The Erwin Schrodinger¨ International Boltzmanngasse 9/2 Institute for Mathematical Physics A-1090 Vienna, Austria ESI NEWS Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2007 Walter Thirring and the elected Thirring as its president and took Contents the formal decision to set up a research in- Erwin Schrodinger¨ Walter Thirring and the Erwin Schrodinger¨ stitute under the legal framework of the so- Institute 1 Institute ciety. Following Walter by Jakob Yngvason 1 The Erwin Schrodinger¨ International In August of 1990 Alexander Vinogradov Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI) Walter Thirring – A Short Biographical Sketch by Wolfgang L. Reiter 2 sent a letter to Peter Michor in Vienna with started its operation in January 1993 under the suggestion to set up a research insti- the presidency and scientific directorship of Walter Thirring’s Arrival in Vienna by Her- bert Pietschmann 5 tute devoted to mathematics and physics Walter Thirring with Peter Michor as ex- in Vienna. Setting up such an institution ecutive director, and was opened officially Walter Thirring and Austria’s accession to CERN by Wolfgang Kummer 6 was seen as a potentially valuable contri- on April 20, 1993, under the auspices of bution at this time of crisis for the Eastern Vice Chancellor and Minister for Science Walter Thirring’s Path into Mathematical Physics by Heide Narnhofer 6 European scientific community: based on and Research, Erhard Busek. the cultural and scientific tradition in Vi- Unmathematical and Mathematical Physics In 1998 Walter Thirring retired as Pres- by Bernhard Baumgartner 8 enna, especially in the field of mathemat- ident of the ESI and became its Honorary ical physics, a new institute based in Vi- Gravitational Matters by Helmuth Urbantke 9 President. This did not in any way dimin- enna could provide a focal point for both ish his immensely valuable contributions: Guidelines for Students of Theoretical Eastern and Western science and an inter- Physics by Walter Thirring 10 even now, at the age of 80, Walter Thirring national platform for research in the field continues to suggest new initiatives and di- Walter Thirring: Probing for Stability by of mathematical physics. Harald A. Posch 11 rections for the Institute and its scientific This initiative was warmly welcomed programme. Almost 50 Years of the Thirring Model by Harald Grosse 12 by Walter Thirring. In a letter to the Minis- ter of Science and Research, Erhard Busek, This special issue of A Crossword Puzzle Without Clues by Peter ESI NEWS devoted to C. Aichelburg 13 dated October 18, 1990, Thirring proposed to establish the ‘Erwin Schrodinger¨ Insti- Walter Thirring on the Doing Physics with Walter by Elliott Lieb 14 tute for Mathematical Physics’ in Vienna. occasion of his 80th My Contacts with Walter Thirring by Angas Thirring’s proposal immediately won the birthday is a small to- Hurst 15 support of eminent scientists all over the ken of our gratitude Birthday Greetings to Walter Thirring by world, and Busek responded favourably in for almost 17 years of Ernest M. Henley 16 December 1990. work, support and ad- ESI News 16 The society (‘Verein’) ‘Internationales vice for the Institute, and for many years of personal friendship and scientific stimula- Current and Future Activities of the ESI 17 Erwin Schrodinger¨ Institut fur¨ Mathema- tion. Thirringfest 18 tische Physik’ was officially founded in April 1992, and on May 27 the consti- Klaus Schmidt, Joachim Schwermer and tutional general assembly of this society Jakob Yngvason Following Walter retical physics at the University of Vienna. of the kinetic and Coulomb energies, com- Walter’s style, both in his profession and paring the result also with the analogous Jakob Yngvason his life in general is so unique that it would calculations for Bosons and also for gravi- be preposterous even to try to imitate it. But tating particles to bring out the differences. My first encounter with his papers, books and lectures continue to He then commented on the justly famous Walter was in 1976. This be a standard of reference for the assess- work of Dyson and Lenard from the year was not a personal meet- ment of any work in mathematical physics 1967 where stability of matter was proved ing though, I was simply and have been a constant stimulus for my for the first time but with an absurdly large 14 in the auditorium of the own work. constant of the order 10 in the lower Winter School in Schlad- Coming back to the Schladming lec- bound to the energy. As Walter remarked, ming where he lectured tures of 1976 I recall how I liked the way the large constant was solely due to the tour on Stability of Matter. Walter presented the case for Stability of de force method of proof that consisted of