Page 64 7Z/3&0 FMPLOSS'/~~~~WZINE These Advertisers Congratulate Frisco Lines on Construction of New Tulsa Union Depot MANHATTAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS v TULSA, OKLAHOMA Best Wishes to Frisco A. L. HALL BLISS SHEET METAL WORKS HOTEL 225 Rooms 225 Baths SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS Two Blocks South of New Union Station Telephone 4-9071 323 West 2nd Street TULSA, OKLA. TULSA, OKLA. MARATHON QUALITY PETROLEUM PRODUCTS a a a a a a a a a a a a Experience alone has taught Frisco's technologists- as well as technologists for other railroads- the wisdom of speci- fying the use of Marathon Fuel Oils. They have learned that with each purchase of Marathon Fuel Oils comes lower costs and improved operation. Marathon can put the same efficiency and low oil and fuel consumption irto the operation of your automobile engine. Drive in where you see the sign of the Marathon Runner. There you will find motor oils, gasolines and greases known and accepted for years by mdlions of motorists as products of intrinsic value giving increased performance. MARATHON OIL COAWANY Thompson Building, Tulsa, Oklahoma June, 2931 Page 65 These Advertisers Congratulate Frisco Lines on Construction of New Tulsa Union Depot With Good Wishes to the Frisco- The Builders Concrete Company 827 E. ADMIRAL BOULEVARD TULSA, OKLAHOMA Congratulations to the Frisco on Dominating the skyline of Tulsa, the view of The Exchange Bank Building is particularly impressive from the new Unlon Depot the completion of the new Union Station. The overhead doors in the mail and baggage rooms were manufactured and installed by the Overhead Door Co. of Commercial Trust Oklahoma and Arkansas and and OKLAHOMA CITY Savings Investment Banking Banking GENUINE BLOXONEND FLOORING Building for Prosperity was installed on the raised baggage EAL builders are forward looklng Indlvlduals and Institutions platforms of the new Frisco Station who, regardless of economic condltlons, work oonslstently R toward a sound buslness development of their particular busl- at Tulsa. Laid in lengths approxi- nesses and the city and state In whlch that buslness Is located. mating 8 feet. Lasts a life-time The cornpletlon of the Tulsa Union Depot project is an Im- and stays smooth. portant step in that dlrectlon. We sincerely congratulate and express appreclatlon to the management of the Frlsco for thls contrlbution to Tulsa .and to Carter BIoxonend Flooring Co. Oklahoma-It is a worthy monument. CITY, The Exchange Banks of Tulsa also take pride In their con- KANSAS MO. trlbution toward the completion of thls project: The late James J. McGraw, president of The Exchange Natlonal Bank, was the chalrman of the orlginal Unlon Depot Commlttee whlch opened and carried on negotiations wlth the railroads. HIS untimely death. March 3, 1028, found hls work unflnlshed. Succeeded by his friend nnd business assoclnte, Harry H. Rogers, Congratulations as presldent of The Exchange Banks, 311. Rogers also carrled on as cllnlrman of the Unlon Depot Commlttee untll completlon to the wns assured. Prosperity Is In the maklng. The Exchange Banks of Tulsa FRISCO pledge co-operation in furthering the development of the great Southwest. on the NEW TULSA ane~n@ &~xchan$~ -Exchange DEPOT National Bank Trust Companq WnalCompany Capital, Surplus and Undivided 'profits Exceed $10,000,000 A Friend Resources Exceed $100,000,000 Page 66 -F&co ~~MPLO~'~CHUAE These Advertisers Congratulate Frisco Lines on Construction of New Tulsa Union Depot We are very proud to have fur- MISCELLANEOUS AND ORNAMENTAL nished and installed all of the IRON WORK Terrazzo in the Tulsa Union Depot. Furnished by United Tile & Southwest Ornamental Terrazzo Co., Inc. Iron Company A. L. RIZAN, Pres. KANSAS CITY, MO. I