ROOK TO THE RESCUE ON PAGE 5 STAR WARS BEACH TOWELS ROBOTS BEACH TOWEL DARTH VADER BEACH TOWEL | TWO 100% cotton, color printed on 100% cotton, color printed on velour background, hemmed I velour background, hemmed forlonguse 8 a big 31"x 60'" tor long use & a big 31 "x #26052/S6.00 #26062/56.00 wis, C3PO and Ban Kg ic toothbrush wilh re ISTAR SLEEPING BAG rv HlMa^B^\ Get into "StarWars" with this synthetic-fiber H%^ filled sleeping bag. Unzips into a colorful, i~* *^ reversable-print 68"x69" comforter. Char- acters in white, blue & gold on one side. Logo and fighters in blue and white on reverse. STAR Washable. Comes with vinyl tote. WARS #36050/ TOOTH- S27.95 BRUSH #260701$ 6. 50 I STARWARS PILLOWCASES ' Dream of galaxies long ago and far, far away on colorful blue, white and gold percale pillow- cases featuring adramatic scenewith Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Ar- -=»**• too Detoo, See Threepio & Chew - - bacca!Thesepillowcasescome2^(£! to a package and fit any *z&*'~^.- standard'- size normal pillows! !26049/S3,50A A"force-ful"way 4| to stay warm!U| new, colorful, fcA 100% acrylic^ STAR blanket, fea- turing "StarWars" vil- lains, 'droids, heroines and WARS heroes! Vivid blues, golds & whites create a multi-hued blanket with beauty "Star Wars"^ and durability. An asset to any _ fan's room and/or collection! #26051/811.75 BLANKET nt RUSH ORDER FORM - ISSUE No. 70 comems JULY 1978 Editor-in-Chief VAMPI'S SCARLET MAIL An & Publisher angry young reader, Mary Quince, claims that JAMES WARREN ly beautiful heroine nd there are better toon. Who is Mary y is she saying those awful things? Consulting Editor BILL DuBAY VAMPI: GRANNY GROSS Our Lady of Ludicrous Luck has become the hap' less guest of Granny Gadget and the plaything of Rollo Small. All of her powers as a vampire have been counteracted by Granny's robots making VAMPI a totally helpless victim to Rollo's desires! Art Director KIM McQUAITE THE COMIC BOOKS o„« .„ ,„, great, not to mention controversial, in Advertising Production of the comics field was the Classics I——, SUZIN FURST series. Some looked upon them as instant book reports, others as inspiration to read the novel. Here is a brief history and, sadly, an obituary. KEN KELLY MASK OF U'GIIU A series of knifings had been plaguing the young girls of Harlem. The deaths patterned, Writers This Issue were almost ritualistic and GERRY BOUDREAU the killer appeared to be supernatural because NICOLA CUTI of the mask he wore. Panda, who ran a shop in BILL DuBAY Harlem, was especially scared. It was her mask! LUIS VIGIL Artists This Issue SWAMP LOVERS The > AURALEON mit of the swamps had everything a body could LEO DURANONA need for survival. A sturdy home, food sloshing GONZALO MAYO over his porch and even companionship. " And that JOSE ORTIZ was the problem: the companion. RAMON TORRENTS was a lovely gal —other times, s LISHiNGCO EDITORIAL. SUBSCRIPTIONS B OFFICES REALITY.TWICE REMOVED AT 145 EAST 32nd STREET. N.V 10016 TELEPHONE: (212)683-6050. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 9 ISSUES FOR S12( IN THE U fiddle while Rome burned about him. If Nero is CANADA AND ELSEWHERE $: SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT NEW YORK, NY considered the paragon of apathy then how AND AT ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. ENTIRE CON- does one rate Burt and Adrienne who argue about TENTS COPYRIGHTED if 1978 BY WARREN PUBLISH- ING CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THROUGHOUT THE their Florida vacation as Washington explodes! WORLD UNDER THE UNIVERSAL COPYRIGHT CON- VENTIONS. THE INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT CON VENTION AND THE PAN AMERICAN COPYRIGHT CON- VENTION. VAMPIRELLA IS REGISTERED US PATENT OFFICE. MARCA REGISTRADA. MARQUE — DEPOSES EXORCISM ! TT.e battle , NOTHING MAY BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE young girl's body, a demonic force PUBLISHER. ' eadly and myst< SORRY, NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR UNSOLICITED MATERIAL PRINTED IN U.S.A. on. the village pr it was helpless to i NEW SUBSCRIBERS, PLEASE ALLOW 8 WEEKS FOR hild. A special e? DELIVERY OF FIRST ISSUE. ever, no one understood how special! CONCERNING OUR MAIL ORDER ADVERTISEMENTS: Warren Publishing guarantees our merchandise will be re- placed if not received in satisfactory condition. Should you need to write us concerning an order, whether it be from our address or a Post Office Box address, send your letter to: E.C. lues, Customer Service Dept., Warren Publish- ing Co., 145 E. 32nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10016. Yam