•*"e STORES WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY UNTIL 9 P, M. M — - e ____ AVSNAOB DAILT COOClAnON THE WEATUnn Foneaat of 0. S. Wa IHT ttm Meata af Oetobar, IM8 BarCford 6.201 Ftor. aMghtly « Gt Gw A i Ttteeday taeraatoac iia m lyp R tp r S u p n in s U p ra lb wanner; rain TUiafiay toght MANOIESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM AitnrtIMng aa U) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1988 (FOURTEEN PAGES) V0L.LVm.,N0.44 PRICE IHRBE CBf Search Wreckage of Army Plane AGREES TO REVIEW JEWISH SEHLEMENT DECISION ON FIRING IN TANGANYIKA STIRS SIT-DOWN STRIKERS RAILROAD WATCHMAN ’ DIES AFTER WARNING ' NAZI PRESS PROTES* Supreme Court To Consider Mount Pooono, Pa., Nov. 21. GOLDEN AND SILinER Right Of Employer To —(AP)—Richard De Santo, 48- ANNIVERSARIES COINCIDE. year-old Lackawanna railroad Chamberiam’s IGUIANA LANDS watchman, aaw 200 tons of rock Oceanside, Calif., Nov. 21.— Dis^rge Workmen Fol- crash down on tracks at a tun- (A P )—An Oceanside couple cele- Possible Action F a ll! nel entrance yeaterday. brated teelr golden wedding an- MAY BE HAVEN lowing Labor TronUe. He sprinted several hundred niversary yesterday while their yards to a telephone, warned a daughter and eon-ln-law ob- Bombshell; Inte tba dlspatdier, then died of a heart •erved their silver weddink day. attack. FOR REFUGEESI M. P. Jensen and hie wife, WaXhtngtoa, Nov. 81.— (A P I— MofeToPremt Foreman Thomas Orady Marie K. Jensen of Oceanside The Buyreme Court agreed today to married 60 years ago In Spring- found bis body with one band review a lew fr court dedokm that field, O. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. gripped tightly on the receiver. Of Colonies To an employar may diamiia workmen Chamberlain Tells Honse Of Love of Los Angeles wed 28 -il years ago. who engage tat a Mt-down atrtke. -dl Lost Dnrini W trtt . The ruling, by the Federal Clr- Commons Of Plans To Court of Chicago, upheld the Faniteel MetaUurgtcal Corporation QUEENS DEATH Lease At Least 10,000 Berlto, Nov. 31—(A P ) J of North Chicago In dlacharglng CROSS’ CHOICE ram e Mlntotar employes who seixed two key build- Sipures Miles Of Area. doaure th a t' ings In 1987. CAUSES GRIEF former Bast African After retaining poeeeMlon of the FOR TAX POST ba used for aattltag Ja buUdlnge for nine days, the work- men were driven out by police with TO 2 NAH0NSI London, Nov. 31—(A P) — Prime bombabaO hara today. the use of tear and nauseating gas. H m Naal preM for dun Minister Chamberlain today told tee I Tha court also reaffirmed a pre- Searching for the body o f a filer la tee wreefcage o f aa Army bombing plane which eraabed at IS McLAUGHUN warning that "any ■uea . Houae of Commons of plans to 1( vious dedsion holding tiu . tbs Oen- LaOrange, Oa., are Sheriff B. Y. Hyle and a LaOrange fireman. Seven were killed and one Injured. The would mast with tha •ral Talking Pictures Cerporation sheriff Is shown examining a portion of the Instrument board. at least 10,000 square mtles In Brit- taifl." Norway And Britam Monm of New York City bad Infringed ish Oulana to provide homea for It cams amid IJm fl .tento owned by the Western Oennan Jewe seeking refuge abroad Appointee Succeeds Lite latamant of Oarmanyli Saetric Company and otbere for Passmg From Heart At- from the Nasi reglme’a antl-Jewtab antl-flamltle drlva whUh use In making talking plcturea. prtvad Oarman Jewa o f ' campaign. Wm. H. Hackett; (PCw - Blaok And Reed Dfaaeirt Tba prime minister algo dtecloeid fraadom and radnoad tana o f ’ The Juatlee Department had tack Of Qneen Maud Aft- STATUS OF AIR POUCE ACT AS STRIKES ands to deatltntloa. that negotiations bad met favorable taken tbs opposite position, con- Many Oarmana tatatM«t-i progress for the settlamant of Jew- nor Nimed To Be Attor- tending that It would "put the ad- aatUa Oarman Jaw* to V ' er Abdominal Operation. ish refugees In Tanganyika, form er, ministration of the anti-trustnu-t] acts FORCES TO BE. ly German lEast Africa, and other oolonlaa as a move to In asrloua Jsopardy." Justices Blaek HIT FRENCH INDUSTRIES ney-General Rest Of Term ratum o f aueh wnr^ont tarritoilea to Africa. and Reed dlseentod. Tanganyika now la bald by Brt- to Oarmany. Black contended the majority, by Zxmdon, Nov. 81.