<i -* Stony Brooi-^ & W ^ Z:C ^Cr-^ --- ^^I Tuesday 1991 ^^ -A '^^'S^^^^^-^^Sr^'IV L------I January 29. ^^^ T^Vy£^(? yy^ ^W y^ ~~~~~~~~~~~Volume34, Number 30 1^^ €/l>C/€/<^Of~~~~~~~~yV/J €^~~ STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW~ YORK AT STONY BROOK - - M | T,.- -I In ...^ r ^* w* ,.* , , * * ** - » > l'v-: _ , ' l;,, 2 . ' ... {':''-:.,.^e _ Statesman/Christopher Reid Anti-war protestors urge President Bush to read their lips during yesterday's rally. -Should We Have Made War in the Gulf? 3 Stony Brook Students Split on U.S. Role - Page -- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While you were away... December 24- TwentyIneAmerican Baker leaves for his meeting with Aziz. caii/wJan Israeli in ferry ac- 7 - Back Jan 7 - Former Cincinnati Reds star Pete Welcomlne cident are honored. Rose leaves jail after six months. Dec 25- President Bush says the troops The A-12, the Navy's stealth fighter, is SUWNY nn: ot ready for a ground assault. grounded by Secretary of Defense Dick balman Rushdie's repentance was rejected Cheney. by the Ayatollah. Gorbachev orders the Soviet troops to round *New "'SEPy *Tai-Chi& *Medically Supervised up all draft evaders in Lithuania. Aerobics Classes Yoga classes weight loss programs Dec. 26 - The US Census Bureau reports Rioting in Haiti over Lafontant's failed coup 249,632,692 Americans. leaves 36 people dead. *Computerized Nancy Cruzan dies at age 26 - was focus of Iraq seeks France's aid in the UN. Stairmaster, international debate over life-support sys- Treadmills & tems. Jan 8 - Pan Am files for bankruptcy. Soviet President Gorbachev picks Gennady Soviet troops enter Lithuania to enforce the Aerobicycles Yanayev as Vice President. draft. gF ness., Baker has meeting with Aziz. *FREE weight Dec 27 - Dr. Robert Reza, former profes- body building Conlnection sor at University Hospital, held on $5 mil- Jan 9 - Neither Iraq or the US budge at lion bail for killing his wife. meeting. Bush decides on a "quick-strike" strategy if UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de *Nautilus programs 1320 Stony Brook Road Iraq does not comply with the UN deadline. Cuellar leaves for Iraq. Stony Brook, NY 11790 Bush says of meeting: "this is a total stiff- *Heated whirlpool Located Behind Cooky's Steak Pub Dec 28 - A subway fire in Brooklyn arm." & steam room leaves two dead, 100 injured. Call Today For Details Jan 10 - Substantial gains favoring the Dec 29 - hraq denies reports that it may use-of-force are made in Congress. *New suntan salons withdraw from Kuwait. Peter Stangl is tabbed to head the MTA. 751-3959 The "two faces of George Bush" are named Baker, in a meeting with the Saudis, plan for *Private one nme's Man of the Year. war. on one training vimx^- -^3 B Dec 30 - One teenager is arrested for Jan 11 - Soviet forces raid Lithuanian as I vf *1 I11 murder in a shooting at the Sunrise Theater office biildings. at a showing of "GodfatherII". Congress continues its use-of-force debate. Hussein warns his countrymen of a "Holy Dec 31 -.Five soldiers arelklled in separate War." incidents in the Persian Gulf, bringing the Bush asks Israel to stay out of the crisis. number killed in Operation Desert Shield to 93. Jan 12 - Congress gives the go-ahead for Iraq orders the mobilization of 17-year oids, force, 250-183. the youngest soldiers in Iraqi history. The Rev. Al Sharpton is knifed at a Bensonhurst rally. Jan 1 -President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt warns Hussein of "merciless hell" if war Jan 13 - Perez de Cuellar meets with erupts. Hussein. Newspapers report a successful raid into Jan 2 - The 102nd Congress begins its Iraq by American, Kuwaiti, and British session. commandos that took place last month. Iraq offers to make a deal with the United y States to withdraw its forces from Kuwait Soviet forces attack a television tower in Iraq promises bonuses to its soldiers. Vilnius, Lithuania, killing 13. 3 Five hundred people march in Bensonhurst Jan 3 - The United States claims that two protesting the attack on Sharpton. airmen shot down over El Salvador were Israel says they would enter the conflict if executed. attacked. Bush promises "onelast attempt" at peace. - Jan 14 -Two top PLO aides are assassinated Ch Jan 4 - A third suspect in the Sunrise in Tunisia by a renegade bodyguard. shooting is arrested. CL With one day to go before the UN deadline, a The US Post Office recommends an increase Bush summons his top aides to the White 9 in stamps to 29¢. ad Hlouse. 