INDEX 261 Aberg, A, 198 Beaulieu Abbey, 184 Addison, ..., widow, 186 Belhouse (Belhous), Robert, 183 Aelfstan, 178 Bell Beaker pottery, 22 Aethelhild, 175 bird remains, 209 Agriculture, mid-19th century, 239-60 Bishopstoke, 249 Bishopstone, Sussex, 175 Agriculture, Board of, returns to, 240-2 Blake, Jonathan, shipwright, 223 Aldershot Poor Law Union, 242 Blakiston, J M G on Thomas Warton's Des­ Aldsworth, F R on Droxford anglo-saxon cription of Winchester and its derivatives, cemetery, Soberton, 93-102 227-38 Alice Holt forest, Farnham, Surrey, 72 Blanbuilly (Blancbuilly), John, 184 Alresford, 220 Bohun, Henry de, earl of Hereford, 184 Alton, parliamentary division, 219, 221, 222 Bolton, duke of see Paulet Ambrose, Christopher, 186 Bonney, D J, 175-6 John, son of, 186 Boothby Pagnell, Lines, 213 Ampfield, 178 botanical remains see plant remains amphibians, remains of, 86 Botley and S Hants farmers club, 258 anglo-saxon, burials on Hundred boundaries, Bourdillon, J on animal remains from Quil- 176 ters Vault site, 207-12 cemetery, Droxford (Soberton), 93-182 Boxall, Mr, farmer, 258 cemeteries, pagan, 175-9 Brading, Isle of Wight see Arreton charters, 5, 175-9 British Museum, 94, 96, 136 ditch at Quilter's vault site, 194-5, 212-3 British Museum of Natural History, 142 pottery, 173^, 202 Brockbridge, in Droxford, 93-4, 175 wooden objects, 174 bronze age, barrow, 5-40 animal remains, 82-6, 207-12 bronzas, 21-2 Ann, Abbots, 244 flint industry, 26-33 Applin, B see Oliver potter}', 22-6 Arreton Down, Isle of Wight, 33, 35 Brook, 258 Arreton and Brading, Isle of Wight, parlia­ Brooks, Mr, stationer, 223 mentary division, 218 Brydges, James, duke of Chandos, 221 Arundel, earl of see FitzAlan George, cousin of, 221 Ashburton, Lord see Baring Bullhouse see Belhouse Ashmansworth, 178 Burdon, John, bookseller, 228, 232-3 Athelstan, king, 175 Thomas, bookseller, 232 Eadburgh, sister of, 175 Buriton, War Down, 175 Audley, Clement, sergeweaver, 186 Burton, Dr, headmaster of Winchester College, Mary, widow of, 186 228 Hercules, 188 butchery, 84-5, 210-211 Baker, George, 223 Cabot, Francis, wine merchant, 221 James, letter carrier, 223 Caird, James, 239-250 Baring, William Bingham, baron Ashburton, Camrose, estate, 41, 44 239 Candover, Brown, 245 Barrey, Richard, 223 Carlton, John, cooper, 223 Thomas, cordwainer, 224 Barton, Isle of Wight, oratory of the Holy Carter, Owen, 235 Trinity (Barton Priory), 184, 186 Catherington, 175, 251 Basing, 41, 88-90 Cave, William, the elder, artist, 231, 234 Basingstoke, parliamentary division, 218, 221 Caverley, Thomas, 224 Poor Law Union, 242 Chalton, 175 Maidenhead, the, 220 Chandler, Samuel, attorney, 218 sites at, Chandos, duke of see Brydges Common Plantation, 89-90; Oakridge VII, Chilbolton, 220 91; Ructstalls Hill, 41-92; Winkle- Chitty, Herbert, 227 bury, 58-9, 66, 89 Christchurch, 214 Basingstoke Archaeological Society, 41 Winkton in, qv Bassett, Thomas, porter, 223 Chute, Anthony, barrister, 217-8, 219, 220-2 Beaufort, Henry, cardinal, 184 Francis, brother of, 217-8 duke of see Somerset Clark, A J, 5 Nathaniel, 218, 224 262 Clarke, Dr Alured, 220 Gaitens, J see Denston Cobbett, William, 246, 248, 250 Gese, Mathew, 184 Collins, Mr, 