Vol. II. No. 2. Price to Non-members, 2/- net. (50 cts.) THE JOURNAL OF THE FRIENDS' HISTORICAL SOCIETY. FOURTH MONTH (April), 1905. London : HEADLEY BROTHERS, 14, BISHOPSGATE WITHOUT, E.C. Philadelphia: "AMERICAN FRIEND" OFFICE, 1010 ARCH ST New York: FRIENDS' BOOK AND TRACT COMMITTEE 51 FIFTH AVENUE. (gufc* of tfc gocittv. (I.) Membership shall be open (a) To any member of the Society of Friends on payment of a minimum annual sub­ scription of Five Shillings ($1.25), or of a life composition of Five Guineas ($25); and (b) To any other person on similar payment, and on the introduction of two members ; (II.) The officers shall consist of President, Treasurer, Secretary (or Secretaries), and a small Executive Committee, of which the Clerk of the Meeting for Sufferings of London Yearly Meeting, the Clerk of that Meeting's Library and Printing Committee, the Re­ cording Clerk, and the Librarian shall be ex-officio members, and to which several representative Friends in America shall be attached as consultative members ; (III.) As funrls will allow, but not more frequently than four times a year, a Journal shall be issued in the interests of the Society, and sent free to all members; (IV.) As supplements to its periodical, the Society shall, from time to time, as means allow, print various documents of interest, which sub­ scribers shall be able to obtain at a reduced price. VOL. II. No. 2. Fourth Month (April), 1905. THE JOURNAL OF THE FRIENDS' HISTORICAL SOCIETY. £onf*nf*. PAGE Notices . ..-.41 Notes and Queries ...... 42 Remarks on the Letter in Cypher from F. Howgill to George Fox, By /. Guthlac Birch - - - 47 Joseph Williams's Recollections of the Irish Rebellion of 1798 II. 54 The Settlement of London Yearly Meeting - - - 59 Robert Smith and William Dewsbury ... 53 Joseph Rule, the Quaker in White. By Joseph J. Green - 64 Early Friends and the Use of Tobacco ... gg " George Fox " in the " Dictionary of National Biography." By Alexander Gordon, M.A. 69 Prize Essays on the Causes of the Decline of the Society of Friends 71 Nicholas Wain to Arthur Ho well - - - - 72 Meeting in Yorkshire 1668 II. - - - - 73 Wheat for William Penn - - - - 76 Friends in Current Literature .... 77 Friends' Reference Library, Devonshire House - - 79 Fifth List of Members ..... go Editorial Forecast ...... go D.=The Reference Library of London Yearly Meeting, Devonshire House, 12, Bishopsgate Street Without, London, E.G. Qtofice** Members' subscriptions for the year 1905 are now due, and should be sent to Norman Penney, Devonshire House, Bishopsgate, London, E.G., to Dr. R. M. Jones, 1010 Arch Street, Philadelphia, or to David S. Taber, 51 Fifth Avenue, New York. The second annual meeting of the members of the Society will be held (subject to alteration by London Yearly Meeting) at the Friends' Meeting House, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, Yorkshire, on Fifth-Day, the 25th of Fifth Month, at 2 p.m. The presence of members and others will be welcomed. Vol. ii.—4 Queriee. HENRY CLAY OF KENTUCKY. BAYARD TAYLOR. Was this Further information desired than author a Friend ? His works are that contained in the Memoirs given in Joseph Smith's Supple­ of J. J. Gurney and in Gurney's ment to his Catalogue. Winter in the West Indies, des­ cribed in familiar Letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky. PENN'S " MAXIMS." In the Introduction to Edmund Gosse's edition, 1900, the editor states WOMEN FRIENDS OF YORKSHIRE. (p. xiv.), " It was not until 1718, In 1688 A Testimony for the and after the first part had Lord and his Truth was " given been many times re-issued, that forth by the Women Friends at ' More Fruits of Solitude' made their Yearly Meeting at York/1 its earliest appearance." He had, and signed by Catherine Whit ton, apparently, overlooked the fact Judith Boulby, Elizabeth Sedman, that Tace Sowle issued an edition, Frances Taylor, Mary Waite, presumably the first, of " More Debora Winn, Elizabeth Beckwith, Fruits," in 1702. This was and Mary Lindley. The edition reprinted by the Assigns of printed in 4to has the date " 28th J. Sowle in 1718, the copy in of the 4th Month, 1688," but the D. being bound up with the folio edition, presumably a reprint, 1702 edition of the first part. gives the year as " 1668." One copy of the latter in D. has a note attached, written by J. S. G. F.'s "JOURNAL" QUERIES. Rowntree in 1902, which states i. " Then Colonel Hacker said, that " the epistle printed in folio I might go home. His is no doubt that of 1688. In the son Needham said, f Father, minute book there is no MS. this man hath reigned too long' " epistle that year, but a copy of (i. 207-9). Who was Col. Hacker's the printed folio was apparently son ? Was Needham a family corrected to 1688 with a pen, and name, or a Christian name ? there is a pencil note above, [The following tract has recent­ partly legible, I believe of William ly been added to D., A Brief Alexander's, that 1688 is the correct Narration of the Try all of Captain date. This is confirmed by six Clement Nedham . In way of the eight women who sign of Reply to a Pamphlet . also signing MS. minutes or epis­ The Deep sighs . of .some tles of about the same date." late Souldiers in Capt. Nedhams The above correction is worthy Troop in Col. Hackers Regiment. of notice, as copies of the folio . London, 1653. Perhaps edition are not infrequently met this is the Nedham referred to with. above. EDS.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 43 2. A copy of the first edition statement, or is it only local has recently reached D., on the tradition ? It is generally stated fly-leaf of which is written, "George that G.F. dictated his Journal ffox his free gift to his Anticient and it is in the highest degree friend, William Bramston, who improbable that any part of this gave it his son, Thomas Bramston, work was done during the visit in the Month of December, Anno of a day or two to Hartshill, of Dm 1700." Presumably G. F. which he says, " Several Friends left instructions that a copy of his met me, with whom I had good journal, should be given to his service." "Anticient friend.' 1 Is there any record of other such posthumous DECLARATIONS OF MARRIAGE. gifts of The Journal? William A correspondent writes : "I Bramston was, probably, the find this passage in Barclay's Friend of that name, a prisoner at Inner Life, p. 408, regarding Leicester in 1685, mentioned by Friends' marriages : ' Prior to Besse (i. 345). A person of the 1790, a man had to attend twelve same name was a chaplain in distinct meetings for discipline ordinary to the King in 1694. to repeat in public his intentions (See Arber's Term Catalogues, ii. of marriage, and the intentions 546.) The expurgation of the were announced twenty times prior contents of p. 309 has been to the marriage ?' Canst thou effected by ink or other colouring verify this astonishing state­ matter, not by insertion of the ment ? " reprinted leaf. (See Friends' Quar­ Robert Barclay refers to William terly Examiner, xxxvi. 67.) Rathbone' s Narrative of Events in Ireland as his authority for the 3. In George Fox, by Rufus statement, and this is how William M. Jones, is an illustration (ii. Rathbone makes up his figures 568) of Hartshill Grange. This is (p. 112 n): a view of the house in Friar Lane, The man to declare his intentions Hartshill (recently called " The in own district at the: Grange " ), formerly occupied Women's Preparative Meeting i by Nathaniel Newton. Under Men's ditto ditto i the title of the illustration are the Women's Monthly Meeting 2 words, " George Fox was fre­ Men's ditto ditto 2 quently entertained at this home/' The man and the woman each to Is there any proof of this ? G.F. declare intentions in the latter's records a short visit to N.N. in district at the : 1677 ; and in all his previous Women's Preparative Meeting 2 recorded visits to this district, Men's ditto ditto 2 he stayed with his relatives at Women's Monthly Meeting 4 Dray ton, within sight of Nathaniel Men's ditto ditto 4 Newton's house. By the parties themselves 18 4. Another illustration (ii. 547) By other Friends after meet­ shows the " Summer House at ing for worship 2 Hartshill Grange, wherein George Fox wrote parts of his Journal." 20 Is there any foundation for this 44 NOTES AND QUERIES. In regard to the declarations LOVEDAY HAMBLY. The copy at a Preparative Meeting, we do in D. of A Relation of Loveday not find in either the MS. edition Hambly has had several lines of the Book of Extracts, or in the obliterated ; the Librarian would first printed edition (1783), any be obliged if anyone who owns a definite instructions to Prepar­ complete copy of this tract would ative Meetings on the subject of communicate with him with a marriage, but the following oc­ view to the restoration of the curs in the regulations decided crossed-out lines. upon by the Y. M. of 1754: " Nothing herein contained is intended in any wise to alter or PARTICULARS WANTED con­ affect the previous and additional cerning " Pamphlet re Quakers, care taken by preparative meet­ Southall and Delabere.11 ings, in sundry counties, in relation to marriage.11 (Extracts, 1783, p. 104.) In an Appendix to the Extracts; 1792,- p. 2, under date LONDON Y.
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