VOL. LXXVIII, NO. Z4« IPeasants Jam . Leahy Q i | . ^ West-3 iHavana After at 84;iO l/Ctl/ v^ & V I Germciti Plcin^ A i d e Havana, July 20 (/P)—Thou­ sands of straw-hatted, ma-^ __ _ __ GenevM, July 20 (^P)— In " ;i ; r r V .S l e h .. .- e .r r y i n * .r . Waahiilgton. July 20 </P)— arnvmK for a Admiral of the Fleet William effort to find a way to end the for the purpose of considering the : arriving earlt dem on-1 Cancer Berlin crisis the West pro­ German problem ns a whole. Istrationstration nextnext Sundaylyunuo., of... sup-o..,. Rnone. posed to Russia today the It should also consider ques-j p „rt for Fidel Castro and his of *taff to President Koo creation of a continuing con- lions relating to the extension and j jjj,rarian reform program veil, died today development of contacts. between ; ^revolutions ry leader him-'’ TTi# veteran naval officer, dip­ ^lerence of foreign ministers, lomat and senior adviser to the the two parts of Germany. seclusion today, his ' Kennedy Stalls with East and West German 'For the.se purposes the con­ gtill not revealed. There was j White Houae waa *♦- Edward J. Daly, 67, The Navy aaid deaUi resulted advisers, to negotiate a Ger­ ference shall meet from time to ' some speculation that he might ■ man peace settlement. time at .such level and a t such . r . •cerebral vascular acci 1960 Decision U.a. Secretary of State Chria- place as are agreed. i dent.' ... i ' . I tian A. Herter presented the west­ "The conference may also make a stroke. Death took place at the pick someone to carry out his pol­ Navy Center in Bethesda, Md. 25th to Hold Post ern compromise offer, after re­ .special arrangements for the con­ icies while ha devotes most of his sideration of particular questions Leahv. who was the senior .1- To Decemher jecting a proposal by Soviet For­ lime to the land redistribution P>'f- ,t. ; 7 Vlevsted to that rank _ _ eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko arising out of its terms of ref­ Hartford. Jtilv 20 (JP)—Ckinnecticut’fi 25th chief ^atice, erence as defined above.” gram. But in any caae he clearlyi^^^ ^ u,,"tforH Iiilv *>0 f/Pl— A for formation of an aU-Gernian will continue to boss Cuba. ' Hv* of Hampton. Iowa. I Hai.tfOMl. , Edward J. Dal.v. d j^ at 9:55 a.m. today, a victim of lanf committee to negotiate unifica-, Herter, Britain's Selwyn Lloyd The farmers were spilling into , career which etretched Strong sll.t' predicted today tlon and a peace treaty during an j ^^d French Foreign Minister Mau- Castro's capital from as far as 500 j,j, gradus- | that Sen. - John Kennedt ( D- cancer. He was 57. , ax __ 18-month Berlin truce. j rice Couve de Murville met at U.S. miles sway, answering the •’»J1 of Naval Academy, he ^^.jn probablv announce He pa.ssed away at his home, 48 Woodland Park, after ®n "The Durnose of the Soviets in , headquarters at noon and put the their bearded leader for .■SWOOO to war«L.starting with , w hether hel illness which forced him to undergo an operation in a Bogtmi flnal polish on a plan for trying putting'forward the proposal is attend the anniversary celebration I Spaniah-American Vtar. His ‘ riomncrst ip nroa 1 hospital last St. Patrick’s Pay. , *1. n all too clearly to perpetuate the to get Gromyko to lower his price of Castro's first unsuccessful *t-!next fighting assignments were. will seek the Denriociatic pres­ He took part in both the May and June aesaions of the Su­ partition of Germany,” Herter said for a truce deal. Then they went tack .Tilly 2 6, 1953, on Fiilgencio the Philippine Insurrection j idential nomination. preme Court of Errors and worked on decisions at hia hoirie in a speech to the Big Four in a into a luncheon meeting^ with Batista's forces and^ in 4.u„.tha Boxer Uprising illin . ricM*Oov, AbrahamAKtsaViani RlblcoffRihirn made the formal aession at the Palace of Grom.vko at Lloyd's house. The visitors sre being housed in : China. i statement at s regular news ron- up to two weeks ago. I^ast week he took a turn for the Nations. After the luncheon session they privsle homes and on cols in gov­ Leahy reached the peak of his ference in commenting on s 6- He then mide the weetem coun- planned to present the western ernment buildings snd wsrehoiises. j seryice^in the Navv itself in 1937 1 hour meeting with Kennedy at the 1 With him when he died were his wife, the former Viola terpr^pos*'- which would retain di­ proposal form ^.v at a regular Havana’s normal population i s . when he was appointed chief of Senator's