ssssBBsm m m . THE DILLON EXAMINER DRESS, BOLERO FOR SUMMER WEAR Confident Republicans Choose YOUTHFUL FROCK IS EASY-SEWING Dewey-Warren Team for 1948 By WALTER A. SHEAD WNU Washington Correspondent PHILADELPHIA — Bowling over all opposition in an unchecked power drive toward the coveted goal of 548 votes, Governor Thomas E. Dewey, of New York, swept to victory on the third ballot at the Republican National Convention. After a night of speculation on vice-presidential candidates which included the names of Charles Halleck, of Indiana; Senator John Bricker, of Ohio; Governor Warren was put forth as the Dewey choice for the post. Governor Earl Warren, governor of California, was nominated to the vice-presidency by acclamation after Arizona had withdrawn the name of Harold E. Stassen. Actually the colorful New York­ er’s nomination came by unami- mous vote after he had demon­ strated unprecedented strength on the first ballot over six other con­ tenders for the nomination. Gov­ ernor Dewey polled 434' votes on ANOTHER CONSPICUOUS FIRST . For the first time in history the first ballot to 224 for Senator women, outside of the medical services, are a permanent part of U. S. Robert A. Taft, of Ohio, his near­ armed forces. The heads of the women’s service groups are shown at est competitor, with former Gov­ the Pentagon building following a conference with Defense Secretary ernor Harold E. Stassen trailing in James Forrestal. Left to right are: Capt. Joy Bright Hancock USNR, third place with 157 votes. Senator 8309 Date Frock irector of the Waves; Col. Mary A. Ilallaren, director of the Wacs; Arthur Vandenburg, of Michigan, 12-20 iol. Geraldine P. May, director of the Wafs (Women in the Air Force) For romantic summer evenings, a and Maj. Julia E. Hamblet, director of marine corps women. polled 62; Senator Raymond Bald­ Sun Dress striking date froclc that junior sew­ win, of Connecticut, 19; Speaker Just right for sunny hours out of ers can put together with ease and Joe Martin, of Massachusetts, 18; doors—a simple yet smart sun dress assurance. Our well illustrated sew Carroll Reese, of Tennessee, chair­ that can be made plain or in con­ chart guides you smoothly. man of the GOP national commit­ trast. To match, a pert bolero for • * • tee, 15; General of the Army cover-up. There’s lots of mix-match Pattern No. 8316 comes In sizes 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 18. Size 12, 4ft Douglas McArthur, 11; Governor . THOMAS E. DEWEY possibilities in this charming outfit. Dwight Green, of Illinois, 56; Gov­ * * * yards of 39-inch. wagon stampede of delegates for ernor Alfred E. Driscoll, 'of New made a sturdy, If aged picture Pattern No. 8309 is for sizes 12, 14, the New Yorker. The maneuver, Jersey, 35; Governor Earl Warren, there with the kleig lights beaming 10, 18 and 20. Size 14, dress, 2% clever phsychologically in many of California, 59, and Congressman upon him. yards of 39-inch; bolero, 1*4 yards. instances, became known as the - i h m Everett M. Dirksen, of Illinois, 1. S ta rch Dewey "blitz.” The Spring and Summer FASHION Governor Dewey won the nomi­ Foreign Aid Plank in the It had one effect, however, it Is filled with smart ideas for sum­ buttercup nation because he had the best or­ mer wardrobes. Free knitting In­ united the other leading candidates Features Platform yellow ganization, because his opposition structions and free pattern printed bon underestimated his strength and in a move to “ stop Dewey.” Sena­ Highlight of the 1948 GOP plat­ inside the book. 25 cents. despite the fact it broke a Repub­ tor Robert A. Taft, of Ohio, second form and chief bone of contention man, with some 250 or more dele­ lican party precedent of never in sessions of the resolutions com­ SEWINlQ CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. having nominated a losing candi­ gates on the first ballot and former mittee was the foreign relations 930 South Weill St. • Chicago 1, IU. date. Governor Harold E. Stassen, of plank. The all-out approval, how­ Endosa 23 cent* In coin« (or «ach Minnesota, with some 175 delegates, pattern dealred. The two-time nominee, he was ever of the European recovery Pattern Na «ira the party’s standard bearer in 1944, along with the Connecticut state program and support of the United Ñama was given a tremendous ovation chairman, Governor Kem Sigler, of Nations was a clear-cut victory for when he came into the convention Michigan, and some other delegate Senator Arthur Vandenburg,^ of A d d ress. accompanied by his personable wife. leaders held a meeting at which Michigan, and S en ior Henry His nomination came swiftly after they canvassed the situation and Cabot Lodge, Jr., of Massachusetts, decided that Mr. Dewey did not Senator John Bricker, of Ohio, had the chairman cf the resolutions Speeding, Main Accident Cause withdrawn Senator