2012 LGBT Community Survey® U.S. Overview Report of Bisexual Community July 2012 EnGre contents + ,ommunity 12r3eGng, Inc. CMI’s 6th Annual 678T Community SurAey U.S. Overview Report 6th Annual Edition 678T is a mar-et se0ment that simply shouldn’t be i0nored. The social and poliScal landscape is eAolAin0 rapidly1 and deAelopin0 a clear1 acSonable understandin0 of this dynamic and inCuenSal demo0raphic has neAer been more important for your brand. DSlizin0 FuanStaAe and FualitaAe mar-et research methodolo0ies1 Community Mar-eSn0 helps companies beUer understand and more eHecSAely reach the 678T community. Iur consumer panel proAides insi0hts throu0h online surAeys1 focus 0roups1 intercepts and more. CMI has been a leader in 678T mar-eSn0 and insi0hts since 19921 and my team loo-s forward to bein0 your strate0ic partners. Thomas Roth, President Community MarkeSn01 Inc. www.CommunityMar-eSn0Inc.com CMI’s 6th Annual 678T Community SurAey Thanks to our 2012 Sponsors & Partners EnSre contents Q Community Mar-eSn01 Inc. Dse or distribuSon by permission only. 2012 678T Community SurAey US Overview Report | 6th Edion In partnership with Rivendell Media, CMI’s 2012 LGBT Community Survey respondents were referred from 150+ global LGBT media partners, events and organiza8ons !" 103.9 PRODD FM ! Damron 7ay Travel 7uides !" 76CC8g7ay 6ife !" IMG 8lo0 !" Spartacusworld.com ! Adelante Magazine !" David Magazine !" 7rab Magazine ! OneGoodLove ! SFuareHippies !" AdAocate.com !" De Magneet !" 7re0 in Hollywood !" Iur 6iAes Magazine !" SFuirt.or0 !" AZrmaons !" Delta Foundaon of PiUsbur0h ! Grindr !" Iut n About aewspaper !" Staten Island 678T Community !" aerellen.com ! DesiBoys !" 7uideMag.com !" Iut Front Colorado Center !" aerelton.com !" Downelink.com !" h.llo Media !" Iut In Jersey1 Inc. !" Stonewall Columbusg Columbus ! AMERICA8lo0 !" Echelon Magazine !" Hotspots Magazine !" Iut.com Pride !" AFua Foundaon for Women !" ED7E Media aetwor- !" Hun- du iour ! IutSerAe !" Sweet !" 8 Magazine ced0eatlanta, !" InsSnct Magazine ! IutSmart Magazine !" TAG / TAG Approved !" 8alSmore IDTloud ed0elosan0eles1etc.) !" Internaonal Federaon of ! Iutwords1 Inc. Accommodaons ! 8ARtab !" EFually Wed 8lac- Prides1 Inc. !" Pin- 8anana Media !" Telluride 7ay S-i Wee- !" 8ay Area Reporter !" Erie 7ay aews ! InterPride !" Pin- Pages !" The aew CiAil Ri0hts MoAement !" 8ay Times !" Fab Magazine !" 2Ia Arizona Magazine !" PiUsbur0hos Iut g !" T6A Entertainment !" 8ay Windows !" fabmagazine.com !" Just Circuit Magazine outonline.com !" Tom on Tour !" 88CM Foundaon !" FEaDeP Magazine !" Just Iut aewspaper !" Pride Card1 The ! Towleroad ! Bey]Clar-e Media 7roup ! Flaw6es Media !" kenneth in the 212 !" Pride Source Media 7roup !" Travel 7ay Canada !" 8isexual Resource Center !" FronSers Magazine !" 6A PRIDEgChristopher St. West !" PurpleDrag.com !" Trian0le 8lac- Pride !" 8leu Magazine !" GA Voice !" 6esbian Mom Today !" m]aotes cPride Publishin0 !" Dnicorn 8ooty ! 8oyculture !" 7ay Ad aetwor- !" 6esbian aews c6ad n Typesen0d !" Dtopia‐Asia.com !" Brunos.de !" 7ay Cal0ary Magazine !" 6esbian.com ! m%eer.de !" Washin0ton 8lade !" Camp Magazine !" 7ay City aews !" 678T Community Center cafCd ! m%eerid !" Watermar- Media, Inc. ! Center6in-_ The Community !" 