HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII Bishop Silva forms a It is a year of anniversaries Waialua’s Benedictine Visiting priests embody taskforce to promote the in the life and legacy priests incardinated the Hawaii-India- spirituality of stewardship of St. Marianne into the diocese Damien link Page 3 Page 7-10 Page 15 Page 17 HawaiiVOLUME 76, NUMBER 23 CatholicFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 Herald$1 Let the people The governor’s move to secure a same-sex marriage bill provokes thousands to fight back By Patrick Downes in four long days of testimonies. woman, but needed the constitu- of Beretania Street fronting the Hawaii Catholic Herald More than 11,000 filled out post- tional amendment to back it up. Capitol, from Punchbowl Street to cards at Catholic churches which Richards Street, shoulder-to shoul- he special state legislative were sent to state lawmakers. THE RALLY der most of the way. session, called by Gov. Neil Their main message: “Let the According to Eva Andrade, ex- The bulk of the people, most Abercrombie on Oct. 28 to people decide!” ecutive director of Hawaii Family wearing dark blue as requested add Hawaii to the list of 14 It’s a call for a referendum to Forum, which organized the Oct. by organizers, were packed tight- TMainland states that have legal- change the state constitution that 28 Capitol rally with its legislative ly around the speakers’ stage set ized same-sex marriage, awakened harkens back to a similar grass- action arm Hawaii Family Advo- up in the Capitol rotunda. Others a giant of populist opposition. roots movement 15 years ago, in cates, said the number of people relaxed under clear skies on the Organized mostly by churches 1998, that resulted in 69 percent who came “shocked” some of the grassy areas around the Capitol. but moved by their own personal of the voters passing a constitu- legislators. She estimated 8,000 The event mixed politics, re- convictions, thousands of Hawaii tional amendment giving the state over the course of the three-hour ligion and a little fun. The open- citizens opposing same-sex mar- Legislature the power “to reserve event. ing band included in its lineup of riage have showed up at rallies and marriage to opposite-sex couples.” “I don’t think they expected songs Percy Sledge’s “When a Man Capitol hearings, delivered opin- The 1998 referendum was a that many,” Andrade said. Loves a Woman.” ions in written testimony, called fight-back to a 1993 Hawaii Su- Even she was surprised by the Francis Oda, pastor of New Life and emailed their lawmakers and preme Court decision that ruled large turnout, though she realized Church in Honolulu, exhorted the joined in postcard campaigns. that the state could not deny mar- it might be big when “we started to crowd to “lift our hands in prayer.” An estimated 8,000 joined an riage to same-sex couples. get inundated by community lead- “We are called together to use Oct. 28 rally at the state Capitol. Hawaii legislators passed a law ers” seeking information about the the keys of the Kingdom to bind Thousands registered to speak at in 1997 recognizing marriage as event. the forces of Satan from coming state House hearings resulting being between one man and one Sign-wavers lined both sides Continued on page 5 Oct. 28 Rally at the state Capitol HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • NOVEMBER 8, 2013 Over the edge Hawaii Father Arnold Ortiz of the Oblates of St. Catholic Joseph and Sister Ruth Zonunthari of Herald the Missionary Sisters Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 of Mary Help of Chris- Published every other Friday tians rappelled down PUBLISHER the Sheraton Waikiki Bishop Larry Silva Hotel Nov. 2 as part (808) 585-3356 of the “Over the Edge” [email protected] fundraiser for Special EDITOR Olympics Hawaii. Patrick Downes Parishioners from St. (808) 585-3317 Elizabeth Church in [email protected] Aiea, where Father REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz Ortiz is administra- (808) 585-3320 tor and Sister Ruth [email protected] works, were on hand ADVERTISING to witness the priest’s Shaina Caporoz and nun’s descent (808) 585-3328 down the building’s [email protected] 31 stories. CIRCULATION Donna Aquino HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz (808) 585-3321 [email protected] HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hawaii: $24 Mainland: $26 Mainland 1st class: $40 Foreign: $30 POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. OFFICE Hawaii Catholic Herald 1184 Bishop St. Honolulu, HI 96813 PHONE (808) 585-3300 FAX Official notices (808) 585-3381 WEBSITE Bishop’s calendar November 13, 12:00 pm, Full closed on Monday, November 11, Honolulu for Rev. Michael Saw- www.hawaiicatholicherald.com Board Meeting of the Hawaii Pas- 2013 in observance of Veterans’ E-MAIL November 