AWS Challenges Views of Critics EL GAUCHO By BECCA WILSON ever, as the discussion went on, V o i. 48 - N o . 12 Santa Barbara, California Thurs, O c t. 5 , 1967 Reporter what became a serious question was "Are UCSB women truly Tuesday hadn't been the best represented in AWS, and do the of days for AWS. That morn­ rules set up truly reflect their ing, they had been insulted by desires?” an EL GAUCHO editorial. That In the opinion of the AWS afternoon, their executive board officials present, the "lockout" meeting was interrupted by an Scholarship Program Passes,- regulations now in effect are a El Gaucho staffer who informed direct reflection of the desires them that the newspaper wasn't of women students, who were their only critic. So after the polled in each supervised resi­ meeting, AWS president Kathy dence last year. As one AWS Dahl and a half-dozen AWS officer explained, "Many fresh­ executive board members men girls want and need the pro­ Vietnam Poll Placed On Ballot marched up to the EL GAUCHO tection and security of these office to discuss the situation. rules—many feel they are not By WAYNE RASCATI Who, let alone AWS, has the ready to make these decisions Staff Writer moral or philosophical right themselves.” to determine the rules by which Last night, in its first meeting of the year, Legislative Council established a scholarship The question that then came program for students from poverty-stricken backgrounds, decided that the Homecoming parade UCSB women live?—this was up from one of the critics was the main question that AWS "Is it just for the desires of shall remain on State Street, and placed a question on Vietnam on the next election ballot. officials were challenged with these 'many* girls to dictate By a series of matching contributions from the Regents and the national government, by the critics present, one of the conduct of others who may Leg. Council was able to establish a scholarship program for needy students through the Economic whoip was Hubert Jessup, Rep­ not have the same needs or de­ Opportunities Program. at-Large. sires?” In answer to this challenge, The initial donation of $3,000 to EOP will allow the Associated Students to bring ap- AWS president Kathy Dahl NOTHING DECIDED proximately 40 students to this started by pointing out that Most time was spent debating campus this year, as the Re­ AWS is not an outside body on this particular point—and no gents will match the Aj3. con­ which imposes rules on another satisfactory conclusion was tribution on a five-to-one basis group—by definition, AWS £ reached. The only thing which and the Federal Government the women students of UCSB. all present agreed on was that will match the total on a one- All women belong to AWS, and what's needed is action: those to-one basis. those who are affected by the girls who disagree with the Rep.-at-Large Alan Schwartz rules for supervised housing present rules, whether in a inquired as to the availability have representatives who exist minority or not, must speak of future funds for this project, to express the girls' opinions. out—by involving themselves in as this year's oulay resulted the organization which exists from excess funds in the LA REAL REFLECTION? to represent them. CUMBRE budget. Schwartz Theoretically, this point Miss Dahl emphasized that moved that the amount be re­ could not be contested. How- AWS is 'Sloping to represent duced to $1,000. This amend­ as many women as it possibly ment was defeated. can," and urged that all women A subsequent motion, moved come to the meetings and let by Student Affairs Chairman Lagoon To their suggestions and criti­ Don Weintraub, stated that at cisms be heard. least one per cent of future One of the problems last AJ3. budgets be reserved for year was that very few girls the continuation of the program. attended AWS meetings. This This motion was carried. Smell Good year, it is hoped that both followers and dissenters will IT A L L SEEMED SOUR for Paul Sweet last night when Leg. Council ISLA VISTA SHUNNED be heard, so that a truly 'just* defeated his proposal for an Isla Vista Homecoming Parade. Legislative Council defeated system may be adopted. Walker photo a motion by I.V. Rep. Paul Sweet which would have moved This Year the Homecoming Parade from By JEAN FISHER Santa Barbara to Isla Vista. Staff Writer Paul Beilin felt, "Any public Biologist Hardin Warns relations we get out of home­ All fears centering around the return of the "great smell" coming is well worth the money from the UCSB Lagoon can be spent for it.” waylaid. The current growth In other action Leg. Council