—(AP)—Nor- Ona authoritattoa UPSET BY PLAN tato under League mandats aad • ruling that tha holder a. a patent way and Britain today mourned the Hartford, Nov. 31—(A P) — Oo»- daelarad "tea Tangaffylkn Series Of Distnrbances h Chambariain last weak declared the may restrict the \ise of the menu- peasing o f Norway's EngUsh-born British government was not conatd- emor Cross today appolatad Attor- an obvtoo* attampt to ] * faotured product to a speclfled flald CHANGSHA FIRE giMOtSOIL^ Queen Maud, who died In a London erlng its return to Qermany to eat- ney Qeneral Cbarlea J. McLauglilto the and excluda it from other usee, had Military Experts Say Pro- lafy Chancellor HlUar'a c<8onial de. made "a saoond departure from the nursing home early Sunday of a Protest Against Financial of West Hartford as stats tax com- BifdfG CtuuBbtvMB^ manda. tradlttboal Judicial intorpretatlon heart attack four days after an ab- REDUCES CITY Cbamberialn’e dlacloauras misaloner, succeeding tha late W il- maat, Informad Naal 'o f the patent laws.” posed Armamoit Program said tbegr dominal operation. • And Economic Decrees 'mada prior to tha opening of a sche- liam H. Hackett of New Haven. Appealed By Inbar Board to M l i Tha quean waa 88 years old. dulad genaral debato on tha question Mr-McLaughlin took over tha)|B The ait-dawn,-dswn strike centroversy of mtnoriues In Eurapa. waa appealed to tka-mairt by thic Aunt of King Qsorge VI of Great Promises To Distnrb-IU>^ Of Daladier CabiaeL TORUINSHEAP It at oma aad win 6Wva Aftjo*, teat ■citato and tost'aorvtvlng child of I a u r v a y unT 1 Jilto 1, U4L teiteout raquiftag DaborMlatlaaa Bimrd. K oiyMMd Tha prime minister ■aid tea ' by tba Fsdsrml Oreutt Edward v n , her death came so sud- confliBrnuioon by tee incoming Oen- lation To Army And Navy emmsnt would Invite velunUer eral Aaeembly. at C&otopo that tba fbnatael denly that only a nurae was at her Parle, Nov. 31— (A P )—The gov- Fnehnr Thmday at Bhzes Parted b Anfiopa- refugee organiaatkms to send teelr Deputy Attorney Oenara) Denato il Ooryoratiaa o f North own representatives to British gadan. I oould dlamlae eaqitloyae who ' King Haakon of Norway was at ernment swung Its police f o r ^ In- P COohnor of Hartford waa named Joachim Vow Washington, Nov. 21 — (A P ) — to aettoa today agalnat e spreading Oulana, colony with an area o f 88, 1 key buUdtoga in ittT a n d Bucktogbain Palace wbete be baa tion Of Capture Reported 480 square miles on tee northeast- by the governor to act as attoraay mlntotar, waa understood i 1 ter nine d a^ baen staytog ataos tha queen's grave Oovemment military aoeperts said series of strikes In protest against ganral until Jan. 4, 1339, when have told PIrow Ihs amwa ern coeat of South America, to la artrtng the Suprec.# court to today the administration's proapec- tee flnandal and economic decrees make surveys. Jaws who, fo r : refUM a review, the Corporation To Have CaooBd 2,000 "Provided the raeulta of these sur- to Garasny dartHg tha Wq fioBtehdad that “ the JudicialJudldal con-e tlve armament program promises to of tee Daladier eabtoet. bad bean permitted to upset the established relationship of veys afe eatlsfactory, tha govern- damtoithki of the sit-down atrtke The movement, marked by occu- Deaths During Frogresi. ment contemplates the leaae of large ■ervloa has baan universal" and "its Illegal- air forces to the Army and Navy. pation of'factories, translate Into areas of land on genaroua terms un- stons, have loat teto At present, air forces are ranked ity eeAimt be doubtM" action the proteeta of Bociallata and der oondltions to be settled here- A The labor board argued, however, . .. < oincially aa auxUlaiiss to bote Communists against decrees permit- efter," he announced. signed by Hltlar and OoL that tha Mt-down atrika raeoltad grotmd troops and the fleet's batUe- helm Kettm. sMmber o f ' ting the extension of work beyond Shanghai, Nov. 31— (A P ) — A ,"It Is not poeelble at tele stage to from refusal of the Corporation to ahlps aad cruisers. a 40 hour week In vital Induatrles flvs-day Are which raxed Changsha, give exact flguree of the total area baigaln oollackvely with represen- Officers and men of the Army Air « and increasing taxes. capital of Hunan provlnca, waa re- which could be made available, but tatlvea............................... of tha Amalgamat stod i Corps compose only ab6utt 21,(WO of Blue-caped policeman convoyed it would certainly not be less than datlon of Iron, Stael and Tin Work, ported today to bava caused 3,000 the Army’s aggregate of 177,000 for striking workers out of the Hutch- 10,000 square m iles and poeaibly era of Amario^ a CIO affiliate. all units. Quadrupling ths Corps, deetha and brought tee execution of more.’’ inson rubber factory, to the Paris It added that the Board bad tba officially suggested Friday aa a pos- suburb of Puteaux, a few hours af- three Chinese cmelale accused of Aeked If Inad Available antboitty under tha Wagner act to ROOSEVELT, Mm aiblUty by Louis-Johnaon, assistant ter a number of men had occupied starting the conflagration.
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