1985 NABA/ASEE SUMMER FACULTY RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA A STUDY OF THE VERY HIGH ORDER NATURAL USER LANGUAGE (WITH AI CAPABILITIES) FOR THE NASA SPACE STATION COMMON MODULE Prepared By: Esther N. Gill, Ed.D. Academic Rani's Associate Professor University and Oat wood College Department: Business and In-formation Systems Management NASA/MSFC: Division: Software ?/ Data Management Branch: Systems Software MSFC Counterpart' John W. Wolfsberger and Robert L. Stevens Date: August 2, 1985 Contract No.: NGT 01-008-021 The University of Alabama in Huntsvi He XVIII-i A STUDY OF THE VERY HIGH ORDER NATURAL USER LANGUAGE (WITH AI CAPABILITIES) FOR THE NASA SPACE STATION COMMON MODULE BY Esther N. Gill, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Computer Science QaUAiood College Huntsville, Alabama 35896 ABSTRACT This study will identify the requirements for a very high order natural language to be used by crew members on board the Space Station and will be a part of each module"s common computer core operating system. The study will take into consideration the hardware facilities, databases, real- time processes, software support, etc. available or selected and will evaluate the operations and capabilities that will be required in both normal (routine) and abnormal (nonrou- tine) situations. The study will recommend a structure and syntax for an interface (front-end) language to satisfy the above requirements. XVIII-n AC!- IMOWLEDGEMENTS This researcher would like to acl-nowledge the contri- butions o-f her counterparts, Mr. John W. Wol-fsberger and Mr. R. L. Stevens, whose aide was invaluable in obtaining source documents and other resources on the subject ex- plored. Mr. Wol f sberger" s enthusiasm -for his work also motivated and stimulated this effort. I would also lile bo thanl- Mr. Dave Aichele, Mr. William Brad-ford, Mr. Jack Lucas, and Mr. Gabe Wallace -for the privilege o-f entrance afforded me to the Software Evaluation Lab which made this research project possible. Thank you Mr. Jimmy Wat! ins for mat-ing my worl-ing surroundings more comfortable and for proofreading this paper. NASA/ASEE Program Chairpersons, Mr. Thomas L. Osborn, Dr. James Dozier, and Dr. Gerald R. l-arr, also are commended for their time and effort expended coordinating and administering the rewarding research experiences of the summer fellows. Than!- you also Mrs. Dina Conrad for your personal helpful flare. To my research colleague. Dr. Arthur I-noebel , gracias for ma!- ing my first experience as a NASA/ASEE fellow a shared office pleasure. I have gained a wealth of tnowledge which will be taken back to my classroom and used for enriching the experiences of my students, for future proposal presenta- tions to NASA for possible approval and funding, and for future NASA-employment, college-recruitment efforts. Dr. Esther Naomi Gill XVIII- A STUDY OF THE VERY HIGH ORDER NATURAL USER LANGUAGE (WITH AI CAPABILITIES) FOR THE NASA SPACE STATION COMMON MODULE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 TITLE PAGE i 2.0 ABSTRACT 3.O ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5.0 INTRODUCTION 1 5.1 Purpose Statement 1 1 r> 6.O IDENTIFIED COMMON MODULE COMPUTER TAS^ 3 7.0 RECOMMENDED USER LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND SYNTAX . 4 7. 1 Syntax 4 7.2 Sematics 4 4 6 6 Help 6 Tasks 6 Commands and Procedures . 7 7.3.3 Dialogue (Requests and Requests Feedback or Vanfication) 7 7.4 Artificial Intelligence 8 7.4.1 Expert Systems 8 7.4.2 Robotics 8 7.4.3 Speech Recognition 9 7.4.4 Speech Synthesis 9 7.4.5 Computer Vision 9 7.5 Functional Requirements 9 7.6 Vocabulary (Lexicon) Dictionary 10 7.6.1 Paraphrases 10 7.6.2 Relative Clauses 10 7.6.3 Synonyms 10 7.6.4 Pronouns 10 7.6.5 Abbreviations 10 7.6.6 Antecedents 10 7.6.7 Acronyms 10 7.6.8 Idioms 11 XVIII-iv 8.0 REVIEW OF POSSIBLE USER LANGUAGE INTERFACES WITH ADA 11 8.1 GOAL (Ground Operations Aerospace Language) . 11 8.2 JSC Prototype Crew Workstation for Space Station 11 8.3 Language Craft 12 8.4 LISP (List Processing Language) 14 8.5 PROLOG (Programming in Logic) 15 8.6 SCOL (System Control and Operations Language) 16 8.7 SMALLTALK 17 8.8 SSOL (Space Station Operating Language) ... 17 8.9 STOL (Standard Test ?/ Operations Languages) . 17 801O TAE (Transportable Applications Executive). 18 8.11 Third-Party Software; such as, ART, KEE and MACSYMA 19 8.12 UIL (User Interface Language) 21 9.0 VERY HIGH ORDER SPACE STATION (UIL) SUMMARY. ... 22 10.0 REFERENCES 24 11.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED vi 12.0 ILLUSTRATIONS ix XVIII-v GLOSSARY QF TERMS USED AI HANDBOOK: The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, E.A. Feigenbaum, A. Barr and P.R. Cohen (Eds.). Published by W. Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA in 1981 and 1982. