Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13603-8 — Religious Diversity in the Workplace Edited by Jawad Syed , Alain Klarsfeld , Faith Wambura Ngunjiri , Charmine E. J. Härtel Index More Information Index Aarti (puja), 188 Afghanistan, women in business, 114 Abbas, Tahir, 41 Africa, 20, 223–57 Abbasid Era (Islam), 112, 113, 118 Abbasid Era power, 113 Abercrombie & Fitch, 5, 416 Abrahamic faiths, 224 Abraham, Philip, 180 business, seekers, 225 Abrahamic faiths, Africa, 224 diversity, 20 Abu Musa, 111 regional, 224 accommodations, 42, 61–63, 170, 389, post-Abbasid era, 113 429–30 religiosity, profound, 224 acceptance, 431 spirituality, 223–33 denial, 434 business, and, 224–25 ethics of, 346 deined, 225 faith-focused, 433 growth, 225 faith-friendly, 434 holism, harmony, 225 faith-frosty, 434 seekers, 225 India, 177, 182, 187, 190–92 transcendence of self, 225 institutionalized for religious Western exploitation of, 223 majorities, 395 African ascent, 460 intermediate position, 432 age, 210, 371, 455 multiple diversity strands, 126 as a human right, 87 New Zealand, 204 respect for, 186 organizations, 434 agnostics, U.S., 63–64, 308 reasonable, 419–20, 429 Ahmadi sect (Pakistan), 50 refusal of, 430–31 Ahura Mazda, 364 religion-based, 4, 11–12, 15, 23, 43, Al Jahiz, Abu Othman Ibn Omer, 111, 45, 46, 52, 62, 66, 74, 75, 152, 112 156–58, 157, 167, 178, 272, Al Kindy, Al Mugdad Ibn Omer, 112 281–84, 289, 291, 322, 375, Al-Andelesy, 118 391, 394, 398, 436 Al-Farsi, Sulyman, 112 Canada, 338–43, 345 Ali, Abbas J., 119 Muslims, 343–45, 345–46 Ali, Imam, 111 France, 268, 274–75, 287 Ali, Maulana Muhammad, 117–18 Israel, 167 Ali, Terry, 6 New Zealand, 374 Allah, 362 Title VII, U.S., 390, See also Title VII Allegory of the Cave, Plato’s, 248–49 U.S., balance of, 67 Al-Maki, 119 workplace, 43 Al-Maki, Abu Talb, 115 action, collective, 459 Al-Mawardi, 108, 115 Acts of Faith (Patel, Eboo), 326 Ambedkar, Bhimrao, 214–15 advocacy, 451 Ambidge, Chris, 228 471 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13603-8 — Religious Diversity in the Workplace Edited by Jawad Syed , Alain Klarsfeld , Faith Wambura Ngunjiri , Charmine E. J. Härtel Index More Information 472 Index Ambitabha, 202 Paciic Islands, 375–78 American Telephone & Telegraph religious diversity management, (AT&T), 44 379–80 America’s Changing Religious South Korea, 378–79 Landscape, 63 Astin, Helen S., 441 Amnesty International, 109, 114–15 astrology, India in, 188 Angelou, Maya, 450 atheism, 5, 60, 69, 311 anthropology, 127 atheists, 42, 44, 45, 62, 308 Anti-Defamation League, 141, 171 discrimination against, 46, 61 Anti-Discrimination Board Conciliated U.S., 63–64 Cases Reports (ADB) NSW, 150 Auckland Buddhist Vihara, 204 Anti-Discrimination Committee, 6 AUM. See OM anti-religious perspectives, 24 Aung San Suu Kyi, 198 anti-Semitism, 5, 18, 123, 127, 130, Australia, 170, 365–69 132, 133, 141, 146, 152, 158–59, Aboriginal peoples, 73, 365 163–65, 164–65, 171, 344 British invasion of, 146 Australia workplaces, 150–53 demography, 365–66 Christian-based, 134 diversity, prison population, 367 Europe rankings, 165 education and employment France, 160 demography, Jewish, 