8800) Wednesday, March 5, 1941 PAGE 6 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY Deluge of Protests Nye Finds a Skeleton Taft Amendment tstiAsmu Citizent Inundating Senators’ Desks With Pleas In the Empire's Closet Giving England for Votes Against Lease-Lend Bill miCOMMA IpiW *• THK DlTtlllT TIMM aristocracy. He said in f 'needed for the preservation of of British WASHINGTON. March !S -In a deirorracy from destruction by part: By GEO. ROTHWELL BROWN we ally our country graphic review of the aggressions totalitarian aggressors “Shall Urged apertsl to THE DETROIT TIMES Nye bluntly charged with Great Britain In the name Credit by the Empire Senator which British was upon WASHINGTON. March 5—A 100 to 1 against the bill. It had built, starting with the seventeenth that this “save democracy” cry of ending aggression this to to me, mmwi ip the Detroit timer formerly been 8 to 1 against. ¦ We re waiting give running aimed to deceive the Ameri- earth 7 That. It seem* la tidal wave of letters and tele- century and down ihrough was Senator Scott Lucas of Illinois, to what he described people into going into the war a ralher Immediate challenge WASHINGTON. March 5 —De- grams urging senators to vote an 0 as can ksr the years bill, T m! of we Democratic supporter of the 1 aggression in to save and perpetuate the British growing out of our hatred claring that "what need in against the lease-lend bill is JV •¦the more modem today finds his mail running 2 to 1 Senator nggrcvsions of the past that had the aggressors and out of thla America today are more Nathan sweeping Capitol today ¦ I /our car m trade Arabia in 19.17.” Gerald Caesars,” into the against the bill. His support of of North Dakota brought nearly half a billion per- pending 'lend-lease’ or ‘thrnw- Hales and fewer Sena- mounting volume which P. N\e denied Re- in a the measure ha* put him on a hot claims of proponents of the admin- sons under the rule, entirely de- It-away* hill. tor Rufus C. Holman. Oregan threatens to break all records. of the British publican, assailed the dictator spot. HORSEPOWER istration s lend-lease aid-to-Britain void of democracy, “If such an alliance for such -1 As debate in the Senate ended OFF MllP' BIG, 92 ruling aspects of the TAKES NAME PLATE bill that this legislation was colonial office and a caste a cause Is to he our lot, then and many of the opponents of the he acknowledged that our administration's went to the to warn the Lucas has been obliged to re- - bill radio let It lend lease i ally Is the are aggressor of all aid- American people against their move his name plate from the AMIII I Thursday—Friday—Saturday to-Britain bill. AA| time. peril from involvement in the door of his private office in the. Speaking i n Senate office building in an at- FOOD SPECIALS “Britain’s aggressions have thp Hol- European conflict abroad and l/ULUNIAL Senate. domestic at ' tempt to save himself from per- filled the pages of history for charged from dictatorship ma n home, sonal interviews sought by oppo- centuries. Aggression has given the people everywhere are HUDSON legis- c that this to nents of the bill. Delegations of CAR Great Britain a third of the was but becoming increasingly aroused AMERICA S SAFEST lature in bill. women opponent* from Chicago Roast lb. 21 globe and brought into British the natural se- the dangers inherent the Beef Rolled to H senators report their are causing the senator wonder subjugation hundreds of millions quence to events Some that sentiment against about the position he has taken. PRICES START of peoples. set in motion at mail shows a as high as from 50 to Maryland’s tw-o Democratic sen- AMONG THE LOWEST LAMB SHOULDER ROAST. lb. 12c "I have said that there Is a : Chicago last the hill July 100 to 1. ators, George L. Radcliffe and Britain In whose behalf our in the Tydings, supporting be aroused. This is third-term nom- Millard are feelings can RACKS FOR WHEELER Radcliffe s office I LEG OF LAMB lb. 15c the propagandist ination of Presi- the hill. Senator the Britain of reported today great in r constantly holds before our eyes. dent Roosevelt. The mail Senator Burton K. a increase lb. 17 his against the Slictd Bacon lb. 130 Chickens B c It la Britain the mother of par- , The senator Wheeler of Montana, Senate Dem- mail bill. This is f, BEX. HOLMAN against has believed due to the increasing op- .*737 !»