200 protest groundskeeper lay-offs by Michael Ridenour night for three reasons: to show Other ideas for protesting the Staff Reporter concern for the groundskeepers, to University's decision included us­ set the facts straight about the ing the upcoming Southern Cali­ The offering of a mass for Social whole situation and to decide what fornia football game. Showing Justice near the steps of the course of action to take. signs in the stands plus alerting Administration Building was tenta­ "I am disturbed about the way incoming media, it was suggested, tively decided upon by some 200 this thing is progressing. The ''would hopefully give maximum students and faculty in LaFortune timing of the lay-offs is question­ coverage to the conflict." lounge last night. The mass would able," Soma stated. Another suglestion called for a be offered tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. "Last year, I put a laundry student demonstration blocking en­ to support the groundskeepers proposal," he continued, "and the trance to the Administration Build­ fight against the University. Administration shot me down be­ ing. Sending mail-agrams to Signs announcing the finalized cause they accused me of trying to dignitaries around the country was plans for the celebration will be put people out of work. Now with also brought up. posted this afternoon. the groundskeeping situation, the Ed Gaffney, chairman of a Tom Soma, Student Body vice­ University appears contradictory." committee for Social Justice, said president, said petitions protesting The petitions, which students that Hesburgh is a powerful ally the University's decision to perma­ can sign at the dining halls, ''will because he has an unblemished nently lay off the groundskeepers hopefully make Hesburgh record when it comes to human Nov. 1 will be collected at the close respond," Soma said. Along with rights. "Hesburgh is a great of mass. The petitions wiU be petitions, Soma called for letters to strength for us,'' Gaffney noted. presented to Fr. Theodore Hes­ be written to the Administration as Ricardo Parra, head of the ~.. burgh, University president, this well as to the Observer protesting Midwest Council of La Raza, said Friday. the University' action. "We must he would try to make the issue Tom Soma speaks at the protest meeting concerning the groundskeep­ Soma called the meeting last keep the heat on," he emphasized. [continued on page 4] er lay-off situation last night. [photo by Doug Christian] an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XII, No. 32 Wednesday, Ckiober12, 1977 ND co-sponsors brief in Bakke court case by Michael Villani poses. nia has ruled in favor of Alan Bakke Link sees the need of US issue of whether or not an educa­ Staff Reporter According to David Link, dean of and his acceptance into the Univer­ educational systems' support of an tional institution should be able to the Law School, "the University sity of California-Davis Medical Affirmative Action policy becuase establish its own disparate percep­ Notre Dame has co-sponsored an affixed their name to such a brief. School. Today, however, the it "serves a legitimate educational tive programs." amicus curiae brief concerning the We expressed our general support Supreme Court will review the purpose in that it supports a clear Furthermore, he claimed, "the case of Bakke v.. the Board of of a brief filed by the universities of record of this case in an effort to educational goal to look for diver­ Bakke case serves to open eyes to Regents of the University of Cali­ Pennsylvania, Stanford, Harvard render a legal opinion on it. sity in a student body." the subtleties involved here. fornia. An amicus curiae brief, and Columbia.'' According to Link, ''the amicus Such diversity is seen in varying We're dealing with a delicate issue according to Ferdinand N. Dutile, Further support of the brief, curiae brief supported by Notre cultural backgrounds, different tal­ because of the broad educational asst. dean of the Notre Dame Law continued Link, ''was given by Dame tries to set preferential ents and diverse student opinion, implications involved.'' School, is "a 'friend of the court' Brown, Duke, Georgetown, MIT, treatment systems into a proper he explained. "Thus, it is essential There have been two other briefs written argument serving to advise Vanderbilt, and Villanova. prospective for the court.'' It for a school to include people from filed, related to the Bakke case, in the court on a pending cause to The Bakke case has received urges, he continued, a reversal of every ethnic, racial and sex group. which someone or some organiza­ which the filer of the brief is not a niore briefs than any other case in the case and asks for it to be This allows a school to broaden its tion within the ND community has party." the history of the Supreme Court, re-heard in order to get a better scholarly interests." participated. Upon petitioning