H3630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 2006 b 2230 such as the Honorable Jesse White, gion and other Armed Services mem- He attended Northwestern University Secretary of State, the Honorable Bur- bers, current and past, traveled great and served his country in the United ton Naturus, Alderman and committee- distances to show their respect and States Army during World War II and man of the 42nd Ward, and the honor- support for his friends, his fiance´e and the Korean War. George Dunne began able Walter Burnett, alderman of the his family. his public service career as a park su- 27th Ward. Like so many young men and women who choose to serve our country, it is pervisor at a Lake Michigan play- Mr. Speaker, I am sure that they clear to me, Corporal Eric Lueken em- ground, and went on to a series of posi- would join with me and countless oth- bodied the very best of what makes tions with the Chicago Park District. ers of saying thanks to his family for this country great. Corporal Lueken’s He was elected to the Illinois House sharing with all of us a tremendous sacrifice, his commitment to his faith, of Representative in 1955 and elevated elected official, politician, but most of his family, and his country was unwav- to House Majority Leader in 1961. In all a gentleman and a humanitarian. ering. 1962 he was elected to the Cook County f Semper Fidelis, always faithful, at Board and 7 years later he was elected The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. home, in Afghanistan, and Iraq. South- to the position of President of the DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California). ern Indiana has lost a remarkable Board. George served in that position Under a previous order of the House, young man. My thoughts and prayers for 31 years, until his retirement in the gentlewoman from North Carolina are with the Lueken family and with 1990. (Ms. FOXX) is recognized for 5 minutes. all of many men and women of the In addition to his government serv- (Ms. FOXX addressed the House. Her United States Armed Forces who de- ice, George held responsible posts in remarks will appear hereafter in the fend liberty around the world. the Cook County Democratic Party. He Extensions of Remarks.) f was Democratic committeeman of the f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a 42nd Ward on Chicago’s north side for previous order of the House, the gentle- more than 40 years, and as chairman of HONORING CORPORAL ERIC R. woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) the Cook County Democratic Party for LUEKEN Mr. SODREL. Mr. Speaker, I would is recognized for 5 minutes. all but 5 years from 1976 to his retire- (Ms. WOOLSEY addressed the House. like to claim the time of Ms. FOXX. ment in 1990. Her remarks will appear hereafter in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without George Dunne was present at many of the Extensions of Remarks.) the great historical landmark events of objection, the gentleman from Indiana his day. He was with Colonel Jacob is recognized for 5 minutes. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Arvey at the 1984 Democratic Conven- There was no objection. previous order of the House, the gen- tion in Philadelphia for the nomination Mr. SODREL. Mr. Speaker, I rise tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) of Harry Truman. today to honor a young man, a Marine is recognized for 5 minutes. 20 years later he was with Mayor from my district who served with the (Mr. PALLONE addressed the House. Richard J. Daley at the 1968 Demo- 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, 3rd Marine Expe- His remarks will appear hereafter in cratic Convention for the nomination the Extensions of Remarks.) of Hubert Humphrey. ditionary Force in Iraq. However, Mr. Speaker, for me those Corporal Eric R. Lueken of Dubois, f are not the events I remember. When I Indiana joined the Marines in 2003. He The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a remember George Dunne, I remember served in Afghanistan from November previous order of the House, the gen- 1983 when Harold Washington won the 2004 to June 2005. On March 11, 2006, he tleman from Texas (Mr. CONAWAY) is Democratic nomination for Mayor of left for service in Iraq. Eric grew up on recognized for 5 minutes. Chicago. The Democratic Party began the family poultry farm, played bas- (Mr. CONAWAY addressed the House. His remarks will appear hereafter in to split along racial lines, with some ketball at Northeast Dubois High the Extensions of Remarks.) white Democrats turning to oppose the School, and joined the Marines because nominee of their own party. he wanted to do something he could be f George Dunne was one of those who proud of. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a resisted such splitting tactics and sup- Corporal Leuken’s mother, Melinda previous order of the House, the gen- ported Harold Washington, including Lueken, said he wanted to achieve tleman from Illinois (Mr. EMANUEL) is what was to become immortalized in something for himself and he did. He recognized for 5 minutes. one famous photograph, marching arm was just a country boy. He liked hunt- (Mr. EMANUEL addressed the House. in arm with Washington at the St. Pat- ing and fishing. But he wanted to do His remarks will appear hereafter in rick’s Day Parade. something with his life and he did not the Extensions of Remarks.) I remember the depth of the crisis at want to always stick around here in f Cook County Hospital when George the little town of Dubois. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Dunne, became President of the Cook Lueken’s fiance´e, Ericka Merkel, previous order of the House, the gen- County Board. At one time Cook Coun- said, ‘‘Once he joined the Marine Corps, tleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) is rec- ty Hospital had been a model for public all of his needs, they were second. Ev- ognized for 5 minutes. health institutions. But by the early erybody else’s needs were first. He (Mr. BISHOP of Utah addressed the 1970s, many were calling for the closing never put himself first.’’ Even in Iraq House. His remarks will appear here- of the hospital. he said, ‘‘I am praying for you.’’ He was after in the Extensions of Remarks.) Today we would call it privatization never praying for himself. f of the hospital. Eventually, President This Memorial Day, Mr. Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Dunne put aside his political predi- adds special meaning for me. Corporal previous order of the House, the gen- lections and hired a radical young doc- Lueken was killed on April 22, 2006 tleman from Arkansas (Mr. SNYDER) is tor, Dr. Quentin Young to lead the De- when his convoy was the target of an recognized for 5 minutes. partment of Medicine, a move which improvised explosive device in Iraq’s (Mr. SNYDER addressed the House. today is generally created with saving Anbar Province. His remarks will appear hereafter in the hospital. Corporal Lueken was a field radio op- the Extensions of Remarks.) Mr. Speaker, I do not believe that we erator. He was only 23 years old. Mr. f mortals should make final judgement Speaker, I attended the memorial serv- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a on the life of other mortals, but when ices for Corporal Lueken and witnessed previous order of the House, the gen- we reflect on the life of George Dunne, an incredible outpouring of affection tleman from New Jersey (Mr. GARRETT) I hope that these qualities and actions and gratitude from the people of is recognized for 5 minutes. are among those which are never for- Dubois County, Indiana, from the peo- (Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey ad- gotten. ple who knew Eric best. dressed the House. His remarks will ap- Several of his proteges are integral The Marine Honor Guard, Marine pear hereafter in the Extensions of Re- parts of Illinois and Chicago politics, Corps Association, VFW, American Le- marks.) VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:35 Jun 09, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00132 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08JN7.202 H08JNPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE.
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