The London Gazette. ^ubltsljet) bp 8utborttp, TUESDAY, APKIL 16, 1901. Whitehallt April 16,1901. the reports with him, intending to write a >HE following Address was presented to His covering despatch, and I have only just received . Majesty at Windsor Castle on the 13th them back, with a brief letter informing me that instant:—1 he had no time to do so. To the KING’S Most Excellent Majesty. 2. The Munshis are a populous tribe, which May it please Your Majesty, originally inhabited the south banks of the WE, the Governor and Military Knights of Benne along the Katsena River, but more Windsor, approach Your Majesty to offer homage lately extended along the north bank for about ’ and the expression of our devoted loyalty and .50 miles, between longitude 8° and 9°, where attachment to Your Majesty’s Throne and Person. the Benue forms a loop to the south. They The Military Knights of Windsor are the more are pagans, and without any recognised chiefs, encouraged to tender their congratulations to each clan or family obeying only its own head Your Majesty and Our Gracious Queen (and even he has little control), and combining Alexandra, as we occupy a place in Your only for war. They are of a fine physique, Majesty’s historic.. Castle of Windsor, and AngloBoerWar.comhave and are industrious, agriculturists, and brave been installed in St. George’s Chapel as an warriors, continually fighting amongst them­ appendage to the Most Noble Order of the Garter. selves. Their well-built and clean villages are And we ever pray that with the guidance of not walled, except those of the Agbede tribe, Almighty God Yonr Majesty may be blessed and but the intervals between the outer houses are directed in the discharge of Your high functions, usually closed by stockade work. They have a and that .Your Majesty and our Gracious Queen character for extreme lawlessness and disregard Alexandra may long live in health and happiness of life, and are reputed treacherous and thieves. to rule over the people of these Realms. The ordeal by poison is universal among them. W. Maloney, Captain. They have held their own against neighbouring Governor, Military Knights of Windsor. Mohammedans and others, mainly through the dread inspired by the extraordinarily deadly nature of their poisoned arrows, a scratch from To which Address His Majesty was pleased to which means almost instant death. return the following gracious Answer: — 3. In 1885 Mr. Wallace explored the Katsena, • “ I THANK you for your loyal Address, and and was hospitably received by the Munshis, I appreciate highly your warm expressions of with whom he made treaties, and the Company congratulation and goodwill towards Myself and opened a trading station among them. The Queen Alexandra. same year a second station was started on the “ I t is a sincere pleasure to Me to be assured of banks of the Benue, but the people fell upon the devotion of the Knights who for more than the goods as they were landed and looted them, . five centuries have been attached to this ancient the Company’s Agent 'was shot and died in a Castle nnder the pious foundation of Edward III few minutes, while the Agent at the Katsena and the favour of others My predecessors on the Station was shot treacherously, and his head is Throne.” still, I am told, retained as a trophy. Next year (1886) the Munshis attacked the staff War Office, April 16, 1901. working at the mines of Orofu, two more Euro­ peans being shot and dying at once. The work HE following Despatches have been received was then abandoned by the Company, and the T by the Secretary of State for the Colonies:— machinery destroyed, and, after a punitive Despatch relating to Field Operations. expedition, all trading stations were abandoned. Government House, They did not, however, interfere with the traffic Northern Nigeria, bn the Benue until last October, when it was Sib, » July 4,1900. reported that they intended an attack on the I HAVE the honour to report to you con­ Company’s station of Abinsi, with a view to cerning the operations recently undertaken looting the Government telegraph material against the Munshi tribes. .1 regret the long lying there. Trading and mail canoes were delay in making this report, which is principally fired on, and in one case the crew of a canoe owing to Colonel Willcocks’ unexpected and were all murdered. Reprisals were taken by hurried departure for the Gold Coast. He took the Company’s constabulary under Major Burdon,. THE LONDON GAZETTE, APRIL 16,1901. 259? ;• War Office, April 16,1901; Embarked. DESPATCH from Earl Roberts, K.G.; A G.C.B., to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for War, War Office, London., Men'. Animals. ' S*W. „ ■ .*» . Sir; London, 2nd April, 1901; Capetown .. 