Manalapan to Lose 23. Homes' to lur SEE STORY PAGE 3 Thunderstorms Thunderstorms late today THEDAHY FINAL continuing into tomorrow *1 Hid Hank, Freehold ' f' morning/Partial clearing to* I Iconic Brawlt J morrow afternoon. EDITION 42 PAGES Monnioulli County's Outstanding Home X VOL.94 NO. RED BAM, N.J. THURSDAY, JUNK 15, 1972 TEN CENTS WMW«aBMiiM»muBiiiimiwninuiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuHiiiiiiiiniiuitw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiimmimiiiiiiiii Unreported VD Cases Cause Problems to Increase (Second In a scries) protect that person and his or state Department of Health is to 20 or more persons to be in- her contacts. now trying to "routinize" its terviewed. The only way to get rid of 500,000 In U.S. use wherever large numbers Follow-up work with prosti- venereal disease is to elimi- The American Social Health of women undergo internal tutes creates additional prob- nate it completely. If the dis- Association has estimated examinations. In Monmouth lems. A prostitute who needs ease did not exist, no one that 500,000 persons in the County, this program is just money to support a drug would ever catch it — no mat- United States are suffering beginning. habit, and many of them do, ter how much sexual activity from undetected syphilis. Besides setting up diagnos- may be infecting 3(1-40 men a there was. The asymptomatic female tic and treatment programs night without even knowing Although tluj number of in- represents a huge "silent re- with the state paying for ma- that she has the disease, Mr, fections declined for a few servoir of infection" that terials and diagnostic read- Davenport said. short years after public con- helps keep the epidemic go- ings, the Department of Homosexuality also creates cern resulted in more public ing. Health trains investigators to special diagnostic and contact health money and trained per- As a routine mandatory conduct confidential inter- follow-up problems for the sonnel in the Fifties, VD was •diagnostic procedure for syph- views with those who have be- epidemiologist. never wiped out. ilis, the Wasserman blood test come infected and to trace So far, the laboratory hns is effective in reaching a their contacts.so that they, If an infected person goes been unable to develop a vac- large percentage of the popu- too, may be diagnosed and for treatment to a private cine providing Immunity to lation so long as people con- treated. physician, the chain of con- VD. Lacking such a pre- tinue to go through the forma- Chain of Infection tacts breaks and the chances ventive weapon, the public lities of marriage, pre-natal Syphilis patients average 3.6 of spreading the disease in- health investigator must fight care, and having their babies contacts each, and there could crease, unless the doctor re- the disease and prevent its in hospitals. be as many as nine, said Wil- ports the case to the health spread by trying to rid the In the case of gonorrhea, liam Davenport, state Depart- department. population of all the VD in- the fight is just beginning be- ment, of Health VD public Probably the most impor- fections in it. cause of the tremendous in- health adviser for Monmouth tant aspect of the fight This means finding cases crease in the disease. About and Ocean Counties. The con- against venereal disease is by improved diagnostic meth- five years ago, the search for tacts, in turn, who have been this follow-up of contacts. It is , RtgtiUr Staff Photo by Larry f «i» ods and by tracing contacts, an accurate diagnostic serum infected, have other contacts precisely in this area, how- THE PROBLEM OF V\ PROBLEM — Private physicians hesitate to report cases of venereal diseased . and seeing to it that every in- at last produced the Thayer- who must be seen. A single ever, that the private physi- Thousands have the disease without knowing it. These are some of the drawbacks to public health ef- fected person is treated to Martin culture medium. The chain of infection could lead See Problems, Page 21 forts to deal with the VD epidemic. mniHitEjmmiiuiiimiiHiiiiititmiiiiiniiniiiniinniniiiiiiuiHiiiiMiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiuunniiiiiunniuiiiiiiiiuiii Vital Tax Session Begins TRENTON (AP) - The the tax package. reported that 34 members of hoped to complete action on "I'm going to assume this CahiU repeated his willing- New Jersey legislature began Meanwhile, WCBS-TV of the 60-member Assembly, in- tax reform in the special ses- will be completed by July 10," ness to compromise with today what could be a historic New York reported signifi- cluding 17 Republicans, said sion by .July 4. An additional he said, "they (the legisla- Democratic leaders and heads session on tax reform with a