Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Central Dakota Times Page 15 Public Notices . Public Notices . Public Notices . Public Notices . HILLTOP IRRIGATION DISTRICT 300 South Courtland #201 Brule County State’s Attorney fittings, manhole covers and other municipal Motion by Fuchs, second by Kirkpatrick, to fee hereinafter provided, the finance officer April 20, 2021 Chamberlain, SD 57325 Subscribed and sworn before me this fifth day castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps authorize an automatic budget supplement of shall approve the application and issue a per- Summary of the minutes of the Hilltop Irri- 605-234-5400 of April, 2021, Lyndsie Steckelberg, Notary and restraints, valves, structural steel, rein- $7,500 to General Fund department 456 Com- mit to the applicant for the activities described gation District held April 20, 2021, 12 noon at (Published three consecutive weeks, April Public, South Dakota. My commission expires forced precast concrete and construction mate- munity Center for use of Barger Foundation in the application. the Upper Crust meeting room. 28, 2021, May 5, 2021, and May 12, 2021, at a 01-05-2022. rials. The deminimis and minor components grant proceeds to purchase tables. Motion car- 115.06 PERMIT FEE. Regular business was conducted. total approximate cost of $41.50.) (SEAL) waiver do not apply to this contract. ried. The fee for a peddler’s or solicitor’s permit Dixie Lloyd (April 28/May 5/May 12) (Published four consecutive weeks, April 21, Owner: City of Kimball, South Dakota RECONCILIATION OF CASH ASSETS shall be set by resolution of the city council. (Published one week, April 28, 2021, at a 2021, April 28, 2021, May 5, 2021, and May By: Wayne Tupper Dominiack verified the reconciliation of 115.07 EXCEPTIONS. total approximate cost of $3.08.) PRO 21-08 12, 2021, at a total approximate cost of $82.95.) Title: Mayor cash assets for the month of March. The provisions of this section shall not apply (April 28) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND (April 21/April 28/May 5/May 12) (Published three consecutive weeks, April ADJOURNMENT to the following: NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE 28, 2021, May 5, 2021, and May 12, 2021, at a Motion by Hutmacher, second by Kirk- • Solicitations, sales or distributions made by CIV. 20-12-115 AND APPOINTMENT OF KIMBALL, SOUTH DAKOTA total approximate cost of $170.24.) patrick to adjourn. The next regular meeting is charitable, youth fund-raising activities (i.e.: NOTICE TO CREDITORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE KIMBALL SANITARY CONSTRUCTION (April 28/May 5/May 12) scheduled for Monday, May 3, 2021, beginning Girl Scout cookies, school booster club, FFA CROW CREEK SIOUX TRIBAL COURT ) STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA : ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS at 7 p.m. in Meeting Room #2 at the Oacoma fruit, etc.), educational or religious organiza- CROW CREEK SIOUX RESERVATION ) : SS Sealed bids for the construction of the NEW REGULAR MEETING OF THE Community Center. tions, which have registered, with the city and CROW CREEK SIOUX JURISDICTION ) COUNTY OF BRULE : SANITARY SEWER LINE will be received, OACOMA TOWN BOARD Gary Dominiack, President • Traveling salespersons doing business ex- IN TRIBAL COURT IN CIRCUIT COURT by the CITY OF KIMBALL, SOUTH April 19, 2021 Valerie J. Moore, Finance Officer clusively with retail merchants, manufacturers CIVIL DIVISION FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DAKOTA, at the office of City of Kimball (140 The Oacoma Town Board met in regular ses- (Published one week, April 28, 2021, at a or public officials and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: In The Matter Of The Estate Of Main Street, Kimball, SD 57355), until 2 p.m. sion at 7 p.m. on April 19, 2021, in Meeting total approximate cost of $56.43.) (C) Members of professions licensed by the MILES PETER ST. JOHN KEITH GILBERTSON, Central Time on Monday, May 17, 2021, at Room #2 at the Oacoma Community Center. (April 28) state. Deceased. Deceased. which time the bids received will be publicly Board members present were Gary Dominiack, 115.08 TRANSFER OF PERMIT. TO THE CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF Notice is given that on April 13, 2021, Brady opened and read. The project consists of in- president; Richard Kirkpatrick, vice-president; CITY OF KIMBALL No two or more persons shall deal on the MILES PETER ST. JOHN properly within Gilbertson, Melissa Gilbertson and Brenden stalling a new sanitary sewer line, jack and bor- Kyle Fuchs; Roger Twamley and Robin Hut- April 19, 2021 same permit as partners, agents or otherwise, the jurisdiction of the above-named court. Lohrenz, whose address is c/o Kraig L. Kron- ing new sanitary sewer line under Interstate 90, macher. Also present was Valerie Moore, fi- The Kimball City Council met in regular nor shall such permit be assignable from the Notice is hereby given that all persons hav- aizl, 110 North Minnesota Avenue, Suite 400, installation of new manholes and abandoning nance officer. session Monday, April 19, 2021, at the city of- person to whom it was originally issued to any ing a claim against the estate of Miles Peter St. Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104, were infor- existing sanitary sewer line in place. MINUTES fice. Mayor Wayne Tupper called the meeting other person, firm or corporation. John, who died on Oct. 25, 2020, and who are mally appointed as co-personal representatives Bids will be received for a single prime con- Motion by Hutmacher, second by Fuchs, to to order at 7 p.m. Councilmembers present by 15.09 EXECUTION OF ORDER BY SO- properly within the jurisdiction of the above of the Estate of Keith Gilbertson. tract. Bids shall be on a lump sum and unit approve the minutes of the regular meeting on roll call were Harold Bickner, Matt Dykstra, LICITOR. court, must present their statement of claim, Creditors of decedent must file their claims price basis, with additive option bid items as April 5, 2021. Motion carried. Shelly Janish, Bill Gough, Joel Reiter, Bruce Every solicitor shall execute, sign his or her itemized and in writing, to the undersigned per- within four (4) months after the date of the first indicated in the bid form. PUBLIC COMMENTS Robison. Also present were Nancy Munger, own name and deliver to the person giving an sonal representative or the clerk of courts publication of this notice or their claims may The issuing office for the bidding documents Time was reserved for public comments pur- Theresa Maule, Deb Ruiz, Anita Holan, Paul order for the future delivery of property or for within ninety (90) days from the date of the be barred. is Brosz Engineering, 2309 West 50th Street, suant to SDCL 1-25-1. No comments were of- Dorwart, Ron Falor, Donnie Hamiel, Todd the performance of personal services in the fu- first publication of this notice or be forever Claims may be filed with the co-personal Sioux Falls SD 57105; Blake Harms, 605-336- fered. Yeaton, Blake Harms, Audrey Konechne and ture an exact copy thereof and no such order barred. representatives or may be filed with the clerk 1676, [email protected]. Prospec- FIREWORKS ORDINANCE Rita Robison. shall be binding on the party giving the same, Dated this 1st day of April, 2021. and a copy of the claim mailed to the co-per- tive bidders may examine the bidding Discussion was held on a draft of Ordinance Motion by Reiter, second by Janish to ap- unless all the terms thereof, as made by such Arlene Black Bird sonal representatives. documents at the issuing office on Mondays No. 2021-01, an ordinance to regulate the sale prove the amended agenda. All aye. Motion solicitor, shall be set forth therein. Personal Representative Dated this 13th day of April, 2021. through Fridays between the hours of 9 a.m. to of fireworks in the Town of Oacoma. The carried. 115.10 SOLICITOR TO LEAVE PROP- 31916 South Dakota Highway 34 LYNN, JACKSON, SHULTZ 4 p.m. and may obtain copies of the bidding board recommended the following changes or The April 1 special meeting and April 5 reg- ERTY UPON REQUEST. Harrold, SD 57536 AND LEBRUN, P.C. documents from the issuing office as described clarifications for attorney review: 1. There ular meeting minutes stand approved as writ- No peddler or solicitor shall remain upon the (Published four consecutive weeks, April 7, /s/ Kraig L. Kronaizl below. Upon request, one copy of contract doc- shall be two separate city license periods for ten. property of any customer or prospective cus- 2021, April 14, 2021, April 21, 2021, and April Kraig L. Kronaizl uments shall be furnished, without charge to sale of fireworks pursuant to SDCL 34-34-2.2 The council discussed accepting the part of tomer who has requested the peddler or solici- 28, 2021, at a total approximate cost of $46.40.) 110 North Minnesota Avenue, Suite 400 each contractor resident in South Dakota who including an early season from May 1 to June South Main Street owned by the Brule County tor to leave such property (April 7/April 14/April 21/April 28) Sioux Falls, SD 57104 intends, in good faith, to bid upon the project. 26 and a late season from July 6 to Aug. 31 and Highway Department with a consensus to table Effective Date. Phone 605-332-5999 Bidding documents also may be examined Dec. 28 to Jan. 1. The city fee for each city li- any action until it is determined exactly who This ordinance shall be in full force and ef- CIV #21-31 Fax: 605-332-4249 on-line at Quest CDN; www.questcdn.com; the cense period shall be $1,000 per license. 2.
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