THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly,Newspaper it^^Vniqn County f-SIXTH YEAR—No. is" Entered as BBctmd Clans Matter Post Offlnn. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1955 Published " "' N. J. Every Thursday 3S Local Police Offer jcial Services Will Chamber Selects Coffee Tor the Road' United Campaign Yuletide Lighting Adds $9,000 To School Board Candidates *k Holy Season Here Motorists on the highways in this community will be able to get coffee from police- Contest Judges men on New Year's Eve and Total Receipts ches Plan Noon Closing the early hours of the holi- Listed By Joint Committee For Library Deadline For day. Drive Now At stmas Eve Entries Set For The police seek to avert $113,500 Toward The Westfield Memorial Li- possible drunken driving mis- Croup Selects brary will close at 12 noon This Afternoon haps, and want the drivers to Goal of $121,896 tunion Rites Saturday and at 12 noon Sat- take coffee as that "one more urday, Dee. 31. Pour local residents have been for the road." Westneld Partial reports of the United Nominees For chosen to net as judges in the launched the practice last Campaign telephone re-aollcitatian «! services to mark th Christinas lighting contest spon- year. being made by 200 volunteers ison here have been sched sored by the Westfield Junior from the six member agencies In Three Vacancies most local churches fo; Many Attend Chamber of Commerce according an effort to reduce the deficit of and Sunday, Christina to James Landers, chairman of the this year's drive indicate the ad- The Joint Civic Committee an- ' Town Carol Sing lighting contest. In selecting the Mitchell Urges dition of about f0,000 to the cam- nounced today that It ha> chown '< '' HOLY TKINJTY judges, he said, "the Junior Cham- paign total, according to Charles If. D. Merrill, liobert H. Mulre«ny, oly Trinity Church, nt, ber of Commerce has been fortu- Driving Caution P. Bailey, president of the Board and Louis J. Duirhl aa nomlnm Henry J. Watterson Held Sunday At nate in obtaining persons who are of Trustees. This additional money for the Board of Education to' pbrate a Solemn Pontifica extremely well qualified to judge will bring the total of $113,600 serve three-y«ar teraw. "A thor« • : midnight Christmas Eve Municipal Building the various home decorations on Holiday Traffie toward the $121,898 needed for ough study was made of ihe flual-' Trinity choir, under thi the basis of design, color and orig- the unhampered operation during Ideations of these nominee*," the ' of Miss Coralie C. Rus Several hundred persons parti- inality." Hazards Cited 1868 of the YMCA, the YWCA, committee declared and it "is con- the District Nursing Association, I sing the "Missa de Nativ cipated in the fifth annual com- As stated in the article appear- fident of their contributions to the ' munity carol sing Sunday night the Community Center, the Boy Board of Education." nini" by Eust. • ing in last week's edition of this "Even a thousand Christmas in the parking lot at the rear of Srouts and the Girl Scouts. (ling the mass the chot newspaper, preliminary judging presents would be no substitute to the Municipal Building. Mr. Merrill has been a resilient sing the traditional car. will be done Monday between the your family for YOUR presence. "We hope that when all calls of Westfield for 18 yearn and now ear Little Children," "An- The Christmas music program will hours of 6 and 11 p.m. by a com- For this reason, I urge everyone are completed and returns report- lives at 770 Kimball avenue. Con- Have Heard on High," continue throughout the week with mittee comprised of members of planning to take a motor trip this ed, this estimate will be exceeded, cluding one three-year term on Fidelis" and "Silent recorded music to be played night- the junior chamber. After the holiday season to drive with extra as the total goal of the campaign H. D. MERRILL ROBERT H. MULREANY the Board of Education, Mr. Mer- Following this, the adult ly from 5 to S o'clock until Christ- preliminary elimination, final judg- care," Councilman James Mitchell, is needed if the agencies are to rill Is experienced in the conntruc- rill sing "Ninna-Nanna" mas. There will be music from 3 ing Tuesday will be done by May- chairman of the Westfield Safety care for their increased enroll- tion and maintenance of public [by Melchiarre Mauro-Cat- to 0 p.m. Christmas Day, or II. Emerson Thomas, Julian R. Council, said today in commenting ments and do the^ job expected of Registration Deadline buildings. He is mpomible for' Couzens, Westfield