ind JWBK173/Nenes May 22, 2008 0:46 Char Count= Index A Aginares me Avgolemono Alabalik (trout), 461 Aleppo pepper, 416 (Artichokes with Egg A` la diable (spicy food), Alfajores, 60 Abbacchio al forno (roast and Lemon Sauce), 655 Alho (garlic), 559 lamb), 699 474 A` la Dieppose Alinadas˜ (olives), 378 Abondance (cheese), 652 Agnolotti (pasta), 709 (Dieppe-style food), Alla cacciatora (braised Abruzzo, food, 699 Agro (sour food), 704 655 chicken), 706 Aburage, 154, 167 Agurkesalat (Marinated A` la Dijonnaise (food with Alla Fiorentina (steak Accra, 118 Cucumbers), 825 Dijon mustard), 655 dish), 700 Aceitunas Verdes Agusi (agushi), 514 A` la doria (cucumber Alla Parmigiana (cooking Rellenas de Pimiento Aiguilettes (duck breast), garnish), 655 style), 702 y Anchoa (Green 649 Alla Romana A` la dubarry (cauliflower), Olives Filled with Aioli, 378, 649. See also (Latium-style 655 Piquillo Peppers and Roasted Garlic Aioli cooking), 699 A` la financiere (garnish), Anchovy), 385 Aioli sauce. See Cilantro Allgauer¨ emmentaler 656 Aceto balsamico Aioli Sauce (cheese), 752 A` la Florentine (spinach (balsamic vinegar), Aish baladi (bread), Allspice, 115, 649 694–695, 705 dish), 656 507 ` Almond potatoes, 795 Achiote Paste, 29 Ajiaco, 111 A la Lyonnaise Almonds. See Chinese Ackee, 114–115 Aji (ajies), 60, 66, 68 (onion/potato almonds Ackee and saltfish, 111 Aji Amarillo, 60 garnish), 656 Alps-Jura region, food, Adana kebaps, 461 Aji caco de cabra, 60 A` la menagere (simply 646 Adas Bis Silq (Lentil and Aji Colombiano prepared dishes), Altbier, 752 Swiss Chard Soup), (Colombian Sauce), 657 Amaranth, 60, 206 441 103 A` la Milanaise Amaretti (almond Adelost (cheese), 797 Aji Criollo (Creole Hot (Milan-style food), macaroons), 704 Adobo, 112 Pepper Salsa), 105 657 Amaretto (almond Æblekage (Apple Trifle), Aji de Galina, 60 A` la Nantua liquor), 704 808 Aji-li-mojili (Sour garlic (shrimp/crayfish Amarillos (Fried plantains Æbleskiver sauce), 112 puree/garnish), 657 with sugar), 113 (waffle/pancake), Aji mirasol, 60 A` la Nic¸oise, 647, 657 Amboli (rice cakes), 551 795 Aji-no-moto A` la Nivernaise (carrot Amchoor, 556 Afelia (Fried Pork with (Monosodium dishes), 657 Americaine (garnish), 649 Coriander), 477 glutamate // MSG), A` la Normande (braised Amoricaine (Brittany Africa 155, 158 fish dishes), 657 food), 649 cheese, 514 Ajo blanco, 378 AlaP` erigourdine´ (truffle Ampesi, 514–515 food, 505–512 Ajomba, 511 dishes), 648, 658 Anadlusia, food, 377–378 history, 504 Ajwain seed, 556 Anaheim chile, 14 A` la princesse (asparagus land, 501–504 Aka miso, 160 Ana-kyu Maki (conger tips dishes), 658 menus/recipes, 519 Akara,COPYRIGHTED 512 MATERIALeel/cucumber rolls), ` people, 505 Akara (Black-Eyed Pea A la printanier (spring 167 African Hot Sauce, Fritters), 531, 535 vegetable garnish), Ananas Sharbat 541 Akassa, 512 658 (Pineapple ` Afternoon tea, Akatogarashi, 154 A la Provenc¸ale (Provence Smoothie), 561 introduction, 603 Akawi (akawieh) cheese, style cooking), 647, Ana ofia, 512 Agar-Agar, 206. See also 417 658 Anardana, 558 ` Kanten Akhrote ka Raita (Yogurt A la reine (sauce Ancho chile, 11 Agbono, 512 with Walnuts), 586 supreme),ˆ 658 Ancienne, 649 Age (deep-fried), 166 Akoho sy Voanio