220 Gibbs, Richard, tidesman, 223 Colman and Thornton, booksellers, 227 Granger, James, 228, 232-4 Conduit, John, 220-1 Green, F J on botanical remains from Quilter's Corhampton, 220 Vault site, 212 Cormeilles Abbey, Eure, France, 184 Greenville, William, bookseller, 228-30 Cornelius, Thomas, 188 Grey, Sylvester, carpenter, 223 Gringo, John, 218 Craftsman, The, 220, 222 Grinsell, L V, 5 Crondall, 177-8 Guidotti, Antonio, 186 crop returns, 239-60, passim ..., wife of, 186 Crux Easton, 178 Gwyn, Peter, 233 Dale, William, 93-4, 96, 98, 136, 224 Hall, Rev Peter, 227-8' Denston, C B and Gaitens, J on human Samuel, hatter, 223 remains from Ructstalls Hill, Basingstoke, Hampshire agriculture in the mid-19th cen­ 80-2 tury, 239-60 Dent, J D, 239 Hampshire election of 1734, 217-25 dissenters see Presbyterians, Quakers freeholders living in London, 223 Dodd, J P on Hampshire agriculture in the summary of poll, 221 mid-19th century, 239-60 Hampshire Chronicle, The, 234 Droxford (Drocheneford), 93, 175 Hampshire County Museum Service, 41, 45-6 Brockbridge in, qv Hampton, Olaf de, 184 Midlington in, qv Hannett, capt David, 223 station, 96, 98 Harriet, G, farmer, 258-9 and see Soberton Harris, George, 188 Duthy, John, 231 Harrison, John Butler, 188 Hartley M audit, 217 Eadburgh, sister oE k. Athelstan, 175 Havant Poor Law Union, 240 Eadwig, 175 Hawley, W H T, 239, 240 Easton, Easton Down, in Itchen Valley, 37 Heathcote, Sir William, 248 heathen burial places, 175-9 Edwards, Thomas, 251 Henslow, Jonathan, carpenter, 223 Egbert, king, 175 Hereford, earl of see Bohun Ellingham, 217 Herriard, 218 Evison, V, 174 Highclere, 178 Excise Crisis, 217, 221 Hinton, D A on bronze objects from Quilter's Vault site, 205 Fairless, K J N and Walker J S F on docu­ Richard, farmer, 257 mentary evidence for Quilter's Vault site, Hinxman, Joseph, 224 Southampton, 183-8 Hoadley, Benjamin, bishop of Winchester, 218 Fairer, Dr David, 228, 232 Hoddington, in Upton Grey, 176, 178 Fareham Poor Law Union, 249 Hodges, T F A P, 228 Farley Chamberlain, 178 Horndean, Snell's Corner, 175 Farnborough Poor Law Union, 242 Horner, Edward, herald, 223 Farr, William, 224 Hoskyns, C Wren, 239 Fasham, P J on excavation of a triple barrow Houghton, 244, 256 in Micheldever Wood, 5-40 Meon Hill, 176 Ferring, Sussex, Highdown Hill, 175 Hounsell, Richard, shipwright, 223 fish remains, 209 How, John, 224 FitzAlan, William, earl of Arundel, 188 human remains, 80-2, 102-34, 142 FitzOsbourne, William, 184 Hursley, Merdon Farm and Mount Down in, Fleming, Walter le, 184 178 Petronilla, le, wife of, 184 Hurstbourne Tarrant, 35, 244 Forbes, William, 221 Hussey, Naphali, 224 Fordingbridge, 247 Hutton, Matthew, 229 Fortin, Walter, 184, 214 Isabella, 184, 186 Inland Revenue, Board of, 239 France, Huguenot refugees from, 221 iron age, settlement, Ructstalls Hill, Basing­ Fyfield, 178 stoke, 41-92 INDEX 263 Jennings, Roger, 219 Milner, John, 228, 230-2, 235 Jervoise, family, 218 Moberley, H E, 228 Richard, 222 mollusca, non-marine, 86-7, 210 Thomas, 218 Mondelard see Moundelard Johnson, G, 102, 142 Moore, Henry, merchant, 186 Moore and Frank, ships' chandlers, 183 Morgan, Thomas, 218 Kingsclere, parliamentary division, 221 Mottisfont, 