148–50 spread of via colonialism, 42 employment gender gap, Jews and, violent, 131–32 148–50 apatheism, 61 health care, 368–69 Apostle Paul, 84 Islamic pluralism, 366–67 Apple, Inc., 205 Jews, 145–53 Arabs, 118 demography, 146–50 India, invasion of, 180 employment demographics, Israel, workers in, 124 148–50 Ommeyade era, 113 workplace aspects, 150–53 pre-Islam, 112 law enforcement, 367–68 working in Haredi environments, spiritual diversity, 369 169 workplace issues, 151–53 Argentina, anti-Semitic violence, 131 Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Aristotle, 96 Council, 152 Armstrong, Karen, 313 Australian Human Rights Commission aroha (Maori), 73 (AHRC), 150–51 Arthashashtra, 184 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 238 Ashforth, Blake E., 225, 253–55, 253 autoethnography, collaborative (CAE), Ashkenazi Jews, 153, 168 447–48, 462 Ashkenazi Judaism, 170 Avalokitesvara, 202 Asian-Americans, income and Avesta, 364 education gap, 129 avoda (Judaism), 140 Asians, 167 Avtar, 179 discrimination, 152 Azaan, 112 Asia–Paciic region, 14–15, 21, 354–81, 356–60 Baby Loup nursery (France), 279–81, Australia, 365–69 416 demography, 198, 354, 359–60 Badinter Committee, 299 diversity, religious, 359–61 Baghdad, 111 Japan, 369–73 Baha’i, 308 New Zealand, 373–75 Baha’i, U.S., 64 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13603-8 — Religious Diversity in the Workplace Edited by Jawad Syed , Alain Klarsfeld , Faith Wambura Ngunjiri , Charmine E. J. Härtel Index More Information Index 473 Bahrain, 127 British Airways (BA), 6, 44, 48, 98–99 Bailey, James R., 227 British East India Company (India), Bailey, John, 337–38 180 Bainbridge, William Sims, 40 Brunei, corporations in, 2 Bainimararama, Frank, 378 Brussels Jewish Museum, 131 baptism, 86, 92, 97, 243 Brussels Labor Court, 278 Baptists, 361 Bruton, Richard, 2 Barbers Buber, Martin, 84 Abbasid Era power, 113 Buddha, 201–2, 209, 212, 370, 372 Bataclan, shooting in, 131 Buddhism, 12, 13, 19, 177, 198–216, Bay, Darlene, 91 266, 312, 359, See also Zen Belgium, 165 Buddhism anti-Semitic violence in, 132 beliefs, 201–5 Bell, Ella Louise, 249 business, 215 Bender, Courtney, 46 business elements, 204–6 Bendl, Regine, 178 China, 207–8 Benedict XVI, Pope, 94, 97 commercialization of, 207–8 Beneiel, Margaret, 444–45 deities, 202 Berger, Peter L., 99–100 demographics, global, 199 Bergin, Allen E., 92 diversity in, 212 Berman, Paul, 290–91 exclusivity within, 213–15 Berry, John W., 346 gender in, 210–11 Better Together Interfaith Alliance, 319 history, 201–5 Bhagavad Gita, 183–86, 362 human resource management, Bhakti, 186 205–6 Bhakti Yoga, 184 illusion, worldly, 201 bias international demographics, 206–8 conformist, 69 Japan, 207 in-group, 62 leadership, 208 prestige, 69 Mahayana, 202 teliological, 69 mindfulness, 211–12 Bible, 183, 243, 361 negative aspects of, 213–15, 213–15 Exodus, 98 New Zealand, 203–4 Bicentennial Oral History Project organizational culture, 199–201 (New South Wales), 152 origins, 179 biculturalism, 72 philosophy, 215 bigotry, 116 pluralism in, 212 Bilal, 112 positive aspects, 214–15 Birdwood, George, 180 scriptures, 199, 201–2 Birla group, 190 