2376 Nov. 13 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 trip, and I lost count. But we have people linked forever with all of those who went be- here from the Agency for International De- fore and all of those who will come after. velopment; we have three of my Navy stew- Well, Mr. President, you symbolize the ards; my personal physician, Dr. Connie link between our two nations, which is equal- Mariano; and of course, the executive with ly as strong and will always exist. We are the Export-Import Bank, a long-time friend linked by our history; we are linked by the of yours, Mr. President, Maria Louisa Haley. populations that we share, the Americans We're all glad to be here, but those with roots here, the Filipinos there. But most of all, we here in the Philippines are the happiest of are linked by our shared values, our devotion all to be home. You have made us all feel to freedom, to democracy, to prosperity and at home, and we thank you for that. to peace. We have worked together in many ways And for that common devotion, I ask all over a long period of time. President Ramos of you to stand and join me in a toast to just described the 50th observation of our President and Mrs. Ramos: To all the people partnership in the Second World War. I have of the Philippines, to their health, to their heard a very moving account of the events prosperity, and to their eternal partnership of last October from Secretary of Defense with the United States. Perry and General Shalikashvili. General Ramos' Philippine soldiers also fought side NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 3:40 by side with Americans in Korea and in Viet- p.m. in the Ceremonial Room at the Malacanang Palace. In his remarks, he referred to Philippine nam. And you were there, sir, in both con- President Fidel Ramos and his wife, Amelita; flicts. We thank you for that individually and former Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal; for your country. and former Philippine President Corazon Aquino. During the cold war, the United States led an effort to stand against the tyranny of com- munism. You were our partner then. In the The President's News Conference last several years, you have led the world in With President Fidel Ramos of the the sweeping resurgence of democracy, be- Philippines in Manila ginning 8 years ago when you and others ex- November 13, 1994 posed yourselves to considerable risks to stand up for freedom here in your own coun- President Ramos. Thank you, Mr. Sec- try, following through with the remarkable retary. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. People Power Movement of President Today President Clinton and I took concrete Aquino, where people held flowers in the steps towards enhancing Philippine-Amer- face of tanks and captured the imagination ican relations. During our bilateral meeting, of the entire world. I expressed my sincere appreciation to Presi- And now, sir, under your leadership we dent Clinton for the substantial participation see the Philippines moving forward, respect- of the United States Armed Forces in the ing the dignity, the rights of all people and commemoration of the 50th anniversary of aggressively pursuing a modern economic the Leyte landing, 3 weeks ago. program designed to bring prosperity to all Our meeting this afternoon enabled us to the tens of millions of people who call these discuss a wide range of issues with direct im- wonderful islands their home. port on our bilateral relations and the peace You know, President Ramos is a fitting and stability of the Pacific. I acknowledged leader for this time. We know in America our debt of gratitude to America's commit- that in 1946Ðhe doesn't look that oldÐ ment, to America's strength, and to Ameri- [laughter]Ðbut in 1946, he won the only Fil- ca's keeping faith with her ideals and values ipino scholarship to the United States Mili- in such areas as Haiti, the Persian Gulf, and tary Academy. I met several others of you the Korean Peninsula. who graduated from West Point here today, We both agreed to build our partnership and all of you know that when one graduates on the basis of mutual respect and mutual from West Point, heÐand now sheÐbe- benefit, reinforced by our common commit- comes a member of the Long Gray Line, ment to democracy and the rule of law. Presi- VerDate 14-MAY-98 11:16 May 28, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00012 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 C:\TERRI\P46NO4.016 INET03 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 / Nov. 13 2377 dent Clinton and I recognize the value of I appreciate President Clinton's effort to enhancing the security and stability of the help resolve the longstanding issue of the Asia-Pacific region and reiterated our com- claims of Filipino veterans of World War II mitment to the peaceful resolution of con- with the United States Government. Even flicts. We agreed that only under such condi- as I acknowledged the concern of leading tions can the full economic growth and pros- members of the U.S. Congress for the res- perity of the Asia-Pacific region be realized. toration of Filipino veterans' rights. I wel- I assured President Clinton that the Phil- come these assurances that the United States ippines will continue to support the peace- will work hand in hand with the Philippine keeping initiatives of the United States and Government in helping to promote the wel- the United Nations, as we have recently fare of Amerasians in the Philippines. manifested in a dispatch to Haiti, upon initial President Clinton and I renewed our com- contingent of 50 international police mon- mitment to the protection of the environ- itors, or IPM, from this country. And I also ment and the preservation of the world eco- congratulated him for the United States role logical balance. in the series of breakthrough agreements for And lastly, I reiterated my appreciation for peace and development in the Middle East the warm welcome, hospitality extended by and in the Korean Peninsula which has lifted President Clinton and the American people our hopes for its eventual denuclearization. during my visit to the United States last year. I have been assured, in turn, by President We look forward to moving Philippines- Clinton that they will encourage a higher United States partnership to a higher and level of investments by Americans. I also ac- more mutually beneficial level in the years knowledged his government's support for our to come. bid to attain newly industrializing country, or Thank you very much. Salamat. NIC status, by the turn of the century. We President Clinton. Thank you very much. further agreed to find ways and means to im- First, let me thank President Ramos for the prove our two-way trade. warm welcome that the United States dele- The United States continues to be our gation has received here in the Philippines. number one trading partner, and we believe We had a very good bilateral discussion that we can greatly expand our trade by the in which the President expressed the Phil- further lowering of trade barriers. ippine position and the interest of the Fili- To accelerate trade liberalization, Presi- pino people very articulately to me on a very dent Clinton and I agreed on the urgency large number of issues. of the ratification of the Uruguay round of I would like to point out in general that the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade over the last 50 years, the relationship be- by member countries. I assured him of the tween the United States and the Philippines Philippines' commitment to trade liberaliza- has changed, has grown, has matured, but tion and investment facilitation, which must we are still very much bound together in be accompanied by conditions of national sta- ways that I think are positive. There are, after bility and political will. all, 100,000 Americans and more who make We also agreed that the Asia-Pacific Eco- their home here permanently, and in the nomic Cooperation, or APEC Leaders Sum- United States there are about 11¤2 million mit in Indonesia, will be a landmark forum Americans of Philippine ancestry. that will shape the future course of the econ- We admire your democracy, and we have omy of the entire Asia-Pacific area and, in- especially admired all the things which have deed, of the world. And we both affirmed been done in the last 8 years. We have an the value of the Philippines-U.S. Mutual De- important security relationship. You heard fense Treaty, or the MDT, and its contribu- the President talk about the joint exercises. tion to regional security and stability. We I also was able to inform President Ramos agreed that our joint exercises, which are that the United States will be able to supply planned by the Mutual Defense Board, the Philippine armed forces with two C± should be continued to ensure the interoper- 130's soon and that we will continue to dis- ability of military units. cuss the possibility of shared equipment to VerDate 14-MAY-98 11:16 May 28, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00013 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 C:\TERRI\P46NO4.016 INET03 2378 Nov. 13 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 build up the strength and the security of the So for all those reasons, I consider this to Philippine armed forces. be a successful trip. And again, I thank the We talked about regional security in gen- President for his kind hospitality and for his eral, and I want to again thank publicly Presi- frank and open and straightforward way of dent Ramos for the support that he has given stating the position of the Philippine Govern- to the agreement we have reached in co- ment and the Philippine people.
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