m œ w A L U ¡ m m b i í m S iI i íisiisiEig S B S B f g g g l i B B l E l S í BBBBBBBBBBBBB b Í b B b ÍÍS! BRITAIN’S AIRCRAFT Exhibition on the JOHN LEWIS BOMBED SITE OXFORD ST W1 L A T E R the question comes up at your p O U T t Ç H N j production conference: “ In designing a light metal forging, pressing or stamping should we depend on our own ideas or take it to HDA ? We know we , are not specialists, and that HDA are.” True enough. HDA have had to design and process an infinite variety of compon­ ents ; research-minded develop­ ment engineers have tested every known method promising b e tte r HIDUMINIUM alum inium alloy products with man-hour saving, greater speed and economy. Consult us now; sooner is better than later. H i d u m i n i u m ALUMINIUM A L L O Y S Advts. LIGHT METALS July, 1945 He has conceived meanly o f the resources o f m an who believes that ihe best age o f production is past " / /APĆcTK /yÎAVCO \ /alum inium \/ ingots \ Consult us on your Cllum iniiun C l l lo y p r o b l e m s July, 1945 LIGHT METALS Advts. i I f it’s ANODISING y o u w a n t . A photograph of one of the Aluminium Exhibition murals at Selfridges Limited. It W e specialise in a wide range of was our privilege to anodise most of the anodic and coloured finishes on exhibits. aluminium. If you use aluminium we will advise you on the correct choice of alloys and methods of construction to en­ sure a first-class finished product. “ Finis coronat opus." ALUMILITE & ALZAK LTD. 4 0 Brook Street London, W.l Telephone : M ayfair 4541 ¡i Advts. LICHT METALS July, 1945 Fuel efficiency starts w ith Specialist ideas fo r M anagem ent f u e l e f f i c i e n c y is not only a w artim e expedient: it is a basic factor in factory control. There cannot be any doubt that plant output and production costs— vital elem ents in all future plans— depend to a very considerable degree on correct and efficient fuel usage. • To help industrial m anagem ent the M inistry of Fuel and Power have issued a series of Bulletins, w ritten by experts and full of really practical suggestions. They cover alm ost every aspect of the efficient use of fuel, heat and power. The personal attention of m anagem ent is directed especially to the following Bulletins: n o . 7 ‘ The Appointment and Responsibilities of Fuel W atchers.’ n o . 8 ‘ Bonus Schemes for Fuel Economy in Industry.’ n o . 12 ‘ Thermal Insulation of Buildings.’ n o . 13 ‘ Fuel Economy by Saving Electricity.’ n o . 15 ‘ The Effect of Variations in Output on Heat Consumption.’ n o . 21 ' The Construction of a Factory Heat Balance.' n o . 26 ' Peak Steam Demands. Cause, Effect and Cure.’ n o . 31 ‘ Fuel Economy by W ater Saving.’ n o . 37 ‘ Small Vertical Boilers, Steam Cranes and Shunting Engines.’ ® m a y W E SUGGEST that you call together Tor a few minutes your departmental heads and fuel watchers. Ask each to check the Bulletins he already holds and those he ought to have. Extra copies will be supplied free by your Regional Office of the Ministry of Fuel and Power. ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY OF FUEL AND POWER July, 1945 LICHT METALS Advts. ¡¡I The proved ELEKTRON alloys are produced in all forms by the most accomplished founders and wrought material manufacturers. ELEKd RON used in aircraft means increased carrying capacity. : MAGNESIUM ELEKTRON LIMITED. AM»r Home. London. ILW.t « Ikmed, B ¡v Advts. LICHT METALS July, 1945 Extra starting torque ? . H e r e i s your motor. Where you have a drive demanding extra the same if you required other special char­ starting effort, you may think it difficult acteristics. Parkinson Flow Production has to obtain a suitable motor. That is until made it possible to offer a standard range of you look into the Parkinson standard o v e r 2 , 0 0 0 types which includes many that range of A.C. motors. There you will find the you usually expect to have specially made. Parkinson “ Tork”— a motor with just that The Parkinson . A.C. Motor Service can extra starting torque required. It would be save you a great deal of time and money. CRomPTon^PMtKinson ELECTRA HOUSE, VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, LONDON. W .C .2 a n d B r a n c h e s July, 1945 LIGHT METALS Advts. V W ould you like to see sam ples of our m etals? This we welcom e, for then you can com pare them side by side w ith products of other m akers, and put them to any test you choose. B ulk deliveries w ill be fully up to this standard, and m ost likely the speediest you have