REPUBLEKA NG PBUPINAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REfflYON VII, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VII, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. Q 4 fi fl s. 2018 MELO LITTLE OLYMPICS - VISAYAS 2018 To: Schools Division/City Superintendents Officers-in-Charge of Regular and Interim Divisions Heads of Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools 1. Attached is a letter from Mr. Ricky Ballesteros, Jr., Regional Organizer, MLO - Visayas Cluster, inviting schools to participate in the forthcoming Milo Little Qlympics- Visayas 2018 to be held on August 30-31, 2018 and September 1-2, 2018 in Cebu City. 2. For details refer to the attached communication. 3. For your support and immediate dissemination JULIET A. JERUTAfPh.D., CESOIV Director III Officer-In-Charge, ESSD Bjy'nam&'lS Office of the Director (ORDir), Tel. Nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; 414-7399; 414-7325; Office of the Assistant Director, Tel. No.: (032) 255-4542 Field Technical Assistance Division (FTAD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 414-7324 Curriculum Learning Management Division (CLMD), Tel Nos.: (032)414-7323 Quality Assurance Division (QAD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 231-1071 Human Resource Development Division (HRDD), Tel. No.: (032) 255-5239 Education Support Services Division (ESSD), Tel. No.: (032) 254-7062 Planning, Policy and Research Division (PPRD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065 Administrative Division, Tel. Nos.: (032) 414-7326; 414-4367; 414-7366; 414-7322; 414-4367 Finance Division, Tel. Nos.: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 " £Sd2015: 3iwtapatan «# £afatt, Patuutagutaet n# £afa£ " MILO LITTLE OLYMPICS - VISAYAS 2018 June 20,2018 Dr. Juliet A. Jeruta Regional Director DepEd Region 7 Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City Dear Dr. Jeruta: Greetings! The year 2018 established another milestone in the history of school sports competition, as the City of Cebu played host to the Milo Little Olympics - Visayas 2018. This event is under the coordination of the Department of Education and one of the biggest inter-school athletic competitions in the country with more than 200 participating schools in the Yisayas region alone. Driven by its monumental success, the prime movers of the Milo Little Olympics would like to request your good office a memorandum of endorsement to invite schools from your region as we acknowledge the greater potential of our athletes to participate in the forthcoming Milo Little Olympics-Visayas 2018 which will be held in Cebu City from August 30-31 & September 1-2,2018. Opening Ceremonies will held on August 30,2018 at the Cebu City Sports Center. Please see attached schedule of activities and meetings for your perusal and ready reference. You may also visit our facebookpage//: Milo Little Olympics Visayas 2018 account for updates and information on the said events. For further information, you may call our secretariat office at Tel. No. (032) 2547291 or (0928) 24396437 and look for Audie Marte. Thank you and more power! Truly yours, . • * RIJCKY BALLESTEROS, JR. Regional