South Korea, 378 Blum, Léon, 164 Sri Lanka, 209–11 BMO inancial group, 345 violence against Christians and Board of Deputies (UK), 153 Hindus, 213–14 Boas, Franz, 127, 139 suffering, 201–2 Bodhinyanarama, 204 Thailand, 207 bodhisattva, 202, 212 Theravada, 202, 207 Bolman, Lee G., 397 Tibetan, 215 Brahman (Hinduism), 179, 181, 183 U.S., 211 Brahmaviharas (Buddhism), 19, 198, violence against other sects, 213–14 200–1, 205, 208, 209, 211, workplaces, 212–13 215–16 Buddhist Society of New Zealand, 203 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13603-8 — Religious Diversity in the Workplace Edited by Jawad Syed , Alain Klarsfeld , Faith Wambura Ngunjiri , Charmine E. J. Härtel Index More Information 474 Index Buddhists, 5, 157, 308 Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Dalit, 214–15 335, 343–45 OM, 181 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, Budhwar, Pawan, 187 339–40 Buisson, Ferdinand, 268 Cann, David E., 40 Bund (humanistic Judaism), 123, 135 capitalism, 40, 162, 232 burka, 286 global, 18, 106, 109, 120 Burma (Myanmar), 198 indigenous, 73 Busdugan, Raluca, 332 Capra, Fritjof, 229 business Cargill, 5 Buddhist principles-driven, 205–6 Caritas in Veritate, 94 conviction, companies of, 293–96 Carpenter, Belinda, 367 diversity, 307 caste system, 201, 214–15, 362 France, secularism, 286–93 India, 186–88, 189, 192 French secularism, 284–85 catechism, 86 global fragmentation or unity, 273 Catholic Church, 40, 243, 298 moderation in (Islam), 119 Catholicism, 86 normative ethics (Christian), in, 91 marriage, 293 performance in, 38 Catholics, 5, 94 repulsion of harm in (Islam), 118 U.S., 63–64 secularism, workplace, 286–93 Cathy, S. Truett, 97–98 spirituality, 224–25 censorship, state-sponsored, 127 spirituality and work, 251, Central Asia, post-Abbasid era, 113 252–55 Central Europe, Jews from, 128 tendency, companies, 293–96 chain of causation, Buddhism, 202 Thailand, 207 Chang, Heewon, 447 Bussie, Jacqueline, 308, 316, 317, 318, Chaplin, Sherly, 44 327 charity, 96, 188, 204 Islam, 117 Caliph Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks, 427 fourth, Imam Ali, 111–12, 115 Charter of Quebec Values, 343–45 second, Omer, 111 Chaves, Mark, 40 Campaign Against anti-Semitism Chick-il-A, 17, 83, 97–98 (UK), 158 Closed on Sunday Policy, 97–98 Canada, 20–21, 331–49, 331 child labor, 395 discrimination, religion-based China, 206 illegal, 333 Buddhism, 207–8 Muslims Tibet, occupation of, 215 demography, 333–34 workplace issues, 395 education, 334–35 Christ, 12, 84–85, 86, 92, 95–97, 97, sentiments against, 334 361 unemployment, 334–35 Christian moral identity, 99 women, 335–36 Christianity, 12, 13, 17, 19, 40, 46, workplace, 336–38 83–100, 266, 359, 372 religious freedom, 418 beliefs, 361–62 Canadian Buddhist violence, 213–14 Muslim immigrants, assimilation, calendar, 156 334 charity, 96 Canadian Charter of Rights and colonialism, 361 Freedoms, 333 diversity of sects, 83 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13603-8 — Religious Diversity in the Workplace Edited by Jawad Syed , Alain Klarsfeld , Faith Wambura Ngunjiri , Charmine E. 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