Al dente (cooking style), Andalouse, 649 Agemono (fried (Chicken in Coconut 704 Andhra Pradesh, food, fish/vegetables), 166 Milk), 530 Alecha (stew), 509 555–556 828 ind JWBK173/Nenes May 22, 2008 0:46 Char Count= INDEX 829 Andouilles from Vire Arroz a` la Mexicana Asopao de pollo (chicken Azuki beans, 155 (pork and tripe (Mexican Rice), 45 gumbo), 112 Az-zafaran (spice), 376 sausage), 647 Arroz Blanco con Asopao (gumbo), 112 Anejo˜ cheese, 11 Verduras (White Rice Asota Valley. See Valle B Angel hair (pasta), 709 with Vegetables), 21 d’Osta Angola, food, 510 Arroz Blanco (White Asparagi al Parmigiano- Babaco, 61 Aniseeds, 206 Rice), 31 Reggiano (Asparagus Baba ghannouj, 413–414 Anise (herb), 650 Arroz Brasileiro, 60 with Parmigiano- Baba Ghannouj Anise (ouzo), 465 Arroz con Leche Reggiano), (Moutabal), 439 Anise seeds, 796 (Mexican Rice 725 Baba ghanoush (baba Anisette, 378 Pudding), 41 Aspic (clear jelly), 650 ganouj // baba An-ju (appetizers/bar Arroz con Leche (Rice Assam, food, 554 gannoujh), 416 snacks), 277 and Milk), 409 Association of Southeast Babas (yeast cakes), Anko (Sweet Azuki Bean Arroz con leche (rice Asian Nations 650 Paste), 197 pudding), 375 (ASEAN), 314 Babi guling (stuffed pig), Annatto, 115 Arroz con Pollo (Chicken Asturian Bean Stew with 318 Anthotiro (cheese), and Rice), 134–135 Clams(Fabescon Baby marrows, 469 468 Arroz con pollo (chicken Almejas), 397 Bacalad al Ajo Arriero Anticuchos, 60 with rice), 112 Ataif, 416 (Bacalao Hash), Antigua, food, 114 Arroz Mamposteao (Rice Atsuage, 155 390–391 Antipasto (hors d’oeuvre), and Beans), Attelets (skewers), 650 Bacalao, 61, 375, 379 692, 704 126–128 Attiek´ e´ (side dish), Bacalao Hash (Bacalad al AOC. See Appelation Arroz (rice), 112–113 508 Ajo Arriero), d’Origine Controlee Arroz simples, 61 Auflauf (casserole), 390–391 Apertivo (beverage), Artichokes with Egg and 751 Baccala (salted codfish), 705 Lemon Sauce Au gratin (cooking style), 698, 705 Appam, 556 (Aginares me 656 Bac ha, 322 Appelation d’Origine Avgolemono), 474 Au jus (meat dish), Backhendl (chicken dish), Controlee (AOC), Arugula (rocket // garden 656 749–750 650 rocket), 705 Aura (cheese), 797 Baclaitos, 118 Appenzeller (cheese), Asada (asado), 60 Aurore (sauce), 650 Bacon. See Chinese bacon 750, 752 Asadero cheese, 10 Austria Baechu (Napa Cabbage), Apples in Orange Juice Asador, 61 cheese, 752–753 277 (Tapauch Ets Im Asafetida (gum resin // empire, 745 Baeckeoffe (stew), 645 Mits Tapuzim), 453 devil’s dung // food of food, 749–750 Baghar, 556 Apple Trifle (AEblekage), the gods), 555, 556 glossary, 751–756 Bagna cauda (dipping 808 Asagohan (morning rice), history, 743–746 sauce), 697 Apulia, food, 703 158 land, 742–743 Baharat (bjar), 416 Aquavit (akvavit), 796 Asar, 16 menus/recipes, 757 Baharat (meat seasoning), Aquitaine Basin, food, Asari Clam Soup (Asari people, 747 506 648–649 no Ushio-jiru), Avgolemono (lemon and Bahn trang (crepes), 321 Arabic bread, 416 183 eggs), 465, 467 Bai gkaprow. See Holy Arabic Coffee (Qahwah), Asari no Ushio-jiru (Asari Avocado, 9 basil 434 Clam Soup), 183 leaves, 9 Baja California peninsula, Arabic Flat Bread (Khubz Ascolana olives, 700 Avocado and Pineapple food, 8 // Khoubiz), 438 ASEAN. See