248 Poor Law Union, 242 Moundenard (Mondelard), Isabella le, 184 Knollys, Mr, 218 Guillard, father of, 184 Matilda, mother of, 184 Langford, S and Walker J on iron objects neolithic, flint implements, 9, 33, 45-6 from Quilter's Vault site, 205-7 pottery, 22, 33 Larcarius, Philip, 183 New Forest, keepers, 218-9 Laverstoke, Freefolk Wood, 39 parliamentary division, 219, 221 Roundwood, 35 Poor Law Union, Legge, William, distiller, 223 Newcastle, duke of see Pelham Lewis, Thomas, 218 Newport, Isle of Wight, 218, 220, 222 Lisle, Edward, 217-222, passim Newtown, Isle of Wight, 218 Longworth, I H, 22 Noddle, Barbara, 208 Lunn, Florence de, 233-4 Norton Powletts [Norton St Valery, in Won- Lymington, 220 ston, qv] Corporation, 221 North, Brownlow, bishop of Winchester, 234 salterns, 221 Northamptonshire, 222 Lymington, viscount see Wallop Northesk, earl of, 246 Nottinghamshire, 222 Malewayn, John, merchant, 184, 186, 188 Margery, wife of, 184 Odiham, 258 Mansfield, John, attorney, 224 Oldfield, T, 219 Mant, Richard, 228-9 Oliver, M and Applin, B on iron age and March, Jonathan, tidesurveyor, 223 romano-british settlement at Ructstalls Marisco see Marshe Hill, Basingstoke, 41-92 Marlborough, Wilts, 27 Opie, capt John, 223 Marshe (Marisco), Jordan de, 184 Owslebury, 89 Martyn, Joseph, tanner, 224 Longwood, 241 Mason, Thomas, the kings coachman, 223 Maynerd, Thomas, 186 Agnes, widow of, 186 Thomas, son of, 186 Pallister, J, 198 Meacham, Mr, landwaiter, 223 Palshid, Richard, 186, 215 medieval, bronze objects, 205 Paludina limestone, 188 iron objects, 205-7 Parliament, General Election, 1710, 221 pottery, 202-5 1734, 217-225 imports, 202-3, 205 members for Hampshire, 217 Michelmersh ware, 203, 205 Parnell, John, 219, 224 Portch ester ware, 203 Paulet, Charles, duke of Bolton, 217, 221 roof-tiles, 205 Lord Nassau, brother of, 217 Meon, river, 93 Lord Harry, son of, 217, 219-222 Meon Valley Railway, 93-4, 99 Lady Catherine, wife of, 220 Meon Valley Railway Act, 93 Lord William, 218 Meon Valley Navvy Mission, 94 and see also Powlett Merdon Farm, in Hursley, 178 Peck, Henry, shipwright, 223 mesolithic, flint implements, 9 Pelham, Mr, 218 metallurgy, slags, 79-80, 88 Thomas, duke of Newcastle, 218, 220, 222 Micheldever Wood, bronze age barrow in, 5-40 Pescod, Nicholas, 186 Midlington, in Droxford, 175 Petersfield, 217 Miller, Samuel, sail maker, 186 Poor Law Union, 240 264 INDEX Phillips, Sir Thomas, 227 Somerset, Charles Noel, duke of Beaufort, 251 Pittleworth, 257 Soper, William, 183-4, 186, 214-5 plant remains, 14, 87, 212 Joan, wife of, 186 Player, Mr, 223 Southampton, 220-2 Porter, G R, 239 Canute's Palace (Canute's Cottage), 183-4, 186, 196-201, 213-4 Portsdown, parliamentary division, 219, 221-2 Cheynes, Le, 184 Portsmouth, 218, 219, 221, 222, 250 Coalquay, 183-1 Powers, Rosemary, 142 coroner's court, 188 Powlett (Paulet?), Richard, 224 customs house, 186, 188, 201, 214-5 Presbyterians, voting record, 221 French raid on, 215 Prior,..., brother-in-law of John West, 219 hotels, inns and public houses, Pryor,..., neighbour of John West, 219 King's Arms (Queen's Anns), 183, 188; Quitter's Hotel, 183; Royal George Quakers,
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