From the Earth to the Moon! Robert Stengel *65, *68! Princeton University" February 22, 2014" What Do These People Have in Common?! 1865! Jules Verne (1828-1905)! Ancient Notions of the Night Sky" •! Constellations represent animals and gods" •! Babylonian and Chinese astronomers (21st c. BCE) " –! “Fixed stars” and “moving stars” " –! Moving stars were the abodes of gods" –! They believed the Earth was Flat but surrounded by a celestial sphere" –! Precise charts of the moving stars" –! Calendar (Zodiac) of 12 lunar months" Early Greek Astronomy " •! Pythagoras (570-495 BCE)! –! Earth is a sphere" •! Eratosthenes (276-194 BCE) " –! Earth’s circumference estimated within 2%" Retrograde Motion of Mars Against Background of Fixed Stars" Claudius Ptolemy (90-168)" •! Proposed epicyclic motion of planets" •! Earth at the center of the world" The Astronomical Revolution" •! Galileo Gallilei (1564-1642)" •! Nikolas Copernicus –! Concurred that solar system was (1473-1543)" heliocentric" –! Sun at the center –! Invented telescope, 3x to 30x of solar system (1609)" (1543)" –! Planets move in circles" •! Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)" –! Planets move in •! Isaac Newton ellipses" (1642-1727)" –! Laws of –! Formalized the planetary motion science, with (1609, 1619)" Laws of motion and gravitation (1687)" Sketch by Thomas Harriot, 1610! Orbits 101! Satellites! Escape and Capture (Comets, Meteorites)! Orbits 102! (2-Body Problem) ! •! Circular orbit: altitude and velocity are constant! •! Low Earth orbit: 17,000 mph! –! Super-circular velocities! –! Earth to Moon: 24,550 mph! –! Escape: 25,000 mph! How Was The Moon Formed?" (4.1 billion years ago)! Accretion! Collision! Spawning! Earth-Moon Orbit! Orbital Period: 27-1/2 days! One side of Moon always faces Earth! Rockets! Rockets 101! •!Initial mass:! –!Payload! –!Structure, Systems! –!Rocket motors! –!Propellant! •! Konstantin Tsiolkovsky! Final mass:! (1857-1955)! –!Initial mass less propellant! •!Final velocity depends on ratio of initial to final mass! Rockets 102! Final mass can be reduced by getting rid of structure when no longer needed! Robert Goddards Rockets, 1926-1941! Robert Goddard! (1882-1945)! Pre-World War II Rocket Societies! Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977)! •! V-2 (A-4) Rocket! –! Gyro Control! –! Thrust and aero steering! –! 6,084 built during WWII! –! 1000+ test flights! –! 3,225 launched in combat! Post-World War II US Rocketry! •! 1945: ! –! Von Braun team to US Army! –! Navy: satellite studies! •! 1948: ! –! Air Force: will study satellites “at the proper time”! Project! –! Army: begins satellite studies! Paperclip! •! 1949: ! –! 1st flight to space (Project Bumper, 244 miles)! •! 1950: ! –! Army: Redstone ballistic missile; launched in 1953! –! NACA: Becomes interested in rockets! •! 1954: ! –! Navy: Viking sub-orbital rocket! –! Army: plans for Project Orbiter based on Redstone! –! US science community proposes to orbit satellite for International Geophysical Year (1957-58)! •! 1955: ! –! Eisenhower: 1st US satellite should not be launched by a military rocket! –! Army: Project Orbiter cancelled! –! Navy: Project Vanguard begins, with Viking as 1st stage! Post-World War II Ballistic Missiles! USA! Redstone! Thor! Atlas! Titan! USSR! Derived from V-2! Post-World War II Science Fact and Fiction! !atalyzed human imagina"o#n Chesley Bonestell (1888-1986)! Willy Ley! (1906-1969)! Wernher von Braun! (1912-1977)! Sputnik 1 and the R-7 (October 4, 1957)! R-7 (Semyorka) launch vehicle (ICBM)! Sergei Korolev! (1907-1966)! Sputnik !1 The Space Race had begun" Project Vanguard (1957-1959)! !! Vanguard TV3 failure, December 7, 1957! !! Vanguard 1 launched March 17, 1958 ! Juno 1 Launched Explorer 1 to Orbit " (January 31, 1958)! •! Resurrection of Project Orbiter! •! Juno 1 derived from! –! Redstone missile / V-2 missile! 