31,519 : ' 349 Port Elizabech .. 3,276 42 ' IN continuation of my despatch No. 9, dated East London ,, ' 2,902' 350 • ' Johannesburg, 15th Not., 1900, I have the Durban 31,425 3,143 ; honour to bring to your notice the excellent ■work done ^during the campaign up to the 29th Totftl t • •« 69,122 8,884'; ■' November, 1900, by the various Departments of the Army which have contributed so much to ■ the success of the operations in the field; In my former despatches I have testified to the Disembarked. ■' admirable bearing and devotion of-all ranks, and their cheerful endurance of the many -privations and hardships of the war, and it is now my plea­ • Men.' Animals. sant duty to bring forward the -names of some of' thbse'.'’who have in their'several capacities, whether civil or military, most* prominently' dis­ Capetown ... 137,976 52,94i tinguished themselves, or whose services have Port Elizabeth 25,895 46,004 come under my personal observation. East London .. ' 28,134 36,800. In a later despatch I propose to deal' with Durban .. ., 69,969 '43,832, :r,: officers and other rank's of th e ' regular forces whose names have been brought forward by Total,, ’ .. 261,974 .' .179,577".. /' General Officers under whom they have served, and with all ranks of Militia, Imperial Yeomanry, Government Railways. Volunteers,-. Indian and Civil Lists, and I trust My thanks are especially due to Mr. C. B. that the inevitable delay in publishing their Elliot, Mr. T. R. Price, and the staff of the Cape nameB will not affect the date of the promotions Government Railway, as also to Mr. D. Hunter or' rewards that His Majesty’s Government may and the staff of the Natal Government Railway. - be pleased' to confer, upon any of them. It is not too much to say that the successful carrying out of the enormous-railway transport ‘ Lines of Communication. • operations is mainly due to the very willing aid— The -organisation.and working, of the linesAngloBoerWar.com of afforded by these gentlemen and their hard- communication, exclusive of Natal, have been worked establishments. .............................. entrusted to Lieutenant-General Sir F. Forestier- The Director of Railways Department. Walker, R.C.B., C.M.G. The difficulties may The difficult and arduous work performed by best be apipreciated by a reference to the follow­ this department reflects the greatest credit upon ing facts The lines of railway to be guarded all concerned. The-.-Orange River Colony and"* aggregated 2,017 miles in length! (b) Up to the Transvaal Railways, embracing a length of 24th October, 1900, there had been despatched 1,130 miles under the title of the “ Imperial * to the front over the military -systems a total of Military Railways, ” were taken over by this " 7,920 officers, 193,656 men, 148,948 animals, department-as- the. country was occupied by-Her - 411 guns, 3,012 -vehicles, and 360,028 tons of Majesty’s Forces, and on the 30th -September, stores and -supplies., (c) Two expeditions had 1900,'a staff of 17,874 offioers and--men-was been niade-against rebel forces in the districts employed by it.- From the outbreak of hostili- 1 lying to. the north-west of. Cape Colony, (d) ties up to the 31st August, 1900, these r a it' ; Local defence,for.the whole o f'th e important Ways had carried'177;000 passengers; 86,0dbi}’ places in Cape./iColony had been organised, and- animals, and 520,000 tons of goods. - Alb Town Guards" .and District Mounted Corps porary repairs in the Cape Colony, . Transvaal, formed. The above only represents a fraction and Orange .River Colony were carried out*; with - of .the duties ..that have come under the control a few exceptions, by -the Military Railway Staff. - of the G.O.Ci Jines of . communication, and that Up to the 31st October, 1900, theae temporary - all has been-iu successfully accomplished is due repairs included the restoration of--' 75 ■ bridges,'-;1 to Lieutenant-General Sir F. Forestier-Wnlker 94 culverts, and .37 miles of line! A -detail -of ' • and his j able assistants, especially Colonel J. K. the general advance from- Bloemfontein-to Jo--* Trotterj. C.M.G., and Major H. dii Cane,R.A» ' banneBburg,.a distance of 265 miles, will -give;- spme idea .of the . expedition with which-repairs - were effected.. The period during;which -th'e- : Disembarkations, p- *, «• ■ s-v 1 '*• t “• 'T • > • j . • ajdvance^-.was being made was . from the 3rd'May ' The arduous Work of disembarking the troops, tp ljth June, 1900, in. which space of time the-'--'' supplies, ^.stores, , remounts, and., mules, and fallowing temporary repairs were executed■ - - embarking the».. litany thousands of sick, j • -27 bridges, - -; wounded; and'-' discharged men . .reflects,- th e .
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