ThE INSIDE: The Key to ScRibc the Motels Uaivtnhy of Bridgeport Vol. 3, No. 13 February 2,1 9 8 4 Still Thinking of Drinkin The week of January 30 has during this week, as it should be been declared “Responsible all year long, is to educate the Drinking Week” by the Resi­ resident population as to the dence Life Staff. According to a uses and misuses of alcohol and memo sent to this staff from As­ the effect their drinking habits sistant Director Robert Bessette have on every aspect of their “As the use and misuse of alco­ lives.” hol on-campus continues, (we) The following article is a serv­ will be pushed harder to coun­ ice of “Responsible Drinking ter the non-productive out­ W eek.” More on drinking on comes of drinking. Our goal page five. Women are Faster Than Men According to a federal gov­ One recent study pointed out ernment pamphlet entitled that women may become intox­ It wasn’t this storm which prevented the effective last semester. For the same reason, this “Here’s to Your Health,” most icated faster than men due to Scribe from publishing last week. The missed week’s Scribe has been reduced to eight pages, women did not drink forty years their lower amounts of body issue was a direct result of the administration’s Future issues may also be reduced or cut. ago. In today’s society, how­ ten percent cut of the student activities budget, . ' • - ' ~ „ fluid and body fiat. This means [Photo by Doug Swift] ever,' 60 percent of the female that men and women at equal population drinks, and 90 per­ weights do have different intox­ cent of all college age women ication points. drink. Most of the women drink TO IMPEACH... alcohol without harm because it The phase of a woman’s is consumed in small amounts menstrual cycle will also affect (one or two drinks), but large her reaction to alcohol. The time OR NOT TO IMPEACH amounts of alcohol consumed right before a women’s period by either women or men are appears to be when she is most by Dave Logemann the January 25 meeting. Ac­ night before. dangerous to one’s health, safe­ susceptible to the influence of cording to council’s constitution, Kelly said he made the off­ ty and emotional well-being. alcohol. A motion to impeach Chris a council member may be im­ setting motions to “have some­ Ledoux, College of Business peached if he has three abs- thing to hang over Ledoux’s and Public Management sena­ cences without reasonable head.” tor, was made at the January 25 excuse. Council members claim At press time, Ledoux said In other business, council al­ for February 16, 17 and 18, will Student Council meeting. The Ledoux hasn’*-t given any ex­ he planned to attend the Febru­ located $500 to the Vietnamese be co-sponsored by RHA, IFSC motion, made by Tim Kelly, was cuses. Ledoux said a combina­ ary 1 meeting, and that, al- Student Association for a band and the Commuter Senate. Ac­ followed by another motion tion of illness and academics to play at their February 4th tivities will include an air-band from Kelly to table the original caused him to miss the meet­ New Year’s party. conference and the traditional motion to impeach. Council vot­ ings. He said he called before The Commuter Senate an­ bed race. ed 9 to 1 to table the impeach­ one meeting to say he wouldn’t nounced the establishment of SCBOD announced that ment motion. be attending, but that no one student “commuter advisers.” Spring Week will be April 11 Ledoux has missed four answered the phone. Another Winter Weekend, scheduled through 14. council meetings this year— time, he said, he fell asleep be­ three last semester in addition to cause he had been up all the ALLEN RECEIVES NEA UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT Dick Allen, who holds the Departments of English-Modern as well as in 14 various “W ho’s F A L L 1983 Charles A. Dana Professorship L?~ ~uage Association Award Who” volumes. of English and Creative Writing for Distinguished Undergraduate He came to UB in 1968, as as of first five weeks at UB, has received a 1984 Na­ Teaching, and listing in Out­ an assistant professor of English. total enrollment: 4,201 tional Endowment for the Arts standing Educators in America Students Creative Writing Fellowship Part tim efl - 1,819 Grant in Poetry. The 4 4 year- old poet will use the grant to 1800- 43.3% Full time lU l travel and to help him complete 1600- by C lass & two collections in progress, The 695 FuH-or part-time Space Sonnets and Flight and 1400- 0-11 credits is part-time 12 or more credits is full-time Pursuit. A new collection of Al­ 1200- len’s poetry, Overnight in the Guest House o f the Mystic, will 1000- m 960 132 be published by Louisiana State SSgBSjS22.9% 800- i l l 709 713 University Press in April, 1984. n Hundreds of his poems have jn 160 16.9% 216 600- ill appeared in such periodicals as IB sss&iim iW gpsss m The New Yorker, The Kenyon 400- ittjl m Review, Poetry and The Paris Review. 