Publication of the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal PPENTECOSTENTECOSTTodayToday October/November/December 2007 Life in Community Acts 4, St. John’s Bible, see page 9 The ministry of Magnificat p. 3 Charisms & community p. 8 Strengthening ecclesial maturity p. 4 Where do we go from here? p. 10 Blocks to maturity p. 6 Charism of word of wisdom p. 12 Renewing the grace of Pentecost in the life and mission of the church. Chairman’s Editor’s Desk Corner ○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○ by Sr. Martha Jean by Aggie Neck McGarry them more fully to do these very The Renewal as well as other groups things” (Novo Millennio Ineunte, 52). and movements in the Church have A new zeal Tbeen encouraged by Pope John Paul I think that asking for a new zeal is a II to strive for ecclesial maturity. am certain that if we questioned 100 good way to start. It does take a heart Maturity is not always something people on what they think “ecclesial that has zeal for the Lord and the fire with which we wish to deal. Remem- Imaturity” is, we would get 100 an- of the Holy Spirit to begin the task, bering that growth often causes some swers. For me ecclesial maturity is com- but also to bring it to completion. pain we tend to turn a deaf ear to ing to know the truth of the gospel, any encouragement “to grow up.” How- the hope that is in it and living and In order to know the Lord and mature ever, growing can be fun. Christians do ordering our lives by that. It is this in our walk we must be with the Lord it all the time. It brings new life! maturity in our spiritual life that urges on a daily basis in prayer. Then we can us to speak out. hear, understand and feel the prompt- In this issue our writers will do their ing of the Holy Spirit showing us what utmost to bring some understanding Do you remember when you first ex- the Lord our God is asking of us. “Ours to what is meant by “ecclesial matu- rity” as well as present us with someM perienced Jesus and were baptized in is a time of continual movement which the Holy Spirit? We could not contain often leads to restlessness with the risk practical and exciting means to the joy we felt and we wanted to share of ‘doing for the sake of doing’. We achieve it. this wonderful experience with every- must resist this temptation by trying one we knew. Time has shown us that ‘to be’ before trying ‘to do’”(NMI, 15). Dr. Alan Schreck’s article is challeng- our confident witness is what attracts ing and full of insights. Check out others to want to know more. Then I believe ecclesial maturity is fulfilled his “HORSE” to get you moving in what happened. We became “sophisti- when we are rooted in and stand on the right direction. cated.” We took on a sedate persona the firm foundation of the truth in and walked in ways that were “accept- Jesus. It is brought to completion when Charles Whitehead encourages us to able” and did not “rock any boats.” we bring it into our society. It isn’t only embrace our mission and keep mov- This is not the maturity to which head knowledge we are to teach and ing in the Spirit. Looking at stum- God calls us. proclaim, but the experience of the life bling blocks on our journey that is ours after we have encountered (Michelle Moran) and continuing the Oh, woe to us who have tasted the the living Lord. efforts to build community through the goodness of the Lord and have kept this charisms we have received (Fr. Bob treasure locked up inside and deprived Declaring that there is a need for wit- Hogan) are a couple of areas that would so many of the wonder of a Holy Spirit nesses to “the things above” the Pope profit our exploration and reflection. empowered life. We kept it for the few said, “This requires that the groups and who already knew and we discuss it communities of the Renewal be ever Marilyn Quirk gives witness to the among ourselves in our gatherings. God more places of contemplation and movement of the Spirit through the is serious about what he asks of us and praise, where the heart of man is filled Magnificat ministry and Virginia King procrastination is not an option, for with the love of God, opens up to the unravels for us the charism of Word these are urgent times. love towards his brother and becomes of Wisdom. capable of building history according “The Christian message does not in- to God’s design” (John Paul II – 2001 Our columnists, too, give us further hibit men and women from building –And Then Peter Stood Up). ◆ thoughts on “ecclesial maturity.” Read- up the world, or make them disinter- ing this issue I think you will find that ested in the welfare of their fellow hu- Aggie Neck is Chairman of the National it is not some kind of disease, but a man beings; on the contrary it obliges Service Committee. blessing for each individual, the Re- newal and our Church. ◆ 2 PENTECOSTToday October/November/December 2007 www.nsc-chariscenter.org John Paul II, in his apostolic letter to women, “The Dignity and Vocation of Women,” stated that it is only in the Magnificat Spirit that women come to understand their true identity, their true feminin- ity. He also quoted an excerpt from the A Ministry to Catholic Women message given at the close of the 2nd Vatican Council, December 8, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit 1965…“The hour is coming, in fact rejoices in God my Savior. He who is mighty has done great has come, when the vocation of women things and holy is his Name.” (Lk. 1: 46-47, 49) is being acknowledged in its fullness, by Marilyn Quirk the hour in which women acquire in the world an influence, an effect and a ary’s beautiful hymn of praise of retired Archbishop Philip Hannan. power never hitherto achieved. That is has become the song of many It is a private association of the Chris- why, at this moment when the human Mof us who have been involved tian faithful, a canonical entity within race is undergoing so deep a transfor- in Magnificat, A Ministry to Catholic the Catholic Church. Presently mation, women imbued with the Spirit Women, from its humble beginning in Magnificat has 70 chapters across the of the gospel can do much to aid man- Mthe Archdiocese of New Orleans on US, Canada, the Caribbean Islands, kind in not failing.” October 7, 1981. The Almighty has Malta, Poland and Africa. There are 15 done great things for us and we know chapters now in formation, including St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith without a doubt that this ministry of those in Ireland and Jerusalem. Stein) wrote: “Woman is God’s weapon his love and mercy to women was be- to combat evil… Her strength lies in gun by God through the hands of Its primary mission is to evangelize and an openness to the ways of the Spirit. Mary. Only God could have orches- help Catholic women to grow spiritu- Women who ‘forget themselves’ com- trated and formed this beautiful work ally into holiness through the power pletely in imitation of Christ’s passion which has brought together and im- of the Holy Spirit. We do this mainly can change the face of the earth.” pacted the lives of tens of thousands of through a meal that can be simple or women and, through them, the lives formal—a breakfast, a lunch, a tea or a Magnificat is not one person’s minis- of so many. dinner—in a relaxed social setting. try, but the combination of a multi- There is time of prayer, fellowship, tude of gifts placed at the service of Magnificat draws its inspiration from praise, intercession and a powerful tes- God, with Mary, to make something the mystery of the Visitation (Lk. 1:39- timony; usually from a woman whose beautiful for him. This woman-to- 56). We have tasted a portion of the life has been transformed by the power woman ministry, in the power of the joy Mary and Elizabeth experienced as of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, has brought forth and they rejoiced together in the power of embellished the unique gifts that God the Holy Spirit. Those of us who have Magnificat draws together women from has entrusted to us as women for the had a personal encounter with the liv- all ages and socio-economic groups and building of his kingdom. It is not only ing God through the baptism of the many places in the Church. Many a privilege to serve God in this exciting Holy Spirit want to share this grace come who would never go to a prayer ministry, but also a blessing to be with our Catholic sisters. The gift we meeting or a charismatic event. Several united in love and prayer with Godly have received we want to give as a gift priests are regularly in attendance, in- women throughout the world. ◆ (Mt. 10:8). vited by friends or parishioners, and we often hear homilies based on their ex- Marilyn Quirk serves as Magnificat was born of the Charismatic perience. We have found it to be a Coordinator of the Renewal and is nurtured by it.
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