THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1936 PAf.F. FIVC, cot-jtag- ore liassell were planning to build homes or GRANT WILL PREACH tried bet Juvenile dge r. on Atlantic Beach before sum-Imo- HERE NEXT SUNDAY for the theft of a pocket book c.n-watc- h Church and Lodge Included in the list of persons taming $3.50 and a ivrist the elder from Greenville planning to build Rev. T. M. Grant, presiding propei ty of Williams. : J. the New Bern District will Directory j are Louis Cooper, Judge Darden, of preach Lanier and J. B. Kittrell. Dr. Paul at 11 a. m. Sunday, Feb. 1C. Immedi- A. D. Davis charged with driving jC. automobile while drunk will be of Kinston is also planning ately after the service the Quarterly an (Whitakers tried next week. The case Personal N Go to thurch somewhere Sunday. to build a summer home on Atlantic Conference will be held. The mem- against You are invited to attend. Beach. bers are asked to help make the re- William Beli, charged with giving D. cordially G. Lewis a will ANN STREET M. E. CHURCH port in full for the 1st. quarter. rubber check also be next n tried Tuesday. Coniey Chadwick, TELEPHONE 16 The First Conference ; brass knuck toter will be tried in re C. T. Rogers, Paator CARTERET IS GIVEN Quarterly for the Atlantic will be held corder's court after he a Sunday School 9:45 AM EXTENSION OF TIME charge completes Williston 3 P. M. 30-da- y stretch on I Church Services 11AM 7:30 PM at at the city streets. at- - attend. Mid 7:30 PM On account of the illness of an You are cordially invited to BOOST ratification was urged for North Car-- i Week Services, (Wed.) THE Service itnrnftu fnr Cnrtprpf. nnllTltv. Federal olina. Mrs. Allen quoted Mrs. Nellie Young People Sunday - PM ; Court I. M. Meekins has per- ! Ross women must intellt-- ! 6:45 Judge If want to criticise the admin- - Announcement up! jTayloe that mitted extension of the time in the you Cheer if a :i. L,. .11 fnll cold gently exercise the baliot, they are i What if the day is FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH filing of the defendant answer in the old to become influential in national af-- 1 ..6 , lit to the Marines but not to the FRANCIS are feeling LUC And you 'fairs. suit Ul lunutn ttliu cain Marine Band. And blue Railroad Company against Carteret i nation-wid- e J. W. Morgan, Pastor Reporting on a sur- in- And disgusted, too. School 9:45 AM. county to March 3. The amount BEAUTY SHOP vey of counties in the United States, Sunday We all do. 11AM. 7:30PM volved in the suit is $115,000. The BEDSWORTH Mrs. Allen said that an effort is be- Church Services 1007 ArentieU Street Wed. 7:30PM. extension has been accepted by Hines to find how Prayer Meeting, 218-- W ing made out just many plan-tif- f, Phone Take a brace! B. Y. P. U. 6:45 PM. and Boren as attorneys for the Continued from psz ons) face educational institutions have courses Sunday Morehead Look trouble in the FRANKLIN LODGE No. 109 which is suing for payment of City in government. Lu- SPECIAL PRICES And smile A. F. & A. M. alleged, bond payments, and by Walter Hill and W. C. Gorham rep- lUICObCU 111 bllV OdlCl UJUVVCIjr at-- For 8 days, Awhile. Meets in Masonic building 1st and ther Hamilton and J. F. Duncan, resented the defense while the state's starting i looking glum; campaign, she related that 99,000 Monday, February 17th. x..u; trained by 3rd Monday Visitors wel-- ! torneys for the defendant. case was handled by Prosecuting At- persons were killed last year in ac- -' evenings. All Over Keep mum: come. torney M. Leslie Davis. The amount the shelf, cidents at a total damage cost of Put your woes upon J. C. Rice, W. M. of costs Bradham was ordered to pay CROQUINOLE to yourself, $3,000,000,000. The automobile is Your troubles J. R. Secy. BASKETBALL within a period of ten days was $34. Keep becoming Public Enemy Number Jinnett, $3.50 And cheer up! ' . Guyon Smith and Wilbur Gillikin One, she said with traffic deaths so CONCORDIA LODGE No. 11 Morehead City's Boys and Girls are nnciing tnat tne dozen cmcKens Mi. Percy Hav-- , high in ratio. j P D. Cahoon, I.O.O.F. on they stole from Mrs. Cora Whitehurst , SPECIAL Mr Bern in team played Smyrna at Smyrna Kiel of New North Carolina leads the union j "i r. Will Tuesdav nisrht. Both games were are proving expensive. After serving Sunday af- - highway fatalities, based on gaso-- 1 FREDERIC t a while in Beaufort Meets in Odd Fellows Building, 1st one