![1945-04-06, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
*'h ■Friday, April 6,194A ____________________ THE TOLEDO UNIOtf JOURNAL Page Five ACROPHOBIC ACTRESS ^Minister of Fea? Rumored Marjorie Reynolds, who plays the feminine lead in “Duffy’s News and Coss ip of Stage and Screen Tavenrn,” suffers so acutely -A Top Notch Dramatic Film from acrophobia (fear of high places) that she lives on “the Living- up to a superlative reputation isn’t easy, but Ray flattest street in Hollywood. Milland’a stock goes up a notch higher, if that’s possible, in the eyes of preview audiences who report his performance in “Mini- JFfjrrn Shoulder I. Stars Seek Fun STAR RIBS HL’BfcY Paramount Shoots istry of Fear” is unsurpassed. Fresh from recent successes like "Seen On A Hollywood Lucille Ball's gag birthday “Till We Meet Again” and “Lady in the Dark,” Ray has rolled up In Varied Fields gift to her husband, Sergeant Twelve Angle Scene an impressive record which gets Movie Set HOLLYWOOD — Did Desi Arnaz, was a pin-up picture HOLLYWOOD. — Cameraman better with each picture. you to end all pin-ups. It was of • HOLLY WOOD—Amidst know that Greer Garson’s fa­ Theodof Sparkuhl worked out Milland appears with Marjorie a jumble ef dust lade® herself, of course, but wearing L vorite recreation is going to the an old-fashioned bathing suit, and executed a complicated Reynolds in this Paramount > * manuscripts, books, file “walkie-talkie” shot for Direc­ .psychological drama. Other ex- cabinets, bric-a-brac, port­ circus? And that Lucille Brem­ 1905 vintage. Several sizes too & lent artists in the cast include raits and dozens of dusty en favors riding the roller large, it was pulled together in tor Raoul Walsh to photograph ’Lari Esmond, Hillary Brooke, oil paintings, Director Vin­ front by a huge safety pin. a mobile scene in Paramount’s coaster? “Love to my G. I. Guy from y Percy Waram find Ersklqe San­ cente Minnelli is rehearsing Walter Pidgeon likes to put­ “Salty O’Rourke,” Alan Ladd­ ford. The theme of “Ministry of a scene between Lucille his pinned-up pin-up,” was the e ter in the garden and little way Lucille inscribed it. Gail Russell starrer. *1 , Fear” rests on suspense, mystery Bremer and Mildred Nat* The camera, ridfng on and intrigue but strikes a ro­ wick for “Yolanda and the screen etar Elizabeth Taylor’s mantic note, too. The film is an Thief,” Metro - Goldwyn- favorite form of recreation fun CHIMPS ROLL ’EM traveling boom, covered a dis adaptation of Graham Greene's Ma ver Technicolor fantasy. is horseback riding"’ Jerry Fairbanks has just com­ tance of 225 feet and shot front a *- stirring novel and is produced Fred Astaire, standing by pleted a “Speaking of Animals” a total of 12 different angles in by Seton I. Miller with direction •3. watching the scene with short for Paramount release, the single continuous operation. t by Fritz Lang, master of the NECKLACES OF EVERYTHING r 'S obvious enjoyment, fells titled “In The Public Eye,” of Moving on a wooden track, the kind of motion picture art proj­ Producer Arthur Frtfed that Arthur Walsh, Jitterbug king which the highlight is chimpan­ boom followed actors Alan Ladd P ected in this movie. the set should be labeled featured in “Twice Blessed,” at zees rolling dice with a suspi­ and .Stanley Clements as they 1 The Grapewine Reports “organized chaos.” one time made costume jewelry ciously large number of nat­ walked and talked while en­ I Grapevine reports prove that “Oh, no,” Freed corrected. urals. circling the set representing the "Th is has been arranged for commercial distribution to town plaza of a border village. Ray seemingly neyer falters Eastern department stores. For BARD’S WORK ON SCREEN I when called upon to put his with great exactitude. Why, PERMANENT CASTING when Minnelli came on the necklaces he strung together Michael Chekhov, Russian- best foot forward picture after w' born actor and a leading author­ Byron Barr, featured in Pine- picture. He did an excellent job set today, he ordered a pile golf tees, kernels of corn or shell I ity on Shakespeare, will join Thomas* "Follow That Woman,” in “The Major and the Minor,” of books rearranged. He and for his lapel pin masks he Sonny Tufts in a scene from tt'L’Peated again in “Lady in the didn’t think they -looked shellacked cork halves sticking had had 43 jobs and was begin­ ..sloppy enough!” Hamlet, for Paramount’! “Too Dark” and “The Uninvited” and on monkey fur and colored tacks Good To Be True.” It marks the ning to believe that he was a tops it all with his best yet, to symbolize hair and facial fea­ first time Chekhov has played misfit until suddenly he realized “Ministry of Fear.” It’s a story tures. Shakespeare