Tulsa New Orleans Grinnell Heating and Plumbing Co. SALARY LOANS Fairfax Bldg. KANSAS CITY, MO. TULSA INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY 212 Philcade Bldg. Tulsa, Oklahoma 4-7197 GENEHAL CONTRACTORS 6 Per Cent on MOTO-MIXED CONCRETE INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 1116 S. Lewla TULSA, OKL.4. CONGRATULATIONS UPON THE OPENING OF TULSA'S NEW UNION STATION We welcome your visits to a Hotel of distinction where service is paramount v THE MAY0 600 Rooms 600 Baths RATES FROM $3.00 Jznze, 1931 Page 67 These Advertisers Congratulate Frisco Lines on Construction of New Tulsa Union Depot I The interior walls of the new Tulsa and Oklahoma City Stations are California Stucco KANSAS CITY PLANT : Located at 2037 East 19th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, and operated by the CALIFORNIA STUCCO PRODUCTS COMPANY OF MISSOURI. ST. LOUIS PLANT : Located at 7409 Forsythe Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri, and operated by the ST. LOUIS MATERIAL & SUPPLY COMPANY. PRECAST SLABS Furnished on ARKANSAS RIVER Tulsa Depot and on Oklahoma ALLEX ELECTRIC CO. City and Tulsa Power Houses SAND COMPANY 312 Philcade Bldg. PRECAST NAILING SURFtACE TULSA SLABS Furnished on Oklahoma Tulsa, Okla. City Depot 3-54US Plnckneyvllle Perry County Coal ON Precast Slab and Tile Co. I From Plnckneyvllle. Ill. I Fonnerly Brock Bron. Mfg. CO. BINKLEY COAL COMPANY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 4434 Hunt Avenue I 230 N. Miehlgan Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. I ENGINEERS ST. LOUIS, MO. Merchants Bk. Bldg. Rallway Exch. Bldg. I INDIANAPOLIS ST. LOUIS I Start your motoring economy at the black and white pumps! Use Cities Service Oils and Gasolene ITIES. Service 49ils and Gas- way with the most rigid tests C olene assure Y 0 u utmost known to science . because Citiw motoring pleasure tor every nlo- Service itself uses these oils and toring dollar . because Cities Service controls every step of pro- gasolene in the operation of its duction from oil fit e,ds to service power plants and transportation stations . becaus,e it safeguards systems . representing inillions the quality along every step of the . of times the energy of your car. Lities service Refining Company CITIES SERVICE OILS AND GASOLENE Page 68 C. A. ROBERTS CO. Ayer & Lord " SHELBY" KERlTE Seamless Steel Tubing Tie Co. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS INCORP~RATED DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS The Pre-eminent Railway Exchange Insulation for CHICAGO Wires and Cables Hedges-Weeks Construction Co. Rooms 415-418 Holland Bullding THE KERlTE %2X"L!2COMPANT INC Railroad Cross Ties "IW rrrm an- s.N -YO Railroad Masonry Contractors Timber Products Lumber SPRINGFIELD. MO. Poles Piling Fence Posts Wood Treatments & Preservation The Gideon - Anderson Co. The New York Air MANUFACTURERS OF Hardwood Lumber PLANTS Brake Company AND Carbondale, Ill., Grenada, Miss., Manufacturers the Slack Cooperage Stock Louisville, KY.. North Llttle Rock, Ark. I GENERAL OFFICES Montgomery. Ala. STANDARD AIR- BRAKE Band Saw Mills and Planlng Mllls Marine Ways-Paducah. KY. GIDEON, MO. EQUIPMENT SALES OFFICE GENERAL OFFICES AND DISTRIBUTING YARD: 420 Lexington Ave., New York City 110 Angelica Street "CREOSOTE OIL I WORKS Telephone: Tyler 001 1-Tyler 0012 Watertown, New York ST. LOUIS, MO. PREVENTS DECAY" Unit oj Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation Linde Oxygen Prest-0-Lite Acetylene Oxweld Apparatus and Supplies Union Carbide Carbic and Carbic Flood Lights Car Inspectors' Lamps Haynes Stellite High Abrasive Welding Rod CARBIDE AND CARBON BLDG., CHICAGO CARBIDE AND CARBON BLDG,, NEW YORK .
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