M SOLAR FESTIVAL NUMBER^ J > j&EGias'fcsc ^ W ||p p VOLUME XVIII NUMBER % 1 P % u ' ’;in ./ ////. k j i M . ) ,* # n ^ B r '• t M i \ V1 V \\ o % Q ^ ^ A* A f t * w 1 \ * e ' h 111.1 \; V > ^ /'S/t,//’//'/}l"ii,.u *11 i ' I i f > >9? ' A'/ ? ' ''''//, '. fa, '/ A, ‘.'■ n "/"'I’ "ini'11' iV S M » *S V '' /«? V :!'. inyi^Tj'.u imiu«m^nijpyjm! l c> e m u & fc BRIE.F DIRECTORY Uhe Flaming Sword ° f KORESHAN UNITY, Estero, Lee County, Florida. Estero, Dee Co., Fla. Devoted to the promulgation of Koreshan Universology; to the Perfection of Human Character and Life on the basis of the Principles of Religious, Social, Commercial, The Ecclesla or Church, the Society Arch- Triumphant, the Collegiate System, and Political Relations; and to the Discussion of Current Topics and Events. the Secular Corporation. Established by Koresh in 1889. Published under the auspices o f Bounder and Prime Counsellor, the Koreshan Unity, Victoria Gratia, Pre-Eminent. KORESH. PROF. U. G. MORROW, Editor. Pre-Eminent of the Koreshan Unity, Head over all Orders of the System, VICTORIA GRATIA. Make Money Orders payable at Port Myers, The number on the printed address tab indicates Fla., to The Guiding Star Publishing House, time of expiration of subscription. T he President Society Arch-Triumphant, but address letters containing same to F lam ing Sword is discontinued to an ad­ Estero, Fla. dress unless renewal is sent immediately. Berthaldine, Matrona. The First Department of T he F lam ing Sword Subscribers should send in renewals prompt­ Secretary of the Koreshan Unity and of ly so as not to miss numbers. is conducted by K oresh, not by the Editor; the Society Arch-Triumphant, and all communications concerning this Letters requiring answers by mail should he Virginia H. Andrews. department should he addressed, K oresh, accompanied by stamp. We cheerfully reply F lam ing Sword, Estero, Fla. to ail important letters. Corresponding Sec’y, the University, Everything pertaining to the Editorial Depart­ Prof. U. G. Morrow. ments— questions, discussions, and criti­ Remittances from Foreign Countries must be cisms, and all articles or communications by International or Foreign Money Order— Manager Printing Department, for publication in any of the several De- - not by Domestic Orders or Exchange. James H. Bubbett. partments, except the first, should he sent to When you change your address advise this E ditor, T he Flam ing Sword, Estero, Fla. office, giving old as well as new address. Business Agent of Koreshan Unity, George W. Hunt. Estero, Lee County, Fla., is Headquarters of Published Every Tuesday by The Guiding Star Publishing House, Evelyn Bubbett, Manager, the Koreshan Unity, and is therefore the post Estero, Lee Co., Florida. office address of the Founder of the System, the Pre-Eminent, and Officers of the Unity whose Terms, $1.00 per Year in Advance. Foreign Subscriptions, $1.50 per year. names appear in the above Directory. THE KORESHAN UNIVERSOLOGY. in his perfection and power is the God-Man man brain. It explains the phenomena or the Man-God, the Seed of universal of spiritism, mental healing, etc., and A General Summary of the Doctrines and perpetuity. Jesus the Christ was God Al­ teaches the science of the relation of mind mighty; the Holy Spirit was the product and matter. Principles of the Religio-Science. of his transmutation, or the burning of The Bible.—The Bible is the best his body. written expression of the divine Mind ; it T^-ORESHAN UNIVERSOLOGY is a com. Messianic Law. — The coming of the is written in the language of universal plete system of the Science of the Messiah is as inevitable as the reproduc­ symbolism, and must be scientifically in­ great Universe of life; and it involves the tion of the seed. The divine Seed was terpreted. Koreshanity demonstrates the knowledge of the Creator and his creation. sown nineteen hundred years ago; the truth and scientific accuracy of the Scrip­ The name by which it is designated, in firstfruit is another Messianic personality. tures, and proves its astronomy, alchemy, contradistinction to perverted Christian­ The Messiah is now in the world, declar­ theology, ethnology, etc. There is no ity, is K o b e s h a n i t y ; and the new Religion ing the scientific Gospel. conflict between the Bible and genuine must supplant Christianity, as Christian­ Reincarnation is the central law of life— Science; the Bible and the natural uni­ ity supplanted Judaism. Koreshanity has the law of the resurrection; reincarnation verse must agree in their expression of come to fulfil the Dope of the world in the and resurrection are identical. Resur­ the divine Mind. liberation of humanity from the curse, in rection is reached through