1958: NACA Becomes NASA! National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics" National Aeronautics and Space Administration" Robotic Lunar Spacecraft! 1959 ! 1964! 1966! 1966! ! April 12, 1961! Yuri Gagarin! (1934-1968)! February 20, 1962! John Glenn! (1921 - )! John F. Kennedy’s Challenge to Congress" May 25, 1961! Project Apollo! John Houbolt (1919 - )" William Michael, ‘48, *67 (1926 - )" First Apollo Program Contract " MIT Instrumentation Laboratory " August 9, 1961! Charles Stark Draper! (1901-1987)! BUT … Lunar landing technique was not decided until July, 1962! Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) vs. iPhone 5S! ! !! 16-bit Processor! ! 64-bit Processor! ! !! Storage: 36,864 words (fixed)! ! Storage: 16-64 Gbytes! ! !! 2,048 words (variable)! ! 1 Gbyte RAM! ! !! Clock speed: 1 million “ticks” per sec! ! Clock speed: 1,300 million “ticks” per sec! !! Weight: 70 lb! !! Weight: 1/4 lb! !! 1st operational solid-state computer! !! !! Plus accelerometers Separate Inertial Measurement Unit! angular rate gyros, ….! “We Choose to Go to the Moon …” " Rice University, Texas, September 12, 1962! Saturn Launch Vehicles! Saturn IB! Saturn V! Saturn V in Princeton Stadium! Apollo Command and Service Modules (CSM)! •!3-person crew! •!Autonomous guidance and control capability! •!Apollo 7 (Oct 1968): 1st crewed flight, Saturn IB! Apollo 8, December 21-27, 1968! •! Originally planned to be an Earth-orbit mission! •! Repurposed to be the 1st manned flight to the moon, without LM! •! 6-day mission duration! •! Free-return trajectory possible with no further propulsion after Trans-Lunar Injection! Coast! Reentry! Trans-Lunar Injection! M o o n’s ! Coast! “Sphere of Influence”! Apollo 8 Entered Lunar Orbit! •! BUT a more ambitious mission was pursued! •! Service Propulsion System was fired on far side for Lunar-Orbit Insertion; no free return! •! SPS had to fire again on far side to return to Earth! Apollo Command Modules Return to Earth! Velocity = 25,000 mph! Command Module Reentry! Command Module Splashdown! Service Lunar Command Module! Module! Module! Apollo " Lunar Module (LM)! Apollo 9! Apollo 10! March 1969! May 1969 ! Earth-orbit test of Lunar Module, 2nd manned flight to the Moon! rendezvous, and docking! No landing intended! Apollo 11 ! July 16, 1969! July 20, 1969! Landing on the Moon! July 20, 1969! “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”! Apollo 12! Apollo 13! Apollo 14! November 1969! April 1970! January 1971! Pete Conrad, ’53! with Surveyor 3! Apollo 15! Apollo 16! July 1971! April 1972! Apollo 17, December 1972! Apollo 18-20: Cancelled! Why Was the Apollo 8 Mission Changed on Such Short Notice?! CIA KH-8 GAMBIT Reconnaissance Satellite, August 1968! Soviet Manned Lunar Flight Program" (1961-1972)! •! N-1 Rocket, initially designed by Sergei Korolev! –! 4 launches (unmanned), none successful! –! 2nd attempt produced largest non-nuclear explosion in history! Soyuz 7K-LOK, N-1! 