Organizer MLO - Visayas Cluster MILO LITTLE OLYMPICS - VISAYAS 2018 TOURIMAMEMT MANAGERS / PLAYING VENUES August 30-31 & September 1-2, 2018, Cebu City EVENT Playing Venue Tournament Contact Manager Number 1 ARNIS (Elem./Sec.) TBA Cesario C. Perez 09423479955 Cefau City Sports Center (R.R. Landon Priscilliano B. 2 ATHLETICS (Elem./Sec.) 09328438191 Street Cebu City Capangpangan Metro Sports (Salinas Drive, Lahug, 3 BADMINTON (Bern/Sec) Lerma A. Binaoro 09498270149 Cebu City Sacred Heart School - Ateneo de Enrico David 3. 4 BASKETBALL (Elem/Sec) 09088187748 Cebu (Canduman, Mandaue City) Navarro 5 CHESS (E!em./Sec.) TBA Marvin Y. Ruelan 09267352951 Cebu City Sports Center (R.R. Landon 6 FOOTBALL (Bern/Sec) Danilo A. Ramos 09334148312 Street, Cebu City 7 GYMNASTICS (Elern./Sec.) TBA Venancio Esparaguera 09063144773 8 KARATEDO (Elem./Sec.) TBA Roland Q. Rondez 09323699445 Altavista Country Club (Pardo Hills, Pardo, Cebu City) ELEMENTARY 9 LAWN TENNIS CIT! Green Tennis Court (Bayabas Euphrates C.Tabura 09435245386 Ext., Punta Princesa, Cebu City) SECONDARY 10 SCRABBLE (Elem./Sec.) TBA Marilyn B. Abella 09988572724 Cebu City Sports Center (R.R. Landon 11 SEPAKTAKRAW Marlon S. Gicain 09234739395 Street, Cebu City Cebu City Sports Center (R.R. Landon 12 SWIMMING (Elem./Sec.) Renezar Ferolino 09424585780 Street, Cebu City 13 TABLE TENNIS (Elem./Sec.) TBA Jessica J. Honoridez 09177021818 09175877521/099 14 TAEKWONDO (Elem./Sec.) TBA Raul O. Luna 54117974 Sacred Heart School - Ateneo de VOLLEYBALL (Elementary) Cebu (Canduman, Mandaue City) Mr. Columbus L. 15 09087763102 Patentes Sacred Heart School - Ateneo de VOLLEYBALL {Secondary) Cebu (Canduman, Mandaue City) 2MB MIL® LITTLE OLYMPICS - VISAYAS Aisg 3&31 & Sept 1-3,2018f Cefeu CSy REGIONAL RESIQKAl eOMraTOQN fiEN3W. RlttES The MIHJO UTT1E CHJI&FIPIC5 b tha QEYf LQPR3ENTA L vcraic^ of the 5-^rn i?ier Ob^npic Barnes and is o&=n ta all studfeTte, male is- ferrals, in the Elementary and SeczKidary K-#i^rjt of p^bfec and in tfi* Philippines. 1. The MSJO UHTLE QLY^IPIO wU3 future the foSowirj~ 15 ^crtsng ev siSs an the rvisictni 3. 4. Basketball (50ys|- 5. e. 7. flw - TVste Ter^iis . TsaScwondo Takraw Sdreduleoff SBITMS wflSfceas-SblkniBs: 2_1_ Resirfcration for schools i«fil start 45 days before the apas72?g data of the r Geadfoa t# subirmsiDn cf entries -will be 7 days bsfara the opening date -a? the rsgionsl snns and formats -so be u&ed ars: Badminton, Hasfestbail Fosfesll, Karateife, tarsus* Elimination TaMe THTSIS, Sa^afc Takr?w, TaefeasiaTido, Athletic^ Swlniznin? BestTfene i^. Gymnastics Standard Scoring Swiss system are dTvirisd tn^Qtwo {2J d S2 and tmder dr^ran ^jr Sasmaatary Studante (Gra,'d«s 1-5, ages 7-12). The cut-air •yesr of which ethe^ear2SQ6. 1,6 and toiler dhrisinn :br 5ec0ndar^ ^Grades 7 to IS, H.