioxide-equivalent O3 ozone CONEX container express OEA Overseas Environmental Assessment CW continuous waves OEIS Overseas Environmental Impact Statement CWA Clean Water Act OPNAVINST Chief of Naval Operations Instruction DoD Department of Defense OPNAVM Chief of Naval Operations Manual EA Environmental Assessment PEL permissible exposure limit EFH essential fish habitat PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns EIS Environmental Impact Statement in diameter EO Executive Order PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community and greater than 2.5 microns in diameter Right to Know Act ppm parts per million ESA Endangered Species Act R Restricted Area FAA Federal Aviation Administration RDAT&E Research, Development, Acquisition, ft foot/feet Test, and Evaluation ft2 square foot/feet RF radio frequency GHGs greenhouse gasses RMS root-mean square GHz gigahertz RONA Record of Non-Applicability ha hectare(s) SAR specific absorption rate HERF Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation SCB Southern California Bight to Fuel Sea Range Point Mugu Sea Range HERO Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer to Ordnance SIP State Implementation Plan HERP Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation SNI San Nicolas Island to Personnel SO2 sulfur dioxide HPM high-power microwave SOP Standard Operating Procedure IEEE Electrical and Electronics Engineers SOx sulfur oxides INRMP Integrated Natural Resources SPCC spill prevention, control, and countermeasure Management Plan SUA special use airspace kHz kilohertz SWPPP storm water pollution prevention plan km kilometer SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board km2 square kilometer U.S. United States kV kilovolt USC U.S. Code kVA kilovolt-amp USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency kV/m kilovolt per meter USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service laser light amplification by stimulated UWB ultra-wide-band emission of radiation VCAPCD Ventura County Air Pollution LNTL lead Navy technical laboratory Control District LSRB Laser Safety Review Board VOCs volatile organic compounds m meter µg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter m2 square meter µJ microjoules mg/m3 milligrams per cubic meter µm micrometer MHz megahertz FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Lead Agency for the EA: United States Department of the Navy Title of Proposed Action: Directed Energy Test Facilities at San Nicolas Island Designation: Environmental Assessment Abstract The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division is located at Point Mugu in Ventura County along the Pacific Coast of Southern California. The adjacent Point Mugu Sea Range spans 36,000 square miles (93,000 square kilometers) of open ocean and includes several of the nearby Channel Islands. This Environmental Assessment has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code 4321, as amended); regulations implemented by the Council on Environmental Quality (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500-1508); Navy Procedures for Implementing NEPA (32 CFR Part 775); and Chief of Naval Operations Manual 5090.1, Environmental Readiness Program Manual. The NEPA process ensures that environmental impacts of proposed major federal actions are considered in the decision making process. Potential environmental impacts have been analyzed for all relevant or otherwise required issue areas, with separate sections on geology and soils; air quality; marine sediments and water quality; airspace, land, and water use; biological resources, cultural resources, public safety, and hazardous materials. No impacts are associated with other environmental resources or issues. No significant environmental impacts have been identified for the implementation of Alternative 1, Alternative 2, or for the No-Action Alternative. Prepared By: Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Point of Contact: John Ugoretz Range Sustainability Office, Building 53A 575 “I” Avenue, Suite 1 Point Mugu, CA 93042-5049 Email: [email protected] Tel: (805) 989-4852 June 2015 This Page Intentionally Blank San Nicolas Island Directed Energy Test Facilities EA June 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) Point Mugu Sea Range (Sea Range) is located in Ventura County along the Pacific Coast of Southern California and includes 36,000 square miles (sq mi, 93,200 square kilometers [km2]) of ocean space; land areas at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Point Mugu, San Nicolas Island, and Santa Cruz Island; and the special use airspace overlying the Sea Range. The Sea Range currently supports test and evaluation of sea, land, and air weapons systems as well as various categories of training activities. Training for the purpose of this document is generally defined as the practical application of previously developed processes, equipment and systems to ensure fleet and warfighter readiness. This testing and training is addressed in the March 2002 Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement for the Point Mugu Sea Range. The Navy subsequently prepared an Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment (EA/OEA) (January 2010) to extend its test, evaluation, and training capability to include laser operations on the Sea Range, including San Nicolas Island (SNI). Directed energy can include lasers and high-power microwave systems. All directed energy operations are scheduled and managed by NAWCWD. The proposed action in this EA is to create Directed Energy Test Facilities on the west end of SNI to enhance directed energy testing and personnel training on the Sea Range. In order to propagate directed energy at a distance of several miles and still keep it tightly focused on an endpoint, an understanding of atmospheric effects is needed. The Navy operates in a maritime environment, and moisture is the most problematic condition affecting a tightly focused, coherent beam of directed energy. Testing and personnel training related to directed energy systems must therefore occur in a maritime environment such as that which exists at the Sea Range. This EA addresses the potential environmental impacts of constructing and operating the proposed Directed Energy Test Facilities (also referred to in this EA as the “test facilities”). This EA has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code 4321, as amended); regulations implemented by the Council on Environmental Quality (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500-1508); Navy Procedures for Implementing NEPA (32 CFR Part 775); and Chief of Naval Operations Manual 5090.1, Environmental Readiness Program Manual (Navy 2014a). PURPOSE AND NEED FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION The purpose of the Directed Energy Test Facilities proposed by NAWCWD, the action proponent, is to support Department of Defense directives on the development of directed energy applications vital to the National Defense through Research, Development, Acquisition, Testing, and Evaluation (RDAT&E) and training applications. The directed energy test program requirement is for operationally realistic engagements in both maritime and land environments with an over-the-ocean shot from a land-based shooter site to a land-based target. The proposed Directed Energy Test Facilities are needed to support this requirement. The Sea Range provides the combination of accessible land, air, and sea space and infrastructure, as well as separation from potential conflicts with other military or public uses, to readily accommodate the necessary open-air maritime testing and personnel training of directed energy systems. The mission of NAWCWD includes operating the Sea Range to support the RDAT&E and training use of advanced weapons technology, helping to ensure the battlespace dominance of our military forces. The proposed Directed Energy Test Facilities are needed to support this mission. ES-1 San Nicolas Island Directed Energy Test Facilities EA June 2015 PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES The consideration of viable action alternatives focused on means to achieve the purpose and need. Two action alternatives were identified.
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