Little did I know then that 20 years later Matter. He did not jump right into the math- a long sequence of estimates, about 45 in I would be in Vienna as his successor. ematics but explained first the importance all, loosing a factor of 2 on average each Of course, it is not possible to succeed of the question and then started off with the time. If you do this 45 times, Walter ex- 14 Walter except in the trivial sense of a tem- ‘private room’ argument for the electrons plained, then you are close to 10 . After poral order in a list of professors of theo- and did the ‘back of an envelope’ estimate these explanations he proceeded with his 2 Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2007 ESI NEWS and Elliott Lieb’s new and beautiful proof this is one of the differences in style I men- on problems to which these methods can based on Thomas-Fermi theory that goes tioned before. be applied. In disciplines that rely heavily right to the heart of the matter and produces There is one aspect of Walter’s work- on expensive experimental equipment this a reasonable constant. This work is a true ing style that I sometimes wish I could im- strategy may even be perfectly justified for masterpiece of 20th century mathematical itate: his extreme discipline and organiza- a limited amount of time. But in physics the physics and its extensions and refinements tion. I understand that when he had admin- true aim of the game is to understand how continue to be active research topics. istrative duties at the University he man- nature ticks at its fundamental level and for Walter’s textbooks on Mathematical aged them very effectively and kept them in this task the methods have to be chosen to Physics are marvellous works and the time slots well separated from other things. fit the questions attacked. denseness of information and insights they In this way he had plenty of time for the provide is truly remarkable. One reason for things he likes most: doing physics, play- Walter has worked in Quantum Field this is Walter’s awesome skill in distill- ing the organ and composing music. Theory, Elementary Particle Physics, Sta- ing a complicated mathematical argument Characteristic for Walter’s scientific tistical Physics and General Relativity and into a few lines. Sometimes the result has work is the breath of topics he has been in- made seminal contributions to all these the character of ‘spiritus concentratus’ that terested in and worked on. In this respect fields. He is one of the pioneers of mod- must be diluted again to bring it back to he is for me the model case of a mathe- ern mathematical physics, to which I would drinking strength; this is in fact what I have matical physicist. One often distinguishes also count people like Rudolf Haag, Arthur done on several occasion when lecturing to between ‘method oriented’ and ‘problem Wightman, Hans Borchers, Ludwig Fad- students. Such elaborations have pedagog- oriented’ approaches in science and some- deev, Elliott Lieb, Joel Lebowitz and David ical merits but I sometimes wonder if I am times mathematical physics is regarded as Ruelle, among others, who in the 1960’s not depriving the students of the experience being as a discipline solely defined by its realized that there are deep questions in of being exposed directly to the hard stuff. methods. I regard this is a misunderstand- physics that require deep mathematics for Also, Walter’s method takes less time and I ing. In any field there are practitioners their proper understanding and were pre- have never in my courses managed to cover that have acquired some skills in a spe- pared to learn what it takes whenever nec- a comparable amount of material as Wal- cific method and spend most of their pro- essary. Carrying on with this tradition is the ter has apparently done in his courses. But fessional life in searching for and working legacy for Walter’s followers. Walter Thirring – A Short elitist and socially oriented Catholic ‘Neu- now Walter’s turn to close the gap in the landschule’. The adolescent boy was soon family’s chain of physicists. Harald did not Biographical Sketch confronted with a radical change of society return from the Russian battle field. Wolfgang L. Reiter ‘which can be arbitrarily deformed in the Walter had had in mind a quite differ- hands of a demagogue’.2 A few days after ent professional career: he wanted to dedi- the occupation of Austria by Nazi Germany cate his life to music, playing the piano and ‘I never wanted to in March 1938 his father Hans Thirring composing. But the brother’s letter from write an autobiogra- (1888-1976) was dismissed from his aca- the eastern front overruled Walter’s love for phy. How despicable demic post.
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