200- ______ ,■ m WM Also known as a leading Freshmenm Sophomore Junior teacher of creative writing, Allen has received the Associated 2 The Scribe February 2 University Senate Student Pub in Moderator Retires Violation of Helen A. Spencer, who took tive on December 31st of this citing. Thank you for electing the office of the moderator of the year. Therefore it becomes nec­ me to a position of such honor Fire Code University Senate just four mon­ essary for me to resign as and trust. by Dan Smith ths ago, sent the following letter Modertor of the University I regret leaving this respon­ News Editor to the members of the University Senate. sibility in mid year, but there are According to City of Bridge­ Senate: I want each of you to know several on campus who qualify The Student Pub, located in port Fire Officials, this practice is that I sincerely appreciate the to serve as Moderator of the the basement of the Student This is to inform you that 1 clearly in violation of Connecti­ opportunity to serve as Moder­ University Senate. Each of those Center, has in the past blocked have elected to take an early cut General Statute 29 • retirement. It will become effec­ ator. It was challenging and ex­ who served as parliamentarian vital exits as a means of crowd in the first semester was very control. Specifically, the middle The Scribe notified school of­ knowledgeable as to the Rules of set of doors in the front of the ficials at the beginning of the LOOKING AT TH E REAL W ORLD Order and well prepared for the pub/cafeteria have routinely week of January 23 and were various avenues discussion been blocked by a pile of chairs. assured no further blocking of ------INTERNATIONAL------- might take and projected an un­ At the rear of the pub a chair was doors would occur, Although biased attitude in terms of out­ wedged in each exit to prevent staff members noticed the viola­ AMERICAN KILLED IN SALVADOR come. I truly valued their man­ entrance through the rear, but tion once again afterwards, the An American woman was shot to death as she was travel­ ner and ability. Members of your also speedy exit during an emer­ practice appears to have stop­ ing in eastern El Salvador last Thursday. Linda Louise Can­ Executive Committee are also gency. ped. cel, 23, of Culver City, California was riding with her husband very capable. With relative ease and children on a highway when rebels ordered them to stop. they managed, meeting after The woman’s husband kept driving and “several shots were meeting, to reach a balance fired from the surrounding hills," a U.S. Embassy spokesper­ point between the perfect and son said. The spokesperson also said he was “pretty sure" leftist the possible in a short span of rebels killed the woman. The rebels have been waging a civil time, while maintaining a good war against the U.S. backed government for four years. The sense of humor. family was traveling in a converted schoolbus with Alabama I am reluctant to leave your license plates. but (SIC) I place my faith in your ----------- NATIONAL-------- ---- faith and wish you well. SENATOR ASSURES Ms. Spencer was unavailable STUDENT-AID for comment. PROGRAM WON’T CHANGE Senator Robert Stafford (R-Vt.) assured that Congress won’t change federal student-aid programs this year. This would be Hillel the first time since 1979 that aid has not been cut. Stafford announced this at a speech for the National Association of In­ Happenings dependent Colleges and Universities. “You’ve Heard REAGAN ANNOUNCED BUDGET February 10*12— Y a le President Reagan showed his preliminary budget to Repub­ Shabbaton $25 Stay in Dorms, lican legislators on Tuesday. The $925 billion budget projects Sat. Night Dance. Topic: ‘Diver­ of the a $180 billion deficit for the next three years. The budget sity of Jewish Communities on projects unemployment to drop below six percent by 1989 and College Campuses’ low inflation. Martin Feldstein, the president’s economic ad­ visor says such events are unlikely unless deficits are signifi­ Wednesday Feb. 15—Ed Cabbage Patch Doll, cantly reduced. D’Angelo—Campus Wide Col­ The defense spending estimate is at $305 billion, up thir­ lege Friendships 8 :0 0 Private teen percent over the $258 billion Congress approved this Dining Room year.
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