Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday gazette By Tilt C«iirltr-Guett«., 465 Main St, Established January, 1846. EntnraS u Sncand Clau Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, April 7, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80................. Number 42. The Courier-Gazette four part campaign LEGISLATURE’S LAST WEEK VOTED TO BUY TRACTOR THREE-TIM ES-A-WEEK To Be Waged This Month In EASTER FLOWERS ALL THE HOME NEWS Interests of Maine De- Least That Is the Hope of the Patient Lawmakers Removal of Snow Only One of Its Many Uses—Fernald For Subscription $3.00 per yrar payable Id ad­ velopment. Latest News of the Biennial Session. Reappointed Deputy—A. P. Blaisdell for Assessor. vance ; single copies three cents. i CHURCH AND HOME Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonable. At a meeting called by Gov. Brew­ NEWSPAPER niSTORY Augusta, Api'll 6—A ten million number of townships and plantations, SEND GREETINGS BY WIRE ster Thursday the Maine development The April meeting of the City Gov-l ing" sign in front of his place of The Rockland Gazette was established In • dollar program for the Maine high­ in the same county. If found neces­ eminent got away to a slow start , business at the Northern!. He raised 1846 In 1874 the Courier was established . association inaugurated what it MEMBER FLORIjTS’ TELEGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIATION and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. i ways and bridges for the next two sary or convenient to extend the lust night, and in consequence of its I the point that Main street is wider The Free Press was established in 1855, and teriped a four part campaign These years, has been unanimously reported railroad to tide water, the corpora­ tardiness was perilously dose to i there than if is downtowpi. Marshal In 1891 changed its name to the Tribune. upon favorably by the committee on These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. four parts are: tion is authorized to extend its road burning midnight oil. The session 1 Davis said that while this is true ways and bridges, which together THE FLORIST. 1, to request a greater degree of about five miles to some suitable was featured by a lengthy discus- It is a congested locality, .anil when GLAENTZEL. with the committee on taxation, point on Frenchmen’s Bay. The sion of the snow tractor question, I the trolley cars make their swing IP ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• ••• ••• ••• F* loyalty to the state anil to Ils pro­ STRAND THEATRE BUILDING ••• Which considered the gasoline tax capital stock will not he less than and although it seemed like buying I there it leaves very little room, ••• The upright, if he suffer calumny • ducts. bills, has been at work on the pro­ $25,000. 341 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, ME. a winter overcoat in May It was de- Chief Engineer Havener said that fire ••• to move him, fears the tongue of ••• 2, to instill more marked hospi­ gram for many weeks. The Mailer • • « • elded that the best Interests of the apparatus had been held up there Graenhouaea—CAMDEN, ME. ••• man more than the eye of God. •• hill, prohibiting public funds lor pr. - tality into the people of the state. The stipend for the Lincoln County city required its purchase, with the oftener than any other place on the vale institutions or association, a bill iDl.siaell. ••• Agricultural association has been incidental saving of the amount . street. 3, a pledge for every citizen of hailed as being without a loop-hole •»- -•* . ... p granted this year from the State which has already been paid on rent- Mayor Snow said the matter should Maine subscribing to it, to write a through which the public film’s can j he investigated to see if Mr. Spear letter to some outside of Maine, in­ along with 50 other fairs. It will seep, has been passed by both bodies be recalled that Ibis stipend was de­ These appointments were made ,1 was being Improperly .Ineonvenlenecd- FLORIDA GETS IT viting them to visit the state. of the legislature and does not have 1 4, securing a pledge from the citi­ nied Lincoln County hi 1923, along Assessor—Albert 1’. Blaisdell. The proposition of E. C. Moran A to he signed by the Governor- Th,- .1. Co. as to insuring the firemen and Wind and Hail Storm Kills Three zens to do everything in their power Willi two others. Stipends tire de­ Park i ’onnnlssioner—-William hill to build a bridge for railroad and nied if it is proven that games of Sullivan. patrolmen was accepted. It carries and Injures 24 Down Near Miami. to create a sentiment for the beauti­ highway over the Kennebec liver at fying of the state. chance