University of Birmingham A Framework of Negotiation and Reconciliation in the Triumviral period Cornwell, Hannah License: None: All rights reserved Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (Harvard): Cornwell, H 2020, A Framework of Negotiation and Reconciliation in the Triumviral period. in F Pina Polo (ed.), THE TRIUMVIRAL PERIOD: CIVIL WAR, POLITICAL CRISIS AND SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS. Libera Res Publica, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, pp. 149-170. Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal General rights Unless a licence is specified above, all rights (including copyright and moral rights) in this document are retained by the authors and/or the copyright holders. 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Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises care and attention in making items available there are rare occasions when an item has been uploaded in error or has been deemed to be commercially or otherwise sensitive. If you believe that this is the case for this document, please contact [email protected] providing details and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate. Download date: 24. Sep. 2021 LIBERA RES PVBLICA 2 Francisco Pina Polo is Professor of Ancient History at the 1 LA CULTURA POLÍTICA DE LA REPÚBLICA ROMANA. Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). His UN DEBATE HISTORIOGRÁFICO INTERNACIONAL publications include The Quaestorship KARL-JOACHIM HÖLKESKAMP in the Roman Republic (with Alejandro 2 THE TRIUMVIRAL PERIOD: CIVIL WAR, POLITICAL CRISIS Díaz Fernández, 2019), Foreign clientelae AND SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS Nothing from the subsequent Augustan age can be fully in the Roman Empire: A Reconsideration FRANCISCO PINA POLO (ed.) explained without understanding the previous Triumviral (edited with Martin Jehne, 2015), and period (43-31 BC). In this book, twenty experts from nine The consul at Rome: The Civil Functions different countries and nineteen universities examine of the Consuls in the Roman Republic the Triumviral age not merely as a phase of transition to the (ed.) (2011). He is currently Principal Investi- Principate but as a proper period with its own dynamics gator of the Research Group Hiberus. and issues, which were a consequence of the previous He was a Member of the Institute for years. The volume aims to address a series of underlying Advanced Study (Princeton) in 2012 structural problems that emerged in that time, such as the and 2014. legal nature of power attributed to the Triumvirs; changes and continuity in Republican institutions, both in Rome and the provinces of the Empire; the development of FRANCISCO PINA POLO List of contributors: the very concept of civil war; the strategies of political FRANCISCO PINA POLO (ed.) Clifford Ando (Chicago) communication and propaganda in order to win over public Valentina Arena (UCL) opinion; economic consequences for Rome and Italy, whether Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham) caused by the damage from constant wars or, alternatively, Hannah Cornwell (Birmingham) resulting from the proscriptions and confiscations carried Alejandro Díaz Fernández (Málaga) out by the Triumvirs; and the transformation of Roman- Marie-Claire Ferriès (Grenoble) Marta García Morcillo (Roehampton) Italian society. All these studies provide a complete, fresh THE TRIUMVIRAL Enrique García Riaza (Palma de Mallorca) and innovative picture of a key period that signaled the end Frédéric Hurlet (Nanterre) of the Roman Republic. Martin Jehne (Dresden) THE TRIUMVIRAL PERIOD PERIOD Carsten Hjort Lange (Aalborg) Dominik Maschek (Oxford) Andrea Raggi (Pisa) CIVIL WAR, POLITICAL CRISIS Francesca Rohr Vio (Venezia) Cristina Rosillo-López (Sevilla) AND SOCIOECONOMIC Catherine Steel (Glasgow) W. Jeffrey Tatum (Wellington) Frederik Juliaan Vervaet (Melbourne) TRANSFORMATIONS Kathryn Welch (Sydney) Colección LIBERA RES PVBLICA MONOGRAFÍAS SOBRE ASPECTOS INSTITUCIONALES, POLÍTICOS, SOCIALES, ECONÓMICOS, Prensas de la Universidad POLITICAL CRISIS AND SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS CIVIL WAR, HISTORIOGRÁFICOS, CULTURALES Y DE GÉNERO EDITORIAL UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA EN LA REPÚBLICA ROMANA UniversidadZaragoza PRENSAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA THE TRIUMVIRAL PERIOD: CIVIL WAR, POLITICAL CRISIS AND SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS Francisco Pina Polo (ed.) EDITORIAL UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA PRENSAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA Dirección de la Colección: Francisco Pina Polo (Univ. Zaragoza) Cristina Rosillo López (Univ. Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla) Antonio Caballos Rufino (Univ. Sevilla) Consejo Editorial: Antonio Caballos Rufino (Sevilla), Antonio Duplá Ansuátegui (Vitoria), Enrique García Riaza (Palma de Mallorca), Pedro López Barja de Quiroga (Santiago de Compostela), Ana Mayorgas Rodríguez (Madrid), Antoni Ñaco del Hoyo (Girona), Francisco Pina Polo (Zaragoza), Cristina Rosillo López (Sevilla), Elena Torrregaray Pagola (Vitoria), Fernando Wulff Alonso (Málaga) Comité Científico: Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio (Sevilla), Valentina Arena (Londres), Catalina Balmaceda (Santiago de Chile), Nathalie Barrandon (Reims), Hans Beck (Munster), Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham), Wolfgang Blösel (Duisburgo), François Cadiou (Burdeos), Cyril Courrier (Aix-en-Provence/Marsella), Alejandro Díaz Fernández (Málaga), Harriet Flower (Princeton), Estela García Fernández (Madrid), Marta García Morcillo (Roehampton), Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp (Colonia), Michel Humm (Estras- burgo), Frédéric Hurlet (Nanterre-París), Martin Jehne (Dresde), Carsten Hjort Lange (Aalborg), Robert Morstein-Marx (Santa Bárbara), Henrik Mouritsen (Londres), Sylvie Pittia (París), Jonathan Prag (Oxford), Francesca Rohr Vio (Venecia), Amy Russell (Durham), Manuel Salinas de Frías (Sala- manca), Eduardo Sánchez Moreno (Madrid), Pierre Sánchez (Ginebra), Catherine Steel (Glasgow), Elisabetta Todisco (Bari), W. Jeffrey Tatum (Wellington), Frederik Vervaet (Melbourne), Kathryn Welch (Sidney) © Francisco Pina Polo © De la presente edición, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza (Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Proyección Social) y Editorial Universidad de Sevilla 1.ª edición, 2020 Proyecto “El período triunviral y la disolución de la República romana (43-31 a.C.): cambios institucionales, sociales y econó- micos” (HAR2017-82383. Agencia Estatal de Investigación). Colección Libera Res Publica, n.º 2 Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Edificio de Ciencias Geológicas, c/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12, 50009 Zaragoza, España. Tel.: 976 761 330. Fax: 976 761 063 [email protected] http://puz.unizar.es Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, c/ Porvenir, 27, 41013 Sevilla, España. Tel.: 954 487 447 [email protected] https://editorial.us.es Impreso en España Imprime: Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza ISBN: 78-84-1340-097-6 This book is dedicated to the memory of Fergus Millar CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Francisco Pina Polo ................................................................................... 13 I. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN TRIUMVIRAL AND REPUBLICAN INSTITUTIONS The Triumvirate Rei Publicae Constituendae: Political and Constitutional Aspects Frederik Juliaan Vervaet ........................................................................... 23 The Functioning of the Republican Institutions under the Triumvirs Francisco Pina Polo ................................................................................... 49 Senatorum ... incondita turba (Suet. Aug. 35.1). Was the Senate Composed so as to Ensure its Compliance? Marie-Claire Ferriès ................................................................................. 71 II. WAR AND PEACE The Notion of Bellum Civile in the Last Century of the Republic Valentina Arena ....................................................................................... 101 Civil War and the (Almost) Forgotten Pact of Brundisium Carsten Hjort Lange ................................................................................. 127 A Framework of Negotiation and Reconciliation in the Triumviral period Hannah Cornwell ..................................................................................... 149 Children for the Family, Children for the State: Attitudes towards and the Handling of Offspring during the Triumvirate Francesca Rohr Vio ................................................................................... 171 III. STRATEGIES OF POLITICAL COMMUNICATION The Intersection of Oratory and Institutional Change Catherine Steel ........................................................................................ 195 Invectivity in the City of Rome in the Caesarian and Triumviral periods Martin Jehne ............................................................................................ 209 Fear in the City during the Triumviral Period:
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