architect, Mrs. |th Mrs. Edward Walsh The music will emanate from on the holiday traffic hazards pro- them," Mr. Bailey said. Ho con- planning the additions which are Henry Itichter, representative of For School Election i the soprano solo. This the "Church on the Island" i gram being conducted by tho West' tinued, "In behalf of the Board of currently being made to HOIM of {followed by "Itesonet in the Westfield Garden Club, and field Safety Council and the Na- Trustees of the United Campaign, the schools as well aa the lonf-" Mindowaskin Park. Dr. Georg. All p*r*o»t who «r* not a Latin Christmas W. Volkcl, minister of music a Mrs. Charles M. Barnett, local tional Safety Council. we want to thank every one who range planning for new school*. has helped out in this additional refIttercd in thvir Uf*l vot- he Presbyterian Church, am artist. lie |g chairman of the commit- "In December, the weather man drive by agreeing to send in' an ing dUtrictt and who with lo Donald Jensen, minister of musi. tee on new sites and building* and Ifertoty will be "Gloria III Entry blanks were printed in throws his whole book of tricks at additional gift of $3 and we espe- vot« at the annual cchoo! at the First Methodist Church, Is a member of the committee on Deo" by J. A. Korman. the Dec. 12 edition of the West- drivers and walkers," said Coun. cially thank the agency volunteers •Itctlon muit refUtvr with have arranged a program o: instruction and health. ' : mass, the carol "Hodie field Lcadrr, and the deadline for oilman Mitchi'l], "We can expect who have- somehow found tinie to th* Town Clark, at the Muni- _Natus Est" (Today the horal, instrumental and carilloni submitting the same has been set rain, snow, sleet, ice and hail." Mr. and Mrs. Merrill have >ix ranseriptions. make the telephone calls in at) cipal Building or at th« Un- ton) by Pietio Yan, will for today at 5 p.m. The entry "And to add to the problem we tlon to their other agency respon- Ion 'Cmnrtjr Board of El«c children, four of whom are at- |Frank Rice, tenor, backed Several choirs were featured In blanks may either be mailed to the find more than half the day in sibilities. tioni, Court Houa, Eliiabath, tending Wilson, Elm Street, and - Westfield Junior Chamber of Conv floir. Sunday night's program. They in either dusk or darkness in De- on or btfore Jan. 5. Itooaevett Junior High School*. A merce, Post Office Box 517, WeBt Campaign totals prior to the graduate of the University of New -• falso will be a High Mass iluded the brass choir of W«Bt cember. Putting all oftthese fac- leld High School, directed by Rob- field, or may be left at the office o: tors together, it doesn't make for telephone N-aulk'itation totaled Hampshire, Mr. Merrill mryti la <S in the chapel at mid. the Leader. $104,090, according lo Russell 3. the aimed fore'en fur fl»« yean. |the mass will bo sung by it Banks; the Chunsonettes, easy driving." ected hy Mrs. Ruth Lutz and ac The judge* selected will choose Stler, general chairman. He stat- Y-TeensHold He is the district plant m«M««f,, "" • Trinity High School |. Councilman Mitchell .tajd the ed that, while this amount I* 103 of .tho Montclalr-BloomfiaU *•*&? ler the direction of Sis- •ompanied by Mrs. L c o n a r a winner in each of four categor- best all-around safety advice he ies In the contest, which include per rent of the total raised lant tlon of the New Jersey Bell Tele- Roberta. Other masses Kearne; the liturgical choir of could give motorists was "slow Candle CeremonY phone Co. Active In the work ot 7, 8, », 10, 11 and 12 tfoly Trinity High School, direct decorations on doorways, windows, down—adjust speed to conditions." (Please turn to page 2) lawn scenes, and complete decora, tho Methodist Church, he h a church and !> and 10 d by Sister Grace Roberts, diree But he added these suggestions for past president of the Men'a Club ' i chapel Christmas Day. if music at Holy Trinity High tion of home and ground. From motoriuts planning holiday trips: Ninth Graders these four categories, the contcHt- and was chairman of the bulldlnv*' IflRST BAPTIST School, and 12 men from the West' ant whose display evidences the 1. Plan your trip so that as Car Removal Elect Officers committee during the recent ex- oung people of the First eld Glee Club directed by J. S, much of the driving as possible LOUIS T. DUCHI pansion. He ha« served as a hurch will gd carolling Smart Jr. member of the Civil Defcnue or- (Please turn to page 2) will bo accomplished during the The ninth grade Y-Tcims of the Eve at 7 p.m.
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