TUP'ITOM II mi ii MIMMIWIMMiMMBMMMH liliirtllirtil i' initial THE EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, AUGUST I, 1922. 23 SCHENCK-LUBI- N TIE TENNIS CLASSIC ENTERS THIRD ROUND RABBI AT HEARING WILL DRAW CLOSER 01 BLACK FIGHTS STAGE-SCREE- N BOND SIX LITTLE GIRLS FOUR YANKS NAMED SEN! FROM ROOM FOR LIFE; INJURED William Johnston and INTERNATIONAL IN BIG OCEAN RACE IN BENGOUGH DEAL Six llttlo girls natators not yet BUFFALO, Aug. 1. Benny Bengoiigh BY HIRSHFIELD INAUTO Gerald Patterson Likely In their teens will bo among tho premier catcher of the Buffalo Interna CRASH. SWI MING RAC E competitors In tho Joseph P. Day tionals, will bo given Ills cliiinco with the Cup 3H-ml- lo race, tho Intorantlonnl mnjors next season. Ho will go to To Meet in ocean swim, which will bo the Final Round New York American League C'- held this afternoon from Manhat- club at the Threatened With Contempt -M Fraciuiwl in Spill in eioso of tho present playing season in TO-DA- tan Beach to Brighton. Beach. Tho Werthelm stands six feot seven FOR WOMEN Y young tho water nro exchango for a cash consideration and Proceedings in Market De WhicJ. His Companion Is However, There Are Many Inches mlstrcssos.of and very much resembles Bill Julia Marmorsteln, Elalno Delany, five players. Presld-- nt Samuel L. Rob- Tllden. partment Controversy. Killed. Dangerous Customers Still Kathryn Brown, Eileen O'Maro, ertson of iho Buffalo team. In mnklntt ThO Atlfttrnli.in fnlrlv amMlioraH Cous-sera- L" ' Ruth Mot gan and Elizabeth t. urn (lmiuiinci'iueiH, am not slnto how Davis speed, Left in the Big. Event. with and the Caltfornlan Hilda James, European Chanv All aro members of tho much cash figured In tho deal, hut Declining to any SAN JOSB. Cat., Aug 1. John can J10.000 been answer questions nit tnem pretty hard himself. ' Women's Swimming Association, has frequently mentioned. p I : ifty-Tw- Ulnck, runner-ti- In the na- For a. brief spell William pion, . one: the o classic IMtcher Manly Llewellyn, secured by unless first allowed to rend Into th recent Larned. under whoso auspices tho tional open By William Abbott. many times former chatnnlnn. led R. will bo conducted. Miss Marmor- tho Yankee management from a South- record a prepared statement, Rahl golf championship at Entries. ern collcgo tenm 0110 Noi l Is Williams, hut condition flmlli. steln is ten years old. Miss De- and of tho five Samuel Btichler, n former Deputy aiencoe. III.. Is fighting for his llfd trl SKA BRIGHT, N. J., Aug. 1. Tho told coming to the Internationals, will re- the hospital here as of and Williams cosily won tho last lany Is cloven, while each of tho port to the result an annual tournnmcnt of tho Bright two Manager Wlltse of tho Bisons Commissioner of Markets, was threat automobile spill last nght.l He Sea sets after losing tho first. In The nrst International swimming other four Is twelvo years old. In Luko Urban, now suf most fin- with ened with contempt proceedings to fered- - a concussion of the and. Club, with Its formidable foreign entry other matches form decided ths classic over aranged tho Joseph P. last year's raco Miss Brown Buffalo, becomes a permanent member brain result. ished eighth and Miss Morgan of the (ram day by David ltlrshlleld, Commls several fractured rlb, list, entcra tho third (round to.day Day Cup raco for women will be Pitcher Lepard and twenty-fourt- h. 'llurmor-stcl- n Kingdom, Herbert Hamilton prown, with tho promise ot William Miss both playing In the sloner of Accounts, beforo whom tho Insurance Johnston Summaries: contested this afternoon over a thrco- - withdraw swimming a Eastern Leaguo, also figure in the deal. broker nnd sportsman of San "Fran of California after r.ibbl appeared In response to and Gerald Patterson of BRA HtllOUT INVITATION MEN'S occun course from mllo und a half. Tho (If th man will bo selected from the cisco, who was with Ulnck, died' 'from (First rtound) Australia surviving the great field far Zmze Bhimltu attest- latikee squad in the spring. subpoena. m. his injuries. ed Carl Flschsr, ft 3, 0 4 J Jean Manhattan Beach to Brighton Beach 'iv-- tho Borotr Although lieiigough tins been a cotiu Air. Drown npd Black wore motorlnz finals on Saturday. There are ntv defeated Crdrlc A. Major, 61, Robert A entry flfty-tw- o Tar lllrshflotd's uttcmpts to obtain Klmey defeated Henry Guild, 64: record of of the MOTOR BOAT RACING player with the local fans and makes from Del Monto to Oakland, where "rnerous dangerous customers C. 60, 86: good nverago Itabbl Buchler's testimony here. J. n. Werthelm defeated Willis E. Davla, world's leading; mermaids lias been a showing in tho tables, concerning ho Is tho professional membor of O. Anderson, another Australian and 78, K. Norrti Wllllama Sd defeated COMMITTEE IS NAMED ho has not been considered as measur- the - certain criticisms recently mado by Country the. three members of the French William A. Lamed, 46, 63.