cant opposition in the legisla- they were still opposed to the week would permit the law- tors) are bright people. They of organized labor to win sup- frank admission from Gov. ture to the tax program based tax plan. makers to adjourn in time for know the problem is not going port for his package. William T. Cahill that the en- on a poll it conducted under The V7CBS poll did not re- the Democratic National Con- to go away." He said he would even con- tire program will rise or fall the supervision of the Re- port the number of legislators vention which begins in Tax-raising measures must sider a proposal by the United with a proposed state income sponse Analysis Corp. of in favor of the program. But Miami Beach on July 10. originate in the Assembly Automobile Workers to ex- tax. Princeton. the report said the majority of No Callback Seen where neither party has a clude owner-occupied real es- The legislature was sched- The poll reported that 19 those not opposed to the plan Cahill said he did not antici- clear majority. There are 40 tate from a proposed state- uled to begin deliberations on members of the 40-membcr said they were still undecided. pate that it would be neces- Democrats, 39 Republicans wide property tax. the governor's $2 billion tax Senate including 10 members The television survey report- sary to call the legislature and one Independent.' Doubt Will Work program. But no action on of Cahill's Republican Party, edly polled 113 of the 120 New back later in the summer to Republicans control me But Cahill and his chief specific bills was expected ua- were opposed to the tax pro- Jersey legislators. continue work on his tax Senate, 24-16. Cahill is a Re- counsel, Pierre Garven, said til next week. Today's meet- gram. The television survey The legislature originally package. publican. ' See Tax Page I ing was limited to prelimi- naries as lawmakers pressed for answers to a number of complex questions. Cahtll told a news confer- ence yesterday that the tax battle hinges on acceptance or Panel Airs Abortion Issues rejection of the income tax. By SHERRY FIGDOBE "In New Jersey, always last "The income tax will be the Mr. Kennedy, who defended Abortion reform, granting cian-gynecologist, and a long- in progress of social reform first bin," he said. "If the an- his bill last night against a preference to rights of the time critic of .New Jersey's LINCROFT - Is abortion AP Wlrcpholo swer to that is no, the session frequently derisive audience, mother, was demanded by abortion laws. welfare, we seem to be retro- solely a medical decision? THE GOVERNOR AND TAX REFORM — Gov. teoyer." declared he had "introduced Fair Haven attorney Adricnne "Now, when women's liber- gressing," observed Dr. Bres- Does the state have a vested low. "Our own and medicine's William T. Cahill discussed his tax reform bills Cahill said he hoped the leg- the bill so there would never McOmber, NOW counsel, who ation is supposed to be a real- yesterday at a press conference in his office. Cah- interest in a fetus? Does the be an abortion mill in New declared "The question of ity and a fact," declared Dr. view in general of abortion Is islature would make a deci- fetus itself have rights? When, ill also announced he will nominate Dr. Carl L. sion no later than July 10. He Jersey." abortion is a private matter,, Breslow, "an assault is made loud and clear; a direct ap- indeed does a fetus become a The panel quickly polarized, too personal for state action;" upon her right to her own proach by the patient and her Marburger as state education commissioner for a said he had made no count of living*entity? new five-year term. how many lawmakers support with Mr. Kennedy and Asbury Assemblyman Eldridgc body." A woman with a com- physician as part of the me- Since a three-man Federal Park attorney Stephen J. Hawkins, D-Essex, who in- pelling reason for not having dical services due to her. Court declared New Jersey's Foley, a member of the Right troduced in March and April a child is up against a set of "If a female is denied this 123-year-old abortion law un- to Life organization, basically three reform bills, permitting male-created rules that will basic right, she is deprived of constitutional last Feb. 29, the demanding state protection of abortions up to 24, 20, or 17 serve to humiliate her and in- her rights as defined by the state Legislature has avoided the fetus from the moment of weeks; and Dr. Samuel Bres- fringe upon her Individual Constitution and the BUI of State's Key Witness debate on thorny questions conception. rights. See Abortion's, Page 2 low, Perth Amboy obstetri- such as these that will be in- volved in formulating a new abortion law.
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