and obtaining stated Link. It has gained nation­ definition of the preferential treat­ Link sees the Bakke case as The Black American Lawyer's permission from the US Supreme wide attention, he continued, be­ ment issue in this case." "dealing with basic educational [continued on page 2] Court to file an advisory brief, an cause of its concern with Affirma­ ''In sponsoring this brief,'' he organization formulates its written tive Action and racially-preferential said, "Notre Dame takes the argument and sends it to the policies. position of supporting preferential Supreme Court for referral p1,1r- At present, the State of Califor- treatment systems of admission." •sulib'g' J.gWif•r)nf!tfl@s'$} with ND discount cards by Mark Perry South Bend shops involved in the Staff Reporter Notre Dame program · are: The 1 Peacock, Certified · Tfansmission SpeciaP~Student Buying Power•• .· Service,Shakey's Pizza (both loca~ cards .which ! wilt·.·· ·enable· Notre ··• tions), Clear .Vision·. Opticai,•··Jnc. • Dame students to get discounts at The Gentry Shop. Garry~s Shellt selected ... · stores in the Michiana The Loading. Dock~ f"ratemal Jew-· area and participating shops across elry Spedalist~ . The Book ShaCk. ,the c::ountry. witl be distributed on .•. and the Posy Patclh Most .of the Thursday and .Friday from l to 5 shops offer 10 percen(discQ\lnts on p.m. atthe Student Government mercbancijse, althougil some h~ye Office in LaFortune. · ·· ·. · more.· or ·have restrictkms .on dis,. John Ryan, Administrative As- count items. The discounts for sistant for the Student Government .•. each sltop are outlined on the back and chairman of the buying card .·• of each Student Buying Power program, · said that students only Card. need to present their ID's to . Ryan said thatthese merchants receive the• cards •. · He added that .. wUl·be .contacted in the next two students can pickup cards for their· days and. nQtified ·.that the cards friends ifthey have theil" ID's, but have been distributed, He added· that each class will have a separate that students should be prepared to line.· Ryan· said that cards are also ·•· present their m~s in addition to the available to graduate students. · . Student Buying Power Card, be. According. to Ryan, . the buying cause he is not sure how each card program was initiated ·. by merchant will react upon receiving former Student Body President· the card, _.w that students should Mike Gassman. and wuld have sign the card as soon as they been put into effect at the begin~. · receiveit~ . .....•..•••.. ning of this year if the .·present Ryan added that the only other administration }lad known about it.•.. ·. SChQ9lifi ~e area whO is part of the The ·program,. which is run by L ·· program·· i$ .Indiana ·UniverSity at & B Marketing. Inc. in New Yotki South Bend, and that he is trying to runs nationwide, Ryan said, and contact tlteir student government the cards cari be \lSed at shops who ·. to find otit if any other_stores are are ... itt the····· program at other part or···· their·. progra.J:n. Any universities across the United··. additions will be announced by the BOYS WILL BE BOYS: The Dillon-Grace battle was renewed at the HPC meeting last night as ·states. Ryan added that so~ Student Government. Bob Hutchinson, Dillon president, received a pie in the face from Jerry Castellini, Grace shops-might display stickers indica- Ryan said that if .anyone has president. Castellini preceded his pitching performance with a short speech about the ting that they are involved in the questions regarding the cards can seriousness of the HPC. See details of the meeting on page 2. [photos by Doug Christian ptogtant. contact him at 6413. ·. ·. 2 the observer YVednesday, Ckiober12, 1977 News Briefs----......... Soma asks HPC to protest layoffs by Michael Lewis the Notre Dame groundskeepers. He -first questioned Notre _,chs hijack Staff Reporter Soma told the HPC he found Dame's timing of the lay-off, Student Body Vice-President three questionable areas concern­ especially with respect to the FRANKFURT, West Gei'IIWiy • Two uniformed airline employees Tom Soma asked the Hall Preside­ ing the lay-off of the groundskeep­ groundskeepers' plans to unionize. brandishing pistols hijacked a Czechoslovak airliner yesterday on a nt's Council last night , to join ers and their subsequent replace­ He then noted the administration's domestic flight with 27 other persons aboard and surrendered a few Student Government in support of ment by an outside firm. concern over last year's proposed hours later in Frankfurt. Police said the pair, a man and a woman installation of the coin-operated dressed in blue Czechoslovak Airlines uniforms, asked for political laundry. Soma explained that the asylum. New directories due administration believed the laun­ dry could jeopardize the jobs of ~====================National University laundry personnel.
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