4±28±98 Tuesday Vol. 63 No. 81 April 28, 1998 Pages 23195±23368 Now Available Online via GPO Access Free online access to the official editions of the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations and other Federal Register publications is available on GPO Access, a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office at: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/index.html For additional information on GPO Access products, services and access methods, see page II or contact the GPO Access User Support Team via: ★ Phone: toll-free: 1-888-293-6498 ★ Email: [email protected] federal register 1 II Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 81 / Tuesday, April 28, 1998 The FEDERAL REGISTER is published daily, Monday through SUBSCRIPTIONS AND COPIES Friday, except official holidays, by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, PUBLIC Washington, DC 20408, under the Federal Register Act (44 U.S.C. 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Example: 63 FR 12345. 2 III Contents Federal Register Vol. 63, No. 81 Tuesday, April 28, 1998 Administration on Aging Meetings: See Aging Administration Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory BoardÐ Agency for International Development Hanford Site, 23279±23280 NOTICES Savannah River Site, 23278±23279 Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, 23280 American schools and hospitals abroad, 23302 Environmental Protection Agency Aging Administration RULES NOTICES Drinking water: Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: National primary drinking water regulationsÐ Alzheimers disease caregiving options; research, FY 1998, Safe Drinking Water Act; State primacy requirements, 23298 23362±23368 Agriculture Department Hazardous waste program authorizations: See Food and Nutrition Service New Mexico, 23221±23226 See Rural Business-Cooperative Service PROPOSED RULES Air pollution control; new motor vehicles and engines: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Light-duty vehicles and trucksÐ NOTICES Tier 2 study and gasoline sulfur issues staff paper Meetings: availability, 23255±23256 National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 23289±23291 Air programs: Fuels and fuel additivesÐ Coast Guard Diesel fuel sulfur requirement; Alaska exemption RULES petition, 23241±23254 Drawbridge operations: Air quality implementation plans; approval and Maryland, 23215±23216 promulgation; various States: Ports and waterways safety: Wisconsin, 23239±23241 Cape Henlopen State Park, DE; safety zone, 23217±23218 Clean Air Act: Los Angeles Harbor-San Pedro Bay, CA; safety zone, Federal and State operating permits programs; draft rules 23218±23220 and accompanying information availability, 23254± Port of New York and New Jersey; safety zone, 23216± 23255 23217 Hazardous waste program authorizations: Regattas and marine parades: New Mexico, 23256 Warfare Capabilities Demonstration, 23215 Superfund program: National oil and hazardous substances contingency Commerce Department planÐ See International Trade Administration National priorities list update, 23256±23258 See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOTICES See National Telecommunications and Information Meetings: Administration Good Neighbor Environmental Board, 23283 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Customs Service Technology, Title VI Implementation Advisory RULES Committee, 23283 Customs service field organization: Toxic substances: Sanford port of entry; establishment, 23214±23215 Lead-based paint activities in target housing and child- occupied facilities; training and certification Defense Department requirements, etc., 23283±23285 NOTICES Water pollution control: Meetings: National pollutant discharge elimination system; State Ballistic Missile Defense Advisory Committee, 23277 programsÐ Dependents' Education Advisory Council, 23277 Illinois and Minnesota, 23285±23286 Education Department Executive Office of the President NOTICES Agency information collection activities: See Trade Representative, Office of United States Proposed collection; comment request, 23277±23278 Federal Aviation Administration Energy Department RULES See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Air carrier certification and operations: NOTICES Transportation category airplanes; rejected takeoff and Electricity export and import authorizations, permits, etc.: landing performance standards Virginia Electric and Power Co., 23278 Correction, 23338 IV Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 81 / Tuesday, April 28, 1998 / Contents Airworthiness directives: Food and Drug Administration Alexander Schleicher Segelflugzeugbau, 23201±23203 NOTICES Diamond Aircraft Industries, Inc., 23200±23201 Report and guidance documents; availability, etc.: New Piper Aircraft, Inc., 23205±23206 SUPAC-IR/MR: Immediate release and modified release Raytheon, 23203±23204 solid oral dosage forms, manufacturing equipment Airworthiness standards: addendum, 23291±23292 Transport category airplanesÐ Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.: Damage-tolerant structure fatigue requirements; Bone growth stimulator devices; industry guidance, correction, 23338 23292±23293 Class D and E airspace, 23206 PAC-ATLS: postapproval changesÐanalytical testing Standard instrument approach procedures, 23206±23214 laboratory sites; industry guidance, 23293 NOTICES Passenger facility charges; applications, etc.: Food and Nutrition Service Jack Mc Namara Field, CA, 23335±23336 NOTICES Commodity supplemental food program: Federal Communications Commission Poverty income
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