>• liament. It Is Britain the capital said in part: ocratic leader the bill, Pork Loin lb. 15c Bacon ;‘T 23c heavy days position in Baltimore, and to the DELIVERED HERE "..V In Europe of democracy. “1 desire to give Britain all become so in recent IFNTFN FISH ITEMS the aid that it I* |toasihle to give that his office force is swamped. fact that on Sunday, in a radio (Only local taxes extra) C'ROMWEI-L AND MILTON her without becoming ourselves Every morning numerous sacks of address in that city, Senator Oyston ;r pt. 19c smtits 4 ibs. 25c Marylanders to NOTHING MORE TO PAY “It is the Britain of Oliver Involved In the war or of rob- letters are carried to the senator's Wheeler advised military write their senators, urging them lb. 5c Whitefish ZZ, lbs. 270 ( rum well and John Milton and bing our own forces of i home. Skotpiioods 2 r against that great philosopher John the means of defending them- i Here Mrs. W heeler and a com- to vote the war bill. ASK YOUR HUDSON DEALER FIRST Snooks can Be Sardines can 5c l.ocke, whose ideas Impregnated selves and protecting the live* mittee of ladies from her church The mail of Senator Hiram W. ,y^ thp and Johnson of California continues to Codfish d cons 2 lbs. 23c the mind of Thomas Jefferson and home* of the American ;sort njail try to ascertain Cokos. 3 25c Fish Fillets and found their immortal ex- people. ;its nature. Senator Wheeler said be 20 to 1 against the hill, but today Mrs. Wheeler had reported the total volume is increasing Breast o’ Tuna, 2 cans 27c Oleomargarine 3 Ibs. 23c pression in the Declaration of OPPOSED TO HITLER i TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Independence. his mail is now running nearly enormously every day. “But there la the other Britain “I am opposed to the ruthless _ . BUTTER . _ Creamery lb. 30c about which nothing Is being ambitions of Hitler to Impose his government upon ? said, and this Is the Britain peoples Pibst»ott 2 for 23c Graham Crackers £, 14c that we are e\|teoted to forget other than the Germans, and T bos 9c ™ tb. while we debate such a hill as shall continue to oppose them. I if — Bnttor Ceffee 13c no 7dfk stone this. There Is the Britain that have official interest in the Cookies 2 tbs. 19c Catwp... 14-qi. bcttle 6c covers 27 |*er cent of the government of the German peo- habitable surface of the globe, ple. JSL* J'!^ Morinolodo lb. 18c Peanut Butter ’,*• 17c and embraces within it* power “My present concern about a quarter of all the population Hitler and the ambitions of his wcSmHl 36« £, 2l»H9c of the earth. T*rt»> U c :.r fellow dictators is confined to >gss >Q66 “And do hp realize, as we the effect they may have upon 10c ronsfder this hill, that in this the peace, welfare and security PEACHES T.rz "as* vast empire fewer than one- of the American. Taney Reuked seventh of all Its Inhabitants ISc B.aA. C j IQ “If it Is credit Great Britain . '¦ jttjl other > Apricots ,r:z. Uve under democratic forms of must have to continue to obtain \6flS9flEi vxSX.\ GnpofrMit 6f0r380 Matches JCL 5c aclf-gov eminent ? war siippiiea of all kinds In this the ROMANTIC VIEW country, the adoption of V rt 42! M 7: m*a !r \ owance enable* you to equip amendment intended to be pro- 1 nur c<4r wltb nrw tires .... g- yft*"\ >' CAROLENE KrawV 6cans 28c “Perhaps nothing is so posed by Senator Taft will ominous In the present Downtown Authorized Redeeming situation obviate that difficulty. rnnn CTAUDC as the romantic view of this Station —Free Delivery “While I am terribly dis- rUUIf dlAmid empire which so many Ameri- tressed at the plight of the RICHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES cans are now |>ermitting them- wives, selves civilian population—the to take under the mothers and little children and emotional of —flura enhudkTim. stress the war. are T defenseless men—who the “I’p until the outbreak of the victims bombing raids in war these of In Sealed Container COLONIAL DEPARTMENT STORE Americans could look England and the terror which 39-PLATE BATTERY at the British empire coolly, » possess defenseless and MUFFLER SLEEVE Value < < S STATE STREET must the 8 SJ.9S 2 calmly, and see It for what It unoffensive men, women and Is. It represented then the very children of Genoa are likewise For Repairing All Can acme of reaction and Quarts BATTERY m e Imperial- bombed, as I am Informed they i ¦tSSjartOTfjifl 45-PLATE 7# ism and Value exploitation of subject recently were. Honor- 5 For All Car.—S*«S |>eoples. Mgggff Heavy Duly K*fh. “let somehow, today, these PEOPLES’ PLIGHT Plenty of power for heavy going. same Lube l.> < Americans talk of this “I am satisfied that the com- 'vsflfltßHWH as 79‘ V j> jj* Keep S.
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