Canadian Plant Disease Survey Vol. 44, No. 3, Pp. 146-225, Sept. 1964

Canadian Plant Disease Survey Vol. 44, No. 3, Pp. 146-225, Sept. 1964

' ' . CANADIAN PLANT DISEASE '' '· Volume 1964 September 1964 Number 3 CONTENTS PLANT DISEASES OF SOUTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA A HOST INDEr° H.N.W. Toms Part 1: Cultivated Crop and Ornamental Plants ••••••••••• 146 Part 2: Some Native Plants, Native Weeds and Adventive Weeds•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 186 Index of Common Names of Hosts ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 215 1 contribution No. 67 from the Research Station, Research Branch, Canada Department or Agriculture, 6660 N.W. Marine Drive, Vancouver 8, B.c. r I of 146 Vol. 44, No. 3, Can. Plant Dia. Survey September, 1964 PART 1 Cultivated Crop and Ornamental PlantJ 1 � 12almatum 'I_'hunb. var. •atro12urpureum - Japanese Maple. Verticillium: sp. - Wilt, Die-back. Coast. Wind Scorch { Physiol. ) Coast. Aesculus hippoc�stan'll!ll L. - Horse Ch estnut. Nectria cinnabarina {Toda ex Fr.) Fr. - Coral Spot. Victoria. Polvoorus versicolor L. ex Fr. - Trunk Rot. DAVFP Victoria. stereum 12uroureum (Pers. ex Fr.) Fr.· - Shelf Fungus. Coast. Agaricus camn,§;stris Fr. - Mushroom. Dacty.,.,liUIJ! dendro� Fr. - Cobweb. Surrey. Mycelio.nhthora � Cost. - Verdigris. Sur1•ey. PSJ)ulaspora byssin1 Hotson - Brown Plaster Mold. Lulu Id. Agropyro� cristatum. (L.) Gaertn. - Crested Wheatgrass. plavicep� gurpurea (Fr.) Tul. - Ergot. IFV. Puccinia striiformis West. - stripe Rust. Coast. Agropyro� dasystach.YHD! (Hook.) Scribn. - Thickspike Wheatgrass. Sclerotini& borealia Bub. & Vleug. - Snow Mold. Prince George. Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Schult. - Desert Wheatgrass. Sclerotinia borealis Bub. & Vleug. - Snow Mold. Prince George. Agrow;ron intermedium (Host.) Beauv. - Intermediate Wheatgrass. Sclerotinia borealis Bub. & Vleug. - Snow Mold. Prince George. Agropyron sibiricum (Willd.) Beauv. - Siberian Wheatgrass. Sclerotinia �� Bub.. & Vleug. - Snow Mold. Prince George. Agrostis alba L. - Red Top, Bent Grass. Pu.ccinia graminif! Pers. - Stem Rust. Coast. Sentoria triseti Speg. emend. Sprague - Leaf' Mottle. Coast. Ustilago strillorniia (West.) Niess! - stripe Snut. Coast. Agrostis canina L. - Velvet Bent Grass. Sclerotinia borealis Bub. & Vleug. - Snow Moldo Prince George. Ailanthus altissima.&d.ngle - Tree of Heaven. "Armillaria mellea (Fr.) Kummer- Butt Decay. Saanichton. Allium cepa L .. - Onion Asyergillus niger v. Tiegh. - Black Mold. Coast. Botrytis allii Munn - Neck Rot. Coast. OK, Grand Forks. Fusarium acuminatum. Ell. & Ev. - Damping-oft. Coast. Fusarium oxy:sporum Schlecht. r. cepae (Hanz.) Snyd. & Hans. - Bulb Roto Grand Forks, OK. Fusarium solani (Mart.) Appel & Wr. - Pink Rot. Kelowna.. Vol 44, No. 3 Can. Plant Dis. Survey September, 1964 147 Allium cepa (cont'd.) Fusarium spp. - Basal Decay. VI. Heterosporium Ell. & G. Martin - Leaf Blight. Agassiz, Saanichton. Peronospora destructor (Berk.) Fr. - Downy Mildew. General. Puccinia mixta Fckl. - Rust. Victoria. Pythium sp. - Damping-off Kelowna Sclerotium cepivorum Berk. - White Rot. OK. Stemphyllum botryosum Wallr. - Black Mold. Coast. Urocystis magica Pass. - Smut. Kelowna, Point Grey. Pink Root: causal organism not yet determined. OK. Aster Yellows · {Virus) Grand Forks. Mosaic (Virus) Kelowna. Yellow Dwarf {Virus) Grand Forks, Kelowna. Allium porrum L. - Leek Botrytis cinerea Pera. ex Fr. - Grey Mold: on seedheads. VI. Heterosporium allii Ell. & G. Martin - Leaf Blight. VI. Allium schoenoprasum L. - Chives. Puccinia mixta Fckl. - Rust. Victoria, Vancouver. Alllum sativum L. - Garlic. Sclerotium cepivorum Berk. - White Rot. Staveston. Alopecurus pratensis L. - Meadow Foxtail. Sclerotinia borealis Bub. & Vleug. - Snow Mold. Prince George. Althaea rosea {L.) Cav. - Hollyhock. Puocinia malvacearum Bert. - Rust. OK, Coast. Anchusa azurea Mill. - Anchusa. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de By. - Rot. Royal Oak. Anemone coronaria L. - st. Brigid or Oaen Anemone. Tranzschelia discolor {Fckl.) Tranz. & Litv. - Rust. Saanichton. Anthyllis vulneraria L. - Kidney Vetch. Sclerotinia sp. - Rot. Agassiz. Antirrhinum majus L. - Snapdragon. Botrytis oinerea Pers. ex Fr. - Branch Die-Back. Elk lake, Saanich. Oidium sp. - Powdery Mildew. Sooke: in greenhouse. Phyllostica antirrhini Syd. - Leaf Spot. VI. Puccinia antirrhini Diet. & Holw. - Rust. OK, Coast. Septoria antirrhini Rob. & Desm I.eaf Spot. Saanich. Verticillium dahliae Kleb. Wilt • .Agassiz. J48 Vol 44, No. 3 Can. Plant Dis. Survey September, 1964 Apium graveolens L. var. dulce DC. - Celery. Cercospora apii Fres. - Early Blight. Coast. Erwinia carotovora (L.R. Jones) Holland - Heart Rot. Vancouver. Fusarium O?SJ:Sporum Schlecht. f. conglutinans (Wr.) Snyd. & Hans. - Fusarium Yellows. Armstrong. Pseudomonas apii Jagger - Bacterial Leaf Spot. Terrace, Armstrong, Saanichton. Septoria apii-graveolentis Dorogin - Late Blight. OK, Koot, Coast. Hollow Stem, Pithiness (Physiol.) Duncan. Aguilegia spp. - Columbine. Ascochn@: aguilegiae (Roum. & Pat.) Sacc. - Leaf Spot. Coast. Erysiphe polygoni DC. ex Marat - Powdery Mildew. OK, Coast. Haplobasidion thalictri Eriks. - Leaf Blotch. Saanich. Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm. - Rust. Salmon Arm. Arabia albida stev. - White Rock Cress, Arabia. _i\lblJRO cruciferarum S.F. Gray - White Rust. Victoria Peronospora parasitica (Pers. ex Fr.) Fr. - Downy Mildew. Vancouver. Aralia? sieboldii - Aralia, Verticillium albo-atrumReinke & Berth. - Wilt. Victoria. Amoracia lapathifolia (Gilib.) Gilib. - Horse Radish. Ramularia armoraoiae Fckl. - Leaf Spot. Summerland, Marpole. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. - Tall Oat Grass. Puccinia graminis Pers. - Lear Rust. Coast. Solerotinia borealis Bub. & Vleug. - Snow Mold. Prince George. Passalora graminis (Fckl.) Hoehn. - Brown Stripe. Coast. Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. - LooseSmut. Coast. Asparagus officinalis L. - Asparagus. Fusarium sp. - Crown Rot, Wilt. Coast. Puccinia asparagi DC. - Rust. Grand Forks, OK. Rhizoctonia crocorum (Pers.) DC. ex Fr. - Root Rot. Saanichton. Aster novae-angliaeL. - Michaelmas Daisy. Erysiphecichoracearum DC. ex Merat - PowderyMildew. Summerland. Aucuba .i japonica Thunb.. - Japanese Aucuba. Botr:y;tis cinereaPers. ex Fr. - Leaf Blotch. Saanich, Vancouver. Vol. 44 No. 3 Can. Plant Dis. Survey September, 1964 149 Avena sativa L. - Oats. Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. - Ergot. Coast. Drechslera avenacea(Curt. ex Cke.) Shoe1n. - Leaf Spot. Coast. Erysiphegraminis DC. ex Merat - Powdery Mildew General. Fusarium sp. Root Rot. Creston. Heterosporium avenae Oud. - Leaf Blight. Saanichton. Pseudomonas coronafaciens (Elliott) F.L. Stevens - Halo Blight. VI. Puccinia graminis Pers. - Stem Rust. General. Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr. - Loose Smut. General. Ustilagohordei (Pers.) Lagh. - Covered Smut. General. Blast (Physiol.) General. Gray Speck Manganese defic.) Prince George. Begonia semperflorens Link & Otto - Wax Begonia. Spotted Wilt {Virus) Summerland. Begonia tuberhybrida Voss - Tuberous Begonia. Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. - Target Spot, Blossom Blight. Coast. Oid:iJID! sp. - Powdery Mildew. Coast. Xanthomonasbegoniae (Taldmoto) Dows. - Bacterial Leaf Spot. Victoria. Cucumber Mosaic (Virus) Victoria. Barberis wilsonae Hemsl. - Wilson I s Barberry. Dothidella berberidis (Wahl.) Theiss. & Syd. - Canker. Victoria. Berberis sp. - Barberry. Puccinia graminis Pers. - Rust. Agassiz, Courtenay. Betavulgaris L. - SUgar Beet. Cercospora beticola Saco. - Leaf Spot. Coast. PhomabetaeFrank - Leaf Spot, betaBulb Rot, Damping-off. Coast. Ramularia beticola Fautr. & Lamb. - Leaf Spot. Coast. Septoria betae West. - Leaf Spot. Saanichton. Streptomyces scabies (Thaxt. ) Waksm. & Henrici - Scab. Armstrong. Uromyces betae (Pers.) Tul. - Rust. Coast. Curly Top (Virus) Kelowna. Hollow Heart . (Boron de£ic.) Armstrong. Fasciation (Genetic) Saanichton. Betavulgaris L. - Mangel. Cercospora beticola Sacc. - leaf Spot •. Coast. Phoma Frank - Leaf Spot Bulb Rot Damping off Coast. Ramularia beticola Fautr. & Lamb. - Leaf Spot. Coast .. Rhizopus sp.· Storage Rot.- Coast. Septoria betae West. Leaf Spot Saanichton. Stemphyliumbotryosum Wallr.· Leaf Spot. Coast. Uromyces betae (Pers.} Tul. - Rust. Coast. Brown Heart, Crown Rot (Boron defic. Coast, Grand Forks. Girdling (Physiol.) Tap roots of young plants. Langley. Mosaic (Virus ) Coast.- 150 Vol. 44, No. 3 Can. Plant Dis. 8urvey September, 1964 Betavulgaris L. - Garden Beet. Agrobacterium tumefaciens (E.F. Sm. & Town.) Conn - Crown Gall. Coast. Ascochyta Prill. & Delacr. - leaf Spot. Coast. Cercospora beticola Sacc. - Leaf Spot. Coast. Pernospora farinosa (Fr.) Fr. - Downy Mildew. Coast, ·Grand Forks. Phoma betae Frank - Leaf Spot, Bulb Rot. Coast. Ra.mularia beticolaFautr. & Lamb. - Leaf Spot. Coast. Uromyces betae (Pers.) Tul. - Rust. Coast. Dry Rot, Root Canker (Boron defic.) Coast, Grand Forks, OK. Betavulgaris Le - Swissvulgaris Chard. Phoma Frank - Leaf Spot. Coast. Ramularia beticola Fautr. & Lamb. - Leaf Spot. Coast. Septoria betae West. - Leaf Spot. Coast. Uromyces betae(Pers.) Tul. - Rust. Coast. Dead Heart, Tip-burn (Boron defic.) Summerland. Brassioa napobrassica Mill. - Swede Turnip, Rutabaga. Erysiphe polygoni DC. ex Merat - Powdery Mildew. Coast. Peronospora parasitica (Pers. ex Fr.) Fr. - Downy Mildew. Coast Phytophthora megasperma Drechs. - Bulb Rot. Coast. Phoma lingam(Tode ex Fr.) Desm. - Dry Rot. General. Plasmodiophorabrassicae Woron. - Club Root. Coast. Pythium ultimum Trow - storage Rot. Coast. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de By. - Stalk Rot, Root Rot. Coast. Xanthomonas campestris (Pam.) Dows. Black Rot. Pemberton. Brown Heart (Boron defic.) Coast, OK. Elephant Hide (Physiol.) Denman Id. Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala L. - Kale. Erysiphe polygoni

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