Alumni News DE lnd;iiia Central Univ Aty ARCf-I-vES INDIANA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY FebruaryIMarch 1986 Volume 38, No. 2 I Alumni Weekend draws near Some come for the food, but don’t forget fun and fellowship Food, food, and more food is how “Thank you and congratulations some describe our fabulous three- on a delightful Alumni Weekend. day Alumni Weekend each year.1 It was superbly planned and ex- But in actuality, there’s a lot A ecuted; we enjoyed every minute more good fun and fellowshi) of it.” sandwiched between all those re- “The weekend was all anyone union breakfasts, receptions, and would desire.” banquets, that makes your attend- ance a joyous occasion. “The weekend was splendid! ” This year’s Alumni Weekend will “The attention to detail for the begin on Friday evening, May 30, comfort of returnees was especially and conclude on Sunday after- notable. Thank you for the noon, June 1. Special reunion marvelously pleasurable experience classes honored will be the classes of my reunion.” of 1926, 1931, 1936, 1941, 1946, “President Sease made us all feel 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, like giants and Mrs. Sease was so 1976 and 1981. gracious when they opened their Overnight accoqmodations will be home to us. On behalf of our available in the modern North class and the entire alumni, Hall on campus for just $7 per “thank you.” person, per night. Plan now to at- “We appreciated our very special tend the weekend as a part of time. We were so enthusiastic your summer vacation or as a Here’s what some of you said last about the reuni,on that we are long-weekend, mini-vacation. A year: talking about planning for our complete schedule of the many ac- 30th.” tivities and events will be pub- “Seeing my friends from the past lished in the April/May issue of brightened the weekend and the ICU Alumni News. powered me toward the future.” Watch for more details! 0 Alumni Board of Directors Indy Area Alumni The player’s the thing to meet Breakfast Meeting Theatre major Michael Schoppenhorst of Members of the ICU Alumni Associa- Thursday, March 13 will be the date Indianapolis has been nominated for the tion’s Board will meet on Saturday, of the next Indy Area Alumni breakfast Irvene Ryan Award, issued by the April 5 in the Kraflt Conference Room. meeting in Schwitzer Center at 7:30 American College Theatre Festival. Mr. Ifyou have any items for their con- a.m. ICU alumnus Jon Houghtalen Schoppenhorst, a junior at ICU, will sideration please forward them to Presi- ’84 will be our guest speaker with a be in competition at the Regional dent Jena Jones ’74, in care of the presentation about the renovation of the A.C. T. Festival at Ohio State Univer- ICU Alumni Oflice. 0 Union Station in Indianapolis. Cost sity. He recently played the role of Fox- of the buflet breakfast is $4 and is hall Edwardr in the production of payable at the door. However, reserva- “You Can ’t Go Home Again ” here at tions are requested and may be made by ICU. 0 calling the Alumni Oflice at 788-3295. living in Peking-six million in reeling and weaving mill, saw silk the outlying areas. The highlight worm cocoons and workers spin- was climbing The Great Wall. ning thread from the cocoons. We Visits were also made to Mao’s rode a boat on the Grand Canal president’s tomb, Tian An Men Square, the touring life along the waterway. desk Imperial Palace, Ming Tombs, Wuxi was my favorite city, a and the zoo. The Panda bear is place where people seemed to treasured and admired because it smile more and were interested in In late October, 23 eager, in- is native to China. A special practicing their English in conver- quisitive, and congenial members privilege for our group was an sation with us. We visited a of the Indiana Central family orientation visit to the American Sports school where youngsters toured China for three weeks. The Embassy arranged by Senator ages 8 to 14 displayed beautiful following has been taken from the Lugar’s office. Dr. Karl Olson, body form in the martial arts- diary of one of the tour members cultural affairs officer, spent the “Confu,” as we know it. We took (my wife, Joanne’s). Incidentally, morning informing us and answer- a three-hour cruise on Lake Tai, she will find out it is appearing ing our questions. He gave us a number one in scenery and here at the same time all of our lot of insight and information on number three in size. It is 6 to 9 other readers do. I thought I Americans living there and of the feet deep, very clean and has 60 would relinquish my column to Chinese people and their lifestyle. different kinds of fish. We docked her (only this one time) to share with at a