Interview with U.S. Ambassador Howard Gutman You have recently arrived in Brussels, perous future for our children. And, most of So, for example, I look forward to continu- and already you are very active on all, we can never compromise long term prin- ing my dialogue with diverse Muslim commu- the diplomatic scene. What are your ciples for short term gains. So today, Belgians nities in Belgium. Earlier this week, I hosted an goals for your time here? and Americans will be focusing together on Iftar at the Residence. After we broke the fast, When President Obama asked me to come changing climate change before it changes us. I apologized to my guests for skipping over to Belgium as Ambassador, he knew that We will focus together on creating a safer and pleasantries. I told them that, since this was Europe was taking a fresh look. So, at the more secure planet for our children than the our fi rst time meeting one another, we should most fundamental level, my goal is to be part one our parents left us. Thus, like American have a meal together and maybe exchange a of what Belgium sees when they take that troops, Belgian troops are working tirelessly in story about chocolate and waffl es. But I could fresh look. And, to a large extent, Belgium Afghanistan, mentoring Afghani forces, and not do that, because I had been waiting too represents the eyes and ears of Europe, its like American F-16's, Belgian F-16's protect long to speak with them and they had been mind and its soul. Afghani skies, all to bring about a safer and waiting too long to talk with me. We have more peaceful future. Belgian and American so much to discuss. President Obama proved Government offi cials and politicians have scientists are working closely together on re- that in 57 minutes during his speech in Cairo. long talked about a sense of urgency. I think search and development knowing that such Belgians and Americans well understand that challenges as HIV/AIDS and cancer care little We all understand now that there are no this time, we have to get it right. And we have about borders. And as the world grows smaller more zero-sum games. Whether it is about to get it right as partners. and fl atter daily, Belgian and U.S. businesses the global economic recovery, climate change, well recognize that we are all one market and national security or the Middle East, either we So I am here foremost to listen and learn, one forum for investment. During my time in grow, or we fall together. and at times to lead, but always to be a good Belgium, I look forward to enhancing each of partner. For plainly, the challenges that we these relationships. What is President Obama’s policy face that unite us are far greater than any toward Europe? differences that might threaten to divide us. How do you hope to accomplish all This is about much more than just bring- Belgium and the U.S. have a strong history as of these goals? ing a particular policy to Belgium or to Europe. allies through two world wars and a cold war; It starts with dialogue, with trust, and with The President’s view is that we are in a very im- but for all of us, this past must be prologue. mutual respect at every level. I have met with portant partnership with Belgium, with Europe many leaders, and I have much to learn from and with the world. We are here to be better So indeed this time, we have to get it right. them. And I have gone to fairs and funerals, listeners, to be better learners and to lead with We can no longer afford to borrow heavily to memorials and markets and listened to Bel- others. We understand that we have to get pay for a fossil fuel addiction that undermines gians. In the coming years, I am going to visit it right on climate. Our national security, our our joint national security, destroys our ability each city, each commune and each village in economy and our planet depend on that. We to grow economic markets and threatens this country. I will be in churches and mosques understand that we have to get an economic our planet. We can no longer afford a global and temples. I hope to go where American recovery together, which needs transparency, economic recovery premised on anything less Ambassadors have long walked and where no real international cooperation, and meaning- than real international cooperation, transpar- American Ambassador has ever set foot. And ful reform together. We understand that we ency and lasting meaningful reform. We must when I visit, and as I meet people, I want to need to work together to combat terrorism. stand as partners along with the citizens of listen more than talk. And to rebuild Afghanistan and to bring the the world in securing a safer and more pros- people together, we need to do it together. DW ▪ 15 I have to ask the standard question: Ambassador in Belgium, I agreed to do so but Street,” and an actor named George Clooney how do you like your new city so far? told him he had to visit. So I am optimistic. He appeared in it. As I was explaining some in- I have already walked around a lot in this knows that Brussels is important, as the home tricate details of what would happen in a spectacular city. I have indeed walked and of a wonderful ally, as the seat of NATO and certain scene, the director Stephen Soderberg walked and walked. Everywhere you fi nd a as the European capital. said, “You know what, why don’t you just act smile. The citizens of Brussels are the kindest it?” I did, and I soon found myself with a new people. And, as in Washington, you hear We understand your interests extend hobby. I have played a lawyer to a Tim Robbins many different languages spoken on the beyond law, politics and diplomacy; character in a movie called “Noise.” But in my streets, you see many different faces. I feel at you pursue an acting career in paral- latest acting venture, I play a completely dif- home here. lel. Can you tell us about that? ferent character. In the movie “Fame,” which There is an expression in the United States will be released in Belgium on October 7, the Will President Obama visit Belgium? that given my acting, I better not quit my day public will be able to catch a few glimpses of a You know, many Belgians have asked me job. I have spent 27 years in Washington as a father to a teenage boy – which I also happen that question. So it is clear that everyone is serious lawyer. After getting an undergradu- to be in real life – who works as a butcher in enthusiastic about our President. And I hope ate degree in Columbia University and my law New York. That butcher looks a lot like the that, as his representative, I can translate that degree at Harvard, I worked as a law clerk for U.S. Ambassador in Belgium! into enthusiasm about our whole country. a judge on the Court of Appeals, and I was se- When the President asked me to become lected as one of 30 students nationally to serve Did you enjoy working on this movie? as a clerk on the U.S. Supreme Court. I have Fame is a wonderful movie, not because of served as a Special Assistant to the Director of my character. It is a great story, because it tells the FBI – this was under William Webster. At America’s story. It is about a high school for the my law fi rm of Williams and Connelly, which performing arts, and the students featured in I left before coming to Belgium, I represented the fi lm refl ect all of the diversity of the U.S. individuals, corporations, and governments. I On top of that, the actors are enormously tal- loved my legal career. But a few years ago, ented. I think audiences will really enjoy seeing while I was still working as a lawyer, I found them and seeing just how much these talented myself acting. I was giving advice to a group of young Americans resemble the talented young actors and directors making a television series Belgians I have been meeting. about work in Washington. It was called “K tion, including securities, contracts, antitrust, Mr. Gutman served as an adviser to a variety labor, banking, real estate, intellectual prop- of Democratic candidates, including assist- erty, insurance coverage, international law ing in races for President, Governor, Senate, and partnership disputes; the representation and Congress. He assisted the 2008 Obama of some of the nation's leading law fi rms and campaign on constituency work, media and accounting fi rms in malpractice actions and fundraising and was a Trustee on the Obama Biography partnership disputes; the representation of Presidential Inauguration Committee. He as- corporations, labor unions, and individuals in sisted the Gore campaign in the post-election a variety of high-profi le white collar criminal litigation in 2000. Mr. Gutman has been a Howard Gutman was nominated by Presi- investigations and prosecutions; and many contributor to numerous television and radio dent Barack Obama to be U.S. Ambassador to types of tort actions. Such cases were located programs, including frequent appearances on the Kingdom of Belgium and was confi rmed in various federal and state courts throughout the Fox News Network during the 2008 Presi- by the U.S.
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