30946 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 7, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SUPPORT FOR PROPOSED LAND portance of the land exchange negotiations. the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, other EXCHANGE Contained in House Report 102-256 to ac­ forest industry and local and state politi­ company H.R. 2686 is language by the man­ cians. In addition, Potlatch has described the proposal to several conservation groups, in­ HON. JOE SKEEN agers as follows: cluding The Wilderness Society, Idaho Con­ OF NEW MEXICO The managers are concerned about the ap­ servation League, The Nature Conservancy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES parent lack of meaningful progress in nego­ of Idaho, Sierra Club and several wildlife or­ tiations between the Department and the ganizations. Groups who have heard the de­ Thursday, November 7, 1991 Potlatch Corp. regarding the transfer to the tails of the plan have identified no negative Mr. SKEEN. Mr. Speaker, on November 1, Fish and Wildlife Service of wetlands owned Idaho impacts. Potlatch has also contacted 1990, I signed a letter to Secretary of the Inte­ by Potlatch in Arkansas in exchange for pub­ and received support from the Clearwater rior Manuel Lujan expressing support for a lic lands in Idaho. The managers continue to Resource Coalition and the St. Joe Valley support an equal value exchange as a means Association. proposed land exchange between the Potlatch of acquiring prime wetland habitat for public Corp. and the Federal Government. Potlatch is use, and continue to urge the Department to HOW WILL IT HAPPEN? interested in swapping a large block of for­ proceed as expeditiously as possible with the Congressional Action: Complex intra-agen­ ested bottomland in Arkansas and a small necessary actions required to conclude the cy exchanges such as this must be facilitated negotiations. by specific federal legislation. Hence, the strip of Idaho riverfront property for scattered support of Congressional delegations of Ar­ federally owned timberland parcels of equal In light of the crystal clear congressional di­ kansas and Idaho is essential. A first step economic value in northern Idaho. I expressed rectives and key expressions of support, the was taken in July of 1990 with a letter, joint­ the hope that "we can proceed with a legisla­ pace of negotiations for the exchange should ly signed by Senators Dale Bumpers of Ar­ tive initiative in the upcoming Congress to be quickened substantially. This is a very im­ kansas and James McClure of Idaho, advising carry out the exchange." A review of the con­ portant environmental initiative. Enabling legis­ Interior Secretary Manuel Lujan of their siderable congressional support for this ex­ lation should be enacted in this Congress. A support for the exchange and urging him to change may be instructive. recent summary of the exchange situation is facilitate the exchange within his depart­ On September 20, 1990, Senator SIMPSON ment. A further step was taken during the attached to my statement: fall of 1990 when the Senate Interior Com­ and Senator WALLOP cosigned a letter to Sec­ SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED EXCHANGE-U.S. mittee included the following in its report on retary Lujan r,upporting the exchange. The let­ FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, POTLATCH the Interior Appropriations bill: ter stated that "the potential acquisition of CORP., BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT "The Committee is aware of ongoing nego­ such a large continuous tract of wetlands in­ The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's North tiations between the Department (Fish & cluding bottomland, which bridges the gap be­ American Waterfowl Plan identified approxi­ Wildlife) and the Potlatch Corporation re­ tween two extraordinary existing wildlife ref­ mately 56,000 acres of Potlatch Corporation garding the transfer to the Fish & Wildlife uges, in exchange for scattered woodlands in lands in east-central Arkansas, along the Service lands owned by Potlatch in Arkansas Cache and White Rivers a significant winter­ in exchange for public lands of equal value in Idaho would be a rare opportunity to promote Idaho. Such an exchange will ultimately re­ both increased efficiency in management of ing habitat for migrating waterfowl. Subse­ quently, Potlatch and the U.S. Fish & Wild­ quire congressional approval. The Commit­ Federal lands and compelling environmental life Service have reached an agreement in tee supports the exchange proposal and urges values." That letter followed a similar July 31, concept for offering Potlatch's Arkansas the Department to process as expeditiously 1990 communication to the Secretary from land to the Fish & Wildlife Service in ex­ as possible with the necessary appraisals and Senator BUMPERS and Senator McClure sup­ change for federal timberland of equal value other actions required to conclude the nego­ porting the exchange. As pointed out in the in northern