arletLetters FOXY FLEUR WELCOME BACK! of VAMPI- face facts, when The big event Lei's RELLA #68 was the return you first started VAM- been awaiting PIRELLA you were writ- of Fleur. I've it a long time! The story ing for an audience of kids, Night of the Alley Cat" now you are writing for the and Ramon Tor- same kids, only they're was good didn't get his special adults. The funny thing is rents the VAMPI stories were far award for artistic excel- more mature then, than lence for nothing! It's deserved! they are now. KIERAN DIAMOND Our heroine is no more a Philadelphia, Pa. dark, seductively beautiful, mysterious character. The pulp style cover of VAMPI is just a dumb was fas- broad. VAMPIRELLA #68 I really liked "The Octo- "October Man" by Bruce Teaming her up with Pan- cinating and the effect of ber Man" in issue #68. Jones was excellent. It seeing the raven-haired tha is fine, but does it have it the Why? Because was started out slow but, by half VAMPIRELLA in the to go on forever? Here you kind of story that made me way through it had grabbed have a unique character, clutches of the 50's robot want to keep on reading! me! By the final two pages I unbelievable. Really equal to VAMPI herself, but was KEVIN CAVANAGH was really excited! An ex- you give VAMPI the meaty Montvale, N.J. cellent mystery/drama with ROBINSON parts of the stories and can- JERRY just atouchof horror! Binghamton, N.Y. cel Panthaout. My favorite story was HENRYJ.KUJAWA And don't expect me to Bruce Jones' "By De- Camden, N.J. I just bought issue #68 believe the story in "Or- grees." Jose Ortiz perfectly and it was far-out. I really phee" (issue #68)! I could captured the awful feeling Help! Are Jose Gonzalez' dug the story, "Orphee, get a better story watching of last minute shopping in drawings changing or are poor Orphee". a Bugs Bunny cartoon. the holiday crowds and eyes going on me? The The cover by Enrich was write a let- my I don't want to hero's panic as the world same hand is obviously fantastic. Enrich is second ter like this. I have been him began to around pushing the pen, but the only to Corben or Frazetta. buying WARREN maga- change and melt away! The result is so. .static. I could care less about zines since I was knee-high story was a winner! Has JG abandoned his seeing more contests in to a rattlesnake. I want you CHRISTOPHER pen and ink for magic mark- future issues, but I would guys to do well. So quit the ALEXANDER er? The detail in his draw- really like to see the fan trash. Atlanta, Ga. ings is all gone, and so is pages return again. Lastly, I loved the photo the careful molding of each In VAMPI #65 she said cover of issue #67. I have noticed of late that to such an extent that that she and Adam would MARY QUINCE VAMPIRELLA is getting line — the "Orphee" episode meet again. Well, where the Brooklyn, N.Y. softer. I am not a hard-core almost appeared to be hell is he? How about put- horror fan but I am not pay- "October Man" was truly ing $1.25 for Jack and Jill! sketched. ting Dracula back into the excellent. More tales like EDNAZABLOCKI RICHARDVANBUREN series for a couple of this one, please. Afton, N.Y. College Park, Md. issues. ALEXRUDNOV J0HNR0B | NS0N Knoxville,Tenn. Brooklyn, N.Y. In issue #68, I'm over- VAMPIRELLA #68 was as joyed to see Fleur return in superb as ever. Jose Gon- Ah Adam will return to Degrees" was a for "By all her former glory. I was zalez can so marvelously WA the series, John. As crime, of the poorest . one left in sheer ecstasy after portray the beauty of VAM- ^.Dracula . he's not in excuses for a story I have reading "Night of the Alley PIRELLA. She has matured VAMPI's immediate future ever read! Maybe Bruce Cats!" Ramon Torrents' greatly in her adventures but we won't completely Jones should write for Mad magnificent art literally over the years and she rule out an eventual appear- Magazine or take up blew my mind! seems to be more beautiful ance by the masterful old knitting. particularly like each time I see her. villain. I did not LEROYH. Bruce Jones' "By Degrees" JERRY ROBINSON That's a nice cover on Fort Worth, Texas but Jose Ortiz' art was a Binghamton, N.Y. Addan VAMPIRELLA #68. The treat. I enjoyed "AM Is there a chance VAM- ." original wasn't bad, either, Bill DuBay and "Orphee . was the PIRELLA could feature at and Son." Maroto make a single most outrageous when it appeared on the least four regular co-stars. Esteban hilarious story I've read January 1950 issue of good team, but I didn't like and Of course, the first feature of the in the past year! The mad Startling Stories.
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