in English. that he wanted to be an actor. of hair-raising proportions, pre­ New Miami Inn senting Ray as a man who seeks peace but accidentally falls into To Have Opening MGM JGREATS’^WHICH YOP? circumstances which haunt his physical and mental well-being A gala opening with special every step of the way. He finds entertainment, favors, souvenirs, CAN CHECK TO <S£ErAGAIN! , a trusting friend in Marjorie and all the trimmings will be Reynolds, the sister of Carl Es­ held at the New Miami Inn mond in the story, the latter beginning April 9 and continu­ 1 Returned for your >leasers two being members of a sup­ ing for a solid week. posedly charitable organization Headline acts that have scored in England during wartime. hits wherever they have played will be on tap including Betty The Plot Thickens Lee whose sensational acrobatics The group turns out to be • thrill, Peggy Manning, the next w subversive outit and Ray loses Lana Turner has become a national institution for thotf-! to the last red-hot mamma, *1 what he believes is the final Betty Dexter, clever tap dancer friendly hand. All this occurs sands of G.I. Joes everywhere. Now she has a chance to see “Keep Tour Powder and Ardis Mae, exotic dancer. after Ray has accidentally come what a uniform feels like in her new film Buddy DuRay, king of the i i into possession of a map Nazi Dry,” a story of the WAC. Laughsmiths keeps the enter­ A jents are attempting to steal. tainment at a high pitch with WL./S the basis for the film story his witty, on the beam, M. C. —actually, the real drama lies technic. in the ruthlessness of Milland’s Music Arranger JUDY v enemies, the shere suspense Excellent food is served at all which hovers over every move times. The club is open Sunday. GARLAN) by all members of the cast and, :?r k- ■ — - Is Stars' Favorite ACTOR GETS NEW NAME finally the denoument which UN M-G-M’s clears the air of the deep veil 2 • . v ? Bill H. Johnson, new Metro- of mystery. HOLLYWOOD. — Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton, Dorothy La- Goldwyn-Mayer actor, has offi­ ^O’BRIEN: It’s a picture which must be mour and others of their ilk won’t twitch a tonsil if the shadow of cially changed- his name to seen to be appreciated to the ^Joseph R. Lilley isn’t tall on the music sheet. John Carlyle and has been cast N fullest extent. Movie music-makers usually have thinning hair, beat their in a featured role in “Dangerous 0 JOURNEY children and care little about earthquakes, the California climate Partners.” > - and temprament. Carlyle, a native of Freeport, Flyer’s Air Medal the recording stage on their Ill., was recently signed to a When Betty Smith’s sensa­ One needn’t look further than shoulders. /’MARGARET' tional best-seller, “A Tree long term contract with Metro- < Gift To Actress Lilley to discover the reason. Twin Arrangement Goldwyn-Mayer fo 11 owing a Grows in Brooklyn,” comes to It all started when he was medical discharge from the GEN KELLY HOLLYWOOD (Special)- — asked to record a song for the While “Practically Yours,” a HOST. YOUNG - LARAINt DAY the screen of the Paramount comedy* co-starring Claudette Army Air Corps. GEO E MURPHY Greater tribute hath no G. I. Theatre, movie-goers will be* newly formed quartette of Dor- ;UY B1IKIER . NIGEL BRUCE, othy Lamour, Betty Colbert and Fred MacMurray, -fan— quick to recognize what has Hutton, was being filmed, Lilley had to self in “Here Come the Waves,” N BLUE Diana Lynn nad Mimi Chandler. a precedent. So feels petite Gloria De­ been acclaimed as the greatest They were making their debut don grease paint for the first Haven, Metro - Goldwyn-Mayer time. According to correct con­ What really threw the song­ casting achievement to come as a sister act in “And The An­ writer-arranger, however, was actress, upon receipt of an Air gels Sing.” cert practice, he had to conduct out ef Hollywood i* many ' a radio orchestra through alter­ his experience with Bing, Bob Medal sent her by S/Sgt. Rex years. The memorable char­ Tactful Solution nate silent (but visible) and and Dottie in “Road To Mor- A. Sanchez, of a bomber squad­ acters ®f the merry, tender “Those dames had never sung sound shots, hitting the melody rocco.” ron attached to the Eighth Air and heart-warming 20th Cen­ together before,” Lilley remark­ on beat each time. “Their voices were switched,” F, Force—who won it only after a ed. “To make matters worse, a “Then this man Mark Sand­ Lilley remembers. “We had to series of flights, and fights, over tury-Fox film appear above: make 25 separate arrangements Dorothy McGuire as “Katie,” couple of them were as strange rich shows up,” moaned Lilley.
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