9, 7:00 pm, Annual yer, OSB (on October 1, 2013) [email protected] State Convention of the Diocesan tors Roundtable, First Hawaiian Day. and Rev. David M. Barfknecht, NEWS DEADLINES Congress of Filipino Catholic Center, downtown Honolulu. [Fr. Bishop Silva has appointed OSB (on October 2, 2013). This Nine days before publication date. Clubs, Pagoda Hotel, Honolulu. Gary Secor] Rev. Wilson Buitrago as Chaplain action is in conjunction with the ADvertising DEADLINES Nine days before publication date. [Fr. Gary Secor] November 14, 12:00 pm, Na- of the Maui Hispanic Community, recent change in canonical status tional Philanthropy Day Awards effective November 19, 2013. ADVERTISING INFORMATION November 10, 9:30 am, Clos- of the Monastery of Mary, Spouse For a rate card or other information, call Luncheon, Sheraton Waikiki Ho- Bishop Silva has appointed ing Mass of the Annual State Con- of the Holy Spirit in Waialua from Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is vention of the Diocesan Congress tel. [Fr. Gary Secor] Rev. Stephen Macedo to the Dioc- also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- an Olivetan Benedictine monas- of Filipino Catholic Clubs, Pagoda November 19, Day of Recollec- esan Liturgical Commission for a ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” tion, St. Patrick’s Seminary and three-year term, effective Novem- tery to a public association of the “PASS IT ON” POLICY Hotel, Honolulu. [Fr. Gary Secor] To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic November 11-14, Fall Meeting University, Menlo Park, California. ber 1, 2013 through October 31, faithful of diocesan right. Both Herald with a friend, write or call us and of the United States Conference 2016. Rev. Sawyer and Rev. Barfknecht we will send him or her a free copy. Or Announcements/Appointments are assigned to the Monastery in give them yours and we will send you of Catholic Bishops, Baltimore, Bishop Silva announces the another one while supplies last. Maryland. The diocesan offices will be incardination into the Diocese of perpetual affiliation. LETTERS TO THE HERALD Letters are welcome. Letters should pertain to a story or issue in the Ha- waii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and not exceed 250 words. Letters must Heralding back be signed and include an address and NEWS FROM PAGES PAST phone number for verification. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 50 years ago — Nov. 8, 1963 During the final week before his election, Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to Bush visited three Catholic colleges — the [email protected]. Left, House Speaker Elmer F. Cravalho University of Notre Dame, Fairfield University MEMBER addressed an audience of 1,500 at Maui’s Catholic Press Association Kahului Fairgrounds on Sunday, as principal in Connecticut and Immaculata College in speaker for the Holy Name Societies- Pennsylvania. sponsored Christ the King Rally. Speaking ADDRESS CORRECTIONS boldly and with firm conviction, he stressed 10 years ago — Nov. 7, 2003 To make corrections to your the pressing need for Christians to stand in One step closer to sainthood subscription name or ad- the forefront in the fight for Civil Rights. dress, cut out the address Mother Marianne’s cause for canonization label from the front page took a major step forward on Oct. 24 when (reverse side). 25 years ago — Nov. 11, 1988 Please correct my name. nine theologians of the Vatican Congregation Catholics played significant role in for the Causes of Saints unanimously Please correct my ad- dress. 1988 election recommended that she receive the title We are receiving two Catholic issues and Catholic voters figured “venerable,” the first of three formal church copies. Please cancel this prominently in the 1988 presidential election designations on the road to sainthood. one. won by Republican George Bush, with both The second step is beatification. The third Please cancel this sub- parties saying before election day that they is canonization itself. scription. used different strategies to target Catholic According to Franciscan Sister of Syracuse MAIL TO voters. Mary Laurence Hanley, the Franciscan Donna Aquino Hawaii Catholic Herald Vice President Bush defeated his community’s director of the cause, the next 1184 Bishop Street Democratic opponent, Michael Dukakis, by step is for the congregation’s 12-member Honolulu, HI 96813 54-46 percent of the popular vote and by commission of cardinals and bishops to QUESTIONS? 426-112 votes in the Electoral College. An approve the theologians’ recommendation ... Call Donna, 585-3321 ABC News exit poll of voters, however, had Sister Mary Laurence said that Mother Dukakis ahead of Bush among Catholics by Marianne was an extraordinary model of 53 percent to 46 percent.
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