If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. - ------~~___c__-~----~- THE TOP ONE HUNDRED POLICE WRITERS: A bibliography for students of police science and cognate fields AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY ----~-----'----------~-------- ----- IltfftJJ 111963 U.S. Department of, Justice Natlonalfnstltute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from Ihe person or organization orlginalingll. Points of view oropinions stated In this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official posllion or pOlicies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material in mi­ crofiche only ha~ b~engranted by Austra~~an Institute of Criminology to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the copyright owner. .- } THE TOP ONE HUNDRED POLICE WRITERS: A BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR STUDENTS OF POLICE SCIENCE AND COG~~TE FIELDS A OQ UHf,,"N§ N § L. Australian Institute of Criminolo~y Canberra ~ Australian Institute of Criminology Published and printed by the Australian Institute of Criminology, 10-18 Colbee Court, Phillip, Canberra, ACT 2606, Australia March 1988 The National Library 'of ~'"Australia catalogues th:l.s work as follows: , ' The Top One Hundred Police Writers. ISBN 0 642 13264.X·; 1. Crim:l.nology - Bibliography. 2. Police - B:l.bl:l.ography. I. Australian Institute of Criminology 016.364 INTRODUCTION Police officers, scholars, students, researchers, public servants, politicians, policy analysts and others who from time to time exercise their minds in the field of police affairs occasionally face two problems. Firstly, there arises the need for full citation details of works referred to in reports, etc. Such information when required, is usually wanted quickly without having to visit a library or accessing expensive elect-ronic data bases. Secondly, there arises the need to know what other related works a particular writer already referred to may have produced. Again, such information is usually requir.ed instantly and not subject to delays imposed by visits to libraries (where available) or access to data bases (where available). This bibliography is designed to address these two needs. Regrettably, lack of funds has restricted its contents to monographs. It is hoped that an enlarged version including articles will be compiled at some future date. The principal data bases searched in compiling this guide were Australian Bibliographical Network (ABN) and Computerised Information and National Criminological Holdings (CINCH). The products of these searches were supplemented by manual searches of the catalogue of the Australian Institute of Criminology's J.V. Barry Hemorial Library and the compilers' personal libraries. Selection of authors was effected by the compilers exercising their own discretion. Dual considerations were quality and quantity of authors plus the perceived probability of their being cited in the works of others, especially those working in police and cognate fields. No offence is intended to those excluded. Any user who feels a particular author should be included on the basis of his/her monographs or that appropriate works of authors included are not cited are invited to contact the compilers so that an enhanced revised edition of this useful tool may be produced in due course. Users of this compilation are subjected to few symbols, most entries are self evident. But, three symbols are employed: c means copyright; ? means questionable; and [ ] indicate an approximate date. Support for the under.taking by J.V. Barry Librarian John Myrtle, who made possible the ABN and CINCH searches, is gratefully acknowledged. The bibliography was compiled by Bruce Swanton, assisted by Lavinia Hill and Judy lItis. Australian l'lstitute 0.£ Criminology June 1987 LIST OF AUTHORS Page Page ALDERSON, John C. 1 CAIDEN, Gerald E. 14 ANGELL, John E. CAIN, Maureen E. AVERY, John 2 CHAIKEN, Jan M. AYRES, Richard M. CHAPMAN, Brian 17 BALDWIN, Robert 3 CHAPMAN, Samuel G. BANTON, Michael CHAPPELL, Duncan 18 BAYLEY, David H. CIZANCKAS, Victor I. 21 BECKER, Harold K. 4 CLARK, Robert S. 21 BENT, Alan Edward 5 DEVLIN, J. Daniel 22 BERKLEY, George E. 7 EISENBERG, Terry 23 BITTNER, Egon ELLIOTT, James F. BLACK, Donald FARMER, Richard E. 24 BOPP, William J. 8 FIELDING, Henry BOUZA, Anthony V. 9 FIELDING, John 25 BOWDEN, Tom 10 FOGELSON, Robert M. BRISTOW. Allen P. FOLLEY, Vern L. 26 BROGDEN, Michael 11 FOSDICK, Raymond B. 27 BROWN, Michael K. FYFE, James J. BUNYARD, R.S. 12 GOLDSTEIN, Herman 28 BURPO, John H. GOURLEY, Gerald Douglas BUTLER, A.J.P. 13 GREENWOOD, Peter W. 29 Page Page HALE, Charles D. 31 MURPHY, Patrick V. 47 HALPERN, Stephen C. NIEDERHOFFER, Arthur 48 HARRING, Sidney L. 32 OSTROM, Elinor 49 HEWITT, William H. PETERS