sided as the scores will indicate. five days in jail they must pay Mrs. and Mrs Earl line consumption, she stressed, in urg Wave 3 visiting Mr. and 3rd Tuesday evenings. Visitors The Morehead defeated Whitehurst for the chickens and then Permanent ternoon ing that children be educated to be City boys Mades. welcome. the score of 20 to 6. Van remain of good behavior for a period careful on highways, the Smyrna by observing L. J. Noe, Jr., N. G. J. Griffin and E. Lewis made of two years or seivc more time in $6.50 who is em- - Golden Rule on road. Horn, Clarence Newkirk, J. R. Secy. Morehead jail; Because he ;s on; 14 years of Mr ed-- Jinnett, six points each for City, KARO OIL Guard Station in; Democracy is a race between j Cecil will be in a Coast In the girls game the Smyrna sextet j age, Pctu.way, Negro Permanent Waves vD,t was called home this week ucation and the chaos of ignorance,' MIRIAM REBEKAH LODGE No. 141 Tpvsov ileteatecl iuoreneau vny oy tiie .uiCFnR o . , F mliB co, Tirf5 thP HPath 01 lllS lULUCi, m muvioiii wit oluuj ui I.O.O.F. be to due to ui.'n( of 18 to 6. Credit can given Good $5.00 ihow works. There are U4-V-. i Condition, $3 Each. See W. E. Arthur Newkirk. democracy - Tko Mnvo. late 000,000 illiterates in she jN. C. 1 t Meets in Odd Fellows building head about the lRollnsgn' Bettie, OIL CASTOR -. City guards represent Mrs. Ruth KoDensanu .ui. 6- Friday evening. Visitors wel- best in the county but haven t the Permanent Waves ,.. spent Accompanying Mrs. Allen to New tt.-j.- f Morehead City come. forwards to back them up. On the NEW BOAT FOR SALE LENGTH , a'Bern from here to attend the meet- - in T?oipirVi attending Rosalie Chadwick, N. N. other hand the team has 29 8 two in. Weanesuay were three others: Mrs. J. S. Smyrna feet, feet beam, equip of county supennou.u.... ing J. R. Jinnett, Secy. the best forwards in the county, with Standard Buick $4.50 rutins of Gutsell, Mrs. James Rumley and ped Engine, of Welfare and certifying agents with a good guard combi First Class Condition: Write or see Mrs. Claude R. Wheatly. fairly the State Welfare. BEAUFORT COUNCIL No. 248 nation. W. E. Rolison, Bettie, N. C. It JUNIOR ORDER U. A. M. Kinston spent Mrs W. A. Allen of WILLIS-WAR- in Beaufort visiting Meets in Odd Fellows building 2nd last week end Miss Mildred Salter spent the Davis House. and 4th evenings. Visitors Mr. Allen at the A wedding of simplicity and unu- Tuesday week end with her parents at Merri- - T.his sual and of much interest to welcome. Is A Real Store beauty, W. Councilor. mon. rug Mr David Styron of Philadelphia their friends was solemnized J. Basden, in Beaufort visit- many W. E. Fin. Secy. Bpent last week end afternoon at 4 o'clock in Adair, Brown. He Thursday Wm. L. Rec. his sister, Mrs. Aycock Church of Morehead Hatsell, Secy. There are Stores that sell ing former the First Baptist HERE'S THE PLACE many drugs was enroute to Ocracoke, his when Miss Cora Ward became vaca- City CARTERET POST No. 99 excellent Stores too. But this Store home where he will spend his bride James Rev. the of Willis; the AMERICAN LEGION TO FEED YOUR FACE tion. A. P. Stephens officiating. The altar specializes and emphasizes Drugs. Pre- - before which the vows were AND F. Crosland of Bennetts- spoken Meets 3rd Tuesday evening, of scriptions are our Paramount Considera- George in was beautifully decorated in white the month in the Turner S. was a business visitor Legion' Hut, AND GET YOUR MONEY'S We ville, C, and green. Ferns, southern smilax Visitors Welcome. tion. compound a prescription with Beaufort last week end. Street. and calla lillies, interspersed with C. L. Beam, Commander. WORTH the same care your Doctor exercises in white tapers from candelbra L. Louis and Capt. John lighted Wm. Hatsell, Adj. Mr. Hooper and cathedral candle-stck- s were most "Mr. S Has Gained 10 it. Potent sailed on Monday for Ocra- ... writing Only Fresh, Pure, Dickinson effective. KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Pounds In Three weeks He is coke Island where they will visit for Drugs are used, and the Doctor's instruc- Prior to the ceremony, the follow- Carteret No. 2 meets one of my many boarders,' says several days. Lodge of tions followed ing musical program was rendered: nights Odd Fellows Hall. Capt. John Willis, proprietor are implicitly. i G L. Tom Barnett who has recent Trio "O! Promise Me," by A. T.
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