November 6, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21823 with the Western Colorado Economic Develop- walks of life emerge as we rebuild from this to a smooth transition from Stapleton to the ment Council, the National Highway 50 Fed- horrible attack. One of the unseen but critical Denver International Airport playing an integral eration Commission, and Club 20. Don was contributors to this new battle is Capco Inc. lo- role in the VIP/Special Services Program for also a member of the Rotary Club and the cated in Grand Junction, Colorado. Their ef- United. Nancy has decided to end her career Gunnison County Chamber of Commerce. Ad- forts to further our success against an elusive where it first flourished, in Denver, Colorado. ditionally, Don’s role in the banking business enemy are greatly appreciated and I would Mr. Speaker, Nancy is a specialist in cus- allowed him to provide assistance to local like to recognize this company and its employ- tomer service and will be dearly missed by the ranchers, small businesses, and college stu- ees for their efforts. many frequent patrons who looked forward to dents. Don Eastman played a monumental As the U.S. flag drapes across workstations, her smile, sincerity, and professionalism. I role in the development of Gunnison and its the 128 employees of Capco are diligently commend Nancy for her long and successful surrounding community. working to produce rifles and other defense career and send her my best wishes and Mr. Speaker, it is with profound sadness weapons that are currently being used by our warmest regards in her retirement. that I recognize the life and passing of Mr. military. But most noticeably, this firm pro- f Don Eastman. Don dedicated his life to serv- duces modification kits that transform M16 ri- ing his nation and fellow citizens. Don will be fles into the M16A2. Eighty percent of the con- PAYING TRIBUTE TO PETER N. missed most by his family and close friends struction for these weapons is performed at LONCAR who knew him best, as well as the community the Capco facility. that he so proudly served. When Capco Inc. moved to Grand Junction HON. SCOTT McINNIS f in 1971, capacitors and electronic devices OF COLORADO were the focus of their production. However, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING CURTIS A. WERDEN their focus changed first when it was a sub- Tuesday, November 6, 2001 contractor for companies manufacturing mili- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor HON. SCOTT McINNIS tary electronics, and then again in 1991 when and a privilege to recognize a serviceman OF COLORADO it was awarded a contract with U.S. Depart- from World War II. Peter Loncar, a current IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment of Defense to produce smart mines. resident of Montrose, Colorado, fought coura- Since that time, they have become the largest Tuesday, November 6, 2001 geously for the freedom of our great nation in maker of the M16 rifle in the United States the Philippines during World War II, Peter en- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to and produce many other items used in battle, dured battle and made tremendous sacrifices take this opportunity to recognize Curtis A. including impulse cartridges. Werden and his contributions to this country. to protect his fellow Americans. Mr. Speaker, as we continue to defend free- Peter Loncar, along with the rest of the Curtis began his service in the military in dom across the globe, equipping our troops 108th Infantry Division, was sent to fight the 1944, serving as a pilot in Italy during World with quality munitions is imperative. Capco Japanese soldiers in the Philippines. They War II. Inc. has answered its call to duty by creating made their way onto the shores of Luzon, an Mr. Werden flew the P-51 mustang fighter- reliable and superior products that will ensure island north of Manila, and battled coura- aircraft and was assigned to the 31st Fighter our success in the future of this conflict. I geously until they gained control of the island. Group, 306th Fighter Wing of the 15th Air would like to extend my gratitude to the com- Each battle had its casualties, but the 108th Force. During his tour, Curtis flew fighter es- pany for its role as an active supplier to our remained diligent and was eventually able to cort missions for B-17 and B-24 bombers over country’s efforts to promote peace and secu- defeat the Japanese forces. Nazi-held territory in Western Europe. During rity. They deserve this body’s support, now Peter Loncar left the battlefield and the war these missions, Curtis was assigned with pro- more than ever, and I thank them for their dili- with several citations recognizing the signifi- viding air cover for the squadron from attack- gent service. cant contributions he made to the war effort. ing enemy fighters. Curtis flew 63 missions f Some of his distinguished accomplishments protecting bombers, and allowing the Allies to include: the Good Conduct Medal, American carry forward the mission of repelling and de- PAYING TRIBUTE TO NANCY Defense Medal, combat infantry badge, and feating the Nazis. WALLEN four bronze stars. These are all lasting sym- Mr. Werden retired from the Army Air Corps bols of the valor that he displayed in the face as a Captain in 1945. His decorations include HON. SCOTT McINNIS of danger during the war. the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal OF COLORADO Mr. Speaker, the United States of America with six oak leaf clusters and the European IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES called upon Pete during a time of significant Campaign Medal. As a member of the 31st Tuesday, November 6, 2001 conflict and he responded. This nation and Fighter Wing he received the Presidential Unit this body are indebted to him for the persever- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Citation, an award reserved for outstanding ance and the bravery that he displayed in his take this opportunity to recognize the career of units in the European and Pacific theatres. service to our flag. I would like to extend my Nancy Wallen and her service to the citizens Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride and privi- warmest regards and thanks to Peter for his of Colorado who have flown on United Air- lege that I recognize Curtis A. Werden for his commitment and sacrifice to our nation during lines. Nancy is a dedicated worker who has service to this country. He served selflessly in World War II. specialized in customer service by putting the a time of great need, bringing credit to himself f and this nation. needs of others first. It is my pleasure to f honor Nancy Wallen for the work she has ac- PAYING TRIBUTE TO ELIZABETH complished and congratulate her upon retiring FLOYD AND RITA FARRELL HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS from United Airlines. OF CAPCO INC. Nancy Wallen began her career in the trans- HON. SCOTT McINNIS portation industry when she joined United in OF COLORADO 1968. Nancy originally worked as flight attend- HON. SCOTT McINNIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ant before being promoted to an inflight super- OF COLORADO Tuesday, November 6, 2001 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES visor the following year. Nancy’s loyalty to United is admirable, giving the company elev- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, our nation has Tuesday, November 6, 2001 en years before opting into a new career path. been experiencing very difficult times since the Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, our nation is However, Nancy returned to United within a terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, but now confronted with a challenge that we have few years where she blossomed as a con- we have pulled together out of patriotism and never faced before—fighting an important war cierge in the Red Carpet Club at Stapleton air- resolve from the losses that our nation has against terrorism. Following the terrible attack port. She has proven herself capable of man- suffered. I would like to take a moment to rec- against our country on September 11, 2001, aging a wide variety of responsibilities while ognize the significant contributions to the relief that struck New York City and Washington, serving in an important leadership role for effort by two remarkable young ladies from DC, we have seen numerous heroes from all those who worked with her. Nancy contributed Snowmass Village, Colorado. 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