Legislative Assembly 11521 29 March 1995 WEDNESDAY, 29 MARCH 1995 typically vitriolic Labor Party attack. Senator Ray went into detail, recounting in the Senate happenings in that House on 20 May 1993 by way of establishing an alibi. He also claimed to Mr SPEAKER (Hon. J. Fouras, Ashgrove) have never been to the Park Lane Hotel. read prayers and took the chair at 2.30 p.m. At no time have I suggested a time, a date or a venue for the meeting referred to in my speech yesterday. The attack on me was PETITIONS based on allegations that were never made. The Clerk announced the receipt of the following petitions— GENERAL BUSINESS—NOTICE OF MOTION No. 1 TAFE Tutors Sheffield Shield Final From Mr J. N. Goss (130 signatories) Mr BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise— praying that the Parliament of Queensland will Leader of the Opposition) (2.36 p.m.): In the reconsider the withdrawal of funding for tutors absence of the honourable member for employed at TAFE institutions. Southport, who is attending the funeral of a close family friend, I formally move— Royal Queensland Bush Children's "That this House— Health Scheme (a) commends the Queensland cricket From Mr Lester (694 signatories) team, the mighty Bulls, for their praying that the Parliament of Queensland will: outstanding and historic victory in the (a) immediately remove the board and Sheffield Shield Final at the Gabba, executive staff of the Royal Queensland Bush where the Crows were well and truly Children's Health Scheme and appoint an stoned; administrator as an interim manager; (b) (b) notes the legendary contribution of immediately reopen the Townsville and Allan Border to Queensland Cricket Yeppoon Homes and retain all homes in their where the Shield win has capped a coastal communities; and (c) ensure that great career; and community input is sought, as a funding (c) further notes the great performance requirement, prior to any proposed future of that other 'oldie'—Carl changes in administering the scheme. Rackemann." A similar petition was received from Mr Motion agreed to. McGrady (128 signatories). QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE Ripple Creek Catchment Mr J. Slowgrove From Mr Rowell (57 signatories) praying Mr BORBIDGE (2.37 p.m.): I refer the that enactments permitting a breach of the Honourable the Premier to the Government's natural Ripple Creek catchment divide be appointment of Jeffrey Slowgrove to senior withheld. positions of trust and responsibility, including deputy chairman of the Harness Racing Planned Parenthood of Australia Board, and to his admission last night that he has misled the ALP State Council. I From Mrs Woodgate (4,272 understand that that gentleman has now signatories) praying that an inquiry be set up stood aside from the Senate position, but I to investigate the legality of the Queensland ask the Premier: does Mr Slowgrove continue activities of Planned Parenthood of Australia. to have his full support and confidence in the Petitions received. positions to which he has been appointed by the Government? Does the Premier consider Mr Slowgrove's actions acceptable standards PERSONAL EXPLANATION of public behaviour for a person appointed to Comments by Minister for Defence a key post within the Government? Mr GRICE (Broadwater) (2.32 p.m.), by Mr W. K. GOSS: I have not seen the leave: Yesterday in the Senate, the Minister television programs to which the member for Defence implied that I had misled this refers; however, I have been advised in Parliament. The senator then unleashed a general terms of the nature of the debate that 29 March 1995 11522 Legislative Assembly is going on. From my knowledge and to the Government and to the Cabinet that observations of Mr Slowgrove, he is a very they never got from the National Party. We will hard-working, conscientious and by all reports continue to consult with them. I regularly, each successful representative of the Miscellaneous year, meet with representatives of rural Workers Union in a variety of forums, and for industry organisations to discuss a range of that reason alone has a capacity to represent issues apart from the specific dealings that ordinary Queenslanders and to represent they will have on a much more regular basis working people in particular on a variety of with Ministers whose portfolios are relevant to bodies. He has served the public and the their interest. Government well in those positions to which As to the tree-clearing issue—that is he has been appointed. something that we will have to work through In recent days, there has been a together with them and other interest groups. campaign to destabilise Mr Slowgrove and his There are other interest and community position. I am aware of that. Mr Slowgrove—as groups in Queensland apart from the UGA anybody would be—has been somewhat which are also entitled to a say. All of those concerned