on;;w.-c.-.;._;.o;__,;__.n,..3o.' .O so3- ar-,t- . r .i.-- 11Big1e Thuraday Jinuuy 22 1970 W&RESRVE WHILE SALE D TES THURS. FRI,SAT & SUN JAN 22 23 24, 25QUAflEs .±LGL ¡°thA1cLtbr.y - - . LAST 6950 O,ikton p,,'; NI1o, IlIlnoig s j±,.-1.. n p ILlIIlIt . .. , B0ys IRAI0 (Largest Circulation lo Golf-Mlll East Maine. Morton Grove & NIIeo Area) ist Dêfeat After 10 Victories ,_ . - UNDERWEAR . DISCOUNT . BARGA1NS. 3ir9I Serving The Village OfNdes '7 Delivered To Over 23,508 i-'meo in Nlleo Morton Grove and Eaot Moine ukIn nn, nnn +I(n 1WRENC EWOOP IRREGULAR ìfr% UNDERWEAR Te ..SHOPPG CENTER fsr J' . 'C STORE HOURS: MON. THRU FRI. 9:3O.4:OO Ilnnnnnnon nnn : .. .XLiIJ t.inIn, 29. -:-. SÁT 9:3O-5:3ó SUN.114 I. wnn.. 2O44. 9042 N. courtland Ave.. Nitos, III.: 966-39OO-i4 (At 9100 N. Milwaukee Ave.) i' 4YD. Gi lOd PER COPY.... .. VOL. 13-NO. 32 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29. 1970 H . II. KWIK-' , -- -- - -- - J ft I..KOVER. B IsPärk - . )' From The . :" TO-S.: 9! _..I $ Left HrnsArchitect Oñ By David Besser n EditOr S Publinher . 18" wIde. Covers'wond, R.g. Tiun ice. plastic. glans, metli. , litO iViOfli EttO! OUIUOSU ,0 Hag dheaIvo buckling. End (X Park architectZalman Alger't b each was called on the carpet Tues. Whentheydivided up the faculty at the Moine High schools day night to explain to the park ono ateowhere Maine IdnOt was short-changed was In thevarsity hoard how lt 'can build its Ice- mo haseball coach, who had won a - Or Illular 2.10 athletic cóach department. rinkswimming puoi complex at After successfully pansinoy 10 Interestingly,thebuilding stato baseballchampionship In 1958. went over to Maine West. Ballard Park for $600,000, at 1er referenda in a row, the 100g.- fund'o loso by 100 votea more Our Rr1.O& MEHS COTTON and promptly wan anotherchampionship there. Likowine Bernie receivinghidein - exceso of feared -voter? revolt In school ind(cated district 63 voters have Brady. the hafhetball . conch »ástransferred cn Maine South. $1.000,000 for tite projéct. - blownha whistle on further . WORK PANTS. district 63 finally showed Itself. where its teams have bees rated amongthe best is the Chicsgolasd- at the palle Thesday whco taso. bOnding improvemente, - - - DUSTERS It I SPECIAL! . area thou thh yeara(includlngthis one). And since those hyacinth Alger, who woo told by park payers. defeated both referenda Eants athletic teams have sever , days in the late titilen, Maine president Jerry Sullivan, "We - WhIletIno negative voto Is . sz:s s- by a S to 3 margin, matched the efforta of the other 2 MaIneHigh schoolh. cas no longer enjoy the luxury - not uncommon io the Chicago- s Stock Up Now'AndSave! Wide Range Of COors! of procrastination" ordered Al- Led by voteru in incorporated area. these daya, votershero CANNON#1 SECONDS 4h.. With the alinsuncement of tIno resignationof a very fino guy, per,to bring prices and repro-. Miles who voted aimant 4 to I- may. recall the impressionthe , QUALITT.'1ARI Bruce Brothers, dhere is a goldenopportunity for She school nantatives to -a. meeting next against- the issues and Morton former nuperhitendoot lath with . 