atop the lagoon is different from Of Population Curb placed 4 public opinion question the plant which caused such on the ballot in the next AJ3. nasal discomfort two years ago. election. Proposed by Hubert Graduate student Eric Todd, By RICK ROTH[ trol breeding, w ell have to rate, he points out, our popula­ Jessup, the question reads: currently working on his PhJ}. Staff Writer create a new culture." tion will double in seventy "Which alternative below best in the Marine Laboratory, ex­ The day of controlled breed­ Hardin feels that we tend to years.) represents your position on the plained that the plant visible ing in America, where perhaps think of population as someone war in Vietnam?: A. Immediate now (ruppia) was first noticed one will have to take out a li­ else's problem, although he REVAMP EDUCATION military withdrawl; B. Ces­ in the Spring of <65. At this cense to have a baby, is lmi- he feels we have a definite prob­ By way of countering the sation of bombing and holding of point, "there is nothing we nent unless there is a conscious lem of our own. growing dilemma, Hardin hopes negotiations; C. President can do about it", Todd stated altering in the education of the "Our population problem is we completely revamp the basic Johnson's policy; D. Military and added optomistically, "it young, warns a UCSB population on a far subtler level than, say, approach of elementary educa­ escalation; E. No opinion; hasn't stunk yet." control expert. India's, but it still exists,” ex­ tion. "We will have to start and F. Other. Explain.” In 1964, when the smell from The expert,biology professor claimed Hardin. According to teaching our children in the ele­ the lagoon was so strong, the Garrett Hardin recently stated, Hardin, the UjS. still has over mentary schools that there is a lab was called upon to deter­ "If we are going to escape con­ a 1% yearly increase. (At that good life to be had in the single, mine its cause. The lab study childless state; that one can College Press found that the green alga choose whichever pattern of life (enteromorpha) which grows in he prefers, while being tolerant large mats was the cause of the of others,” Hardin went on to Honors Storke smell. As the plant would grow, explain. In a presentation before the growth underneath decayed. 'At thepresent tim e,"he goes Leg Council last night on When the mats broke apart, on to say, "all of the images the new student publica­ the decaying material was trap­ of the good life are of family- tions building EL GAUCHO ped in the "chancellor's cove,” style life; mama, papa, and at Editor Rich Zeiger an­ thus the study ensued. The pro­ least two children.” nounced that the American ject came to a halt in August Hardin feels that once chil­ Collegiate Press will *65 when the money ran out. dren are conditioned thusly in award Mr. Thomas M. their early, formative years, it Storke a plaque for out­ NO SMELL is hard to get them to resort standing service to college Enteromorpha grows in the to rational arguments as adults. journalism. lagoon if and when the water is "We need to create an alterna­ Zeiger said that this clear, perhaps "this year tive to the Dick and Jane, mama plaque is being given to around February or March", and papa concept,” Hardin Mr. Storke on October 20 in stated Todd. It was found that feels. "We need to create some Chicago. Storke, a form­ the ruppia will prevent the en­ alternative images, maybe by er U»5. Senator and Regent teromorpha from growing and introducing a swinging Uncle of the University, is being thus prevent it from smelling. Harry or Aunt Kate who are honored mainly for his The ruppia is firmly attached single, lead an entirely different donation of the building. to the bottom and it is able to kind of life, and have a hell of Storke will be flown to be grown in turbid water, unlike a good time. Chicago at the expense of the enteromorpha. The over Unless this image is created, the Associated Students, so abundance of ruppia now is due and done fairly soon, the world that he might receive his (Continued on p. 8, col. 3) Dr. Garrett Hardin honor. •— Herzog photo (Continued on p. 8, col. 1) PAGE 2---E L GAUCHO----THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1967 CAMPUS KIOSK WORLD WIRE BOSTON (AP) — Lou Brock, the St. Louis Cardinals' speedy bullet, stroked a record-tying four hits, stole twobases and scored CLUBS ing at 7:30 in the UCen Program is to promote international con­ both runs in a 2-1 victory over the Boston Red Sox in Wednesday's IFC will meet tonight at 6 Lounge 1128A.
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