7Af to b Directory !" 678T Wee-ly ! mueerty1 Inc. !" Windy City Times of 678T Centers !" 7ay.com !" 6o0otv.com !" Rage Monthly1 The !" Wisconsin 7azeUe !" Central Voice aewspaper !" 7ay.net ! *l&ner !" Rainbow Times1 The !" Womeno: eNews !" ChicagoPride.com ! 7ayborhood !" Metro Wee-ly !" Rainbow.travel ! Xtra! IUawa !" Clubsanoo-.com ! 7ayCiSes ! Metrosource Magazine !" San Die0o 7ay n 6esbian aews ! Xtra! Toronto !" Community Mar-eSn01 Inc. !" 7aynewsnetwor-.com.au !" aew Mexico 768Tm Centers !" San Die0o PIX Magazine ! Xtra! VancouAer !" Compete Magazine ! 7aypedia !" aewaowaext.com !" SheWired.com !" xtra.ca !" CDE MA7Ab2aE 2aC !" 7ayromeo.com !" aext Door Magazine !" SoCal Social Club !" CurAe Magazine ! 7ayWhistler !" aEe9 Magazine !" Social House Media 7roup !" Dallas Voice !" 7ayyellow.com ! noiZe Magazine !" Spartacus Traveler 4 2012 678T Community SurAey US Overview Report | 6th Edion About •" The Community Mar-eSn01 Inc. cC*2d 678T Mar-et Research + DeAelopment 6abt has been conducSn0 678T consumer research since 199R. Iur pracSce includes online surAeys1 telephone interAiews1 intercepts1 focus 0roups con]site and onlined1 and adAisory boards in aorth America and Europe. Industry leaders around the world depend on CMI’s research and analysis as a basis for feasibility eAaluaons1 posiSonin01 economic impact, creaAe tesSn01 informed forecasSn01 measurable mar-eSn0 plannin0 and assessment of return on inAestment. •" CMI’s research undin0s have been published in the 8ew :or3 Times, Washington Post, ,hicago Trib.ne, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Do.rnal, Eorbes, Businessweek, USA Toda0, ,hicago Trib.ne, Miami Herald, C8S aews1 aPR, Associated Press and many other internaonal1 naonal and re0ional media. •" CMI’s research clients include leaders from a wide ran0e of industries. In the past few years1 studies have been produced for these and many other clients_ Wells Far0o 8an-1 Tar0et 8rands1 A8SI6DT Vod-a, MetLife1 Dnited States Census 8ureau1 Travelocity1 American Cancer Society1 7allo Wineries1 kaiser Family Foundaon1 h)a Hotels1 Japan aaonal Tourism Ir0anizaon and numerous other corporaons and or0anizaons across aorth America and around the world. 5 2012 678T Community SurAey US Overview Report | 6th Edion Our 6th Annual LGBT Community Survey conLnues to be one of the most comprehensive studies available focusing on LGBT consumers Who Did We Talk To? How Did We Talk To Them? •" IA.r 45,000 total respondents across 1R8 •" 1r minute online surAey conducted in countries. The surAey was available in En0lish May ] June 2012 and 7erman cwith addiSonal lan0uages to be added in 2013d. •" Iur mobile]opSmiE.d surAey was made available throu0h an email inAitaon to surAey •" This report focuses on D.S. data for oAer 11R00 panelists1 as well Aia the websites1 email lists1 self]idenSued bisexual men and about 800 instant messagin01 mobile pop]ups1 social media bisexual women and community eAents of this year’s 1r0+ partners •" Respondents were recruited from CMI’s proprietary research panel and 200+ 678T •" Importantly1 our sample reCects the readershipg media outlets1 eAents and partner or0anizaons membership of this broad ran0e of 678T focused media outlets 1 or0anizaons and eAents. This •" Current 0ay and lesbian data and comparisons means that the results summariE.d here are to 2011 data are available in our DS oAerAiew hi0hly representaAe of 678T consumers who report, available for download at are interacSn0 with 678T community media and CommunityMar-eSn0Inc.com eAents. 