Idaho. tiations and develop appropriate legislation July 31, 1990 letter, "the lower White River­ Under the agreement, BLM land trans­ for congressional consideration." ferred to Potlatch in northern Idaho would Agency Action: the Forest Service and Cache River-Bayou Deview floodplain, which Fish and Wildlife Services are engaged in ap­ includes the Potlatch holdings, was designated be located outside of designated BLM man­ agement areas. In addition, approximately praising and screening various land parcels as a 'Wetlands of International Importance' 8,500 acres of BLM lands within the Grand­ identified as candidates for trade. BLM lands under the Ramsar Convention." mother Mountain, Marble Creek and Lemon­ selected to date have been further screened Additionally, Senate Appropriations Commit­ ade Peak areas would be transferred to the through the Idaho Heritage Program to de­ tee Report 101-534 to accompany the fiscal Forest Service in exchange for the transfer termine if any environmental sensitivity ex­ year 1991 Interior appropriations bill indicated of Forest Service lands of equal value to Pot­ ists. that the "Committee supports the exchange latch. Additional three-way exchanges in­ APPRAISALS proposal and urges the Department to pro­ volving BLM and Forest Service will be Appraisals are being conducted in Arkan­ ceed as expeditiously as possible with the structured as necessary to balance exchange sas and Idaho by independent appraisers. necessary appraisals and other actions re­ values. Potlatch has no input to the appraisal proc­ As part of the exchange agreement, Pot­ ess. quired to conclude the negotiations and de­ latch would convey to the Forest Service ap­ The appraisal will proceed in two phases. velop appropriate legislation for congressional proximately 640 acres of Potlatch inholding Phase I identifies primarily BLM lands with­ consideration." in the Grandmother Mountain area. In addi­ in Potlatch's operating region. If sufficient The joint explanatory statement of the com­ tion, Potlatch would convey to the BLM ap­ value isn't identified in Phase I. Potlatch mittee of conference to accompany the Octo­ proximately 900 acres in the Rochat Divide may select additional lands north of Coeur ber 27, 1990 conference report on the Interior Management Area, 240 acres in the Lolo d'Alene and south of the Salmon River, with appropriations bill, H.R. 5769, stated that the Creek Management Area and portions of plans of effecting other exchanges to move "language and allocations set forth in House Potlatch's 30 miles of abandoned railroad back into the company's operating areas. Se­ right-of-way along the St. Joe river. Report 101-789 and Senate Report 101-534 lection and appraisal of USFS lands will also occur during the second phase. shall be complied with unless specifically ad­ GENERAL SUPPORT FOR THE EXCHANGE dressed to the contrary in the conference re­ Arkansas: there is strong local support NEPA port and accompanying statement of the man­ from the Arkansas Game and fish Commis­ In compliance with the National Environ­ sion, the Governor, local politicians, commu­ mental Policy Act (NEPA), a full environ­ agers." nity leaders, the Arkansas Heritage Commis­ mental review of the proposed action will be On October 17, 1991 the joint explanatory sion, Nature Conservancy and other con­ completed. Included in the NEPA require­ statement of the committee of conference in servation groups. ments are opportunities for public input. the fiscal year 1992 Interior appropriations bill Idaho: the concept of the exchange has sup­ Multiple public meetings will be held in gave fresh and renewed emphasis to the im- port from the Idaho Department of Lands, North Idaho. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. November 7, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 30947 ADVANTAGES vice and impeccable honesty are well known Concept House, for her efforts to make this Aside from providing wetlands in Arkansas and deeply appreciated by all of us who have much needed program possible. Ms. Jones as desired by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv­ come under Gus's political tutelage. has helped develop a drug treatment program ice, a prime advantage of the exchange is Gus is very generous to his friends and al­ that targets women's special needs, an ap­ that it allows the Forest Service to block up lies and displays tremendous loyalty on all proach often overlooked. I am confident that its ownership where it is intermingled with fronts. He's quietly provided support-both fi­ the efforts of Concept House will become a BLM lands. In addition, Potlatch's convey­ ing portions of the railroad right-of-way nancial and advisory-to many candidates in model in caring for addicted pregnant women along the St. Joe River to BLM will allow our area. and mothers in south Florida. that agency to develop recreational facilities As I mentioned, he is known for his keen and enhance the value of that area for public political judgment.
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