Taft’s name have the votes he claimed. committee. While ERP was not ENTERTAINMENT WITH STRINGS ATTACHED . For reasons of Further, the Dewey “blitz” Exceeding of safe speeds was and Stassen had himself gone to mentioned by name the platform given as the reason for one out of morale and entertainment, American soldiers in Japan are taking up brought Senator Arthur Vanden- plank was clear and strong. every three fatal motor vehicle ac­ archery. Some of them already are twanging six-foot bows like experts burg from out of his cocoon as a under the guidance of one of the world’s leading archers, Toshisuke The platform was all-inclusive cidents last year, according to the dark-horse and into the picture as Nasu, whose school In Tokyo the army has taken over. To lend the covering the field of domestic issues accident preventipn department, an active candidate to be nomi­ authentic sporting touch the GI’s line up for a picture clad in what the Association of Casualty and Surety nated on the first roll call of the including conservation of natural well-dressed Japanese archer is supposed to wear, and any resemblance companies. The department added to Robin Rood is strictly from hunger. The gent with his back turned states. resources, farm price supports, is Nasu, the instructor. economy In government, against that a majority of these deaths oc­ First shown-down was a split in curred on straight and wide-open the Pennsylvania delegation of 73 high prices, abolition of useless IMMlDTriliFIIJILI] government bureaus, maintenance highways where drivers were in­ m O H ß f i A S I L W votes resulting In the withdrawal of clined to step on the gas. Pennsylvania’s Senator Edward of an adequate armed service for Martin as a favorite son candidate sea, land and air; reduction of the In favor of Governor Dewey, throw­ federal debt and taxes, elimina­ tion of monopoly to aid small busi­ ing roughly half of the delegation / & . ' .. to the New Yorker. This did not ness, a sound soil conservation pro­ SAfAP C m C e / M P POP S 4 K change the picture in the total vote, gram, development of sound farm however, since It meant only that credit, encouragement of family­ MORE MOTHERS buy Kellogg’s Rico Krispiea the other half of the Keystone sized farms; progressive develop­ for their families than any other brand of rice state delegation controlled by Gov­ ment of the nation’s water cereal. Um! Popular! Delicious! ernor James J. Duff would go to resources for navigation, flood con­ COPTftiaHT 194«, OT KILLOOi C * Senator Vandenburg on the first trol and power; a comprehensive ballot Instead of waiting until a reclamation/ program; recognition later ballot. of the nation’s obligation to all veterans and a realistic and ade­ Then the Missouri delegation quate adjustment of benefits: split with Senator James P. Kem, housing by private enterprise -at of that state going to Governor lower costs, but federal aid for local Dewey with his following of the slum clearance and low-rental GOV. EARL WARREN delegation and Senator Forrest housing; extension of the federal Donnell holding out for Senator the platform to withdraw in favor old age and survivor’s Insurance Taft with his Missouri delegates. of Dewey. They were quickly fol­ program and increase of the bene­ Governor Alfred E. Driscoll, of New lowed by Governor Warren, of fits to a more realistic level;, MOTHER KNOWS/TBEST! Jersey, who had been flirting with California, and the others. strengthening of state-aid pro­ the Vandenburg candidacy for sev­ Governor Dewey told the dele­ grams to provide more adequate eral weeks then pulled into -the gates he accepted the nomination hospital facilities, to Improve Dewey camp with his 35-vote dele­ “ unfettered by a single obligation methods of treatment of the men­ gation. Up to this point before the or promise to any living person.” tally 111, to advance maternal and Old CARS can get THAT NEW-CAR FEEL! balloting started, Governor Dewey His acceptance speech, which evi­ child health and generally to foster had reached the peak of his You can’t rebuild an old horse. But your dently had been prepared in a healthy America. Sealed Power Dealer can give your old claimed strength. advance, since it was delivered in engine 1948 pep and economy—fwith an The civil rights platform mimeograph form to the press be­ overhaul and set of new Sealed Power plank included an anti-lynch- fore he made it, was on a high Confident Spirit Piston Rings! He can give your car, ing law, abolition of the poll plane of a “spiritual upsurge.” truck or tractor the same power it had Highlights Sessions tax as a requisite for voting, when new— whatever the make, model “ Our problem,” he said, “ is most Until the demonstrations for can­ opposition to racial segrega­ or cylinder wear condition.
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