4 0asOly! - - ' hoard to to improve Maine Easts prestige Wihaukethail. The Tuesday for a- pro-fabricated Grove, who said, "Ne" by a the diotrict when he indicated JOMBO-SIZE TOWRS GOOES, 45"WO?TS Rnggnd nnnnn.nh record any team hon had in , present freshman tern has thu heut building for the enclosed tee 3 to 2 margin, the educational - - 3 years agothe' voters would 4 Oafs Our! bnk Inni. Eant ouirfie.1ac & -. pnnkn.nanippn, usr memos3T....Asd.thenucleon of the team has come out of rink, whIch seems to' be the -fund incÑaee lost 3,074 tol,082 not go to the p011s for at baut ß ,-a'c nnn Inc,n tIna , dnnn(n.BInn (n 5nnnn Moine Jneior High. where an excellentcoach is now nerving. a major hindrance totha project. -and the balldingfund by a 3,185 5 yea;'s, - afterp600100 4Day1idv! 30 40. 7th and 8th grade refer- Ea: Yd. Mr. Gold.Slosce did hadwdsd : fans know the to.1,y58.vote.----------. - - mammoth_ s4DaysUnty! coaching is where lt all - begins, it might-behoove the Board to. - The ide rink loO - Aboln i. 2244o24 - y nnnynfjnnny $244 . - alone was about 4 . SIid,rip, n!nonk Mnk F n.nnd nnnvnn nn consider Gold. SIh (I U inghbiIiri. npndnl n pnkn. Thn n nn ynd1onunhn.SnnI t' The following io a breakdOwnof Tuesday'o vote: . Thorn's little .doub0 ther?S a gréat need tohouat the school Alger, who saId he bore the s upirit in a achoul, whIch . doesn't have anymajor sports teams responsibilityalong with the .- - ' -- - winning very oftes.And considering Notre Dame.Matee South, consultants he used, sold he - Educational $0x0 Building Pond tOP teams year after year.in the felt he ohould be compensated - - Maine West and Nues West 'No aame communIty the. MaIfleSchoolBqard should look closely at Yea Yes Continued on Page 12 - - - s o succesoful coach. whô Is needed here.While overemphaStZing sports has never beeti a conern In ourschool diotricta in Malee. - 159. neverthelnas,. impréving thechool'5 oporto winning wayswould Tovoin - - 209 132 250 s certainly he a great morale bt\0000r for the studenthody. Bruce Brothers Nielzor -- 219 375 Nathannon 254 08 245 - 97- s Womeat, Teca Girls 457 Nelson 239 .438 -. 217 O-CIDAR'DIhT SPONGE MOP FASHION SNEAKERS -Resigns -From Oak - - - 105 1.223 89 1,231 , Since ecology and pollétion seems to hethe number one tôltic Wnnhington 226 292 203 315 MOPS; SAYCI 000M 0-CEDAR Ont- Reg. 1.47 - 246 Bob Mann, Wilson .- - 237 $32 - - 224 e 19")ERVIÍG TRAY it the land, we like .IIn. tdaa öl State.ReprenentaWe Naine East - V Cnn nnnnv.n bill of particulars to Stevesoon -203 ' 185 195 192 Reg. 7I4DaysOaI,! ,.v.c..COk., in.. oho wastu to press IJoé tIno legislature a Bruce Brathersbos submitted A PERMANENT PRESS BRAS 8i vI.! CkfI attack the problem ImmedIately. We wonderaloud what the local ' nbis. -bI,nk. Sinn -. - hin resignation as head varsity . V RegulI.27 4Days! .I. n water,-P°IlUtiOn, nn well ou no nn,ion nfdnninn. Commsnitles can do to fight air and basketholl cooch. at Maine -Best - - !! I?! cn1!! all nf - I nngnnnmn hnndle. nnn,I nnn. nd ,i&y ottocking the everincrea5IInoise which has come into 1,882 3,074 . 1,758. y . ,djo,bk 19'di,.Snnnn,! HIgh schOol, effective immed.t-- Tutelo. .