0 Iraq accepts an offer to meet with US Sec- Iraq's parliamentgives Hussein a unanimous retary of State James Baker. vote of confidence. .1; TheUnited States supports UN criticisms of Gorbachev backs the attack in Vilnius. Israel's treatment of Palestinians. France attempts a last-minute peace settle- i The UnitedStates is na medtie world'smost ment. incarcerated nation-426peopleoutofevery 100.00,000. Jan 15 - The UN deadline passes. The US Army heads toward the Kuwait Jan 5 -The first black is appointed to the F-I border. Long Island diocese. We United States rejects the French peace S Baker says he will issue to Iraqi Foreign bid. c^ Minister Tariq Aziz "an ultimatum" and fie nothing more. Storm begins at 7 16. .- Jan 16 - Operation Desert Jan 6 - Home <35 supply store founder Louis o'clock EST. Pergament, dies at 86. The United States-led coalition begins bom- The University Hospital graces Newsday's bardment of Baghdad and Iraqi defensive 4.) I? frontcoveriiastoryentiled"Underachiever positions in Kuwait. 42 Hospital". Bushdeclares: e battle has beenjoined Iranian students stage a rally for Salman Rushdie's execution. See AWAY on page 9 Students speak out On War in the Gulf By Toni Masercola Suasmo News Editor The war in the Persian Gulf sparked activism on campus yesterday when Stony Brook students gathered in the aca- demic mall to voice their opposition and support of U.S. involvement in the Middle East. "I love the troops, but I hate the war," said Tim Dubnau, a member of the Stony Brook Coalition for Peace, the organization that brought the rally together. Along with other members of the coalition, Dubnau voiced disapproval of U.S. intervention in the Gulf by saying that President Bush and the media are trying to create a soft picture of the war and aren't telling Americans the facts that they deserve to know. "We don't see the body bags and the civilians bleeding believes the to death in Iraq and Kuwait," said Dubnau, who taitCsmu ivkiunit-ptcr eCId reality of this war is being covered up by the administration Students gathered in the academic mall Monday to discuss the war in the Gulf. and leaving Americans with a false sense of what is really going on in the Gulf. Members of the coalition are also concerned about the I - - - accuracy of the media and the attention it is giving to the 7 peace movement A protest in Washington on Jan. 26, according to Shoshanna Wingate, a member of the coalition and activist in the protest, caused 250,000-300,000 anti-war protestors to rally, but the media failed to report the correct number, saying that only 75,000 people turned out for the rally. Many coalition members were disturbed not only with the inaccuracy, but with the lack of coverage the media is giving the peace movement. "The same amount of people fighting for our country is the same amount of people who came out against this war," said Wingate. Protestors are also worried that the effects of the burning of oil fields in Kuwait will cause an ecological disaster leading to a nuclear winter. "Mis isn't the U.S. against Iraq ... this is a global issue," said Wingate. "I'm really scared," said protestor Tracey Berliner. IcHEDruIC or stenns "We have to realize all people and walks of life that will be affected." JAN. 28- FEB. 1: Annual Spring Print and Poster Art Sale, Although the majority of the protestors opposed U.S 10 am -5 pm, Bi-Level, Stony Brook Union* intervention in the Gulf, a handful of students who support JAN 28-FEB. 12: SB Union Art Gallery Exhibit: "Quilts as Mosaics of Cultural the troops and back the president's decision to invade Iraq Diversity" (in celebration of Black History Month), Mon-Fri, Noon-5pm, Stony Brook voiced their side of the issue. Union Art Gallery* "I'm not for the war. Nobody is for the war," said Joe Symposium: "The Quilt and the Artist", discussions on the diversity of African Nelson, who feels that there were no other alternatives and American quilts, The New York Quilt Project, historical quilts, and the quilt and all other peaceful solutions had been exhausted. museum, Feb. 11, 12:30-2:30 p.m., Room 236, SB Union; Reception to follow in SB "I support my president and our action in the Persian Gallery. Gulf," said sophomore Steve Mauriello. "The U.S. has a JAN 30: Interfaith Center Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East, 1-1:30 p.m. moral obligation to prevent tyranny from growing." He in front of the Administration Building on the Academic Mall. Phone 632-6565 for Americans have the ability and obligation to help believes details* countries and people around the world. And he feels it is up to the U.S. to stop the world from "running rampant with JAN 29-31: Annual Spring Plant Sale, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Lobby, SB Union* dictators." JAN 30: Introduction to Meditation, basic introductory calss for enhancement of A heated debate resulted from both sides expressing awareness, deeper concentration, and effective stress management, conducted by their feelings about the war.
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