- lj o received for tho bluo ribbon event of ing up to the class of Wally Hchang, Clalremont Club. The car Kaihlo defeated Jame Davlea, 6 0, Gowdy him about tho conduct of tho Market Moe Schenck nnd Mtic skidded when an effort was made' near Davis Cup team, to say nothlm; of 68. the year In aquatics, which will be Commodore Garfield A. Wood, who, as Hank or Jimmy Archer at the 0gn SECOND ItOUND William M. time they were graduated Department wero In vain, so Irytngton to dodge an automobtls several' home stars who aio capable Johniton conducted by the Now York Women's President of the newly formed Yachts- from the ho or Lubin Will Be Married' .or, Bringing aereatea Stanley w. rearion, 8 I, T 6: Buffalo Club. corning from the opposite direction down big game, but bar Hugh O. M. of- dered tho rahbl from the hearlnc Kelleher defeated Leonard Swimming Asoclatlon. men's Association of America, has and turned over, throwing .Us. oc- ..ring upsets, Johnston and Patterson Beckman, T 0, T B; Jatnei o. Ander-aa- n in November. 61, purse 150-ml- room. should como through. defeated J. Brookea Venno, 6 I, 64! Tho race will be truly International, fered a cash of $25,000 for a WILLIAMS'S HOME RUN cupants out. Passersby took the In Demon S. Prentice detested Dun Mathey. for Europe has sent Its greatest girl international sweepstakes for motor Outsldo the room on tho twelfth Tho engagement of Miss Olga Mao jured men to the homo of a nearby; Johnston Is making his final appear- by default) Dwlght F. Davla defeated Vin ance swimmer In years. Miss Hilda James boats to be run as the of the RECORD CLIMBS AT HOME door of tho Municipal Building Lubln, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. physician who rushed them to a hos- 'A In Eastern tournaments. If cent mcnaraa, ty flerault; Lawrence B feature Rabl BUI Rice defeated Edward H. Larnqd, by default; of Liverpool, England, especially for motor boat regatta In Detroit next fall, Mr,- - pital here. Little fails this year In his fluent Buchlar gave out to newspaper men H. Lubln, to Moe Schenck, son of of Andre II. Gobert defeated Major Arthur Y. tho Day Cup competition. has nain':d the committee which wl" ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 1 (Associated The doctors at first thought tho national ntle he will retire ron. l'encke'n, Henri Crochet defeated This sev the and Mrs. Louts Schenck, all of Now .Black 62, 63, enteen-year-ol- d have entire charge of the event. Com- Press) There's' no placo home, prepared statement which Mr, me game nnd remain home In Call- - u. roster, a 3, 0 0; Honard Klntey de champion holds overy like at had no chance to live, but they had fornla. Tho teated Herbert L. Bowman. 64. 64: Wat Continental and British swimming modore Fred It. Still, measurer of the least none better for Kejinoth Williams, Hlrshflold declined to permit him to York, was recently announced. perhaps underestimated his .fighting former champion brs on M. defeated 1J. American Power Boat Association and gained wsrliburn Harris Fisher MIsj Is To-da- y quite n little weight slnco the Jr., 64, 62; Francis T. Hunter defeated record for 300 and 440 yards. a director of the Detroit Yacht Club, when he wants to Incrooso his home read Into the record. Tho record of Lubln the daughter of J. il. splrIL Iho physicians' are Harry O, Johnson, Heading- s V jj.i onarnpionship at Germantown. 40, 01, 02; Gerald the list' of American en- ha been selected as chairman of th nui record. When the Browns returned the short proceeding wns ordered pro Lubln, the well known theatrical pro- hopeful. Black wife, a nurse; and when ho tipped only 113 L. Tatteraon defeated John r. Whltbeek. trants Is Hiss Helen Walnwrlght, committee. L. S. Audorson aro bis." bed- the day ho 0 J, 114; Phillip V Neer defeated 8. How-nr- tho homo a week ago to face tho formidable ducer nnd general manager of tho Dr. at sixteen-year-ol- pared by tho Commissioner of AO' lost to Tllden In de- - d Long Commodore Still will have as alda an carlv round. Voshell, 64, 04; Zcnio Shlmtiu Island lassie, Yankees, Williams stood third on tho Marcus Loew Booking Agency, Inc. side. Johnston's form was not entirely teatea jean uorotra, u u, 03: Robert who is recognized as the world's pre Charles S.
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