V NOTICE CF I? yen rOrESTY I - Ai. r. i en : J ea::ac:s . i 3 c..::2i:l!ciit ccrlmcny unites ok:: Havirg tills day quallTied v..-- 1-- - U E2 FCIXY I. lVsrw ..::$ h:rr:ng and c. j. shzfhild a: nilnistrator of the estate t zscimzx deceased, .late .M- - From Scrala byjake U. W. ELACSMOSI AgecV Kiddleton, c' ' Presbyterian cousin of the bride. Mrs, Dlin County. North CaroUir, V Warsaw Loftin, EfclliiMe Insuranee Esrvke wwmrnrnv.. was the scene of ft lovely Ferrier, aunt of toe bride, to notify all persons 1 h V. R. "There' is hardly anything in Mr. Stettlnlus is one of our lead Warsaw. North OaroUoa is Sunday afternoon- at 6 Mrs. J. ujiw.x, pom 01 against the said est; to '.rg and t. some, can not ers today who was born to wealth i X EX Etojts Running Tits In claims :, world that man x k when Miss Mary E. Her-- Norfolk, Va. and Miss Ann Nell the de- present them to the under;. 1 a little worse and sell a lltue and position. Early in life he COTTON E2S for plat ;. t or we c.nncj. daughter of Patrick M. Her-- ; Parker, of Bowden, served Dnaai make him- iui Administrator on or before the and the people who con- termined to make a name for Treated, aad tested, a 1 ow of m other guaranteed and the late Mr. Margaret mints and nuts. Pouring puncn cheaper, capacity. At 4th day of ADriL 1947. or tJiia sider price only are this man's self through his own J. T. ETSSON GIN, Warsaw. g Fits Remedy. nf -- ay "Herring, of Warsaw and fmm th iw draned Dunch table University of Virginia, where Drug Store notice will be pleaded in bur of lawful prey." - John Ruskln. the Ct O v. , KenansvUle Jen, became the bride of Char, was Mrs B. C. Sheffield, motner as "Lit- their recovery. h v?: ,. V:V,;; Mr. Stettlnlus was known Warsaw Drug Co, son of Mrs. B. C. groom. Mrs. R, Archie Wil All persons to said es J. Sheffield, of the active part 4-- indebted i Rnn 1 "Dad. how old will I have tle Stet", he took an 1' Ct. pd. Mr. Shef-1,- 1, Bowden, graciously pre- ImmeC ate .(meld and the late liams, of please T" In campus affairs. Among other tate will please make - to be before I can do as I of Warsaw, In a beautiful sided as hostess at large. of the AUTO cjrrLiis payment. Dad "I don t know that one, things he became president Coca n 'UiHtrht wwmnnv with the Das-- School AT EX FOR SALES 230 one gallon This-Apr- 2, 1946. Out of town guests for the wed- - No one has ever, lived that YMCA, taught a Sunday ' ' r. Rev. Eueene Clarke, offi-- son. Col Jug. Packed 4 to ease. HENRY LEE MIDDLETON, the were Misses Sally Howell, class, and organized a Student surriY the Impressive ana long 'yet." ir.:::s auto WARSAW DRUG Administrator. r.atlng and using Harrell, and Dixie Kor- - Employrqent Bureau. The future NEXT TO TE31ATX3 Ca Presby Caroline - ' touble ring ritual of the free-Hn- m Warsaw. N. C Vance B. Gavin, Attorney nonv of Raleisth: Mrs. JJ. F. K.or Our American way of life, statesman's first jod om m col- IN WAKSAW Church. O i ' VBG terian of Mf. Olive: V. G. Herring and oDDOrtunity has through lege was that of laborer in a New The vows were spoken before a n?v. and daughter. Nellie MaCK. Mr. provided the spark Jersey subsidiary plant of Gener I background of pines. Southern our history FAI.V.I", fcove a czr ct find Mm Scott Komegay. Mrs. caused great achieve- al Motors. After two years as a and floor baskets of white which has smilax Jack Korneeay. and Mrs. D. P ments from neoole whose early laborer, he became Employment Ccnzd'.sn Choice Timc'.hy sDlrea and iris intersper r of Goldsboro; Mrs. in itself offered little Manager for the plant. When he flanked by sev Herring, all life situation roSIJng. Priced I r. sed with fern and Chinquapin; Mrs. of was thirty-on- e years of age, he Mav ri;.t. holding Bertha Ouinn of hope for great things. We are I. 2 en branched candelabra Vice-Preside- A. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. mc-- ten reminded that Lincoln, An was made nt in Si me and give me your cathedral tapers. Mrs. L. V. numerous of and public re lamb of Clear Run; drew Jackson, and charee industrial WALLACE, C. Mrs. J. E. Williams, pianist, Rackley and Mrs. Norwood Hobbs others who achieved greatness, be lations for General Motors. He order. JJ. nuptial mu Betty 01 we was setting up a played a program of of Canton; Miss Baker gan humbly. As a people have instrumental in The best ki motion pfctures sic Drior to the ceremony. er se Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Herman ever cherished that opportunity $450,000,000 insurance program W.LEEIAN3A "Romance," by Raleigh; Dr. and Mrs. It shall Motors employees lections Included Collins oi and are determined that for all General v KenansvK'a. Rubinstein, "Echoes of Spring, George Johnson and Miss Sarah ever be true in this land. while serving' as SUN. - MON. TIES. APRIL - by "Soubenle." by Dradla, Jnhnann. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ses- Manv our leaders in Govern entered - s i Friml, of Mr. Stettlnlus first 4t. C and "Cradle Song," by Schubert. soms and daughter of Wilmington; ment, Industry."science, education. Government affairs" when called The fiarvy Girls Miss Nell J. Bowden, soprano, sang Mr, and Mrs. Graham Johnson. Dr. and other fields of endeavor, how- by President Roosevelt during the and' appoint- Stcrrina JUDY GAT'.MO, At".) SOUTHERN. "The Sweetest Story Ever Told," Charles Johnson and Richard Dan- ever, have come from families depression to be liaison between gEB ME make D"- - your body and bv Stults and "8608086,' by iels of Jacksonville: Dr. and Mrs. whose prominence had long been NRA and big business. After ment to do WEDNESDAY, APRIL l'jth the replace your Ilardelot The wedding march from O. A. Teachey and Miss Johnny established. They have made that job was well done he went fender repairs, also Mr. new ana'tar - "Lohengrin" was played lor me feachey of Rose Hill; and name for themselves and have not with U. S. Steel. In 1937 he be broken glaasea with Wide Open Town processional and Mendelssohn's Mrs. Stedman Merritt of Magno- been content to ride through life came head of that company one Proof glass. .. " Williams of HUUUAKIV, Vith WILLIAM COYD. march from "A ,' Midsummer lia; and Miss Jane on a reputation made by others. of the biggest Jobs in the indus ' At C tei-tini- KENANSVUXJC Nieht's Dream" for the recession Clinton. Such a man is Edward R. trial world. - , al. During the ceremony "Song to Jr. pd. 1939 Roosevelt called the Evening Star" from lann He is official representative of In hit. Dick Tracy .. .. Announce Engagement President. Un nauser u.v naKim www the United States for the Security again for the steel f HAVE Just received a Starring MORGAN CONWAY, ANNE JEFFREYS men who held glassj ' played. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oakes of Commission of the United Nations like many other ibtpment f Shatter Proof industry, Warsaw, announce the engage most im- positions of authority in earn replica broken glaas In THURSDAV, APRIL lltb , . , - The bride, eiven in marriage by Organization, one of the and ment of their daughter, Louise, to world, today. when he went to Washington that aQ model cars. See me and make father, wore an original model portant bs in the her Edward Earl Hines of Warsaw, time he resigned as head of U. S. ppelntmenlk A For Evie faille fashioned with a Letter of white son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Steel. Also he sold' his securities A. O. HOLLAND, anuare marauisette yoke, edged Starring ARTHA HUNT, JOHN CARROLL Hines of Warsaw. The wedding School Tuesday night were: Mr. and broke all relations with the KKSANSVILLE. lace and high round with rose point will take nlace in the Warsaw Mrs. Frank Hobbs, Misses business world. He began his new APRIL 11th bodice buttoned and pd. FRIDAY, neckline, fitted Church on April 12, at Evelyn Parker and Martha Jean work as head of the War Resour- with self covered Methodist down the back o'clock. Mr. Mrs. Graham ces Board and worked out plans Bange, .'... 5:30 , Surratt, and - Wood long sleeves ending In FOB SALE! 'One Lady On A Train buttons, Phillips and children, Mr. and Mrs. for the industrial mobilization of Casln points at the wrists and one Desk. Prloe reasonable. Stdrring,DIANA DURSiN. calla lily D. Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. O. the country. In 1941 he began di Streod, forming a long train. Her Announce Birth J. See or write Mrs. I. & Jr. full skirt Lend-Leas- e. Nassif, Mr. and Mrs. Waddell rection of From . ; double bri- J. that Faaton, N. C SATURDAY, APRIL 13th finger tip veil of tier Tur- - and Mrs. Jack Pope of Brinson and Miss Ella Hefty; , he advanced to Under Secretary illusion was worn with a cor- Mr. dal kpv announce the birth of an of State. Then In 1944 Mr. stett- lte. onet of orange blossoms. She car- Trail Of Vengeance and eleven sound son. Robert Jasper, PERSONALS lnlus was aDDolnted to the hieh FOB SALE: Eleotrto Coca Col ried a bouquet of brides roses, i KIR3Y GRANT.
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