2-man CSM! LK, 1-man Lunar Lander! What Were the Russians Doing During the Apollo 11 Mission?! Russian Proton-K Rocket Launches on July 13, 1969! Luna 15! July 21, 1969! Russia Perseveres with Robotic Spacecraft! Lunakhod 1, 2! Luna 16, 17, 20, 24! (1970-73)! (1970-76)! What Did Jules Verne Get Right?! Similarities Between Verne’s Columbiad and Apollo! •! Launch from Florida at Cape Canaveral’s latitude! •! Size of capsule! •! Number of astronauts! •! Required launch velocity! •! Time of flight! •! Weightlessness! •! Capsule recovery at sea! What Did the Moon Rocks Tell Us about the Creation of the Moon?! •! Apollo 15 “Genesis Rock” (1971)! –! 4 billion years old! –! Anorthite, found in Earth’s Crust! •! Oxygen isotopes in Earth and Moon rocks virtually identical! •! Consistent with the Giant Impact Model! BUT, current computer simulations suggest otherwise … Stay tuned! Where Were the Landing Sites?! How Many Robotic Lunar Missions Have There Been Since 1972?! 21, all successful! Orbits 103! (3-Body Problem) •! Earth and ! Moon and Spacecraft! Joseph –Louis Lagrange! (1736-1813)! Earth! Moon! “Gravity Wells” of the Earth-Moon System! Unmanned Lunar Flight Revisited! “Weak Stability” Regions! Earth! Moon! !! Space probe orbits affected by subtle gravitational effects! !! Propellant savings (Belbruno et al, 1990)! !! Missions salvaged or re-purposed (Hiten, HGS-1, ARTEMIS)! !! Long-duration maneuvers! Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), Sept 7, 2013! !! 30-day transit! !! Launched from NASA Wallops Flight Facility! !! Minotaur V (from Peacekeeper ICBM)! What About the Future?! Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Lunar Exploration Programs! Chang’e-3 Lander (2013)! Jade Rabbit “Yutu” (2013)! SELENE-2 (2017)! Chandrayaan-2 (2017)! NASA Proposal to Return Humans to the Moon! !! Constellation Program, 2004! !! Underbudgeted, as noted by Augustine (‘59,*61) Commission! !! Cancelled by Congress in 2011! The New Space Race! US and Foreign Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicles! NASA" Ariane! Delta! Atlas! Falcon! Angara-5! Jan. 28, 2014: Russian Space Agency Plans World’s Biggest Rocket! US and Foreign Manned Spacecraft! Blue Origin! NASA Orion! SpaceX Dragon! Boeing ! CST-100! Indian! Concept! Russian Soyuz! Chinese Shenzhou! Commercial Enterprise May Hold the Key! BUT … Is NASA spreading itself too thin by supporting commercial enterprise AND developing the ORION- SLS vehicles?! !! $20M prize for first craft to! !! Land on the Moon, move 500 m, and send video back to Earth by End of 2015! !! 18 contenders! !! “Milestone” prizes ($6M total) for achieving intermediate objectives by Sept 2014! !! US (2), Indian, German, and Japanese finalists! !! Actual mission cost estimates: $10-100M! Returning to 1962 …! •! That was 52 years ago!! •! Who will continue the journey in 2014?! •! Will they compete or cooperate?! •! Manned, unmanned, both, or neither?! Sources and Acknowledgement! •! Jules Verne, From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon! •! Walter MacDougall, … The Heavens and the Earth! •! James Harford, Korolev! •! Andrew Chaikin, A Man on the Moon! •! Roger Launius, Apollo: A Retrospective Analysis! •! Eldon Hall, Journey to the Moon! •! David Mindell, Digital Apollo! •! Howard McCurdy, Space and the American Imagination! •! Willy Ley, Rockets, Missiles, and Men in Space! •! Colleagues at! –! MIT Instrumentation Laboratory (Charles Stark Draper Laboratory)! –! NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA! •! James Michener, Space! •! Edward Belbruno, Fly Me to the Moon! •! NASA, various graphics!.
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