University of South Florida Campus Eqition More Campus News SA Book Exchange And Editorials Opens Today­ On Pages 2. 19 UC 218 · 1ampa TAMPA, FLORIDA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1964 PRICE FIVE CENTS SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR-No. 261 J Burns, Bryant Bog , Over Regents It conflict of wills and News Analysis Unless a special session is called, the Sen­ strong--willed men. is a ate confirmation may not come until next April, pride rather than greed. By RALEIGH MANN "Bry­ Editor if then. More, the present Board of Control is "FOR FOUR years," the Times said, Campus Edition been top dog in Florida. For more than Speculation increases across the state on defunct when Bryant leaves office, and the new ant has Regents could serve four months without con­ a decade Burns has been top dog in Jackson­ the outcome of the apparent stalemate regard· is accustomed Board of Regents to gov­ firmation. ville, which means that neither ing naming of a new to giving in on policy matters." ern Florida's university system. EVEN WITH Board of Education approval of Bryant appointments, sources close to Burns Both men have ideas on how the Florida USF students and state taxpayers are all should be governed. the new Board will oversee a pro­ say that he could and would take legal action university system concerned; ·Senate Each man has supporters who seek ap­ posed 1965-67 budget of $231.5 million for U~F, to block Bryant appointments before Flonda confirmation. pointment to some board or committee. Florida, Florida State, Florida Atlantic, CONFLICT can arise over which friends A&M, FICUS, the proposed University of West Bryant and Burns have been meeting to­ gether for more than three weeks in an effort get named to the Board as payoff; it can also Florida, East Central Florida, and other outlets. carry out into weeks, to agree on Board of Regents' membership, and rai£e its head over which men will AS DAYS of impasse lengthen the policy ideas of either Burns or ·Bryant. rumors mount as to who is tr"ying to do which only speculation surrounds the bases for their "non-agreement." According to The Times, rumors say that with whom. they are unable to agree on only a few names. Outgoing Governor Farris Bryant has the MANY FEEL that a major bone of conten­ tion is the trimester system. The Miami Herald Whoever is appointed to the new Board privilege of naming the new Board; but Gover­ by January, governor-elect Burns will be able nor-elect Haydon Burns is the man who must said in a recent article that Burns is concerned about the make-up of the Board because he to then adjust the membership to his liking, work with them during his term. by the state invited Burns to wants men to help him carry out his campaign prior to, and pending confirmation Aware of this, Bryant has Senate. FARRIS BRYANT HAYDON BURNS have a say in the Board make-up, and diffi. pledge to do away with the trimester system. Bryant, the Herald said, is proud of his Supporters of the new amendment provid· .•. Gets to name them. culties seem to have begun at this point. object was • . Must work with the authorship of the system in the state and wants ing for the Board of Regents say the ALTHOUGH Bryant gets to name to take the Board out of politics. After this first new Regents. Board before leaving office Jan. 5, those ap­ to see it retained. The St. Petersburg Times, in an interpre­ Board is appointed, terms of office will be stag­ pointments must be approved by the state Board that no other governor will be able to then confirmed by the state tative story, bas said that "The real basis for gered so of Education, that both are regulate the membership in his favor. Senate. the Burns-Bryant dispute is Food Constitution Approved; Service Probed Quality of campus food ser· Students Favor 2.5 GPR vice is the subject of two sub­ committee inquiries on campus. A report of food service on campus will oe compiled from Tally Is information being gatltered by three subcommittees now mak­ Studying, ing studies. The report, ex­ pected for release in March or Yes: 728 April, will be used· in consider­ ing aspects of the USF food Not Pills service contract. No: 123 The pres e n t five-year con­ . tract, held by Morrison Food Service, Inc. will expire June For Tests 26, 1965. As~i!ltant Busine•• 1\'T;>.:o·<~;; c..:­ Andrew Rodgers last month ap­ pointed Procurement Diredor Stephen McArthur chairman of the University Ad Hoc Food Students Voice Views in Referendum Service Committee. McArthur three Carolyn Johnson, senior, and James MeDaniel, freshman, register their opin· appointed members to Constitu· subcommittees to cover