MAY 9, 2008 | WWW.REPORTERMAG.COM BIRD baNDING at RIT How to release your inner ornithologist RIT HocKey PLayerS GO Pro Smith and Lambert score contracts HIgh IQ DatING SerVIce Elitist Social Network for the like-minded singles EDITOR’S NOTE TABLE OF CONTENTS May 9, 2008 | VOL. 57, ISSUE 31 EDITOR IN CHIEF Laura Mandanas NoteS from the INNOVatION feSTIVAL MANagING EDItor Adam Botzenhart I hope you all left your dorm rooms this past weekend. The Innovation Festival (see “Institute Hosts LETTERS PG. 04 Copy EDItor Veena Chatti Imagine RIT”) was actually really cool. Feedback from our readers. NEWS EDITOR Joe McLaughlin LEISURE EDITOR Ilsa Shaw If, by chance, you happened to miss the festival, here are some of the less publicized highlights of NEWS PG. 06 FEATURES EDITOR Madeleine Villavicencio the weekend: SG WeeKLY UpDate SPORTS/VIEWS EDITOR Rachel Hart COB Elections. Parkour Club. Mayhem! 1. Roving, advice-dispensing alumni. I ran into one of the former Editor in Chiefs of Reporter from WRITERS Geoffrey H. Bliss, Veena Chatti, Susan Cook, the 1960’s, and was surprised to learn that there had once been a bar in the basement of the men’s ForecaST Rohit Garg, Jen Loomis, Evan McNamara, Elvis Mon- dorm on campus… and that it went out of business due to lack of interest. Can you imagine? (Also, Plan accordingly. tero, Andy Rees, Alex Salsberg, Ilsa Shaw, Karl Voelker I learned that Reporter used to have an unlimited budget. Any chance we could bring that back, RIT?) INSTITUte HOSTS ImagINE RIT ART Student verdict: smashing success. ART DIRECTOR Susie Sobota 2. President Destler’s face. I had kind of assumed that he’d be shuttled from event to event to give STAFF DESIGNERS Ryan Moore, introductions and that sort of thing, but that didn’t appear to be the case at all. Instead, he wandered HILLEL INterfaIth Shabbat SerVIce Kelvin Patterson, Rachel Poulin around campus like a child in a candy store, telling people how cool he thought their exhibits were. Opening up the Jewish community. AD DeSIGNer Lisa Barnes And I feel like he was being totally sincere, every single time. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone Staff ILLUStratorS Greg Caggiano over the age of five look that excited in a long, long time. It was neat. BRICK BeatS CARTOONIST Alex Salsberg CAST announces Dean finalists. 3. On-demand tours of just about everything on campus. Mistakenly going into in the wrong part Academic Senate delays athletes’ PHOTO of Building 78, my family and I found ourselves caught up in a tour of the CIMS building and all the early registration. PHOTO EDITOR Dave Londres projects there. It was a happy accident, however. Did you know they do military research there? STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Ben Liddle, Josh Lehrer, They’ve got giant, full size aircraft hanging from the ceilings and stuff. Crazy! 16 Tom Liggett LEISURE PG. 10 4. Pleasant-smelling flowered trees. The ones with the little pink buds. I realize that they’ll probably Tora-coN 2008 Banders wait for birds to get caught in the nets. Photograph by Dave Londres. PRODUCTION die off in a week, and all we’ll have are the gross white ones along the Quarter Mile… but still. The The RIT Anime Club’s annual convention. PRODUCTION MANAGER John Carew good ones were in full bloom last weekend. You should have seen them. SPORTS PG. 26 CORRECTIONS PRINTING Printing Applications Lab For VIewerS LIKE YOU SpRING SEASON RE-CAP The April 25th issue of Reporter incorrectly 5. Free food. All over the place. Alan Ritsko, Managing Director of NOVA, gave credit to Dave Londres on the BUSINESS visits RIT. SportS Beat “Coming Out at RIT” photograph on page 27. AD MANAGER Kyle O’Neill 6. Cheap food. All over the place. George breaks three records as Tigers crush The photograph was taken by Ryan Randolph. BUSINESS MANAGER Tim Wallenhorst CapSIDerm Keuka. RIT’s Matt Smith and Simone Lambert 7. Other students. Campus is absolutely deserted most weekends (even when there’s nice weather), Clears your sinuses, cleans your skin. go pro. The May 2nd issue of Reporter incorrectly iden- ONLINE but there were actually other people around last Saturday. This probably won’t happen again until tified Jonghyup Son in “3 Stars” on page 32. ONLINE EDITOR Chris Zubak-Skees the Innovation Festival rolls around again next year. CD reVIew RINGS Russian Circles – Station. Moby– Last Night. Please stop calling. The May 2nd issue of Reporter incorrectly iden- ADVISOR M83 – Saturdays Youth. tified Maegan Gindi in the table of contents on Rudy Pugliese DoN’T Worry, I CAN Say That page 6. Laura Mandanas AT YOUR LeISUre Alex Salsberg wants you to stop getting hung CONTACT EDItor IN CHIef Your weekly source of sudoku. up on who’s offended