- : - . - Afl osr livea? .. -. - - & 3236A atoly, Mr. Brothera otated that w 32-4OB 34.42C. o his resignation was baned on - personal reasons. - - . : AS400Itime Special! ?4b While nobody asked me tine- annual NOIes Days roDneydonations committee donated - John J. douser, p,lnclpal 500m to be wasteful. Thtsyearthnhardeworkisg at Maine East, praisedMr.Bru- 5O6ct.5-Hà a flowfire amhulànéetomuneyrlChNileo. Thismalteo 2 ambulances u-r( IrV much more.- thera' contrihatioo ta the school in a toon which.. could Well. effprd to buy itsown., How - saying, "We accept Mr. Bru- Fuhr Paper worthy a project .lf..the-Cénimltteeontributed In an area' where tIjera' resignation with feal re-- Our Rag. 83 And certainly aiding teensand senior too money cannot be-tiue& contribute. to o gret.Ileisa leader in hin citizens seems morn ' wn,rthwhilo than efforts to field end as a member of nur 506 SHEETS .4 DAYS57C LIMIT ...)3-OZ0 ÇAPI.. village which hes revenue flowing is. coaching staff has provided oat- . ,\ MIXED NUIS- Lions are - - standleg. oev8ce tothe young. lt deems surprising. the Nues \ Wk AbMIbnngnndnnnoniyn.noffno /nlnsg a slmiiar-:tack for the old blue people nf sus school distriCt, 4 n gnnd n.n n. K mnnn In. Reg. C00tribuing around $4,000 for a glass enclosure We will accede to biowished, GREETI NG CARDS thin1o½rwu hoy fire Dampoter fire station.Fhae guys, who 3.ninbíndn Nyle. Pasty Hoe . 63C wagon at -.th again, seem of courue, butwO hoto to lese ksock themselves -sut providtsg money for- the blind. - Ou,R.$'ea. .' S Rog.961 LIMIT2 belongs to the.- him and wish blm:evct'y pasei-..- to be ogudihg -'money is an afeo. which righUuilY - &dMy il1o,at- Irnies REG. i LB. BAG Stretch. Vacuum-packed ro politiCO". since one-. hie - ouccess.'. -Mr douser . REG i LB. BAG Village. One grumbler said 'it's all a lot of - fty S.M-T. stated that a successorwould .11 'Ød. : . .... 43C PARTY MINTS 53e. SPARKLE CANDY43C . insure freshness. village official is also behind the Lions' effprtd. ho named within tine nestfew days. Continued on Page 12 Niles i'ork District's architect problema Orn indeedunfortUnate. former Commisslqner. Lou SchreIner recommendedthe present firm, wMch isoutajasding iii certain areau, lout had noprevious - Seek The delays, and nóWthe park experience whon.it voaa hired. "- plans many l5Cnwgutftie Ballérd f'agk bIds, will delay Nliés.Park - . by, NewsboysSiB Cheerleading Champs months Another yeue' withOut a 2ndowiinmltW pool will go The cameo of the hoyowho and the ice rink plaits maybedeiayodnnn more season.AS laymen. On Sunday night, Jan. 4, the grade title.The night before. fIelds wkerc have called in tillopast week : SINK SETS Dayj-R.g.97.o.Locqoe,.dWiilam : - North American Martyrs Cuan- . Mary Seat ef' Wisdom of Park - RUG CLEANER 27x48 RUGS BOYS S9cÍcs OOne of UI feel qùajificd to àiticlde profeonionain inthelow pido have beenrecordad and they HgndmadeBasIIelWQÑ Oar knowledge Is -Ilmitéd,.- Yet,there's little' doubt shortly. TIno- cil -of theKnights of Columbus. Ridge dafeatcd St. John Bee- n.. project, and will be contacted boul of Nileo5-35 for the 7th Reg. Butid importOd groupS ... Reg.
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