stu­ ions in last Wednesday's referendum on the revised Student Association dent, faculty-administration, and tion. physical-fiscal aspects. Purposes of the subcommit­ tees are to note good points as well as defici~ncies in campus food service. Student subcom­ mittee members are student or­ ganizations Director Raymond King and UC Advisor Phyllis Marshall. Physical Plant Director Clyde Hill a.nd Housing-Food Service Office Assistant Ward Hancoek. looking into the faculty-admin­ istration a r e a received two major suggestions at their Nov. 24 open meeting. \ Alumni To Offer Award Ashford Candidate Plans Unveiled .for En~)ineering Building Shown here is the architect's drawing of the 90,000 square foot building will be received In April handsome new $1.9 million Science and Technology and comple~ion is expected in September, 1966. Esti· (Engineering) Building to be started next year, south· mated cost mcludes equipment and architectut·al fees. west of the Physics Building. Bids on the tentatively ' THE TAMPA TIMES, Mo1ulay, December 7, 1964 Book Review .--Campus Story of 'Most ! Edition Impossible Job' Told in New Hammarskjold Book Editorial Page AI By GRETA KM DIXON man of affairs, of aristocratic lineage, club Campus Book Critlo elected to the Swedish Academy in suc­ he 1 MARKINGS by Daa- Hl'mmarskjold cession to his father, gifted with what ern (Alfred A. Knopb; New York, 1964). 222 colleagues termed 'a razor-sharp mind" pp.; $4.95. ... "very brilliant, orderly, pragmatic, Tl subtle, and capable of lightning speed eryt Look at the Record Dag Hammarskjold will probably go in both comprehension and construc­ down in history as one of the world's tion, yet strictly disciplined." a g greatest p u b 1 i c servants. Mr. Ham­ cen As we come qown the stretch 11. Student Hammarskjold functioned well when Directory marskjQld w as revered R of this trimester and prepare to * by the world as a truly thrust into the ""most impossible job on 12. Student appeals earth" ... that of Secretary General ery1 c~tch our breath before the next devoted statesman b u t nad g6-round, the time is appropriate system for grades litUe was known about his of the United Nations. In accepting this to unexpected call Hammarskjold wrote, leag lQok at the record. 13. Revitalization of personal extraord i n a r y Constitutional inner life. "The most dangerous of all moral dilem­ : Certainly one of the more sig­ In "Markings," t h e mas: When we are obliged to conceal Revisions truth in order to help the n~ficant happenings during the Committee whole world will now be · truth to be * able to focus on this victorious • . For someone whose job y~ar has been the change in the 14. Creation of man's i n n e r thoughts. so obviously mirrors man's extraordi­ Sfudent Association. It is accom­ judicial branch Hammarskjold spent sev­ nary possibilities and responsibilities, f pl.ishing; it is beginning to have of SA eral years 1n compiling_ there is no excuse if he loses his sense * of 'having been called.' " I co-~ r'al meaning. Whatever side you 15. Committee on his thoughts into b o o k ']1 r form, setting d o w n his Dixon are on, it is difficult Race Relations * ~~d .l JtJl~ In "Markings," the reader has at cha to criticize ac­ most intimate reflections on life and des­ his fingertips an extraordinary work, a five q1mplishments that eclipse all pre­ 16. Publishing Of [¥:··"~~-T~'" tiny, nature's mysteries, and the temp­ voting and /' work which had it been written in a sta1 ,....-.... -~--- tations and dilemmas of public office. cloistered religious community would, C!lding student government efforts. attendance ______ listi When Bob Ashford ran for SA ... all these points were meant for his have set the spiritual world alive. Yet Ha records of SA "Really behind in your studies. eh Fred?" own use to enable him to develop a this volume was not written in the si­ thr president and was e 1 e c ted last representatives * greater degree of personal integrity. lence of the cloister wherein man has I an F·ebruary, he made 20 campaign 17. Establishment of Hammarskjold's own account of his the peace and quiet necessary for his one pledges. Few believed that more student polling purpose in writing this vo..ume can be meditations, it was instead written while all-1 * found in its pages: "These notes (mark­ the author was deeply involved in the bon than one or two would be realized. 18. Requirement of Fail Safe: Bizarre l's Possible lngs)?-They were signposts you began solving of the world's many complex The record shows otherwise. senators to attend to set up after you had reached a point problems.
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