Association Salad (Ensalada de Bajias, 513 Arakadz, cheese, 798 of Southeast Asian Aguacate y Pina),˜ Baked Fish with Hot Arbol´ chile, 11 Nations 132–133 Chile Sauce (Samke Arborio rice, 705 Asiago d’allevo (cheese), Avocado Dip Harrah al-Sahara), Ardrahan (cheese), 607 707 (Guacamole), 35 447 Arepa flour, 60 Asian basil. See Thai basil Ayacas, 69 Baked Oysters with Arepas, 61 Asida, 512 Aysh abu laham, 416 Bacon, Cabbage, and Argenteuil, 650 Asiran, 461 Aysh baladi (whole Guinness Sabayon, Argentina Asogohan (breakfast), 151 wheat), 507 632–633 empanadas, 66 Asopao de gandules Aysh shami (refined white Baked Shrimp (Garithes food, 59 (pigeon peas), 112 flour), 507 Saganaki), 476 ind JWBK173/Nenes May 22, 2008 0:46 Char Count= 830 INDEX Baklawa (baklava), 416, Barmbrack (round loaf), Beef/meat consumption, Bibim Gooksu (Spicy 467 606 Buddhist influence, Summer Noodles), Baklawa Be’aj (Fillo and Barolo (wine), 697 152 306–307 Nut Pastries), Basic Polenta, 724 Beef Stroganov (Sauteed´ Bibim Naeng Myun 442–444 Basil, 322. See also Thai Beef in Sour Cream (Garden’s Cold Baladi (cheese), 417 basil Sauce), 826 Mixed Noodles), Bali, food, 318 Basilicata, food, 702 Beer. See Altbier; Bier; 286–287 Balik Koftesi¨ (Fish Balls), Basmati Chaaval (Plain Bockbier; Kolsch;¨ Bier (beer), 751–752 496 Basmati Rice), 584 Wheat beer Bigarade (bitter), 650 Balila, 513 Basmati rice, 556 Beet and Yogurt Salad Bigolaro (kitchen Ballottine de lievre` ala´ Basque cuisine, 375 (Borani Chogondar), equipment), 698 perigourdine´ (stuffed Bastilla (pastry), 507, 435 Bigoli in salsa (pasta and hare), 648 513 Beignets (French fritters), sauce), 698 Balsamic vinegar. See Bati, combination, 553 650 Bigoli (pasta), 698 Aceto balsamico Batida, 61 Beijing cooking, 202–203 Biltong, 512, 513 Balsam pear. See Bitter Batterie de cuisine Beilagen (side dishes), 751 Bircher-Benner, Max, melon (cooking equipment), Beirbratl (beer-roasted 751 Balti, 556 650 pork), 748 Bircher muesli (breakfast Bamboo fungi, 206 Baumkuchen (tree cake), Belan, 556 cereal), 751 Bamboo shoots, 206 749 Bell peppers, charring/ Bird chiles, 207 Bamia (ladyfingers), 513 Bavarian cream // peeling/cleaning, 17 Biryanis, 547, 549, 556, Bamia (Lamb and Okra Bavarois (egg Beluga caviar, 796 558 Casserole), 431 custard), 650 Beni shoga, 155 color, 548 Banana and Chile Fritters Bawarchis (cooks), 550, Bento box, 151, 155. See cooking, 550 (Kaklo), 536 558 also Ekiben; Biscuit (cracker/cookie), Banana Erccherry, 575 BayRum,115 Makunouchi bento 607 Banana leaves, 9 Bean cheese (fermented Berbere (spicy paste), 509, Biscuits de Reims Bangers (sausages), 606 bean cake // furu), 513 (macaroons), 644 Bangohan (dinner), 151 206. See also Red Bergader (cheese), 752 Bismarck herring, 798 Banh Hoi Thit Nuong bean cheese Bergametto (bergamot Bisque (creamy soup), (Shrimp Toast), Bean curd, 207, 322 oranges), 703 650 359 sticks. See Dried bean Bergkase¨ (cheese), 752 Bistros. See Bouchons Banh pho (rice stick curd sticks Besan, usage, 553 Bitterleaf (Ndole), 513 noodle), 322 texture grades, 207 Besara (Broad Bean Bitter melon (balsam Banh trang (ravioli skins), Bean Curd in Oyster Puree), 446 pear), 207 322
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