and reasonably personally organisations, including the UGA, will get a distressed at a number of aspects of the hearing from this Government and their views personal campaign that has been waged will be taken into account. The facts are that against him. However, he is one of those the Landcare programs are not being people who puts the interests of the labour implemented and are not being supported by movement and the Labor Party ahead of his organisations like the United Graziers own. For that reason, he has reviewed his Association for the benefit of the Government; position as a candidate for the Senate and they are being supported—and they should be has reviewed his position in terms of the two supported by organisations like the UGA—for Government posts that I understand he holds the benefits that they bring to the rural and has withdrawn from those positions rather community to end some of the damage done than cause any embarrassment to the to their own economic and social interests by movement or the party which he holds so past practices that are now recognised by dear. In other words, unlike some people, Mr responsible producers as requiring change. Slowgrove has put the broader interest ahead The package that has been announced of his own. by the Minister for Environment and Heritage and the Minister for Lands is very important in Landcare; Tree-clearing Guidelines terms of the interests of all Queenslanders. The program is about the overall goal of the Mr BORBIDGE: I refer the Premier to Government to encourage and reward comments on Monday by the Queensland responsible land management practices. The Landcare Council Chairman, Mr Jock Douglas, technology that is employed will, we hope and in which he raised the widespread negative believe, remove the emotion from the tree rural reaction to the Government's decision to clearing debate and provide something that is override regional input through the Landcare not there at the moment, that is, an accurate process by unilaterally introducing tree-clearing baseline for responsible decision making. guidelines based on satellite monitoring, which, according to Mr Douglas, has placed It is a program that involves a Landcare in western Queensland in jeopardy. I commitment of some millions of dollars. ask: when will the Premier meet with Mr Programs such as Landcare, which was Douglas, and why has the Government referred to by the Leader of the Opposition, scrapped regional input based on a and the integrated catchment management tremendous breadth of knowledge of local programs have already targeted the repair of conditions and thereby broken a very clear degraded land, but the new draft policy is commitment given to rural Queenslanders? aimed at getting ahead of the problem and avoiding further costly repair programs for soil Mr W. K. GOSS: The Government in erosion, salinity, weed infestation, loss of general and relevant Ministers in particular biodiversity and damage to water quality. continue to have a commitment to a close These are all serious issues. The tree clearing working relationship and consultation with issue is not something that can be ignored if relevant rural industry groups. That has been the whole issue is to be dealt with of great benefit to the Government in the last across-the-board. It cannot be dealt with in five and a half years in discharging its some compartmental, blinkered way. responsibilities, but it has also been of great benefit to rural producers and rural industry The Government will be taking a organisations. They have been given access responsible approach; the Government will be Legislative Assembly 11523 29 March 1995 seeking to work cooperatively with the It goes on to quote all of the figures. The UGA—and the UGA is not the only article continues— organisation in this State—and other "Why are we travelling north? First organisations as well. there's the weather, the Great Barrier Mr Hobbs interjected. Reef and all that other natural beauty. Mr SPEAKER: Order! I warn the Then there's Queensland's booming member for Warrego under Standing Order economy—it grew by 9.4 per cent last 123A. year . ." Mr W. K. GOSS: I say in conclusion These are not Queensland Government what I said at the beginning: I have met with figures, this comes from the Sydney Morning the UGA and other producer organisations Herald. each year more than once as required in Mr Lingard: Did it mention the terms of general issues of concern to them, grandstand? and I will continue to do so. Mr W. K. GOSS: I take the interjection. It was not until this Government moved on the Sheffield Shield redevelopment that Queensland won the shield. As the Minister for Sport so astutely Mr LIVINGSTONE: I refer the Premier observed on Tuesday, we should have to yesterday's historic win of the Sheffield knocked it down years ago.
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