6 2012 678T Community SurAey 61 83er3iew Report | 6th Edion In This 83er3iewO Key Topics ! " Technology & Lifestyle ! " Brand Attitudes & Purchase Behaviors ! " LGBT Marketing & Messaging ! " Media Usage & Interaction With Advertising ! " Politics & Fundraising 7 1 InteracLng with technolog0P Technology & LGBT Lifestyle 2012 678T Community SurAey 61 83er3iew Report | 6th Edion Technology Ownership •" 8isexual community members are avid tech users and are li-ely to own a Aariety of deAices. Android phones are somewhat more popular than iPhones in the bisexual community. Which of the following do you own? Di0ital camera 67% 8isexual Men 81% 44% Android smartphone 33% 8isexual Women 34% iPhone 29% 16% E]reader caoo-1 kindle1 Sony1 etc.d 29% 18% Di0ital camcorder cFlip1 hX1 etc.d 18% 18% iPod Touch 17% 19% iPad 14% 8% 8lac-berry smartphone 6% Ither WiFi g HotSpot enabled deAice c6enoAo IdeaPad 8% Tablet, Archos R0 Tablet, etc.d 5% 8% Android tablet 4% 3% Windows smartphone 2% Fase: 2012 FiseN.al Men nOM,P09R FiseN.al Women nOS1S 9 2012 678T Community SurAey 61 83er3iew Report | 6th Edion Technology & Lifestyle •" 8isexual men and women are li-ely to say they rely on technolo0y 8isexual Men to help manage their hecSc lifestyles. 8isexual Women FStudes About Technolog0 R Lifest0le 8isexual Men 8isexual Women I carry my cell phone or PDA eAerywhere I 0o 77% 75% Technolo0y helps make my life more or0aniE.d 61% 63% It is important to iu00le Aarious tas-s at the same Sme 48% 48% I am so busy1 oDen I can’t unish eAerythin0 I need to in a day 35% 44% 2om amon0 urst of my friends to try new technolo0y products 29% 17% Fase: 2012 FiseN.al Men nOM,P09R FiseN.al Women nOS1S 10 2 What they are bu0ing and what inT,ences them? Brand Attitudes & Purchase Behaviors 2012 678T Community SurAey 61 83er3iew Report | 6th Edion Brand FStudes •" 8isexual men and women are moSAated more by trust and Fuality oAer brand names1 and they’re willin0 to pay more for it. For brands that 0et it ri0ht, bisexuals are much more li-ely to become adAocates and share with their friends. FStudes About Brands R 1hopping 8isexual Men 8isexual Women If a company or brand impresses me1 I will make a point of tellin0 61% 62% friends about it 2oll pay more for a product made by 58% 59% a company I trust Price is more important to me than 34% 40% brand names It is 0enerally worth payin0 extra for top]of]line or cun0 ed0e 27% 14% I am inCuenced by what's hot and what's not 15% 9% 8rand name is the best indicaon 16% 6% of Fuality Fase: 2012 FiseN.al Men nOM,P09R FiseN.al Women nOS1S 12 2012 678T Community SurAey 61 83er3iew Report | 6th Edion Past Year Purchases •" 8isexual men’s and women’s purchasin0 habits are Aery similar undin0s to our 0ay male and lesbian report, with the only excepSon1 bisexuals
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