Workers Sanitorium and saw you her reflections of that From Peking we flew to Xian. “traditional, ” rather than fascinating land and its people. Highlights of our visit there in- Western, medicine practiced. We visited several classes for hyperten- Gene E. Sease cluded Zin Shi Huanghi’s Tomb, the Qin Terra Cotta Figures, and sion; an exercise called Taijiquan, China, Her Cities and People The Big and Small Wild Goose using slow movements and body Pagotas. manipulation to music; and -Joanne D. Sease ’81 (Hon.) witnessed acupuncture and wax A three-week trip to China does Nanjing was next. It lies 200 miles plasters on the body-a new and not make one an expert on south of Shanghai, on the Yangtse fascinating experience. Acupunc- Chinese affairs, but it does pro- River. Visits there included the ture is used chiefly for arthritis, vide a unique learning experience. Nanking Theological Seminary back problems and lumbago. We The visit opened the doors to and conversations with its faculty also made visits to a middle understanding another country and dean. It is the only Christian school, a residential apartment quite different from our own. seminary open to all of China. community, and a trip to the China is about the size of the We also visited the Dr. Sun country to visit a Huaxi Com- United States, but with a popula- Yatsen Mausoleum, toured the mune. Their lady mayor showed tion of 1.2 billion. city and enjoyed the city market. us how they form and run their self-contained community. We The first city we visited was Bee- We moved on then to Wuxi, a were shown the manufacturing ing, or Peking as we know it. It 3S-hour train ride. It was good shops, family living quarters, was interesting that our guide told to see long stretches of farmland farming, and hand weaving. us to call it Peking-the English with winter wheat and cabbage There are 320 households with name. There are 10 million people growing. In Wuxi we visited a silk 2 A shot in the arm Vice President Shelley Armstrong The purpose of the new4 founded for nursing alumni Voel. ’83 (Mooresville) association is to promote a spirit of The first association meeting of the In- Secretary Mary Helen Havran ’84 good fellowship among the association diana Central University School of (Highland) members, to advance nursing education Nursing Alumni was held last fall on Treasurer Ruth Van Schepen Adam through the continuing education of the the ICU campus. Over 80 charter ’84 (Greenwood) alumni and to further the nursing members and faculty attended the Open Chaplain Cynthia Moore Peny, ’74 education program at Indiana Central House, which was highlighted by a (Anderson) University. 0 nursing school memorabilia display and Advisory Council Margo Copeland an introduction of the association Layman ’72 (Coatesville) oficers. Susan Gossett Peine ’78 (Indiana- polis) Oficers the current year are: for Judy Rasche Rothrock ’78 (Cannel) President Shiela Gilmore Cagle ’75 Cheryl Bollenbacher Schneider ’65 (Greenwood) (Indianapolis) 698 people capable of working in consists of only one or two rooms. talent. In a school for exceptional the factories or fields. The village Furniture is sparse, with beds, a children which we visited, their school has 100 pupils and 6 dresser, table, sewing machine and talents were many and varied. teachers. maybe a radio. Families in newer The birth rate is slowing. Conver- apartment buildings have their Our last city was Shanghai, a two- sations through an interpreter at own small kitchen and bathroom. hour train ride from Wuxi. the commune indicate they are In older flats, three or four Shanghai is a major port for ex- abiding by the law. The question families share these facilities. The ports and trade. The word was asked, “How does a mother milk supply is very scarce, so “Shanghai” means “go to sea.” or father feel about having only powdered milk is used. Sometimes It is the number one industrial one child, especially if it is not a cabbage is the only vegetable in city. Bicycles and garments rank boy baby?” The answer given the winter and it is buried to last high in their manufacturing. They was, “We like boy babies the until the growing season begins. also grow grapes, apples, peaches Lack of refrigeration makes daily best, so if the child is a boy we and pears. Shanghai has 12 are happy, but if the child is a shopping a necessity for families million people and 6 million of girl we are happy too.” In other them own bicycles. Ninety-five who cook at home. A lot of people buy their food from shops along words, they are accepting the percent of their transportation is the streets and eat it there.
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