ILIA, Joan 50 HOUGH, J. Michael 33 PRICE, Bacbara R. 51 IANNONE, N.F. 34 RADELET, Louis A. 52 JACKSON, R.M. 35 REGOLI, Robert M. JUDGE, Anthony REINER, Robert 53 KELLING, George L. 36 REISS, Albert J. KINSEY, Richard REITH, Charles 54 KIRKliMl, George L. REPPETTO, Thomas A. KLOCKARS, Carl B. 37 ROBERG, Roy R. 55 KROES, William H. RUBINSTEIN, Jonathan KUYKENDALL, Jack L. 38 SAUNDERS, Charles B. 56 LARSON, Richard C. 39 SCHULTZ, Donald O. LAURIE, Peter SHEARING, Clifford D. 58 LEE, W.L. Melville 40 SHERMAN, I,awrence W. 59 LEONARD, V.A. SKOLNICK, Jerome H. 60 MANNING, Peter K. 43 SMITH, Bruce 61 MARK, Sir Robert STEAD, Philip John MARSHALL, Geoffrey 44 TOBIAS, John Jacob 63 McCLURE, James TROJANOWICZ, Robert C. 64 MILTE, Kerry L. 45 UNSINGER, Peter C. 66 MORE, Harry W. VOLLMER, August 67 MUIR, William Ker 47 WALKER, Samuel 68 ZI Page Page WATSON, Nelson A. 68 WILLIAMS, David G. T. 72 WESTLEY, William A. 69 WILSON, James Q. WHISENAND, Paul M. WILSON, Orlando W' 74 WHITAKER, Ben 71 WILSON, Paul R. 75 LIST OF TITLES Note: Page numbers refer to first entry of a title only Page Aboriginal and American Indian Relations with Police: A Study of the Australian and North American Experience 7S Academy Lectures on Lie Detection 42 Account of the Origin and Effects of a Police Set on Foot by His Grace t.he Duke of Newcastle in the Year 1953, Upon a Plan Presented to his Grace by the lat~ Henry Fielding, An 25 Administration of Police Organizations 23 Administration of Crimial Justice in New York: A Hanual" for Law Enforcement Officers 32 Against the Peace 63 Age, Crime, and Sanctions: The Transition from Juvenile to Adult Court 29 Alaska Village Police Training: An Assessment of Recommendations 2 Alaskan Village Justice: An Exploratory Study 1 Allocation of Emergency Units: Response Areas 16 Alternative Approach in Police Patrol: The Wilmington Split-Force Experiment, An 39 Ambivalent Force: Perspectives on the Police, The 48 American Law Enforcement: Police, Courts and Corrections 26 American Police Systems 27 American Police: Text and Readings, The 46 Application of Social-Psychological Resear.ch to Police Work, An 68 Army in the Service of the State 10 Assessment Center Approach in the Selection of Police Personnel, The 70 Australian Criminal Justice System, The, 1st ed 20 Page Australian Criminal Justice system, The, 2nd ed 19 Australian Criminal Justice System: Th~ Mid 1980s, The 19 Authority and the Urban Policeman 3 Automated Police Information Systems 70 Behavior of J.aH, The 7 Behind the Shield~ The Police in Urban Society 48 Beyond the Limits of the Law: A Comparative Study of the Police in Crisis Politics 10 Big-City Police 25 Black Man, Brown Han, Law Man: The Police and Minority Gl;oups in Modern America 4 Bli)1d Eye of History: A Study of the Origins of the Present Police Era, The 54 Blue Parade, The 54 Blue-Coated Worker: A Sociological Study of Police Unionism, The 53 Breakdown of Public Security: The Case of Ireland, 1916-1921, ~nd Palestine, 1936-1039, The 10 British Police Administration 32 British Crime Survey: First Report, The 33 British Police and the Democratic Ideal 54 Career Criminal Prosecution, Potential Objectives 29 Caterpillar Cop, The 45 Changing Police Role: New Dimensions and New Issues, The 55 Chicago Police Problems 61 China: The Politics of Public Security 10 City Police 55 City Politics and Public Policy 74 --~---~-----------------~~--~~--------- Page Colleotive Bargaining in the Public Sector: Selected Readings in Law Enforcement 2 Collective Bargainng in the Public Sector: Labor­ ~anagement Relations and Public Policy 5 Commissioner: A View from the Top of American Law Enforcement 47 Community Police Administration 38 Community OrganizaUon and the Provision of Police Services 49 Community Based Crime Prevention 64 Community Police Administration 66 Compensation for Personal Injuries and Death: Recent Proposals for Reform; The Accountability of the Police: Two Studies 72 Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement 27 Contemporary Criminal Justice Planning 46 Contemporary Criminal Justice 46 Contract Security in Ontario 58 Controlling Police Corruption: The Effects of Reform Policies: Summary Report 59 Controlling Police Corruption: Scandal and Organizational Reform 59 Cop World: Policing the Streets of San Diego 44 Cops, Killers, and Staying Alive: The ~urder of Police Officers in America 17 County-wide Police Service for Warren County, New York: A Feasibility Study 32 Crime and Industrial Society in the Nineteenth Century 63 Crime and IndustrIal Society in the 19th Century 63 Crime and Police Effectiveness 33 Crime and Police in England, 1700-1900 63 Page Crime and Public Policy 74 Crime and the Community
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