by what. That way, we STILL LOOKING FOR YOUR COVER? MAIN 585.475.2212 can all party together more often. If you had your picture taken for the EMAIL [email protected] FEATURES PG. 16 “Me Issue” of Reporter (May 2, 2008) and are ADVERTISING 585.475.2213 BIRD BANDING at RIT still looking for a copy of your cover, go to EMAIL [email protected] Ornithological research. reportermag.com/swap.php. You can scroll Cover: Dr. David Mathiason holds a yellow warbler through the 431 unique covers we printed, WILDerNESS SURVIVAL after banding it as part of a research project. click on the cover you want for a cover that Six things that could save your life. Photograph by Dave Londres. you have and would be willing to trade, and we’ll do our best to hook you up. Tech CommeNtary IntelligentPeople.com: The Elitist Social Network. That GIRL Reporter Magazine is published weekly during the academic year by a staff comprised of students at Rochester Institute of Technology. Business, Editorial, and Design facilities are located in Room A-426, in the lower level of the Meet Alex Brauer. Student Alumni Union. Our voice/TTY line is 585.475.2212. The Advertising Department can be reached at 585.475.2213. The opinions expressed in Reporter do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute. In this space, picture a four pixel penis ejaculating a swastika. Letters to the Editor may also be sent to [email protected]. Reporter is not responsible for materials presented in advertising areas. No letters will be printed unless signed. All letters received become the property of Reporter. Reporter takes pride in its membership in the Associated Collegiate Press and American Civil Liberties Union. Copyright © 2007 Reporter Magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of this Magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission. third year on the team, and I’ve been openly gay Perhaps most importantly, let’s look at the typi- LETTERS TO since day one on the team. Never have I had an cal welfare recipient. In Monroe County, 73% of issue, and I would have to say no one else who the recipients of family public assistance are THE EDITOR has joined after me really has had an issue with children, and welfare limits enacted by the fed- the team and their sexual orientation. eral government over the past decade have cor- Dear Reporter: responded with a rise in child poverty and child I am writing this letter concerning the car- I know of many other gay or lesbian athletes welfare. The basic cash grant has not been in- toon entitled, “How RIT Can Use Antise- on this campus, and many of them are not creased since 1990. In Monroe County, a mother mitic Graffiti To Its Advantage” in the April ashamed or in the closet. I am very disappoint- with two children gets a welfare grant of $647 25 edition of Reporter. While we at RIT en- ed with your reporting skills that you couldn’t per month, plus about $399 in food stamps. courage artistic expression and freedom of track down a few other athletes to get a broad speech, this cartoon crossed a line that is at scope of opinions. I think in general the athletes Out of these amounts, the family must pay for the very least hurtful, and to many, hateful. on this campus will agree with Mr. Stevens but food, rent, gas and electric, clothing, dishes, Throughout history, symbols have held strong you should have tried a little harder…In the fu- dish soap, toilet paper, school supplies, cook- meanings and evoked powerful emotions. ture for GLBT related articles Reporter can feel ing utensils, over the counter medications, Our challenge is to respect the history of free to contact the GLBT Center on campus. Medicaid co-pays, toothpaste, tooth brushes, such symbols, and those who hold memories, This is the kind of resources and connections light bulbs, furniture, entertainment, trans- feelings, and values associated with them that that the center can provide. portation, women’s supplies, stationary, pens we might not know or share. Although the swas- or pencils, laundry and bath soap, shampoo, tika existed long before Adolf Hitler, his adop- JENN KOLLING, WOMEN’S CREW CAPTAIN make-up, boots, shoes, combs, tools, newspa- tion of this symbol as the logo for the Nazi Party Third year ASL English Interpretation pers, towels, washcloths, church or temple dues, has forever marred its meaning. Since World and other expenses. War II, the swastika has become primarily a Editor’s Note: Thank you for your feedback; we will symbol of hate, and for that reason, we should be sure to make better use of the GLBT Center in the Another theme in this “welfare game” is the not be complacent to its meaning or use.
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