home in Hysnnispoi 1. } Shea of New London: a daughter, Mrs. Betty Anne HortOT rect big power responsibility for meeting of the. Big Four con­ 1,200.000. and the city Is crowded ^ naval operations. Mass., Saturday. Also at the meel- of West Hartford; his only son, Atty. Edward J. Daly Jn of German unification .and a peace ference and at the same time make already. After his retirement two yearsling was Jojin M. Bailey, t oniiecti- treaty but would apecifically pro­ it public. The firat 5.000 from Orienie later he served successively as cut state Democratic chairman. Hartford, and three .sisters. Mrs. Louis Zahronsky, Mrs. noTr vide ' for increasing contacts be­ The private meeting’ lasted 2 '-a Province--marched up Havana’s governor of Puerto Rico and sni- Ribicoff. a Democrat,, .said he ence McBride and .Mrs. Sadie Murray, all of West Hartford. tween West Germany and Com­ famed Prado ye.'terday to s brass hassador to Franca during the told Kennedy he fell the .Senator | hour.'. 'The ministers agreed to would receive the Democratic noni-| Surviving him also are another daughter. Mother M. An- munist East Germany. meet again for a working lunch band. Many of them had never earlv stages of World War II. UhonV, who teaches in Marymount School. Richmond, Va., seen a larger city snd seemed In 1942 he was recalled to ac­ instion for president snd go on to Here is the text of the proposi­ tomorrow at Gromyko's villa. win the election. j and three grandchildren. Peggy Anne and Theodore Horton tion which has West German ap- They decided to canel s plenary awed by the capital’s traffic, Inx- tive duty as chief of staff to the commander in chief. In that ca­ "It is (definitely our hope hi.a an- )■ provsl and was reluctantly agreed meeting set for tomorrow. iirlous hotels snd sprawling -biisi- will be affirmative." R ibi-; Jr. and Catricia Mary Daly. | The western counter proposal re- nesa buildi“tgs. pacity he was the senior member-swer Chief Iiistlc, Daly, born in to bv France Saturday after a of the Joint Chiefs of Staff snd s coff said conceiving• crisv «:• Kennedy’s ex- Cuba meanwhile rocked along j Hsrtfoirt in 1892. became the first | week of western disagreement: member of. the combined chief- a - I Dtrember announcement,•n«rtunr»mpnt i "The Geneva conference of for- (ContinilfHi on Pace Two) with a startdatill government, wait­ Basically this is a decision only Denwicratic attorney general of, Chief Justice’s ing to learn what Castro plans to which included senior officera of Connecticut, lervefi aa a Judge at principal alliea of the United h* can make and should make.” do. But the new president. Dr. Os- Both Rlblcoff and Bailey sre the war crimes trials in Gerrnany waldo Porticos, told s Boston radio States. pledged to Kennedy for the Demo- following M'orld War II, and had Death Saddens .station by telephone that he con­ When the 5-«tsr rank was ere; a long and distinguished csreer aa steid late in 1944, Leah.v was given Kassem Says Revolt siders Ca.«tro still is premiM'. (Uontinned on Page Nine) CHIEF JI'ETIcr, DALY a practicing lawj'er and superior The 40-year-old lawyer also said seniority over the orheir six officers court judge before eecending the State Leaders that former President Manuel Ur- appointe .. supreme court bench. rutia. whom Castro forced out of As Preeident F r a n k ' 1 n D. Jiiatice Daly was appointed chief Hartford. July 30 'APi—Governor office Friday, was in no dsjiger in Rooaeveit's ch.et of staff. Leahy National Output Jumps Jiiatic# of the State Supreme Court Ribicoff waa outwardly moved Of Pro-Reds Erased Cuba and probably wouifi remain had prpbably one of the most dif- of Errors May 6. 1958 for an eight when he received word of tli# in the country. Urrutis wijas at his Aoiilt’ poattione of hie long career. vear term. He succeeded Chief Jus­ death of Chief Jiiatice Edward J. brother-in-law’i heavily guarded When he steppe into the job tice Kenneth Wynne, retired. Daly during hia morning preM Beirut, Lebanon, July 20 (A’i The bodies of at least 1.5 persons, home outside Havana. Dorticos in 1942. the United States was in The vacancy caused by th# death conference. including the commander and local U.S. Income Soars Primjer Abdel Kanm Kassem’a the midst of its rapidly broaden­ of Chief Justice Daly vidll b# filled Later ha laaiied a prepared regime claims it has smashed a ofltrials, were hanged or dragged (Continued on Four) ing war effort.
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