are sponsored at th? fairs. Trustees of Public Library—A. 1. a policy of $1000 and a weekly in­ A wind and hall storm near Miami, Hath has been signed by the gover­ demnity of $15. It was voted to conduct this cam­ • • • • Mather. W. O. Fuller and J C. Perry Fla., Sunday, killed three ftertyins and nor. Further Legislature Is ex­ Deputy Marshal—'Walter .1. Fer The mayor and municipal officers i injured 24. paign during the week ending on pected on Ihe Grand Falls and Qiiod- The resolv? in favor of the Maine ; Patriot’s Day. April 1ft. State Prison for maintenance and nald. requested that the portion of the Oil Tlie sturm. which formed near Hia­ dy power projeots. These two pro­ current expenses, has been filially Special Police—Waller M Connon. County road, leading from Hart's leah, six miles west of Miami, struck The governor, in the course of a jects formed Ihe basis of a special passed. The resolve ill favor of F. Weigher of Coal and Measurer of store at Blackington's Corner north- with greatest force at the White licit i talk at the meeting, told those pres­ message by the Governor to the W. Cummings & Sons for contrac­ Wood—Wilbur A. Fogg. j erly over Juniper Hill to the Hock- Daiiy. wrecking'homes and buildings, ent that Majne residents of St. ]’•- House and Senate to do something ON EACH BOX OF tors’ fees as per contract with the Mayor Snow recommended the ap- P'irt town line he designated as a and doing damage estimated nt be­ , tersburg, Fla., were to write nt definite in the way of Legislature State, dated October, 1923, in con­ pointment of three traffic officers to ! third class highway. It has never tween $150,000 and $200,000. It con- I heir own expense a full page ad­ upon these matters before adjoin:. • vertisement in a Florida paper de­ nection with the State Prison at serve during the summer ill the eon- j been designated as either State lllgh- i tinued In a northeasterly direction lug. die pointed out the danger of gested sections anil two plain clothes way or State Aid Highway. The “DOMINO DIAMOND MATCHES” and passed out to sea about 15 miles scribing the beauties of Maine and sending Maine power outside of the Thomaston, together with disburse­ | Inviting the winter as well as the ments, has been finally passed. men to cheek violation of -peed laws i mayor and municipal officers express i north of Miami. State, using Maine for a power house all over the city. the belief that It would, if improved. In the pAi of the storm, houses permanent residents of Florida to for out of the state industries. * • • • We read the following: visit Mafhe this year. Mayor Snow read a communication I help relieve much of the traffic which were unroofed and debris carried to .... 'The Ways and Bridges committee from the Rotary Club endorsing the 1 now passes over the main highway The governor declared that the reported "ought not to pass" on three "Made in U. S. A.” 4 the height of several hundred feet. outlook for Maine’s summer busi­ "Ought not to pass" has been re- appointment of a city matron on full from Buckland to Rockport from Arthur Pryor. bandmaster, who lives .ported from the committee on ways hills relating to tax on gasoline. The time, the city to he best served liy se- Maverick 'Square to the Glencovo ness this year was the best in iis his­ two remaining gasoline tax hills ‘‘Of AMERICAN materials” : at IliJIeah. near where the storm tory. and means on resolve In favor of the , lecting one who could also act ns schoolhouse lit Rockport. It is one J started, said he saw" house roofs tllancoek-Sulllvan district bridge. which have not yet been reported by The governor made an appeal overseer of the poor. 'This is only of the prettiest drives in this sec­ raised 200 teet 4n tlie air. The noise for the committee are a tivo-cent tu\ ‘‘For AMERICAN climate” I. activeiivuvc Buirauiiiuiusubstantial support of the .... one of the recommendations I have tion. of the storm was terrific, he asserted. without exemptions, and a three-cent received along this line,” said the It was ordered that the drinking i State of Maine Publicity Bureau. It is interesting to note that the lax with a new draft. I similar to hundreds of cannon being Mayor. Five of the seven aldermen i fountain located on Maverick street 1 tired. Knox, Lincoln and Hancock delega­ • • e * That's the kind of Three Crow fruit Bpsom Salts. tions voted In favor of the Maher expressed themselves in favor of the he changed to the junction of Maver­ Much satisfaction Is expressed Refined especially for internal use, bill, with one exception, and that was proposition. Action will be taken at ick and Camden streets.
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