a succession of Communism. Koreshanity advocates the establishment of the Kingdom of God re-embodiments. One generation passes communism, not only of the goods of life, in earth, the introduction of the New Era into another; the^ millions of humanity but of life itself. It has not only the of Light and Life, of universal harmony march down the stream of time together. scientific theory of communism, but is and happiness. practically communistic in the relations What does Koreshanity teach? We pre­ The Spiritual World_Heaven and hell and affairs of its own people. In this it sent a brief summary of the System—a few are in humanity, and constitute the corresponds to the primitive Christian cardinal points, which will serve to sug­ spiritual world; the spiritual domain is church, where all things were held in gest the great scope of the System in its mental, and is in the natural humanity— common. The bond of the true com­ completeness. It is the antithesis of all not in the sky. munism is the true religion, and the modern theories, of all schools of thought. Human Destiny.— Origin and destiny central personality of the divine com­ It is the climax of all mental progress, the are one and the same. The origin of man munism in the Messiah. ultimate and absolute truth of Being and is God, and God is man’s destiny. God is Koreshan Socialism.— Our Social System Existence; it is the revelation of all mys­ the highest product of the universe, the is patterned after the form of the natural teries, the uncovering of the occult; the apex of humanity. Absorption into cosmos; that form is the natural expres­ true explanation of all phenomena, the Nirvana is entrance into eternal life—in sion of the laws of order. We demonstrate scientific interpretation of Nature and the the interior spheres of humanity, not in the fallacy of competism; advocate the de­ Bible. the sky or atmosphere. struction of the money power; the control Cosmogony.—The universe is a cell, a Immortality in the Flesh.—Koreshan­ of the products of industry by the govern­ hollow globe, the physical body of which ity declares and defines the laws of im­ ment, and the equitable distribution of is the earth; the sun is at the center. We mortality, and its attainment in the the goods of life. Koreshanity will abolish live on the inside of the cell; and the sun, natural world. The first step is recogni­ wage slavery, and make it impossible for moon, planets, and stars are all within the tion of the Messiah and the application of men to accumulate wealth and impoverish globe. The universe is eternal, a great his truth. K o k e s h was the first in modern the people. battery, and perpetually renews itself times to announce the possbility of over­ Church and State_The true form of through inherent functions, by virtue of coming death in the natural world, in the government is the divine Imperialism, the which it involves and evolves itself. flesh. unity of church and state; such will be the Celibacy.—The saving of human life Kingdom of God in earth. The Govern­ Alchemy.—The Science of Alchemy is consists in the conservation and appropria­ ment of the New Age will be in the unity the Philosopher’s Stone, the Key to the tion of life in humanity. To become im­ of the empire and the republic, involving mystery of life. Chemistry is false; Al­ mortal, one must cease to propagate life the principles of all present forms of chemy is tru e! Matter and energy are on the plane of mortality. The standard government, which are but fragments of interconvertible and interdependent; they of Koreshan purity is the virgin life of the perfect system which existed mi are correlates; matter is destructible; Jesus the Messiah. The Central Order of ancient times—in the Golden Age of the the result of its transmutation is energy. the Koreshan Unity is Celibate and Com­ past. The government of the universe is Alchemy is the key to the analysis of the munistic. Celibacy obtains in the cen­ imperialistic, and humanity will consti­ universe. tral nucleus, never in the world at large. tute a unit only when every class is em­ Theology.—God is personal and biune, Psychology.—Koreshanity points to the placed at rest and liberty as are the strata, with a triunity of specific attributes. God basis of ail psychic phenomena—the hu­ stars, and spheres of the physical cosmos. Entered as second-class matter, June 8, 1904, at the Post Office at Estero, Fla., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. “ And He placed at the East of the garden of Eden cherubim and a Flaming Sword, which turned every way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life.'] J Vol.
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