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) APPROACH: An approach that has its emphasis on symbolic processes for representing and manipulating knowledge in a problem solving mode. BACKWARD CHAINING: A form of reasoning starting with a goal and recursively chaining backwards to its antecedent goals or states by applying applicable operators until an appropriate earlier state is reached or the system back- tracks. This is a form of depth-first search. When the application of operators changes a single goal or state into multiple goals or states, the approach is referred to as problem reduction. COMMON SENSE: The ability to act appropriately in everyday situations based on one's lifetime accumulation of experien- tial knowledge. COMMON SENSE REASONING: Low-level reasoning based on a wealth of experience. COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Visual representations generated by a computer (usually observed on a monitoring screen). COMPUTER VISION (COMPUTATIONAL OR MACHINE VISION): Percep- tion by a computer, based on visual sernsory input, in which a symbolic description is developed of a scene depicted in an image. It is often a Inowledge-based expectation-guided process that uses models to interpret sensory data. Used somewhat synonymously with image understanding and scene analysis. CONCEPTUAL DEPENDENCY: An approach to natural language understanding in which sentences are translated into basic concepts expressed as a small set of semantic primatives. DATA BASE: An organized collection of data about some subject. DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A computer system for the storage and retrieval of information about some domain. XVIII-vi DATA STRUCTURE: The form in which data is stored in a computer. DOMAIN: The problem area of interest. EXPERT SYSTEM: A computer program that uses knowledge and reasoning techniques to solve problems normally requiring the abilities of human experts. Can capture knowledge of experienced engineers before they leave a firm, reclaiming years of "learning by doing" that can then be passed on to new engineers through the system. FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTER: A non-Von Neumann, intelligent, parallel processing form of computer now being pursued by Japan. FORWARD CHAINING: Event-driven or data-driven reasoning. HEURISTICS: Rules of thumb or empirical knowledge used to help guide a problem solution. HIGHER ORDER LANGUAGE <HOL): A computer language (such as FORTRAN or LISP) requiring fewer steatements than machine language and usually substantially easier to use and read. IMAGE UNDERSTANDING (IU): Visual perception by a computer employing geometric modeling and the AI techniques of tnowledge representation and cognitive processing to develop scene interpretations from image data. IU has dealt extens- ively with three-dimensional objects. INFERENCE: The process of reaching a conclusion based on an initial set of propositions, the truths of which are known or assumed. INFERENCE ENGINE: Another name given to the control struc- ture of an AI problem solver in which the control is separate from the knowledge. INTELLIGENT ASSISTANT: An AI computer program (usually an expert system) that aids a person in the performance of a task. INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS: A computational system in which the user interacts (dialogues) with the system (in real time) during the process of developing or running a computer program. INTERFACE: The system by which the user interacts with the computer. In general, the junction between two components. XVIII-vn KNOWLEDGE BASE: AI data bases that are not merely -files of uniform content, but are collections of facts, inferences, and procedures, corresponding to the types of information needed for problem solution. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING: The AI approach focusing on the use of Inowledge (e.g., as in expert systems) to solve problems. NATURAL LANGUAGE INFERENCE (NLI): A system for communicat- ing with a computer by using a natural language. NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (NLP): Processing of natural language (e.g., English) by a computer to facilitate commun- ication with the computer or for other purposes such as language translation. NATURAL LANGAUGE UNDERSTANDING (NLU): Response by a computer based on the meaning of a natural language input. PERSONAL AI COMPUTER: New, small, interactive, stand-alone computers for use by an AI researcher in developing AI programs. Usually specifically designed to run an AI language such as LISP. PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC (PROLOG): A logic-oriented AI language developed in France and popular in Europe and Japan. SEMANTIC: Of or relating to meaning. SOFTWARE: A computer program. SPEECH RECOGNITION: Recognition by a computer (primarily by pattern matching) of spoken words or sentences. SPEECH SYNTHESIS: Developing spoken speech from text or other representations. SPEECH UNDERSTANDING: Speech perception by a computer. SYMBOLICS: Relating to the substitution of abstract representations (symbols) for concrete objects. SYNTAX: The order or arrangement (e,.g., the grammar of a 1anguage). VON NEUMANN ARCHITECTURE: The current standard computer architecture that uses sequential processing. XVIII-vm O) 1- CO CO rO •o 1 CO o CO CO CO O CO o o \ ^ O -1 CM ? Q.
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