=;es 13 -IS) prodded they will m«et the aga OI^STT. The cut-off year o? v^krh b th- y ear 2-DG2- e P J sporting swauts per divisiDn to SM i. tn su^nut a inldeF p«r sport, carrtasning Sihe 6,3.. Fcur (4) pteces of a recant (Z s 2J photo of eS Eartiicipc^ta Jincludins the coach), srit&i the con^5spc??di?ig narn-es and rie^na!33?i3 ^e.g. *aa?ri captain/s^ coadi) indicEKE^ belosw each, Scanned ptctores niust be printed in photo paper. •5.2, One ijl) reajisferatiDn f-snm fer «ach cf the ^i?adent athletes,, EKrspar^1 ii£-d-up .and dufy castrne-i! by the particular team: caadrt and -J^ie school ns-E^rar ar prinripaL S3. PhiianpiETe Statuses Authority (PSAJ or NSO -copy of the binsi cEstificate or sport fe-eaeh of the stude 3JL P p^ cF P&VH5C oertKvratas pneviausfy' rrsnssEan TO$£I Certified True cf the ftflJQ StegjcseB Qq~2niz~r fern prayiats year r rarm 137- 6.&L fa isu of ranm J37 fer schosfe 'as^n a chants in calender vK=r 3J17, zn -sas^risaffi '^iS fa« iRCide W a GsTt . Certfnc»i33i -&T3cn the schod PrmripstfResfetrar etoat TOE COACH is a ar csj^sct spo±s, nascsy eKwrcTK En ara&en^ a cnnopsl ar gagiLJar that the ocach is eccreeSted 7. Adc&Rznei rsa^U rsentsar* esfbferss: Amis. A^aSks. Saoncn.tssnr Cnss, oar fay be feaid =at AB Gty^rawKisS Spars <k3mptex. Gt£i«ar ifenues the CSHTT :fcs may !hc ins' shall Eek-s part PI the Cfeeninaj Gera-Tinnies. Ournig the «6sqyes cf ae ^saB be swandad CTrs^mau -a the CT three .-; cste^nries: 10 JL Bluest Delegation cr athletes end scnool omciafe physicaly pres-anr 1D_2. The fesoal with the Loudest Chesr -and mast supporters 1Q.3- Best in Marching Spared* end IDA !$D5i Disciplined DstezstiD 1Q-5. frfiss MI1X5 Little Olympics ?articipct7r$3 ?nurt folov,* the rules ana ragjtstions the Ettsit Organcer has sst for tneir sport. Any athlss* ^nri/G^nssrh gu9ry cfcheatin-, nris^spnase^^itian. or conduct URb-ccmirg of a sportsman ^rall isa dscLsaliried aid Ssar^ad f-on aa-tidpatir^ in all future lA'-LQ spo~ts events ss per recDinrne^dazioi of the ToL-mcrra-nt hSancgertorne cus?!t 12. ^ secretariat ofnce wHI be arsanccri by tKe £vent Organizsr to pnjtfiiie assistance and er^crtacn incurJes on general inforn?3ti£jn, ofriCEsl resutes, *nd pnedal *£5lhf f but nai inquiries or DTDte^Ss o« technical makers, it aill also ertertar* inquiries or pratem on alizihU^ fcjt •A-ifl o?uy do so during the MILO Irrfe Otf~nptc5 soRdanlry rneeting. Coaches who da not the 5Glida-r£y rn^-eting forfert ths«r rigit 3>3 cuestvsn th« rules a^d reg-atstions aid nesting. 1>re secretariat will not •e^ter'tain any inquiries or sra^asts on 13. All in^^ies and pretests ragandrrg c«chnios!itiss of each sparzng -s^ent T.UJS^ be directed to «r3 only. 14. A«ty protest bv the schocfc BrvaSvir: 35-2, ffed d-jrmg t^te cornp^titxsns, wilf nat b= . However, the ci/ent CrssrdE*r and Tcwrnan7*snt Mens^en; reserve tb- right KJ adnlete%unc3 oversse with or without the prop*- courrtar-docunvencs daring the consstrtJo 15. Ary formal, wririen pnatsst GT tscnnicaSties d'^rprg iris cGrrTpatstsc^s n-ay e^Jy be filed by heads of .Hihaals or aL5:ha~bsd c-sach-es. e protest fas, a written pratsst duly signed fay the school head cr a-ifSjnarisad osach. and attached evidanoa. Al documents sho-uSd be SLsmrttad tstheTourj^arnent Manager cr his authcrbed assstont (as approved 3y ^re cv*"ic Grga-Tiseri &7fHin 33 minutes after the ga^c in quest^o^. All burden of ^"oof Ties upon the pnstastse. rsa gam* i S^I tea seferfttadl ^ssthirs 12 fosun; Trnsn tte tsae 4 T aisnsanMat* asmgar as ^^L tna C' -ar fss cznssl sfca saki ros^ s.
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