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A way, a public road in believes in crossing borders. "' o 7 Summa theologiae _, I a city or town, a path to a rebellion. 37 Sundays in Stornoway m James McEvoy A new understanding 0 A way of questioning, a place of While visiting the Outer Hebrides 8 A rchimedes 5 discovery, a distinctly Australian Martin Elliott finds more than enough Cl Tim Thwaites Power politics -< forum for conversation and new to make the sabbath special. ideas. There are many paths, but 9 By the way Brian Matthews Needle work there is only one Eureka Street. POETRY 10 Capita l letter 36 Judy Rowley Standing ovation for the letter M Jack Waterford Tough love 50 Watching Brief Juliette Hughes Pass the remote IN PR INT 38 The nurturing instinct TH E MONTH'S TRAFFIC Sara Dowse admires Anne Manne's book Motherhood: How should we care for 6 Peter Matheson Hallelujah haka our children! 6 Anthony Ham One last stand 40 A short history of Islam Herman Roborgh reviews the revised FEATURES th ird edition of John L. Esposito's Islam: 11 Seeking justice for jack The Straight Path. Katherine Wilson and Stefan Marl<worth 42 British smi les Peter Pierce is entertained by Joe Queenan's Acting editor Robert Hefner wonder whether Jack Thomas is a Graphic designers Maggie Power, janneke security threat or a sacrificial lamb. Queenan Country and Roger Law's Still Storteboom Spitting at Sixty. Chief executive officer Tom Crani tch 14 Anatomy of a fa mine Bu siness manager M ark Dowell Anthony Ham looks at the causes and 44 W ho was Harold Holt? M arketing/adve rtising manager Camille Collins consequences of drought in Niger. Philip Harvey reviews Tom Frame's Subscriptions Denise Ca mpbell The Life and Death of Harold Holt. Editorial, production and administ ration 16 The book or the world? assistants Geraldine Ballersby, Lee Beas ley, Sarah Kanowski argues that reading is 45 Curtin's greatest achievement Dominic Lowe, Clare Gichard, Rosie Nicholson Daniel Herborn finds John Edwards's Film editor Siobhan Jackson a moral practice. Poetry editor Philip Harvey 18 Guatemala's unforgiven Curtin's Gift a convincing re-examination jes uit editorial board Andrew Hamilton SJ, of some of the key strands of Curtin's life. Greg Baum, Virginia Bourke, Jane M ayo Lucy Turner reports on the lingering Carolan, Christopher Gleeson SJ, Robert effects of human rights abuses during 46 Personal tragedy, w ider injustice Hefner, jack Wat erford Guatemala's civil war. Godfrey Moase reviews Rene Bal<er: File Patrons Eureka Street gratefully acknowledges #28/E. D.P, by Rene Powell and Bernadette th e support of C. and A. arter; th e 20 Th rough a prism darkly trustees of th e es tate of Miss M. Condon; Andrew Thackrah analyses the politics Kennedy, and Peopling the Cleland W.P. & M.W. Gurry of crisis in Australian indigenous affairs. Hills: Aboriginal History in Western Central Australia 1850-1980, by Michael Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036-1 758, 22 Tired of the injustice Australia Post Print Post approved Alexander Smith. pp349'181/00314, is published six times a yea r Brian F. McCoy recalls how, 50 years by Eureka Street Magazi ne Pt y Ltd, ago, Rosa Parks inspired African 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond VIC 3121 Americans by refusing to give up her TH E SHORTLI ST PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 312 1 Tel: OJ 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 bus seat to a white man. 47 Reviews of the books Snowy River Story: emai l: eurcka @jes pub.jesuit.org.au 24 O uts ide the comfort zone The Grassroots Campaign to Save a http://www.eurekas treet.com.au/ Responsibility for editorial content is accepted Michele M. Gierck meets an Australian National Icon; Yarra: A Diverting History by Andrew Hamilton SJ, writer whose participation in a rural of Melbourne's Murky River; and A Short 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond Mexican culture ch anged the way she History of Myth Printed by Doran Printing 46 Industrial Drive, Bra es ide VIC 3195. sees her own cult ure. © jes uit Pu blica tions 2005 26 The dance goes on FLAS H IN THE PAN Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Forty years on, Gillian Bouras takes a Pl ease do not send original photographs or art 48 Reviews of the films Wallace eJ Gromit: work unless requested. Requests for permi ss ion second look at the film Zorba the Greek to reprint material from th e magazine should Th e Curse of the Were-Rabbit; Me and You be addressed in writing to th e editor. 28 A history that gives hope and Everyone we Know; and The Magician. Clare O'Neil finds that rapid changes This issue in Australian attitudes towards asylum Cover: Illustrat ion by M elissa Pelly PUZZLED Cover design: Maggie Power seekers have taken place under different Ca rtoons: Dea n Moore, p1 3, p21, p41 leadership and in different times. 51 Joan Nowotny Cryptic Crossword (om me 11 Robert Hefner, Andrew Hamilton A hard • A s Tm s <Ssuc m Eumka Stmet w.s • bout to go to p<ess, Human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, is there were reports out of Guatem ala that as many as 1400 now generally regarded as a significant factor in global warm­ people were feared to have been buried alive in the highlands ing. Even the Bush administration (while still refusing to sign village of Panabaj, by a mudslide triggered by torrential rains the Kyoto agreement on greenhouse emissions) has admitted from Hurricane Stan . The victims were mainly poor indig­ that the problem is partially of human making (see 'Power pol­ enous Mayans living in improvised dwellings on mountain­ itics', p7, by Tim Thwaites). sides and close to riverbeds. No one is claiming that climate change caused hurricanes This is but the latest tragedy for a people who have been Stan, Rita and Katrina, or the recent Pacific typhoons, but if living precariously for decades. As Lucy Turner reports (see our actions are contributing to a climate which makes such 'Guatemala's unfo rgiven', p1 8), 83 per cent of the more than storms more likely, surely we owe it to the dead, maimed and 200,000 victims of Guatem ala's 36-year civil war were also homeless (not to mention ourselves) to examine those actions indigenous Mayans. more closely. That the victim s of Guatem ala's civil war suffered uncon­ Two recent Australian books are good places to begin: scionable humans rights abuses at the hands of fellow humans is Tim Flannery's The Weather Makers (Text, $32.95) and Ian indisputable. Less clear is whether the victims of the mudslide Lowe's A Big Fix (Black Inc, $16.95). Both offer practical solu­ suffered because of what the insurance companies commonly tions to reducing our greenhouse emissions. call an Act of God, or whether their suffering can be attributed This year it was a hard rain that fell along the coastal in any way to you and me. There is mounting evidence that glo­ communities of the Gulf of Mexico, from the First World to bal climate change is accelerating, increasing the likelihood of the Third.
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