ever experienced. REFINED IRON, NON-FERROUS AND ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOTS 24 hour delivery in London, Birmingham, Yorkshire and Lancashire areas. HIND (S ) LTD. The leading Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Light Alloy Smelters and Refiners. SOUTH BANK-ON-TEES, YORKSHIRE London Office: 2 Caxton Street, W estminster, S.W .I. Phone: W hitehall 6310 Birmingham Office: 319 Chambers, Martineau St., Birmingham, 2. Phone: Central 10-5 vi Advts. LIGHT METALS July, 1945 EE PLAN COPYING Plan copying on Ilford Document Papers eliminates mechanical tracing and gives clean and workmanlike reproductions of the originals. All Ilford Document Papers are capable of producing a strong black image combined with clean whites, thus giving the maximum visible contrast. The Ilford booklets “ Photography applied to Plan Copying in Engineering and other Industries” and “ Ilford Document Papers: Instructions for their use and application ” are available for all drawing offices. The former makes suggestions as to the most suitable copying process for a variety of circum­ stances while the latter details the particular uses of the various papers. The more important varieties of Ilford Document Papers are : ILFORD DOCUMENT PAPERS No. 4 & 4T for camera negatives and positives. ILFORD DOCUMENT PAPER No. 60 for enlargements from smaller negatives. ILFORD REFLEX DOCUMENT PAPER No. 50 for reflex copying. ILFORD PHOTOMECHANICAL PAPER where specially opaque negatives are required. DOCUMENT ILFORD PAPERS ILFORD LIMITED • ILFORD ■ LONDON July, 1945 LICHT METALS Advts. vii BIRMETALS LIMITED • QUINTON • BIRMINGHAM • 32 vi¡i Advts. LICHT METALS July, 1945 ALUMINIUM ALLOYS ASK FOR TESTAL BRAND This will ensure a produce free from oxide inclusions manufactured and tested by the most modern method. We specialise in degassed and grain- high-quality casting alloys. MILES AHEAD B. K. L. ALLOYS LTD., KINGS N O R T O N , BIRMINGHAM 30 ’Phone: KIN 1162-5 'Grjms: TESTAL BIRMINGHAM LICHT METALS A dv ts. ¡x one of these factories is out-of-date i t s p l a n t is first-class, its workers skilled and willing, its manage­ ment capable—but its lighting is wrong. All the good work, the new m achinery, the careful executive control, operate in extremes of light and shadow, trying to the eyes and nerves, slowing up output . In the other factory, O s r a m Fluorescent Lamps provide a cool, shadowless light that is the next best thing to daylight itself— restful, diffused, evenly distributed. And economical, too! The 8o-watt O s r a m Fluorescent Lam p gives three times as m uch light as a tungsten lamp for the same am ount of current. No wonder records are broken in Factory No. 2 while it is always a struggle to keep abreast in Factory N o. 1 . Stocks available at all G.E.C. Branches DAYLIGHT and WARM WHITE Advt. of Tłu General Electric Co. Ltd. : May net IIout* : Kinynoay, London, W.C.2 PRODUCT X Advts. LICHT METALS July, 1945 Stands for Parliament Mr. X C E R I U M Mr. Therm stands METAL for HEAT (M ischmetall) FOR ALL ESSENTIAL PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS BRITISH FLmT & CERIUM MANUFACTURERS LIMITED TONBRIDGE, KENT Specialists in the manufacture of rare earth metals PROGRAMME FOR INDUSTRY Address your enquiries to :— I. Fir.t cl«* trcatmen» for motalv Sole Distributors for The Metallurgical Industry L Better working condition, for light alloy». 3. Simple control. N E W METALS AND C H E M IC A L S LIMITED 4, BROAD STREET PLACE LONDON, E.C.2 Telephone: London W all 2071 (Pr . Br. E x c h . ) CONSERVATION o f Mr. X is the unknown quantity. CHROMIC ACID Mr. Therm is not. Far from it! Mr. Therm stands for exact, measurable A N O D I S I N G D.T.D.910b heat. Mr. Therm represents Gas. You can install M r.Therm with low capital and maintenance costs. He Sulphuric acid anodising is is quick on the uptake, reliable, officially advised where applicable. economical .... a clean, precise worker. The simple gas tap makes The staff of the him infinitely versatile. Put him RUSHTON ORGANISATION under his own control and he’ll includes P IO N E E R S in sulphuric turn himself out when he’s finished anodising. t h e jo b ! EXISTING CHROMIC ACID PLANTS For the Industrial change-over RAPIDLY CONVERTED OR NEW PLANTS INSTALLED. t h e choice is ^ J The RUSHTON ORGANISATION British t 173, CLARENCE GATE GARDENS COUNCIL,, CROSy£N0R LONDON, N .W .I s.vy.i July, 1945 LIGHT METALS Advts.
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